The Project Gutenberg EBook of Notes and Queries, Number 167, January 8, 1853, by Various This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Notes and Queries, Number 167, January 8, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc Author: Various Editor: George Bell Release Date: May 24, 2013 [EBook #42782] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK NOTES AND QUERIES *** Produced by Charlene Taylor, Jonathan Ingram, Keith Edkins and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/Canadian Libraries)
No. 167. | Saturday, January 8. 1853. | Price Fourpence. Stamped Edition 5d. |
Notes:— | Page |
Autograph of Edward of Lancaster, Son of Henry VI., by Sir Frederic Madden | 33 |
Robert Bloomfield, by George Daniel | 34 |
Note for London Topographers, by Lambert B. Larking | 34 |
Sermons by Parliamentary Chaplains, by R. C. Warde | 34 |
A Perspective View of Twelve Postage-stamps, by Cuthbert Bede, B.A. | 35 |
Minor Notes:—Cremona Violins—Prices of Tea—Coleridge a Prophet—Lord Bacon's Advice peculiarly applicable to the Correspondents of "N. & Q."—Etymology of Molasses—A Sounding Name | 36 |
Queries:— | |
Roman Sepulchral Inscriptions, by Rev. E. S. Taylor | 37 |
Chapel Plaster, by J. E. Jackson | 37 |
Minor Queries:—Martha Blount—Degree of B.C.L.—The Word "anywhen"—Shoreditch Cross, &c.—Winchester and Huntingdon—La Bruyère—Sir John Davys or Davies—Fleshier of Otley—Letters U, V, W—Heraldic Queries—"Drengage" and "Berewich"—Sidney as a Female Name—"The Brazen Head"—Portrait of Baron Lechmere—"Essay for a New Translation of the Bible," and "Letters on Prejudice"—David Garrick—Aldiborontophoskophornio—Quotations wanted—Arago on the Weather—"Les Veus du Hairon," or "Le Vœu du Héron"—Inscription on a Dagger-case—Hallet and Dr. Saxby | 38 |
Replies:— | |
Descent of the Queen from John of Gaunt, by W. Hardy | 41 |
Uncertain Etymologies: "Leader" | 43 |
Lines of Tipperary | 43 |
Shakspeare Emendations, by Thomas Keightley | 44 |
Statues represented on Coins, by W. H. Scott | 45 |
Judge Jeffreys, by Dr. E. F. Rimbault, &c. | 45 |
Dutch Allegorical Pictures, by Dr. J. H. Todd | 46 |
The Reprint, in 1808, of the First Folio Edition of Shakspeare | 47 |
Photographic Notes and Queries:—Le Grey and the Collodion Process—Ready Mode of iodizing Paper—After-dilution of Solutions—Stereoscopic Pictures from one Camera—Camera for Out-door Operations | 47 |
"'Twas on the Morn" | 49 |
Alleged Reduction of English Subjects to Slavery, by Henry H. Breen | 49 |
Replies to Minor Queries:—Royal Assent, &c.—Can Bishops vacate their Sees?—"Genealogies of the Mordaunt Family," by the Earl of Peterborough—Niágara, or Niagára?—Maudlin—Spiritual Persons employed in Lay Offices—Passage in Burke—Ensake and Cradock Arms—Sich House—Americanisms so called—The Folger Family—Wake Family—Shakspeare's "Twelfth Night"—Electrical Phenomena—Daubuz Family—Lord Nelson—Robes and Fees in the Days of Robin Hood—Wray—Irish Rhymes | 50 |
Miscellaneous:— | |
Notes of Books, &c. | 53 |
Books and Odd Volumes wanted | 53 |
Notices to Correspondents | 54 |
Advertisements | 54 |
In the Museum of Antiquities of Rouen is preserved an original document, thus designated, "Lettre d'Edouard, Prince de Galles (1471)." It is kept under a glass case, and shown as "an undoubted autograph of the Black Prince," according to the testimony of the gentleman who has very obligingly placed a transcript of this interesting relic at my disposal. It is as follows:
"Chers et bons amis, nous avons entendu, que ung nostre homme lige subject, natif de nostre pays de Galles, est occupé et détenu es prisons de la ville de Diepe, pour la mort d'un homme d'icelle ville, dont pour le dict cas autres ont esté exécutez. Et pour ce que nostre dict subject estoit clerc, a esté et est encores en suspens, parce qu'il a esté requis par les officiers de nostre très cher et aimé cousin l'archevesque de Rouen, afin qu'il leur fut rendu, ainsi que de droict; pourquoy nous vous prions, que icelui nostre homme et subject vous veuillez bailler et delivrer aux gens et officiers de mon dict cousin, sans en ce faire difficulté. Et nous vous en saurons un très grant gré, et nous ferez ung essingulier plaisir. Car monseigneur le roy de France nous a autorisez faire grace en semblable cas que celui de mon dict subject, duquel desirons fort la delivrance. Escript à Rouen, le onziesme jour de Janvier.
(Signed) Eduard.
(Countersigned) Martin."
The error of assigning this signature to Edward the Black Prince is sufficiently obvious, and somewhat surprising, since we here have an undoubted, and, I believe, unique autograph of Edward of Lancaster, Prince of Wales, only son of Henry VI. by Margaret of Anjou. He was born at Westminster, October 13th, 1453, and was therefore, in January, 1471 (no doubt the true date of the document), in the eighteenth year of his age. He had sought refuge from the Yorkists, in France, with his mother, ever since the year 1462, and in the preceding July or August, 1470, had been affianced to Anne Neville, the youngest daughter of the Earl of Warwick. At the period when this {34}letter was written at Rouen, Margaret of Anjou was meditating the descent into England which proved so fatal to herself and son, whose life was taken away with such barbarity on the field at Tewksbury, in the month of May following. The letter is addressed, apparently, to the magistrates of Rouen or Dieppe, to request the liberation of a native of Wales (imprisoned for the crime of having slain a man), and his delivery to the officers of the Archbishop of Rouen, on the plea of his being a clerk. The prince adds, that he was authorised by the King of France (Louis XI.) to grant grace in similar cases. As the signature of this unfortunate prince is at present quite unknown in the series of English royal autographs, it would be very desirable that an accurate fac-simile should be made of it by some competent artist; and perhaps the art of photography might in this instance be most advantageously and successfully used to obtain a perfect copy of the entire document.
Presuming that some of the many readers of "N. & Q." may feel an interest in the author of The Farmer's Boy, whom I knew intimately (a sickly-looking, retiring, and meditative man), and have often seen trimming his bright little flower-garden fronting his neat cottage in the City Road—a pastry-cook's shop, an apple and oyster stall, and part of the Eagle Tavern ("To what base uses," &c.) now occupy its, to me, hallowed site,—I send you a few extracts from his sale catalogue, an interesting and a rare document, as a mournful record of a genius as original and picturesque, as it was beautiful and holy. His books, prints, drawings (215 lots), and furniture (105 lots) were sold in the humble house in which he died, at Shefford, Beds, on the 28th and 29th May, 1824. The far greater number of his books had been presented to him by his friends, viz. the Duke of Grafton (a very liberal contributor), Dr. Drake, James Montgomery, Samuel Rogers, Mrs. Barbauld, Richard Cumberland, Sir James Bland Burges, Capel Lofft, &c. His autograph manuscript of The Farmer's Boy, elegantly bound, was sold for 14l.; of Rural Tales, boards, for 4l.; of Wild Flowers, for 3l. 10s.; of Banks of the Wye, for 3l.; of May-day with the Muses (imperfect), for ten shillings; and Description of the Æolian Harp (he was a maker of Æolian harps), for 15s. His few well-executed drawings by himself (views of his City Road cottage and garden, &c.) produced from 5s. to 18s. each. Among his furniture were "A handsome inkstand, presented to him by the celebrated Dr. Jenner" (in return for his sweet poem of "Good Tidings"), and the "celebrated oak table, which Mr. Bloomfield may be said to have rendered immortal by the beautiful and pathetic poem inscribed to it in his Wild Flowers. The first was sold for 6l. 10s., the second for 14l. I am happy in the possession of the original miniature (an admirable likeness, and finely painted) of Robert Bloomfield, by Edridge. It is the first and most authentic portrait of him that was engraved, and prefixed to his poems:
"And long as Nature in her simplest guise,
And virtuous sensibility we prize,
Of well-earn'd fame no poet shall enjoy
A fairer tribute than The Farmer's Boy."
I send you a note for London topographers. The charter is dateless, but, inasmuch as Walter de Langeton was appointed to the bishopric of Coventry and Lichfield in 1295, and Sir John le Bretun was "custos" of London 22 to 25 Edw. I., i.e. 1294 to 1297, we may fairly assign it to the years 1296 or 1297:—
"Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint, Johannes de Notlee salutem in domino. Noveritis me remisisse, et omnino quietum clamasse pro me et heredibus meis, Domino Waltero de Langeton, Coventrensi et Lichfeldensi episcopo, heredibus, vel assignatis suis, totum jus et clameum quod habui, vel aliquo modo habere potui, in quadam placea terre cum pertinenciis in vico Westmonasterio sine ullo retenemento, illam videlicet que jacet inter exitum curie et porte domini Walteri episcopi supradicti, ex una parte, et tenementum Henrici Coci ex altera, et inter altum stratam que ducit de Charryngg versus curiam Westmonasterii, ex parte una et tenementum domini Walteri episcopi supradicti, ex altera; Ita quod ego predictus Johannes, aut heredes mei, sive aliquis nomine nostro nuncquam durante seculo in predicta placea terre cum omnibus suis pertinenciis, aliquod jus vel clameum habere, exigere, vel vendicare poterimus quoquo modo in perpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium, sigillum meum apposui huic scripto. His testibus, Dominis Johanne le Bretun tunc custode civitatis Londonii; Roberto de Basingg, militibus; Johanne de Bankwelle; Radulpho le Vynneter; Adam de Kynggesheued; Henrico Coco; Reginaldo le Porter; Henrico du Paleys; Hugone le Mareschal, et aliis."
Perhaps there is nothing in ecclesiastical writings more ludicrously and rabidly solemn than the sermons preached before "The Honourable House of Commons" during the Protectorate, by that warlike race of saints who figure so extensively in the {35}history of those times. I possess some thirty of these, and extract from their pages the following morsels, which may be taken as a fair sample of the general strain:
"'Gemitus Columbæ,' the Mournful Note of the Dove; a Sermon preached," &c.: by John Langley, Min. of West Tuperley in the Countie of Southampton. 1644.
"The oxen were plowing, the asses were feeding beside them ('twas in the relation of one of Job's messengers). By the oxen wee are to vnderstand the laborious Clergie; by the asses, that were feeding beside them, wee may vnderstande the Laity" (!).—P. 8.
"The worde set on by the Spirit, as Scanderbags' sworde, by the arme of Scanderbags, will make a deepe impression."—P. 16.
Query, what is the allusion here?
"We came to the height, shall I saye, of our fever (or frenzie, rather), when wee began to catch Dotterills, when wee fell to cringing and complimenting in worship, stretching out a wing to their wing, a legge to their legge."—P. 18.
"Time was when the Dove-cote was searched, the Pistolls were cockt; the Bloudie-birdes were skirring about: then the Lord withdrew the birds."—P. 29.
"When your ginnes and snares catch any of the Bloudie-birdes, dally not with them, blood will have blood; contracte not their bloude-guiltinesse vpon your owne soules, by an vnwarranted clemencie and mildnesse."—P. 30.
"(Note.—The 'Bloudie-birdes,' i. e. the cavaliers.)"
"A Peace Offering to God: a Sermon preached," &c., by Stephen Marshall, B.D. 1641.
"Not like tavernes, and alehouses, howses of lewd and debauched persons, where Zim and Jim dwels, dolefull creatures, fitt only to be agents to Satan."—P. 50.
I conclude with a rather interesting scrap, which I do not remember to have met with elsewhere, from
"The Ruine of the Authors and Fomentors of Ciuill Warre; a Sermon," &c., by Samuel Gibson. 1645.
"There was a good motto written ouer the gates at Yorke, at King James the Firste his firste entraunce into that city:
'Suavis Victoriæ amor populi.'
i. e. the sweete victorie is the love of the people."—P. 27.
In the advertising sheet of "N. & Q." for December 18, 1852, its unartistic readers have the tempting offer placed before them of being taught "the art of drawing and copying portraits, views, steel or wood engravings, with perfect accuracy, ease, and quickness, in one lesson! And when the gentle reader of "N. & Q." has recovered from the shock of this startling announcement, he is further instructed that, "by sending a stamped directed envelope and twelve postage-stamps, the necessary articles will be forwarded with the instructions." Who would not, thinks the gentle reader, be a Raphael, a Rubens, or a Claude, when the metamorphosis may be effected for twelve postage-stamps? And then, delighted with the thought that no expensive residence in Italy, or laborious application through long years of study, will be required, but that the royal road to art may be traversed by paying the small toll of twelve postage-stamps, he forthwith gives them to "Mr. A. B. Cleveland, 13. Victoria Street, Brighton," and in due course of time Mr. A. B. C. forwards him "the necessary articles with the instructions," the former of which the gentle reader certainly finds to be "no expensive apparatus," but as simple as A, B, C. The articles consist of a small piece of black paper, and a small piece of common tissue paper, oiled in a manner very offensive to a susceptible nose. The instructions are printed, and are prefaced by a paragraph which truly declares them to be "most simple:"
"The outlines must be sketched by the following means, and may be filled up according to pleasure. In the first place, lay what you intend to copy straight before you; then lay over it the transparent paper, and you will see the outlines most distinctly; pencil them over lightly, taking care to keep the paper in the same position until you have finished the outlines; after which, place the paper or card you intend the copy to appear on under the black tracing-paper, with the black side on it, and on which place the outlines you have previously taken, remembering to keep them all straight, and then, by passing a piece of wire (or anything brought to a point not sufficient to scratch) correctly over the said outlines, you will have an exact impression of the original upon the card intended, which must then be filled up. I would recommend a portrait for the first attempt, which can be done in a few minutes, and you will soon see your success. Of course you can ink or paint the copy according to pleasure."
"Why, of course I can," probably exclaims the now un-gentle reader; "of course I can, when I have the ability to do it,—a consummation which I devoutly wish for, and which I am quite as far from as when I was weak-minded enough to send my twelve postage-stamps to Mr. A. B. C.; and yet that individual encloses me a card along with his nasty oiled paper and 'instructions,' which card he has the assurance to head 'scientific!' and says, 'the exquisite and beautiful art of drawing landscapes, &c. from nature, in true perspective, with perfect accuracy, ease, and quickness, taught to the most inexperienced person in ONE lesson.' {36}
"I should like to know how I am to lay the landscape straight before me, and put my oiled paper on the top of it, and trace its outlines in true perspective? I should like also to know, since Mr. A. B. C. recommends a portrait for the first attempt, how I am to lay the transparent paper over my wife's face, without her nose making a hole in the middle of it? It is all very well for Mr. A. B. C. to say that he 'continues to receive very satisfactory testimonials respecting the RESULT of his instructions, which are remarkable for simplicity (I allow that), and invaluable for correctness' (I deny that). But, although he prints 'result' in capital letters, all the testimonial that I can give him will be to testify to the (on his part) satisfactory result attending his 'art of drawing' twelve postage-stamps out of my pocket."
Thus, can I imagine, would the gentle reader soliloquise, on finding he had received two worthless bits of paper in return for his investment of postage-stamps. My thoughts were somewhat the same; for I, alas! sent "twelve postage-stamps," which are now lost to view in the dim perspective, and I shall only be too happy to sell Mr. A. B. C. his instructions, &c. at half-price. In the mean time, however, I forward them for Mr. Editor's inspection.
Cremona Violins.—As many of your readers are no doubt curious about the prices given, in former times, for musical instruments, I transcribe an order of the time of Charles II. for the purchase of two Cremona violins.
"[Audit Office Enrolments, vi. 359.]
"These are to pray and require you to pay, or cause to be paid, to John Bannester, one of his Maties Musicians in Ordinary, the some of fourty pounds for two Cremona Violins by him bought and delivered for his Mats Service, as may appeare by the Bill annexed, and also tenn pounds for stringes for two yeares ending June 24, 1662. And this shall be your warrant. Given under my hand, this 24th day of October, 1662, in the fourteenth year of his Majesty's reign.
"E. Manchester.
"To Sr Edward Griffin, Knt,
Treasurer of his Maties Chamber."
Prices of Tea.—From Read's Weekly Journal or British Gazetteer, Saturday, April 27, 1734:
" | Green Tea | 9s. to 12s. | per lb. |
Congou | 10s. to 12s. | " | |
Bohea | 10s. to 12s. | " | |
Pekoe | 14s. to 16s. | " | |
Imperial | 9s. to 12s. | " | |
Hyson | 20s. to 25s. | " |
Coleridge a Prophet.—Among the political writers of the nineteenth century, who has shown such prophetic insight into the sad destinies of France as Coleridge? It is the fashion with literary sciolists to ignore the genius of this great man. Let the following extracts stand as evidences of his profound penetration.
Friend, vol. i. p. 244. (1844):
"That man has reflected little on human nature who does not perceive that the detestable maxims and correspondent crimes of the existing French despotism, have already dimmed the recollections of democratic phrenzy in the minds of men; by little and little have drawn off to other objects the electric force of the feelings which had massed and upholden those recollections; and that a favourable concurrence of occasions is alone wanting to awaken the thunder and precipitate the lightning from the opposite quarter of the political heaven."
Let the events of 1830 and 1848 speak for themselves as to the fulfilment of this forecast.
Biographia Literaria, vol. i. p. 30. (1847), [after a most masterly analysis of practical genius]:
"These, in tranquil times, are formed to exhibit a perfect poem in palace, or temple, or landscape-garden, &c.... But alas! in times of tumult they are the men destined to come forth as the shaping spirit of ruin, to destroy the wisdom of ages in order to substitute the fancies of a day, and to change kings and kingdoms, as the wind shifts and shapes the clouds."
Let the present and the future witness the truth of this insight. We have (in Coleridge's words) "lights of admonition and warning;" and we may live to repent of our indifference, if they are thrown away upon us.
Lord Bacon's Advice peculiarly applicable to the Correspondents of "N. & Q."—Lord Bacon has written that—
"A man would do well to carry a pencil in his pocket, and write down the thoughts of the moment. Those that come unsought for are generally the most valuable, and should be secured, because they seldom return."
Etymology of Molasses.—The affinity between the orthography of this word in Italian (melássa), Spanish (melaza), and French (mélasse), and our pronunciation of it (melasses), would seem to suggest a common origin. How comes it, then, that we write it with an o instead of an e? Walker says it is derived frown the Italian "mellazzo" (sic); and some French lexicographers trace their "mélasse" from μέλας, with reference to the colour; others from μέλι, in allusion to the taste. But these Greek derivations are too recondite for our early sugar manufacturers; and the likelihood {37}is, that they found the word nearer home, in some circumstance which had less to do with literary refinement than with the refining of sugar.
There is an expression in French which is identical in spelling with this word, namely, "molasse" (softish—so to speak); and which describes the liquidity of molasses, as distinguished from the granulous substance of which they are the residue. As our first sugar establishment was formed in 1643, in an island (St. Christopher) one half of which was then occupied by the French, it is possible that we may have adopted the word from them; and this conjecture is supported by the following passage in Père Labat (vol. iii. p. 93.), where he uses the word "molasse" in the sense of soft, to describe a species of sugar that had not received, or had lost, the proper degree of consistency.
"Je vis leur sucre qui me parut très beau et bien gréné, surtout lorsqu'il est nouvellement fait; mais on m'assura qu'il devenait cendreux ou molasse, et qu'il se décuisait quand il était gardé quelques jours."
St. Lucia.
A Sounding Name.—At the church of Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, is a record of one John Chapman, whose name, it is alleged, "sounds in (or throughout) the world," but for my own part I have never been privileged to hear either the original blast or the echo. Perhaps some of the readers of "N. & Q." can inform me who and what was the owner of this high-sounding name. Was he related to Geo. Chapman, the translator of Homer? The inscription is as follows:
"Memoriæ defunctorum Sacrum
και τυφωνια
Siste gradum, Viator, ac leges. In spe beatæ Resurrectionis hic requiescunt exuviæ Johannis Chapmanni et Isabellæ uxoris, filiæ Gulielmi Allen de Wightford, in Comitat. War. ab antiquo Proavorum stemmate deduxerunt genus. Variis miseriarum agitati procellis ab strenue succumbentis in arrescenti juventutis æstate, piè ac peccatorum pœnitentia expirabant animas.
Maij 10 Die Anno Domini 1677.
Sistite Pierides Chapmannum plangere, cujus
Spiritus in cœlis, nomen in orbe sonat."
In the year 1847 I brought from the Columbaria, near the tomb of Scipio Africanus at Rome, a small collection of sepulchral fictile vessels, statuettes, &c., in terra cotta. Among these was a small figure, resembling the Athenian Hermæ, consisting of a square pillar, surmounted by the bust of a female with a peculiar head-dress and close curled coiffure. The pillar bears the following inscription:
—a translation of which would oblige me much.
Another, in the form of a small votive altar, bears the heads of the "Dii Majores" and their attributes, the thunderbolt, two-pronged spear, and trident, and the inscription—
(i.e. vivantis). VIVNTIS" (i.e. vivantis).
Of the meaning of this I am by no means certain; and I have searched Montfaucon in vain, to discover anything similar.
A third was a figure of the Egyptian Osiris, exactly resembling in every point (save the material) the little mummy-shaped figures in bluish-green porcelain, which are found in such numbers in the catacombs of Ghizeh and Abousir. As the Columbaria were probably the places of sepulture of the freedmen, these various traces of national worship would seem to indicate that they were still allowed to retain the deities peculiar to the countries from which they came, through their master might be of a different faith.
Ormesby, St. Marg., Norfolk.
In North Wilts, between Corsham and Bradford, and close to the meeting of five or six roads, there is a well-known public-house, contiguous to which is an ancient wayside chapel bearing this peculiar name. Some account of the place, with two views of the chapel, is given in the Gentleman's Magazine, February, 1835, page 143. The meaning of the word plaster has always been a puzzle to local antiquaries, and no satisfactory derivation of it has yet been given. The first and natural notion is, that some allusion is made to the material with which it may have been coated. But this is improbable, the building being of good freestone, not requiring any such external addition. Some have interpreted it to be the chapel of the plas-trew, or "woody place." But this again is very unlikely; as the place is not only as far as possible from being woody now, but can hardly ever have been otherwise than what it is. The rock comes close to the surface, and the general situation is on a bleak exposed hill, as unfavourable as can be for the growth of trees. Leland, indeed, as he rode by, took it for a hermitage, and does also say that the country beyond it "begins to be woody." But {38}a point of meeting of five or six much frequented roads, a few miles only from Bath and other towns, would be an unsuitable spot for a hermit; besides which, the country beyond a spot, is not the spot itself. Others have thought it may have been built by a person of the name of Plaister; one which, though uncommon, is still not entirely extinct in the county. Of this, however, there is no evidence.
A derivation has occurred to me from noticing a slight variety in the spelling and statement of the name, as it is given by one of the ancient historians of Glastonbury. He calls it "the chapell of playsters," and says that, like one or two houses of a similar kind, it was built for the relief and entertainment of pilgrims resorting to the great shrine at that monastery. This indeed is the most reasonable and probable account of it, as it lies on the direct road between Malmesbury and Glastonbury, and the prevailing tradition has always been that such was the purpose for which it was used. It is fair to presume that the name has some connexion with the use.
Now, it is well known that pilgrimages were not in all respects very painful or self-denying exercises, but that, with the devotional feeling in which they took their origin, was combined, in course of time, a considerable admixture of joviality and recreation. They were often, in short, looked upon as parties for merry-making, by people of every class of life, who would leave their business and duties, on pretence of these pious expeditions, but really for a holiday, and, as Chaucer himself describes it, "to play a pilgrimage." ("The Shipmanne's Tale.") Many also were pilgrims by regular profession, as at this day in Italy, for the pleasure of an idle gad-about life at other people's expense. May not such "play-ers" of pilgrimages have been called, in the vernacular of the times, play-sters? The termination -ster, said to be derived from a Saxon noun, seems in our language to signify a habit or constant employment. A malt-ster is one whose sole business it is to make malt; a tap-ster, one whose duties are confined to the tap; a road-ster is a horse exclusively used as a hack; a game-ster, the devotee of the gaming-table. From these analogies it seems not unreasonable to suppose that the persons who made a constant habit of attending these pleasant jaunts to Glastonbury, may have been called by the now-forgotten name of play-sters. If so, "the chapell of play-sters" becomes nothing more than "the chapel of pilgrims," according to the best tradition that we have of it. Perhaps some of your readers may have met with the word in this sense?
Leigh Delamere.
Martha Blount.—Is there any engraved portrait of this lady? and can any of your numerous correspondents give me reasonable hope of finding portraits of Mrs. Rackett and other connexions of Pope? I would suggest, that when we are favoured with a new edition of the little great man's works, each volume should contain a portrait, if procurable, of those who catch a reflected ray of greatness from association with the poet.
Feltham House, Middlesex.
Degree of B.C.L.—In Vol. vi., p. 534., an Oxford B.C.L. asked the privileges to which a gentleman having taken this degree was entitled. Perhaps your correspondent will inform me what is the least time of actual residence required at the university, and the kind of examination a candidate for the honour has to be subjected to, before he becomes a B.C.L.? also the way for a stranger to go about it, who wants to spend as little money and time in the matter as is possible?
The Word "anywhen."—Why should not this adverb, which exists as a provincialism in some parts of England, be legitimatised, and made as generally useful as anywhere, or anyhow, or anyone? If there be no classical precedent for it, will not some of the many authors who contribute to your pages take pity upon anywhen, and venture to introduce him to good society, where I am sure he would be appreciated?
Shoreditch Cross, &c.—Can any of your readers inform me where a model or picture of the Cross which formerly stood near the church of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, can be seen? Also, where a copy of any description can be seen of the painted window in the said church?
Sir Henry Ellis, in his History of the Parish, gives us no illustration of the above.
Winchester and Huntingdon.—I would with your permission ask, whether Winchester and Huntingdon have at any time been more populous than they are at present, and what may have been the largest number of inhabitants they are supposed to have contained?
La Bruyère.—What is known concerning the family of Jean de la Bruyère, author of Les Caractères? Did he belong to the great French house of that name? One of the biographical dictionaries states that he was grandson of a Lieutenant Civil, engaged in the Fronde; but M. Suard, in his "Notice" prefixed to Les Caractères, says that nothing is known of the author except his birth, death, and office. His grand-daughter, {39}Magdalen Rachel de la Bruyère, married an officer of the name of Shrom, and died in 1780, at Morden in Surrey, where there is a handsome monument to her memory. Being one of her descendants in the female line, I should feel much obliged by any information respecting her father, the son of Jean de la Bruyère; or tending to connect that writer with the family founded by Thibault de la Bruyère, the Crusader.
Sir John Davys or Davies.—I am very anxious to get any information that can be procured about Sir John Davys or Davies, Knight Marshal of Connaught, temp. Elizabeth. What were his arms? Any portions of his pedigree would be most desirable; also any notices of the various grants of land given by him, particularly to members of his own family. I would also give any reasonable price for John Davies' Display of Heraldry of six Counties of North Wales, published 1716: or, if any of the readers of "N. & Q." have the book, and would favour me with a loan of it, I would return it carefully as soon as I had made some extracts from it.
Fleshier of Otley.—What are the arms of Fleshier of Otley, Yorkshire? They existed, not many years ago, in a window of a house built by one of the above-named family, in Otley.
Bingley, Yorkshire.
Letters U, V, W.—Could any correspondent of the "N. & Q." give us any clear idea of the manner in which we ought to judge of those letters as they are printed from old MSS. or in old books. Is there any rule known by which their pronunciation can be determined? For instance, how was the name of Wales supposed to have been pronounced four hundred years ago, or the name Walter? How could two such different sounds as U and V now represent, come by the old printers both to be denoted by V? And is it supposed that our present mode of pronouncing some words is taken from their spelling in books? We see this done in foreign names every day by persons who have no means of ascertaining the correct pronunciation. Can it have been done extensively in the ordinary words of the language? Or can it be possible, that the confusion between the printed V and W and U has produced the confusion in pronouncing such words now beginning with W, which some classes of her Majesty's subjects are said to pronounce as if they commenced with V? I ask for information: and to know if the question has anywhere been discussed, in which case perhaps some one can refer me to it.
Heraldic Query.—I should be greatly indebted to any of your correspondents who will assist me in tracing the family to which the following arms belong. Last century they were borne by a gentleman of the name of Oakes: but I find no grant in the college, nor, in fact, can I discover any British arms like them. Argent, a pale per pale or, and gules: between two limbs of an oak fructed proper. On a chief barry of six of the second and third; a rose between two leopards faces all of the last.
"Drengage" and "Berewich."—In Domesday certain tenants are described as drenches or drengs, holding by drengage; and some distinction is made between the drengs and another class of tenants, who are named berewites; as, for instance, in Newstone,—
aliā t'rā xv hoēs quos Drenchs vocabant pro xv
tenet sed huj'
berewich erant."
I shall be glad if any information as to these tenures, and also as to the derivation of the words "drengage" and "berewich," or berewite, both of which may be traced, I believe, to a Danish origin.
Sidney as a Female Name.—In several families of our city the Christian name of Sidney is borne by females, and it is derived, directly or indirectly, from a traceable source.
The object of the present inquiry is to ascertain whether the same name, and thus spelled, is similarly applied in any families of Great Britain? If at all, it should be found in the north of Ireland. But your correspondent would be pleased to learn, from any quarter, of such use of the name, together with the tradition of the reason for its adoption.
"The Brazen Head."—Will any reader of "N. & Q." be good enough to inform the undersigned where he can obtain, by purchase or by loan, the perusal of any part or parts of the above-mentioned work? It was published as a serial in 1828 or 1829.
Portrait of Baron Lechmere.—Can any of your correspondents inform me if there is any engraved portrait in existence of the celebrated Whig, Lord Lechmere, Baron of Evesham, who died at Camden House, London, in the year 1727, and lies buried in the church of Hanley Castle, near Upton-on-Severn, co. Worcester?
While on the subject of portraits, some of your correspondents may be glad to learn that an excellent catalogue of engraved portraits is now passing through the press, by Messrs. Evans and Sons, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, of which forty-six numbers are issued.
"Essay for a New Translation of the Bible," and "Letters on Prejudice."—A friend of mine has requested me to inquire through "N. & Q." who are the authors of the undermentioned books, in his possession?
An Essay for a New Translation of the Bible, one volume 8vo.: "printed for R. Gosling, 1727." Dedicated to the Bishops: the dedication signed "H. R."—Letters on Prejudice, two volumes 8vo.: "in which the nature, causes, and consequences of prejudice in religion are considered, with an application to the present times:" printed for Cadell in the Strand; and Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1822.
David Garrick.—In the sale catalogue of Isaac Reed's books is a lot described as "Letter of David Garrick against Mr. Stevens, with Observations by Mr. Reed, MS. and printed." Can any of your correspondents inform me in whose possession is this letter with Reed's observations; whether Garrick's letter was published; and, if so, what public library contains a copy?
Aldiborontophoskophornio.—Will you or some of your readers inform me in what play, poem, or tale this hero, with so formidable a name, is to be found?
Quotations wanted.—Will you or some of your correspondents tell where this sentence occurs: "It requireth great cunning for a man to seem to know that which he knoweth not?" Miss Edgeworth gives it as from Lord Bacon. I cannot find it. Also, where this very superior line: "Life is like a game of tables, the chances are not in our power, but the playing is?" This I have seen quoted as from Jeremy Taylor, but where? I have looked his works carefully through: it is so clever that it must be from a superior mind. And where, in Campbell, is "A world without a sun?" This, I believe, is in Gertrude of Wyoming.
Excuse this trouble, Mr. Editor; but you are now become the general referee in puzzles of this kind.
Arago on the Weather.—I saw some of Arago's meteorological observations in an English magazine some time ago, taken, I believe, from the Annuaire. Can any one give me a reference to them?
"Les Veus du Hairon," or "Le Vœu du Héron."—Is any more known of this curious historical romance than Sainte Palaye tells us in the third volume of his Mémoires sur l'Ancienne Chevalerie? He gives the original text (I suspect not very correctly) from, he says, a MS. in the public library at Berne. It is a poem in old French verse (something like Chaucer's English), of about 500 lines, descriptive of a series of vows, by which Robert Comte d'Artois, then an exile in England, engaged Edward III., his queen and court, to the invasion of France:
"Dont maint bon chevalier fu jété fort souvin;
Mainte dame fu vesve, et maint povre orfelin;
Et maint bon maronier accourchit son termin;
Et mainte preude femme mise à divers destin;
Et encore sera, si Jhesus n'i met fin."
The first lines of the poem give the place and date of the transaction, "London, September, 1338," in King Edward's "palais marbrin." The versification is as strange as the matter. The author has taken great pains to collect as many words rhyming together as possible. The first twenty-six lines rhyme to "in;" the hundred next to "is;" then fifty to "ent," and so on: but the lines have all their rhythm, and some are smooth and harmonious. Has any other MS. been discovered? Has it been elsewhere printed? Has it been translated into English, or has any English author noticed it? If these questions are answered in the negative, I would suggest that the Camden, or some such society, would do well to reprint it, with a translation, and Sainte Palaye's commentary, and whatever additional information can be gathered about it; for although it evidently is a romance, it contains many particulars of the court of England, and of the manners of the time, which are extremely curious, and which must have a good deal of truth mixed up with the chivalrous fable.
Inscriptions on a Dagger-case.—I have in my possession a small dagger-case, very beautifully carved in box-wood, bearing the following inscriptions on two narrow sides, and carved representations of Scripture subjects on the other two broad sides.
On the other sides the carvings, nine in number, four on one side, one above another, represent the making of Eve, entitled "Scheppin;" the Temptation, entitled "Paradis;" the Expulsion, "Engelde;" David with the head of Goliath, "Davide." At the foot of this side the date "1599," and a head with pointed beard, &c. beneath. On the other side are five subjects: the uppermost, entitled "Hesterine," represents Queen Esther kneeling before Ahasuerus. 2. "Vannatan," a kneeling figure, another stretching his arm over him, attendants following with offerings. 3. "Solomone," the judgment of Solomon. 4. "Susannen." 5. "Samson," the jaw-bone in his hand; beneath "SLANG;" and at the foot of all, a dragon.
The case is handsomely mounted in silver. {41}
May I ask you or some of your readers to give me an interpretation of the inscriptions?
Hallett and Dr. Saxby.—In the Literary Journal, July, 1803, p. 257., in an article on "The Abuses of the Press," it is stated:
"Hallett, to vex Dr. Saxby, published some disgraceful verses, entitled 'An Ode to Virtue, by Doctor Morris Saxby;' but the Doctor on the day after the publication obliged the bookseller to give up the author, on whom he inflicted severe personal chastisement, and by threats of action and indictment obliged both author and bookseller to make affidavit before the Lord Mayor that they had destroyed every copy in their possession, and would endeavour to recover and destroy the eight that were sold."
Can any of your readers throw a further light upon this summary proceeding, as to the time, the book, or the parties?
(Vol. vi., p. 432.)
I have in my possession a pedigree, compiled from original sources, which will, I believe, fully support your correspondent's opinion that the year usually assigned for the death of Joan Beaufort's first husband (1410) is inaccurate. Two entries on the Patent Rolls respectively of the 21st and 22d Richard II., as cited in the pedigree, prove that event to have taken place before Lord Neville of Raby's creation as Earl of Westmoreland; and I am inclined to think that his creation was rather a consequence of his exalted alliance than, as the later and falsely assigned date would lead one to infer, that his creation preceded his marriage by twelve or thirteen years.
Robert Ferrers son and heir of Robert, first Lord Ferrers of Wemme (second son of Robert, third Baron Ferrers of Chartley), and of Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of William Boteler of Wemme, was born circa 1372, being eight years old at his father's death in 1380 (Esc., 4 Ric. II., No. 25.). He married Joan Beaufort, only daughter of John Duke of Lancaster by Catharine Swynford, who became the duke's third wife, 13th January, 1396; their issue before marriage having been made legitimate by a patent read in parliament, and dated 9th February, 1397 (Pat., 20 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 6.). It might almost be inferred from the description given to Joan, Lady Ferrers, in the patent of legitimation, "dilectæ nobis nobili mulieri Johannæ Beauford, domicellæ," that her first husband was not then living. We find, however, that she had certainly become the wife of the Lord Neville before the 16th of February following, and that Lord Ferrers was then dead (Johanne qui fuist femme de Monsieur Robert Ferrers que Dieu assoile): Pat., 21 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 22.; Pat., 22 Ric. II. p. 3. m. 23. The Lord Ferrers left by her only two daughters, his coheirs, viz. Elizabeth, wife of John, sixth Baron Greystock, and Mary, wife of Ralph Neville, a younger son of Ralph, Lord Neville of Raby, by his first wife Margaret Stafford. The mistake in ascribing Lord Ferrers' death to the year 1410, has probably arisen from that being the year in which his mother died, thus recorded in the pedigrees: "Robert Ferrers, s. & h. obt vita matris," who (i.e. the mother) died 1410 (Esc., 12 Hen. IV., No. 21.). His widow remarried Ralph, Lord Neville of Raby, fourth baron, who was created Earl of Westmoreland, 29th September, 1397[1], {42}and died 1425. The Countess of Westmoreland died 13th November, 1440.
As regards the Queen's descent from John, Duke of Lancaster, in the strictly legitimate line, I may wish to say a word at another time. Allow me now, with reference to the same pedigree, to append a Query to this Reply: Can any of your learned genealogical readers direct me to the authority which may have induced Miss A. Strickland, in her amusing Memoirs of the Lives of the English Queens, to give so strenuous a denial of Henry VIII.'s queen, Jane Seymour's claim to a royal lineage? Miss Strickland writes:
"Through Margaret Wentworth, the mother of Jane Seymour, a descent from the blood-royal of England was claimed, from an intermarriage with a Wentworth and a daughter of Hotspur and Lady Elizabeth Mortimer, grand-daughter to Lionel, duke of Clarence. This Lady Percy is stated by all ancient heralds to have died childless. Few persons, however, dared dispute a pedigree with Henry VIII.," &c.—Lives of the Queens of England, by Agnes Strickland, vol. iv. p. 300.
This is a question, I conceive, of sufficient historical importance to receive a fuller investigation, and fairly to be determined, if possible.
The pedigree shows the following descent:—Lionel Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, third son of King Edward III. and Philippa of Hainault, left by Elizabeth de Burgh (daughter of William de Burgh, Earl of Ulster, and Maud Plantagenet, second daughter of Henry, third Earl of Lancaster) an only child, Philippa, married to Edmund Mortimer, third Earl of March (Esc., 5 Ric. II., No. 43.). The eldest daughter of Philippa Plantagenet by the Earl of March was Elizabeth Mortimer, who married the renowned Hotspur, Henry Lord Percy, son and heir apparent of Henry Lord Percy, created Earl of Northumberland, 16th July, 1377, K. G. Hotspur was slain at the battle of Shrewsbury, 7th September, 1403, v.p. His widow experienced the revengeful persecution of King Henry (Rymer, viii. 334., Oct. 8, 1403), and died, leaving by her said husband one son, Henry, who became second Earl of Northumberland, and an only daughter, Elizabeth de Percy, who married firstly, John, seventh Lord Clifford of Westmoreland, who died 13th March, 1422 (Esc., 10 Henry V., No. 37.), and secondly, Ralph Neville, second Earl of Westmoreland (Esc., 15 Hen. VI., No. 55.), by whom she left an only child, Sir John Neville, Knight, who died during his father's lifetime, 20th March, 1451, s.p. (Will proved 30th March, 1451.) Lady Elizabeth de Percy, who died in October, 1436, left by her first husband, the Lord Clifford, three children: Thomas, eighth Lord Clifford; Henry, her second son; and an only daughter, Mary, who became the wife of Sir Philip Wentworth, Knight. The Lady Mary Clifford, who must have been born before 1422 (her father having died in that year), was probably only a few years older than her husband Sir Philip, the issue of a marriage which took place in June, 1 Henry VI., 1423 (Cott. MSS. Cleop., F. iv. f. 15.); she was buried in the church of the Friars Minor at Ipswich, where her mother-in-law directed a marble to be laid over her body. Sir Philip's father, Roger Wentworth, Esq. (second son of John Wentworth of North Elmsal, a scion of the house of Wentworth of the North), had married in 1423 Margery Lady de Roos, widow of John Lord de Roos, sole daughter and heiress of Elizabeth de Tibetot, or Tiptoft (third daughter and co-heir of Robert, Lord de Tibetot), and of Sir Philip le Despenser Chivaler (Esc., 18 Edw. IV., No. 35.). By this marriage came, first, Sir Philip Wentworth, Knight, born circa 1424, and married when about {43}twenty-three years of age, in 1447; he was slain in 1461, and attainted of high treason in the parliament held 1 Edw. IV.; second, Henry Wentworth of Codham, in the county of Essex; third, Thomas Wentworth Chaplain; and fourth, Agnes, wife of Sir Robert Constable of Flamborough (Harl. MSS., 1560. 1449-1484, and will of Margery, Lady de Roos, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 28th May, 1478). Sir Philip, about the year 1447, as before stated, married the Lady Mary Clifford (Harl. MSS., 154. and 1484.), sister of Thomas Lord Clifford, who was slain at the battle of St. Alban's in 1454, and aunt of the Lord Clifford who stabbed the youthful Edmund Plantagenet at the battle of Wakefield, and was himself slain and attainted in parliament, 1st Edward IV. 1461. The issue of this marriage was Sir Henry Wentworth of Nettlestead, in the county of Suffolk, Knight, his son and heir (will of Margery, Lady de Roos, proved as above), born circa 1448, being thirty years of age at his grandmother's death in 1478 (Esc., 18 Edward IV., No. 35.), and died in 1500. His will was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 27th February, 1501. Sir Henry, son of Sir Philip, was restored in blood by an act of parliament passed in the 4th of Edward IV. (Parliament Rolls, v. 548.), and having married Anne, daughter of Sir John Say, Knight (Rot. Pat., 1 Ric. II., p. 2., No. 86., 20th February, 1484), left by her several children, viz. Sir Richard Wentworth, Knight, son and heir, Edward Wentworth, and four daughters, the second of whom, Margery, was married to Sir John Seymour of Wolf Hall, in the county of Wilts, Knight (Harl. MSS., 1449-1484. 1560., &c.), of which marriage, among other children, were born Sir Edward Seymour, created Duke of Somerset, and Jane, third wife of King Henry VIII., mother of Edward VI.
There is amongst the Records of the Duchy of Lancaster an interesting grant from John, Duke of Lancaster, to his daughter Joan Beaufort, very soon after her marriage with Lord Neville of Raby. This document, of which the following is a translation, proves that Robert Ferrers died before 16th February, 1397.
"John, son of the king of England, Duke of Guienne and of Lancaster, Earl of Derby, of Lincoln, and of Leicester, Steward of England, to all who these our letters shall see or hear, greeting. Know ye that, of our especial grace, and forasmuch as our very loved son, the Lord de Neville, and our very loved daughter, Joan, his wife (sa compaigne), who was the wife (femme) of Monsieur Robert Ferrers (whom God assoyl), have surrendered into our Chancery, to be cancelled, our other letters patent, whereby we formerly did grant unto the said Monsieur Robert and our aforesaid daughter 400 marks a-year, to be received annually, for the term of their two lives, out of the issues of our lands and lordships of our honour of Pontefract, payable, &c., as in our said other letters more fully it is contained: we, willing that our abovesaid son, the Lord de Neville, and our aforesaid daughter, his wife (sa compaigne), shall have of us, for the term of their two lives, 500 marks a-year, or other thing to the value thereof, have granted by these presents to the same, our son and daughter, all those our lordships, lands, and tenements in Easingwold and Huby, and our three wapentakes of Hang, Hallikeld, and Gilling, the which Monsieur John Marmyon (whom God assoyl) held of us in the county of York: to have and to hold our abovesaid lordships, tenements, and wapentakes, with their appurtenances, to our said son and daughter, for the term of their two lives, and the life of the survivor of them, in compensation for 100l. a-year, part of the abovesaid 500 marks yearly. And also, we have granted by these presents to the same, our son and daughter, the manor of Lydell, with appurtenances, to have and to hold for their lives, and the life of the survivor, in compensation for 40 marks a-year of the abovesaid 500 marks yearly, during the wars or truces between our lord the king and his adversary of Scotland: so, nevertheless, that if peace be made between our same lord the king and his said adversary of Scotland, and on that account the said manor of Lydell, with the appurtenances, shall be found lawfully to be of greater and better yearly value than the said 40 marks a-year, then our said son and daughter shall answer to us, during such peace as aforesaid, for the surplusage of the value of the said manor, beyond the said 40 marks a-year, and the yearly reprises of the said manor. And in full satisfaction of the aforesaid 500 marks a-year we have granted to our abovesaid son and daughter 206l. 13s. 4d. yearly, to be received out of the issues of our honours of Pontefract and Pickering, by the hands of our receiver there for the time being. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent. Given under our seal, at London, on the 16th day of February, in the twentieth year of the reign of our most dread sovereign lord King Richard the Second after the Conquest" (A.D. 1397).
The above grant was confirmed on the 10th of September, in the twenty-second of Richard the Second, 1398, by the eldest son of John of Gaunt, Henry of Lancaster, Duke of Hereford, a few weeks only before the duke's banishment, in the following words: "We, willing to perform and accomplish the good will and desires of our said very honoured lord and father, and in the confidence which we have in our said very loved brother, now Earl of Westmoreland, that he will be a good and natural son to our said very dread lord and father, and that he will be to us in time to come a good and natural brother, and also because of the great affection which we bear towards our said very loved sister, the countess his wife (sa compaigne), do, for us and our heirs, as far as in us lies, ratify and confirm to our said brother and sister the aforesaid letters patent, &c. Given under our seal, at London, on the 10th day of September, in the twenty-second year of the reign of our most dread lord King Richard the Second after the Conquest."
King Henry the Fifth, on his accession, by a patent under the seal of the duchy of Lancaster, dated at Westminster, on the 1st of July, in the first year of his reign, confirmed the above letters "to the aforesaid earl and Joan his wife;" and King Henry the Sixth in like manner confirmed his father's patent on the 13th of July, in the second year of his reign.—Regist. Ducat. Lanc. temp. Hen. VI., p. 2. fol. 41.
(Vol. vi., p. 588.)
I must differ from your correspondent C., in believing that the "N. & Q." have effected much good service to etymology. Even the exposure of error, and the showing up of crotchets, is of no inconsiderable use. I beg to submit that C. himself (unless there are other Richmonds in the field) has done good service in this way. See Grummett, Slang Phrases, Martinet, Cockade, Romane, Covey, Bummaree, &c.
I do not, indeed, give implicit faith to his Steyne, and some more. He, however, would be a rash man who should write or help to write a Dictionary of the English language (a desideratum at present) without turning over the indices of the "N. & Q." Even in the first volume, the discussions on Pokership, Daysman, News, and a great many others, seem to me at least valuable contributions to general knowledge on etymology.
As to my remark (Vol. vi., p. 462.) about the derivation of leader, C. has, perhaps excusably, for the sake of the pun, done me injustice. I hazarded it on the authority of one who has been in the trade, and, as I believe, in the cuicunque perito. I beg to inclose his own account. He says:
"It is a fact, that when editorial articles are sent to the printer, written directions are generally sent with them denoting what type is to be used: thus, brevier leads, or bourgeois leads, signifying that the articles are to be set in brevier or bourgeois type with lead strips between the lines, to keep them further asunder. It is also a fact, that such articles are denominated in the printing-office 'leaded articles'—hence, leaders."
I submit if this does not justify my Note. I grant, however, many of those articles are entitled also to be called leaden, as C. will have it.
I do not think, however, that in tracing recent words, we should not give possible as well as certain origins. Many words, if not a double, have at least several putative origins.
Let me subscribe myself—seu male seu bene—
P. S.—I would like to suggest that this origin of the term "leading article" is the most favourable to the modesty of any single writer for the Press, who should hardly pretend to lead public opinion.
(Vol. vi., p. 578.)
These lines were said to have been addressed to a Dr. Fitzgerald, on reading the following couplet in his apostrophe to his native village:—
"And thou! dear Village, loveliest of the clime,
Fain would I name thee, but I scant in rhyme."
I subjoin a tolerably complete copy of this "rime doggrele:"
"A Bard there was in sad quandary,
To find a rhyme for Tipperary.
Long labour'd he through January,
Yet found no rhyme for Tipperary;
Toil'd every day in February,
But toil'd in vain for Tipperary;
Search'd Hebrew text and commentary,
But search'd in vain for Tipperary;
Bored all his friends at Inverary,
To find a rhyme for Tipperary;
Implored the aid of 'Paddy Cary,'
Yet still no rhyme for Tipperary;
He next besought his mother Mary,
To tell him rhyme for Tipperary;
But she, good woman, was no fairy,
Nor witch—though born in Tipperary;—
Knew everything about her dairy,
But not the rhyme for Tipperary;
{44}The stubborn muse he could not vary,
For still the lines would run contrary,
Whene'er he thought on Tipperary;
And though of time he was not chary,
'Twas thrown away on Tipperary;
Till of his wild-goose chase most weary,
He vow'd to leave out Tipperary.
. . . . . .
But, no—the theme he might not vary,
His longing was not temporary,
To find meet rhyme for Tipperary.
He sought among the gay and airy,
He pester'd all the military,
Committed many a strange vagary,
Bewitch'd, it seem'd, by Tipperary.
He wrote post-haste to Darby Leary,
Besought with tears his Auntie Sairie:—
But sought he far, or sought he near, he
Ne'er found a rhyme for Tipperary.
He travell'd sad through Cork and Kerry,
He drove 'like mad' through sweet Dunleary,
Kick'd up a precious tantar-ara,
But found no rhyme for Tipperary;
Lived fourteen weeks at Stran-ar-ara,
Was well nigh lost in Glenègary,
Then started 'slick' for Demerara,
In search of rhyme for Tipperary.
Through 'Yankee-land,' sick, solitary,
He roam'd by forest, lake, and prairie,
He went per terram et per mare,
But found no rhyme for Tipperary.
Through orient climes on Dromedary,
On camel's back through great Sahara;
His travels were extraordinary,
In search of rhyme for Tipperary.
Fierce as a gorgon or chimæra,
Fierce as Alecto or Megæra,
Fiercer than e'er a lovesick bear, he
Raged through 'the londe' of Tipperary.
His cheeks grew thin and wond'rous hairy,
His visage long, his aspect 'eerie,'
His tout ensemble, faith, would scare ye,
Amidst the wilds of Tipperary.
Becoming hypochon-dri-ary,
He sent for his apothecary,
Who ordered 'balm' and 'saponary,'
Herbs rare to find in Tipperary.
In his potations ever wary,
His choicest drink was 'home gooseberry,'
On 'swipes,' skim-milk, and smallest beer, he
Scanted rhyme for his Tipperary.
Had he imbibed good old Madeira,
Drank 'pottle-deep' of golden sherry,
Of Falstaff's sack, or ripe canary,
No rhyme had lack'd for Tipperary.
Or had his tastes been literary,
He might have found extemporary,
Without the aid of dictionary,
Some fitting rhyme for Tipperary.
Or had he been an antiquary,
Burnt 'midnight oil' in his library,
Or been of temper less 'camsteary,'
Rhymes had not lack'd for Tipperary.
He paced about his aviary,
Blew up, sky-high, his secretary,
And then in wrath and anger sware he,
There was no rhyme for Tipperary."
May we not say with Touchstone, "I'll rhyme you so, eight years together; dinners, and suppers, and sleeping hours excepted: it is the right butter-woman's rank to market."
(Vol. vi., p. 312.)
I cannot receive Mr. Cornish's substitution (p. 312.) of "chommer" for clamour in the Winter's Tale, Act IV. Sc. 3. In my opinion, clamour is nearly or altogether the right word, but wrongly spelt. We have a verb to clam, which, as connected with clammy, we use for sticking with glutinous matter; but which originally must, like the kindred German klemmen, have signified to press, to squeeze; for the kind of wooden vice used by harness-makers is, at least in some places, called a clams. I therefore suppose the clown to have said clam, or perhaps clammer (i.e. hold) your tongues.
Highly plausible as is Mr. C.'s other emendation in the same place of 2 Henry IV., Act III. Sc. 1., I cannot receive it either. In Shakspeare the word clown is almost always nearly equivalent to the Spanish gracioso, and denotes humour; and surely we cannot suppose it to be used of the ship-boy. Besides, a verb is wanted, as the causal particle for is as usual to be understood before "Uneasy lies," &c. I see no objection whatever to the common reading, though possibly the poet wrote:
"Then, happy boy, lie down."
There never, in my opinion, was a happier emendation than that of guidon for guard; On, in Henry V., Act IV. Sc. 2.; and its being made by two persons independently, gives it—as Mr. Collier justly observes of palpable for capable in As You Like It—additional weight. We are to recollect that a Frenchman is the speaker. I find guidon used for banner in the following lines of Clément Marot (Elégie III.):
"De Fermeté le grand guidon suivrons,"
"Cestuy guidon et triomphante enseigne,
Nous devons suyvre: Amour le nous enseigne."
The change of a sea of troubles to assay of troubles in Hamlet is very plausible, and ought perhaps to be received. So also is Sir F. Madden's of face for case (which last is downright nonsense) in Twelfth Night, Act V. Sc. 1. But I would just hint that as all the rest of the Duke's speech is in rhyme, it is not impossible that the poet may have written—
"O thou dissembling cub! what wilt thou be
When time hath sow'd a grizzle upon thee?"
Allow me now to put a question to the critics. In the two concluding lines of the Merchant of Venice (the speaker, observe, is the jesting Gratiano):
"Well, while I live, I'll fear no other thing
So sore, as keeping safe Nerissa's ring."
May there not be a covert allusion to the story first told by Poggio in his Facetiæ, then by Ariosto, then by Rabelais, then by La Fontaine, and, finally, by Prior, in his Hans Carvel? Rabelais was greatly read at the time.
(Vol. vi., p. 485.)
Mr. Burgon (Inquiry into the Motive of the Representations on Ancient Coins, p. 19.) says:
"I do not believe that the types of coins are, on any occasion, original compositions; but always copied from some sacred public monument.... When we find Minerva represented on coins, we are not to understand the type as a Minerva, but the Minerva of that place; and in some cases which might be brought forward, the individual statues which are represented on coins, or ancient copies, will be found still to exist."
This opinion is certainly borne out by a very great number of proofs, and may almost be considered demonstrated. The Farnese Hercules is found on many coins, Roman and Greek. The commonest among the Roman are those of Gordianus Pius, 1st and 2nd brass, with "VIRTVTI AVGVSTI." Three colonial coins of Corinth, of Severus, Caracalla, and Geta (Vaillant, Num. Imp. Coloniis percuss., ii. 7. 32. 54.), exhibit the same figure. As an additional illustration of Mr. Burgon's view, I would advert to the Corinthian coin of Aurelius (Vaill. i. 182.), which has a Hercules in a different attitude; and which Vaillant regards as a copy of the statue mentioned by Pausanias as existing at Corinth. Du Choul (Religio vet. Rom., 1685, pp. 158, 159.) gives a coin representing Hercules killing Antæus; and quotes Pliny for a statue representing this by Polycletus. Haym also (Tesoro, i. 248.) gives a coin with a reversed view of the same subject. The figures of Hercules on coins of Commodus are certainly copied from the statues of that Emperor. Baudelot de Dairval (De l'Utilité des Voyages) gives a small silver statuette of Commodus as Hercules, certainly copied from the larger statues, and corresponding with those on coins.
I am not aware of any coins exhibiting exactly the Venus de Medici. It is possible, however, that they exist, though I cannot at present find them. Haym (Tesoro, ii. 246., tab. xvi. 3.) gives a coin of Cnidus, with a very similar representation, the Cnidian Venus, known to be copied from a statue by Praxiteles.
I must say the same as to the Apollo Belvidere.
I cannot at present refer to an engraving of the equestrian statue of Aurelius, but Mr. Akerman (Descr. Cat., i. 280. 12. 14., 283. 10.) describes gold coins and a medallion of Aurelius, representing him on horseback; and I find in the plates appended by De Bie to Augustini Antiquatum ex Nummis Dialogi, Antw., 1617, plate 47., one of these coins engraved. I find the medallion engraved also by Erizzo (last edition, n. d., p. 335.) who explains it as referring to this statue. He says, however, that the attribution of the statue was uncertain; and that on a medallion of Antoninus Pius, which he possessed, exactly the same representation was found, whence he was inclined to suppose it rather erected for Antoninus Pius.
I suppose the coins of Domna, alluded to by Mr. Taylor, are those with the legend "VENERI VICTRICI." In spite of the attitude, I can hardly think this intended for Venus Callipyge, from the fact that Venus Victrix is found in the same attitude on other coins, holding arms; and sometimes again holding arms, but in a different attitude, and more or less clothed. The legend is opposed also to this idea. See the coins engraved by Ondaan, or Oiselius, Plate LII. The coin of Plantilla in Du Choul (l. c. p. 188.) is a stronger argument; for here is seen a partially clothed Venus Victrix, with the same emblems, leaning on a shield, as the Venus of Domna leans on a column, but turned towards the spectator instead of away: thus demonstrating that no allusion to Callipyge is to be seen in either.
Erizzo (l. c. p. 519.) mentions the discovery at Rome of a fragment of a marble statue inscribed "VENERIS VICTRICIS."
In the British Museum (Townley Gallery, i. 95.) is a bas-relief representing the building of the ship Argo. There is described in the Thomas Catalogue, p. 22. lot 236., an unpublished (?) medallion of Aurelius, possibly copied from this very bas-relief. A very doubtful specimen exists in the Museum of the Scottish Antiquaries, which enables me to make this assertion, although it is not minutely described in the catalogue, and is otherwise explained. This is an additional confirmation of the original statement, and many more might be added but for the narrower limits allowed, which I fear I have already transgressed.
(Vol. vi., pp. 149. 432. 542.)
This extraordinary and inhuman man was the sixth son of John Jeffreys, Esq., of Acton, near Wrexham, co. Denbigh, by Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas Ireland, Knight, of Bewsey, and was born at his father's house about the year 1648. {46}He died on the 19th of April, 1689, at thirty-five minutes past four in the morning. The tradition that his remains were deposited at Enfield is incorrect. He was first interred in the Tower privately, and after three years, when the day of persecution was past, his friends petitioned that they might be allowed to remove the coffin. This was granted, and by a warrant dated the 30th of September, 1692, signed by the queen and directed to the governor of the Tower, the body of Lord Jeffreys was removed, and buried a second time in a vault under the communion-table of St. Mary, Aldermanbury. As regards the number of places pointed out as the residence of Judge Jeffreys, the following are mentioned in the bill that was brought in for the forfeiture of his honour and estate.
In Salop he had the manors of Wem and Loppington, with many other lands and tenements; in Leicestershire the manors of Dalby and Broughton; he bought Dalby of the Duke of Buckingham, and after his death it passed to Sir Charles Duncombe, and descended to Anthony Duncombe, afterwards Lord Feversham. In Bucks he had the manor of Bulstrode, which he had purchased of Sir Roger Hill in 1686, and the manor of Fulmer, with other tenements. He built a mansion at Bulstrode, which came afterwards to his son-in-law, Charles Dive, who sold it in the reign of Queen Anne, to William, Earl of Portland, in whose family, now aggrandised by a dukedom, it still continues. And he had an inclination at one time to have become the purchaser of another estate (Gunedon Park), but was outwitted by one of his legal brethren. Judge Jeffreys held his court in Duke Street, Westminster, and made the adjoining houses towards the park his residence. These houses were the property of Moses Pitt the bookseller (brother of the Western Martyrologist), who, in his Cry of the Oppressed, complains very strongly against his tenant, the chancellor. Jeffreys's "large house," according to an advertisement in the London Gazette, was let to the three Dutch ambassadors who came from Holland to congratulate King William upon his accession in 1689. It was afterwards used for the Admiralty Office, until the middle of King William's reign.
"The house is easily known," says Pennant, "by a large flight of stone steps, which his royal master permitted to be made into the park adjacent, for the accommodation of his lordship. These steps terminate above in a small court, on three sides of which stands the house."
The birthplace of Judge Jeffreys should not be a matter of doubt. The old house at Acton in which his father lived, was in the parish of Wrexham, and close to the confines of that parish and Gresford. It was pulled down about seventy years ago, about the time when the present mansion bearing that same name was built. Twenty years ago there were several persons living in the neighbourhood who remembered that it stood in the parish of Wrexham.
Lord Campbell, in his Lives of the Lord Chancellors of England, vol. iii. p. 496., writes,—
"He (Judge Jeffreys) of whom such tales were to be told, was born in his father's lowly dwelling at Acton in the year 1648."
And he subjoins the following note:
"This is generally given as the year of his birth, but I have tried in vain to have it authenticated. There is no entry of his baptism, nor of the baptism of his brothers, in the register of Wrexham, the parish in which he was born, nor in the adjoining parish of Gresford, in which part of the family property lies. I have had accurate researches made in these registers by the kindness of my learned friend Serjeant Atcherley, who has estates in the neighbourhood. It is not improbable that, in spite of the Chancellor's great horror of dissenters, he may have been baptized by 'a dissenting teacher.'"
The fact is, however, and it is a fact known certainly twenty years ago to several of the inhabitants of Gresford and Wrexham, that no register has been preserved in the parish of Wrexham for a period extending from 1644 to 1662; and none in the parish of Gresford from 1630 to 1660. I may add that no such registers have been discovered up to this time.
When the family of Jeffreys became possessed of Acton is uncertain, probably at a very early period, being descended from Cynric ap Rhiwallon, great-grandson of Tudor Trevor.
George Jeffreys, afterwards Chancellor, was born at Acton, and was sixth son of John Jeffreys and Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas Ireland of Bewsey, near Warrington, in Lancashire. In 1708 the estate passed into the family of the Robinsons of Gwersyllt by the marriage of the eldest daughter and heiress of Sir Griffith Jeffreys. Ellis Yonge, Esq., of Bryny Orchyn (in the immediate neighbourhood), purchased the estate of Acton from the trustees of the said Robinson. The Yonges were in no way related to the Jeffreys, although bearing the same arms, as being also descended from the same tribe.
(Vol. vi., pp. 458. 590.)
In answer to the obliging notice which your correspondent Cuthbert Bede (Vol. vi., p. 590.) has taken of my description of the Dutch allegorical picture, I beg to say that I agree with him, and admit myself to be mistaken in supposing the {47}middle picture described (Vol. vi., p. 458.) to represent St. John Baptist. On examining it again, I have no doubt it is intended to denote the Ascension of our Lord. The right hand is raised as in the act of benediction, and, as far as I can make it out (for the paint is here somewhat rubbed), the fingers are in the position of benediction described by your correspondent. I do not, however, concur in his suggestions as to the meaning of the figures on the frame of the picture; which is not shaped as a vesica piscis, but is (as I described it) a lozenge. The female figure, holding a flaming heart, is, I would say, certainly not the Virgin Mary.
The appearance of my account of this picture in your pages has been the occasion of a very agreeable correspondence with the Editor of the Navorscher (the Dutch daughter of "N. & Q."). That gentleman has taken a great interest in the subject, and has enabled me to decypher the mottoes on the scrolls which run across the three pictures on the right-hand wall of the room, which, in my former communication, I said I was unable to read.
The scroll on the picture nearest the fireplace contains these words:
"Trouw moet blÿcken."
That on the second picture, noticed by Cuthbert Bede, is,
"Liefde boven al."
And the scroll on the third bears the inscription, as I stated in my former communication,
"In Liefd' getrouwe;"
for so it ought to have been printed.
These, as the editor of the Navorscher informs me, are the mottoes of three Haarlem Societies of Rhetoricians called, 1. "De Pelicaen," whose motto was, "Trouw moet blÿcken:" 2. "De Wyngaertrancken," whose motto was, "Liefde boven al:" and, 3. "Witte Angiren," whose device was, "In Liefde getrouwe."
I think you are entitled to have whatever information I may glean respecting this picture, as you so kindly inserted my description of it in your columns; and I have to thank you for procuring me the acquaintance and correspondence of the editor of the Navorscher.
Trin. Coll. Dublin.
(Vol. vi., p. 579.)
In reply to the Query of Varro, I beg to state that I possess the late Mr. Upcott's collation of the reprint of the first folio edition of Shakspeare. It consists of twenty-six folio leaves, exclusive of the fly-leaves, on the first of which occur the following notes in the handwriting of the collator:
"London Institution,
"Moorfields, Dec. 25, 1821.
"Four months and twenty-three days were occupied, during my leisure moments, at the suggestion of our late Librarian, Professor Porson, in reading and comparing the pretended reprinted fac-simile First Edition of Shakspeare with the original First Edition of 1623. With what accuracy it passed through the Press, the following pages, noticing 368 typographical errors, will sufficiently show.
"MS. note written in Mr. Dawson Turner's transcript of these errors in the reprint of Shakspeare, edit. 1623.
"The contents of the following pages are the result of 145 days' close attention by a very industrious man. The knowledge of such a task having been undertaken and completed, caused some alarm among the booksellers, who had expended a considerable sum of money upon the reprint of Shakspeare, of which this MS. discloses the numerous errors. Fearful, therefore, lest this should be published, they made many overtures for the purchase of it, and at length Mr. Upcott was induced to part with it to John and Arthur Arch, Cornhill, from whom he expected a handsome remuneration; he received a single copy of the reprint, published at five guineas.
"N.B. This copy, corrected by myself from the above MS., I sold to James Perry, proprietor of the Morning Chronicle, for six guineas: which at his sale (Part III.) produced 12l. 1s. 6d.
At the end of the volume is written:
"Finished this collation Jan. 28, 1809, at three minutes past 12 o'clock.
Upon comparing these remarks of Mr. Upcott with Lowndes' Bibliographer's Manual, p. 1645., col. 1., it will be seen that the latter was not accurately informed as to Perry's copy; Professor Porson having had no farther share in that laborious work than the recommending Mr. Upcott to undertake the collation, from which Perry's copy was subsequently corrected.
Le Grey and the Collodion Process.—As the claim to the invention of the collodion process is disputed, I think, in justice to Mr. Le Grey, whom all will acknowledge as a talented man, and who has done much for photography, that the claims he puts forth, and which I give, should be known to your readers who have not got his work, as they are in direct contradiction to Mr. Archer's letter in your 165th No. In his last published work, page 89., he states:
"I was the first to apply collodion to photography. My first experiments were made in 1849. I used that substance then principally to give more equality and {48}fineness to the paper. I employed for that purpose a solution of iodide of potassium in alcohol of forty degrees saturated with collodion.
"In continuing these studies I was induced to apply this body upon glass, to obtain more fineness, and I was soon in possession of an extremely rapid proceeding, which I at last consigned to the pamphlet that I published in 1850, and which was translated into English at the same time.
"I had already at that time indicated the protosulphate of iron for developing the image, the ammonia and the fluorides as accelerating agents; and I was the first to announce having obtained by these means portraits in five seconds in the shade.
"The pyro-gallic acid is generally used now in place of the sulphate of iron that I had indicated; but this is wrong, that last salt forming the image much more rapidly and better, it having to be left less time in the camera.
"I believe, then, I have a right to claim for my country and myself the invention of this would-be English process, and of having been the first to indicate the collodion, and of giving the best method that has been discovered up to the present time.
"From the publication of my process, till my return from the voyage that I had made for the minister, I was little occupied in practising it, my labours on the dry paper having taken all my time. This has been used as a weapon against me, to make out that the first trials before setting out had been quite fruitless, as they had heard nothing more about it.
"Nevertheless, I have made my discovery completely public; and if I had practised it but little, leaving it to others to further develope, it has only been to occupy myself upon other works of which the public has still profited. It is then much more ungenerous to wish to take from me the merit of its invention."
Ready Mode of iodizing Paper.—The readiest way I have found of iodizing the beautiful paper of Canson Frères, is the cyano-iodide of silver, made as follows: Twenty grains of nitrate of silver may be placed in half an ounce of distilled water, and half an ounce of solution of iodide of potassa, fifty grains to the ounce, added to the silver solution. Cyanide of potassa may then be added, drop by drop, till the precipitate is dissolved, and the whole filled up with four ounces of water. This solution requires but a very few minutes' floating upon water containing a small quantity of sulphuric acid; and it is then ready, after a bath of nitrate of silver, for the camera, and will not present any of the disagreeable spots so noticed by most photographers. This paper is probably the best for negative pictures we have at present; although, if very transparent paper is required, oiled paper may be used for negative pictures very successfully; or paper varnished is equally good. The oiled paper may be prepared as follows: Take the best walnut oil, that oil having less tendency to darken paper of any other kind, and oil it thoroughly. It must then be hung up in the light for a few days, the longer the better, till quite dry. It may then be iodized with the ammonio-nitrate, the ammoniated solution passing more readily over greased surfaces. The varnished paper may be prepared by half an ounce of mastic varnish and three ounces of spirits of turpentine, hung up to dry, and treated as the oiled paper in iodizing; but both are better for resting a short time previous to iodizing upon water containing a little isinglass in solution, but used very sparingly.
As I have experienced the excellence of these preparations, I hope they may be useful to your photographic students.
After-dilution of Solutions.—There are in general use two methods of preparing sensitive paper. In one, as in Mr. Talbot's, the iodide of silver is formed in a state of purity, before being rendered sensitive: and as, for this end, a small quantity only of nitrate of silver is necessary, a very dilute solution will answer the purpose as well, or even better, than a strong one; but by the other method, the paper being prepared with iodide of potassium only, or with some other analogous salt, the iodide of silver has to be formed by the same solution that renders it sensitive. Now as for every 166.3 parts of iodide of potassium 170.1 parts of nitrate of silver are required for this purpose, it is evident that a dilute solution could not be employed unless a very large bulk were taken, and the paper kept in a considerable time.
The after-washing is to remove from the surface of the paper the great excess of silver, which is of but little service, and prevents the paper from keeping.
Stereoscopic Pictures from one Camera.—Your correspondent Ramus will easily obtain stereoscopic pictures by either of the following plans:—After the first picture is taken, move the subject, as on a pivot, either to the right or left, through an angle of about 15°; then take the second impression: this will do very well for an inanimate object, as a statue; but, if a portrait is required, the camera, after taking the first picture, must be moved either to the right or left, a distance of not more than one-fifth of the distance it stands from the sitter; that is, if the camera is twenty feet from the face of the sitter, the distance between its first and second position should not exceed four feet, otherwise the picture will appear distorted, and the stereosity unnaturally great. Of course it is absolutely necessary in this plan that the sitter do not move his position between the taking of the two impressions, and also that the distance between him and the camera be the same in both operations. {49}
In reply to the very sensible inquiry of Simplicitas, there is an essential difference between the calotype of Talbot and the waxed-paper process, the picture in the first being almost entirely superficial, whilst in the latter it is much more in the body of the paper; this causes the modification of the treatment. A tolerably-strong solution of (A9O NO5) nitrate of silver is required to decompose the (KI) iodide of potassium, with which the paper is saturated, in any reasonable time, but if this were allowed to dry on the surface, stains would be the inevitable result; therefore it is floated in distilled water, to remove this from the surface; and it seems to me that the keeping of the paper depends on the greater or less extent to which this surface-coating is removed. There can be no doubt that the paper would be far more sensitive, if used immediately, without the washing, simply blotting it off; but then the great advantage of the process would be lost, viz. its capability of being kept.
Camera for Out-door Operations.—I should be glad to see a clear description of a camera so constructed as to supersede the necessity for a dark room. Such a description has been promised by Dr. Diamond (Vol. vi., p. 277.); and if he could be induced to furnish it at an early period, I at least, amongst the readers of "N. & Q.," should feel much additionally indebted to him.
(Vol. vi., p. 556.)
This is a very celebrated Gloucestershire ballad, which though at one time popular, is, I believe, rarely heard now. I have before me an old and much mutilated broadside of it, which, at the conclusion, has the initials "L. & B." I presume the words are wanted, and therefore send them; and not knowing whether the tune has been published, will also forward it, if wished for by your querist.
"'Twas on the morn of sweet May-day,
When Nature painted all things gay,
Taught birds to sing, and lambs to play,
And gild the meadows fair;
Young Jockey, early in the morn,
Arose and tript across the lawn;
His Sunday clothes the youth put on,
For Jenny had vow'd away to run
With Jockey to the fair.
For Jenny had vow'd away to run
With Jockey to the fair.
The cheerful parish bells had rung,
With eager steps he trudg'd along,
While rosy garlands round him hung,
Which shepherds us'd to wear;
He tapt the window: 'Haste, my dear;'
Jenny impatient cry'd, 'Who's there?'
''Tis I, my love, and no one near;
Step gently down, you've nought to fear,
With Jockey to the fair.'
Step gently, &c.
'My dad and mammy's fast asleep,
My brother's up, and with the sheep;
And will you still your promise keep,
Which I have heard you swear?
And will you ever constant prove?'
'I will, by all the Powers above,
And ne'er deceive my charming dove.
Dispel those doubts, and haste, my love,
With Jockey to the fair.'
Dispel, &c.
'Behold the ring,' the shepherd cry'd;
'Will Jenny be my charming bride?
Let Cupid be our happy guide,
And Hymen meet us there.'
Then Jockey did his vows renew;
He would be constant, would be true.
His word was pledg'd; away she flew,
With cowslips tipt with balmy dew,
With Jockey to the fair.
With cowslips, &c.
In raptures meet the joyful train;
Their gay companions, blithe and young,
Each join the dance, each join the throng,
To hail the happy pair.
In turns there's none so fond as they,
They bless the kind, propitious day,
The smiling morn of blooming May,
When lovely Jenny ran away
With Jockey to the fair.
When lovely, &c.
(Vol. v., p. 510.)
The crime imputed to the Dutch authorities (that of reducing English subjects to slavery) is of so atrocious a character, that any explanation that should place the matter in a less offensive light, would be but an act of justice to the parties implicated. With this view I venture to submit to Ursula and W. W. the following conclusions which I have arrived at, after a careful consideration of all the circumstances.
I am of opinion that the writer of the letter in question (charging the Dutch Governor with the above mentioned offence) was the officer commanding the troops in the English division of St. Christopher; and, in that capacity, invested with the civil government. At that period, the {50}administration of our West Indian possessions was generally confided to the military commandants: our policy, in that respect, being different from that of the French, who have contrived at all times to maintain, in each of their colonies, an uninterrupted succession of Governors appointed from home.
The name of the Dutch Governor of St. Martin, to whom the letter was addressed, has not been ascertained. He was probably some buccaneering chief, who cared as little for the States-General as he did for the Governor of St. Christopher. If not actually engaged in the piratical enterprises of his countrymen, he certainly had no objection to receive, according to usage, the lion's share of the booty as a reward for his connivance.
It is very doubtful whether the outrage imputed, in this instance, to the Dutch Governor, was perpetrated, or even attempted. The buccaneers, English, French, and Dutch, began by uniting their efforts against the Spaniards. After a time they "fell out" (as thieves will sometimes do), and, turning from the common enemy, they directed their marauding operations against each other. It was doubtless during one of these that the Dutch captured the English ship in question; detaining the passengers and crew at St. Martin, in the hope of extorting some considerable ransom for their release. When, therefore, the English Governor threatened to complain to the States-General of the "reduction to slavery of English subjects," we must presume that, by the words "reducing to slavery," he meant to describe the forcible detention of the passengers and crew; and that, in doing so, he merely resorted to the expedient of magnifying a common act of piracy into an outrage of a more heinous character, with the view of frightening the Dutch authorities into a compliance with his wishes, and obtaining the restitution of the property and subjects of his "dread Sovereigne Lord ye King." The annals of that period are replete with similar adventures; and Labat relates several of them which he witnessed during a voyage to Guadaloupe in a vessel belonging to the French buccaneers. As to the English, the daring exploits of Sir Henry Morgan and his followers, and the encouragement which they received, both at home and in the colonies, show that we were not behind our neighbours in those days of marauding notoriety.
St. Lucia.
Royal Assent, &c. (Vol. vi., p. 556.).—
1. No such forms as those referred to by Clarendon are usual now.
2. The last time the prerogative of rejecting a bill, after passing both Houses of Parliament, was exercised, was in 1692, when William III. refused his assent to the bill for Triennial Parliaments. Two years after, however, he was induced to allow the bill to become the law of the land.
Can Bishops vacate their Sees? (Vol. v., p. 156.).—R. C. C., in his reply to this Query of K. S., writes, that he has never heard of any but Dr. Pearce who wished so to do.
There is another instance in the case of Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne, who, having failed in his attempt to exchange his bishopric for some canonry or headship at Oxford, applied to the Secretary of State for his majesty's permission to resign his bishopric.
So extraordinary a petition excited his majesty's curiosity, and caused his inquiry from whence it came; when, learning that the person was his old acquaintance, Dr. Berkeley, he declared that he should die a bishop in spite of himself, but gave him full power to choose his own place of residence. This was in 1753.
The above is taken from Bp. Mant's History of the Church of Ireland, vol. ii. p. 534.
"Genealogies of the Mordaunt Family," by the Earl of Peterborough (Vol. vi., p. 553.).—Bridges, in his History of Northamptonshire, vol. ii. p. 252., states that twenty-four copies of the work were printed. There is a large paper copy of the work, in the library at Drayton House, the former seat of the Mordaunts, now the property of W.B. Stopford, Esq.
Niágara, or Niagára? (Vol. vi., p. 555.).—An enthusiastic person, of the name of Pemberton (who had spent much time at the Falls, and was so enthusiastic in his admiration of them that he protested he could not keep away from them, and went back and died there), informed me that the proper name was Ni-ágara or aghera,—two Indian words signifying "Hark to the thunder."
Maudlin (Vol. vi., p. 552.).—Your Massachusetts correspondent comes a long way for information which he might surely have obtained on his own side of the Atlantic. Dr. Johnson says, "Maudlin is the corrupt appellation of Magdalen, who is drawn by painters with swollen eyes and disordered look." And do we not know that Magdalene College is always called Maudlin, and that Madeleine is the French orthography? very closely resembling our vernacular pronunciation?
Spiritual Persons employed in Lay Offices (Vol. vi., pp. 376. 567.).—Your correspondents W. and E. H. A. seem to have overlooked the modern instances of this practice, which the London Gazette has recently recorded, in {51}announcing the appointment of several clergymen as deputy-lieutenants. This is an office which is so far of a military character, that it is supposed to place the holder in the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and certainly entitles him to wear a military uniform. If these members of the "church militant" should be presented at Her Majesty's Court in their new appointment, will they appear in their clerical or military habit?
Passage in Burke (Vol. vi., p. 556.).—The reply to Quando Tandem's Query is given, I imagine, by Burke himself, in a passage which occurs only a few lines after that which has been quoted:
"Little did I dream that she should ever be obliged to carry the sharp antidote against disgrace concealed in that bosom."
This means, I suppose, that Marie Antoinette carried a dagger, with which, more Romano, she would have committed suicide, had her brutal persecutors assaulted her.
Ensake and Cradock Arms (Vol. vi., p. 533.).—In a pedigree of the family of Barnwell, of Cransley in Northamptonshire, now before me, I find emblazoned the arms of Ensake: Paly of six azure and or, on a bend sable three mullets pierced. Cradock: Argent, three boars' heads couped sable armed or.
Sich House (Vol. vi., pp. 363. 568.).—Sike or syke, a word in common use in the south of Scotland, and on the Border, meaning a small water run. In Jamieson's Dictionary it is spelt "Sike, syik, syk, a rill or rivulet; one that is usually dry in summer; a small stream or rill; a marshy bottom with a small stream in it."
Americanisms so called (Vol. vi., p. 554.).—The word bottom, signifying a piece of low ground, whether upon a stream of water or not, is English. I recollect two places at this moment (both dry), in the county of Surrey, to which the word is applied, viz. Smitham Bottom, to the north of Reigate, through which the railway runs; and Boxhill Bottom, a few miles to the westward, in the same range of chalk hills.
Sparse and sparsely, it is said by Uneda of Philadelphia, are Americanisms. This, however, is not so. There is a Query on the word sparse in Vol. i., p. 215. by C. Forbes: and on p. 251. of the same volume J. T. Stanley supposes it to be an Americanism, on the authority of the Penny Cyclopædia.
I have a strong conviction that I then wrote to "N. & Q." to claim the word sparse as aboriginal to the British Isles, for I find memoranda I had made at the time on the margin of my Jamieson's Dictionary on the subject; but I do not find that what I then wrote had been printed in "N. & Q."
In the Supplement to Jamieson's Dictionary is the following: "Spars, Sparse, adj. widely spread; as, 'sparse writing' is wide open writing, occupying a large space." The word is in common use throughout the south of Scotland.
I have come to be of opinion that there are few, if any, words that are real Americanisms, but that (except where the substance or the subject is quite modern) almost every word and expression now in use among the Anglo-Americans may be traced to some one of the old provincial dialects of the British Isles.
The Folger Family (Vol. vi., p. 583.).—I do not know whether there are any of that name in Wales, but there was a family of that name near Tregony in Cornwall some years ago, and may be now. I am not quite certain whether they spell it Folger or Fulger, but rather think the latter was the mode of spelling it.
Wake Family (Vol. vi., p. 290.).—The Rev. Robert Wake was vicar of Ogbourne, St. Andrew, Wilts, from 1703 to 1715, N.S., during which time he had these children:—Thomas, born the 17th of July, 1706, and baptized on the 28th of the same month; Elizabeth and Anne, both baptized on the 16th of July, 1711.
Camden Town.
Shakspeare's "Twelfth Night" (Vol. vi., p. 584.).—Agreeing with Mr. Singer in his doubts regarding the propriety of changing the word case into face, in the line,—
"When time hath sow'd a grizzle on thy case"—
I would instance a passage in Measure for Measure, where Angelo says—
"O place! O form!
How often dost thou with thy case, thy habit,
Wrench awe from fools," &c.
Electrical Phenomena (Vol. vi., p. 555.).—The case recorded by Adsum is not at all an infrequent one, and the phenomena alluded to have been noticed for a very long period, and are of very common occurrence in dry states of the atmosphere. The following, from Daniel's Introduction to Chemical Philosophy (a most useful work for general readers), will probably explain all that Adsum is desirous of knowing:
"It was first observed by Otto de Guericke and Hawsbee, that the friction of glass and resinous substances not only produced the phenomena which we have just described (those of vitreous and resinous electricity), but, under favourable circumstances, was accompanied by a rustling or crackling noise; and, when the experiment was made in a dark room, by flashes and sparks of light upon their surfaces. When once the attention has been directed to the observation, {52}most persons will find that such phenomena of electrical light are familiar occurrences, and often present themselves in suddenly drawing off from the person a silk stocking, or a flannel waistcoat, or in the friction of long hair by combing. How small a degree of friction is sufficient to excite electricity in the human body, is shown in a striking way by placing a person upon an insulating stool (with glass legs). If in such a position he place his finger upon a gold-leaf electrometer, and another person flip him lightly with a silk handkerchief, the leaves will immediately repel each other" (resinous electricity has been excited).—Page 205. par. 307.
Daubuz Family (Vol. vi., p. 527.).—Where are the descendants of this worthy family (Daubuz)? It may possibly give Mr. Corser a clue to the information he desires, if I tell him that there is a very respectable family of that name in Cornwall. One lives in the neighbourhood of Truro, and a brother is vicar of Creed, near Grampound, Cornwall. The father of these gentlemen was the first of the family, I believe, who resided in Cornwall, where he amassed a large fortune from his connexion with mining speculations.
Lord Nelson (Vol. vi., p. 576.).—I am obliged to Mr. Kersley for giving me an opportunity of reconciling my statement respecting Dr. Scott (Vol. vi., p. 438.) with the inscription on Mr. Burke's monument. Both, I believe, are true. I quote from the Authentic Narrative of the Death of Lord Nelson, by William Beatty, M.D. &c. The copy of this work which is before me has the following in Sir W. Beatty's own handwriting: "To the Rev. Doctor Scott, with every sentiment of regard, by his friend and messmate, the author." In this "narrative," Dr. Scott and Mr. Burke are generally described as personally attending on Lord Nelson from the time of his being brought down into the cockpit. And at p. 50. it is said: "Doctor Scott and Mr. Burke, who had all along sustained the bed under his shoulders," &c.: and again at p. 51. "His lordship breathed his last at thirty minutes past four o'clock: at which period Dr. Scott was in the act of rubbing his lordship's breast, and Mr. Burke supporting the bed under his shoulders." All this is represented in West's beautiful picture, which hangs, in a bad light, in the hall of Greenwich Hospital.
There is another claimant for the honour of having been Nelson's last nurse, whose name I forget. His pretensions are recorded on a tablet to his memory in the chapel of Greenwich Hospital. Dr. Scott's daughter, who was with me there one day, remonstrated on the subject with old blue jacket who lionised us. And I put in the lady's right to speak with some authority. But "what is writ is writ," was enough for our guide: we could make nothing of him, for he fought our arguments as if they had been so many guns of the enemy.
Robes and Fees in the Days of Robin Hood (Vol. vi., p. 479.).—In translating the ordinances and statutes against maintainers and conspirators, Mr. Lewellyn Curtis more than once translates "gentz de pais," by "persons of peace." This is a material error: it should be "of the country;" "pays," not "paix." For the subject referred to, Mr. Foss's Judges of England, vol. iii., should be consulted.
Wray (Vol. iv., p. 164.).—In one of the Wray pedigrees in Burke's Landed Gentry, it is stated that the Yorkshire family of that name originally resided in Coverdale in Richmondshire.
In Clarkson's History of Richmond is a pedigree of the "Wrays," which commences (if I rightly recollect) with an ancestor (six or eight years before him) of Sir Christopher Wray, of whose fore-elders, some lived at St. Nicholas, near to Richmond.
I have traced a family of the name of Wray or Wraye for three centuries back, in Wensleydale, and at Coverham in Coverdale (both in Richmondshire), but am unable to connect it by direct evidence with either of the pedigrees above referred to; and should be much obliged for any information touching any part of the family in Richmondshire, particularly such as might aid in showing the relation of the several branches to one another.
With reference to the origin of the name, I may mention, that there is a valley called Raydale, between Wensleydale and Craven, adjacent to Coverdale and also a village in Westmoreland, near to the western extremity of Wensleydale, called Wray or Ray.
The arms of the Wensleydale Wrays are: azure, a chevron ermine between three helmets proper on a chief or, three martlets gules; crest a martlet, and motto "Servabo fidem."
I am informed that there is to be found, in the Heralds' College, an entry of a Wray pedigree with these arms; and I should be glad to have particulars of such entry.
The motto of the St. Nicholas family is, to the best of my recollection, "Et juste et vraye:" a canting motto, as is that of
Irish Rhymes (Vol. vi., pp. 431. 539. 605.).—For the benefit of Irishmen, I beg to adduce Shakspeare as a writer of Irish Rhymes. In that exquisite little song called for by Queen Catharine, "to soothe her soul grown sad with troubles," we have:
"Everything that heard him play,
Even the billows of the sea."
We have received a copy of Notes and Emendations on the Text of Shakspeare's Plays from Early Manuscript Corrections in a Copy of the Folio in the Possession of J. Payne Collier, Esq., F.S.A., forming a Supplemental Volume to the Works of Shakspeare, by the same Editor, in Eight Volumes, 8vo. With the nature of this volume the readers of "N. & Q." are already so fully acquainted, from the frequent references which have been made to it in these columns, that on this occasion we feel that we need do little more than record its publication, and the fact that it appears to be edited with the same scrupulous care, for which all works which appeared under the superintendence of Mr. Collier are invariably distinguished. That all the critics will agree either with the MS. corrections, or with Mr. Collier in his estimate of the value of the emendations, is not to be expected; but all will acknowledge that he has done good service to Shakspearian literature by their publication.
"The New Year," observes The Athenæum, "opens with some announcements of promise in our own literary world. Mr. Bentley announces the Memorials and Correspondence of Charles James Fox, on which the late Lord Holland was understood to be so long engaged. The work, however, is now to be edited by Lord John Russell, and to extend to two volumes octavo. The same publisher promises a history, in one large volume, of 'The Administration of the East India Company,' by Mr. Kaye, author of the 'History of the War in Affghanistan;' and a 'History (in two volumes octavo) of the Colonial Policy of the British Empire from 1847 to 1851,' by the present Earl Grey.—The fifth and concluding volume of 'The Letters of the Earl of Chesterfield,' including some new letters now first published from the original MSS., under the editorship, as before, of Lord Mahon, will, we believe, shortly appear.—Two volumes of 'Letters of the Poet Gray,' so often announced by Mr. Bentley, are to come out at last during the present season. They will be edited by the Rev. J. Mitford, author of 'The Life of Gray.'—Nor is Mr. Murray without his usual attractive bill of fare for the literary appetite. The Lowe Papers, left in a mass of confusion at the death of Sir Harris Nicolas, are now nearly ready; and the St. Helena Life of Napoleon will appear, it is said, for the first time, as far as Sir Hudson Lowe is concerned, in its true light. The Castlereagh Papers (now in Mr. Murray's hands) will include matter of moment connected with the Congress of Vienna, the Battle of Waterloo, and the occupation of Paris. The same publisher announces The Speeches of the Duke of Wellington (to which we called attention some time back):—also a work by Mr. George Campbell, called 'India as it may be,'—and another by Captain Elphinstone Erskine about the Western Pacific and Feejee Islands.—The Messrs. Longman announce a Private Life of Daniel Webster, by his late Private Secretary, Mr. Charles Lanman—and a new work by Signor Mariotti, 'An Historical Memoir of Fra Dolcino and his Times.'—Mr. Bohn will have ready in a few days 'Yule-Tide Legends,' a collection of Scandinavian Tales and Tradition, edited by B. Thorpe, Esq.—Messrs. Hurst and Blackett—whose names now take the place of Mr. Colburn's, as his successors—are about to publish Memoirs of the Court and Cabinets of George the Third, to be compiled from original family documents by the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos."
We need scarcely remind the Fellows of the Society of Antiquaries who may have in their minds suggestions for the improvement of the Society, how desirable it is that they should bring those suggestions at once under the consideration of the Committee just appointed. We are sure that all such as are submitted to Mr. Hawkins and his colleagues will receive every attention; and we trust that the Committee will at once proceed to their task, so that the Society may have time to well consider their Report before the Anniversary in April.
Books Received.—Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, by various Writers. Edited by William Smith. Part V. The new issue of this most useful work extends from Campi Raudii to Cimolus.—Cyclopædia Bibliographica, a Library Manual of Theological and General Literature, Analytical, Bibliographical, and Biographical. Part IV. of this useful guide for authors, preachers, students, and literary men, extends from Henry Bull to Isaac Chauncy.—The Journal of Sacred Literature. New Series. Edited by Dr. Kitto. No. VI.—Swift and Richardson, by Lord Jeffrey, is the new Number of Longman's Traveller's Library.—The Goose Girl at the Well, &c., completes the interesting collection of Grimm's Household Stories.—The Shakspeare Repository is the first Number of a work especially devoted to Shakspeare, containing a great variety of matter illustrative of his life and writings, by J. H. Fennell.—The Chess Player's Chronicle, the first Number of which professes and appears to be an improved series of this indispensable Chess Player's companion.
Lud. Guicciardini's Descrip. Belgii.
Rastall's Exposition of Words.
The Gentleman's Magazine for January 1851.
Ben Jonson's Works. (London, 1716. 6 Vols.) Vol. II. wanted.
The Pursuit of Knowledge. (Original Edition.) Vol. I.
Rapin's History of England, 8vo. Vols. I., III. and V. of the Continuation by Tindal. 1744.
Sharpe's Prose Writers. Vol. IV. 21 Vols. 1819. Piccadilly.
Inchbald's British Theatre. Vol. XXIV. 25 Vols. Longman.
Meyrick's Ancient Armour, by Skelton. Part XVI.
Donne, Βιαθάνατος, 4to. First Edition, 1644.
——— ——— ——— Second Edition, 1648.
—— Pseudo-Martyr. 4to.
—— Paradoxes, Problems, and Essays, &c. 12mo. 1653.
—— Essays in Divinity. 12mo. 1651.
—— Sermons on Isaiah l. 1.
Pope's Works, by Warton. Vol. IX. 1797. In boards.
Percy Society Publications. No. 94. Three copies.
Memoirs of the Duchess of Abrantes. (Translation.) 8 vols. 8vo. Bentley.
Poems of "Alasdair Mac Mhaighstir Alasdair" MacDonald.
Smith's Collectanea Antiqua. 2 vols. 8vo.; or Vol. I.
Brewster's Memoir of Rev. Hugh Moises, M.A., Master of Newcastle Grammar School.
Religio Militis; or Christianity for the Camp. Longmans, 1826.
*** Correspondents sending Lists of Books Wanted are requested to send their names.
*** Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. Bell, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.
Notices to Correspondents.—In our early Numbers we inserted an address to Correspondents, in which we observed, "Correspondents will see, on a very little reflection, that it is plainly the Editor's interest to take all he can get, and make the most and the best of everything; and therefore he begs them to take for granted that their communications are received and appreciated, even if the succeeding Numbers bear no proof of it. He is convinced that the want of specific acknowledgment will only be felt by those who have no idea of the labour and difficulty attendant on the hurried management of such a work, and of the impossibility of sometimes giving an explanation, when there really is one which would quite satisfy the writer, for the delay or non-insertion of his communication. Correspondents in such cases have no reason, and, if they understood an Editor's position, they would feel that they have no right, to consider themselves undervalued: but nothing short of personal experience in editorship would explain to them the perplexities and evil consequences arising from the opposite course." We have thought well to repeat this general explanation because we have this week received two inquiries respecting the non-insertion of communications, neither party giving us his name nor the subject of the non-inserted communication.
H. H. H.'s (Ashburton) letter has been forwarded to Dr. Diamond. It is not the first by many which we have received expressive of the writer's thanks for his valuable Photographic Papers.
Alpha complains in so generous a spirit that we regret we cannot agree with him. We assure him that, on the first point on which he writes, he is the only one who has so written, while we have had dozens of letters of thanks; and he will see in the present No. (antè, p. 34.) the value of the art recognised by a gentleman under whose notice it would probably never have been brought in a purely scientific journal. The second suggestion is one to which we, and many of our brethren of the Press, have turned our attention frequently, but hitherto unsuccessfully. The difficulties are greater than Alpha imagines.
T. W. U. Keye. Will our Correspondent favour us with particulars?
Enquirer cannot do better than follow the directions for the Paper Process given by Dr. Diamond in our last Number. We hope soon to be able to give him satisfactory information on the other points of his communication.
The Index and Title-page to our Sixth Volume will be ready for delivery on Saturday next.
A neat case for holding the Numbers of "Notes and Queries," until the completion of each Volume, is now ready, price 1s. 6d., and may be had, by order, of all Booksellers and Newsmen.
Erratum. In the Number of last week the passage from the Septuagint quoted at p. 14. ought to have stood thus: "γέγραπται δε, ἀυτόν πάλιν ἀγαστήσεσθαι μεθ' ὧν ὁ Κύριος ἀνίστησιν."—Cambridge edition of 1665.
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MR. PAYNE COLLIER'S Volume of Notes and Emendations on the Text of SHAKSPEARE, derived from the unpublished and highly important manuscript corrections, made by a cotemporary, in the Folio Edition of 1632, will be ready on the 11th instant for delivery to the Subscribers who have paid their Subscription for the year ending December, 1852, at the Agents', MR. SKEFFINGTON, 192. Piccadilly.
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"Pleasant meadows, happy peasants, all holy monks, all holy priests, holy every body. Such charity and such unity, when every man was a Catholic. I once believed in this Utopia myself, but when tested by stern facts, it all melts away like dream."—A. Welby Pugin.
"The revelations made by such writers as Mr. Meyrick in Spain and Mr. Gladstone in Italy, have at least vindicated for the Church of England a providential and morally defined position, mission, and purpose in the Catholic Church."—Morning Chronicle.
"Two valuable works ... to the truthfulness of which we are glad to add our own testimony: one, and the most important, is Mr. Meyrick's 'Practical Working of the Church of Spain.' This is the experience—and it is the experience of every Spanish traveller—of a thoughtful person, as to the lamentable results of unchecked Romanism. Here is the solid substantial fact. Spain is divided between ultra-infidelity and what is so closely akin to actual idolatry, that it can only be controversially, not practically, distinguished from it: and over all hangs a lurid cloud of systematic immorality, simply frightful to contemplate. We can offer a direct, and even personal, testimony to all that Mr. Meyrick has to say."—Christian Remembrancer.
"I wish to recommend it strongly."—T. K. Arnold's Theological Critic.
"Many passing travellers have thrown more or less light upon the state of Romanism and Christianity in Spain, according to their objects and opportunities; but we suspect these 'workings' are the fullest, the most natural, and the most trustworthy, of anything that has appeared upon the subject since the time of Blanco White's Confessions."—Spectator.
"This honest exposition of the practical working of Romanism in Spain, of its everyday effects, not its canons and theories, deserves the careful study of all, who, unable to test the question abroad, are dazzled by the distant mirage with which the Vatican mocks many a yearning soul that thirsts after water-brooks pure and full."—Literary Gazette.
JOHN HENRY PARKER, Oxford; and 377. Strand, London.
TO PHOTOGRAPHERS.—MR. PHILIP DELAMOTTE begs to announce that he has now made arrangements for printing Calotypes in large or small quantities, either from Paper or Glass Negatives. Gentlemen who are desirous of having good impressions of their works, may see specimens of Mr. Delamotte's Printing at his own residence, 38. Chepstow Place, Bayswater, or at
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PHOTOGRAPHIC PICTURES.—A Selection of the above beautiful Productions may be seen at BLAND & LONG'S, 153. Fleet Street, where may also be procured Apparatus of every Description, and pure Chemicals for the practice of Photography in all its Branches.
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Prepared solely by R. W. THOMAS, Chemist, &c., 10. Pall Mall.
PHOTOGRAPHY.—Collodion (Iodized with the Ammonio-Iodide of Silver).—J. B. HOCKIN & CO., Chemists, 289. Strand, were the first in England who published the application of this agent (see Athenæum, Aug. 14th). Their Collodion (price 9d. per oz.) retains its extraordinary sensitiveness, tenacity, and colour unimpaired for months: it may be exported to any climate, and the Iodizing Compound mixed as required. J. B. HOCKIN & CO. manufacture PURE CHEMICALS and all APPARATUS with the latest Improvements adapted for all the Photographic and Daguerreotype processes. Cameras for Developing in the open Country. GLASS BATHS adapted to any Camera. Lenses from the best Makers. Waxed and Iodized Papers, &c.
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE for JANUARY 1853, which is the First Number of a New Volume, contains the following articles:—
1. King Charles I. in the Isle of Wight.
2. Original Letters of Benjamin Franklin.
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6. The Cloister Life of Charles V.
7. The Hill Intrenchments on the Borders of Wales, by T. Wright, F.S.A. (with Engravings).
8. Report of the Cambridge University Commission.
9. Correspondence of Sylvanus Urban:—1. Pictures of the Immaculate Conception. 2. The Relic of St. Mary Axe. 3. Harley Church, Salop. 4. Etymology of the word Many.
With Notes of the Month, Reviews of New Publications, Historical Chronicle, and Obituary, including Memoirs of the Earl of Shrewsbury, Countess of Lovelace, Sir J. J. Guest, Miss Berry, Professor Empson, Mr. Serjeant Halcomb, &c. &c.
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VALUABLE BOOKS, CHEAP.—1. Kramer's Strabo, 3 vols. 8vo., best ed., 1844-52. 25s. 2. Adelung's Mithridates, 4 vols. 8vo., 1806-17, 25s. 3. Sismondi, Histoire des Français, 18 vols. 8vo., complete, 1847-49, 3l. 3s. 4. Carr's Glossary of the Craven Dialect in Yorkshire, 2 vols. 8vo., 1828, cloth, 9s. 5. Goethe's Werke, 55 vols. in 27, 18mo., Stuttgart, 1828, 2l. 10s. 6. Oliphant's Musa Madrigalesca, a collection of Madrigals, Ballets, of the Elizabethan Age, 8vo., 1837, cloth, 5s. 7. Müller's Ancient Art and its Remains, a Manual of the Archæology of Art, best edition, 8vo., 1852 (published at 18s.), cloth, 10s. 8. Ulphila's Gothic Text, with Grammar and Vocabulary, 2 vols. in 1, royal 8vo., Passau, 1849, hf.-morocco, 8s. 6d. 9. Rask's Anglo-Saxon Grammar, 8vo., 1830, hlf.-calf, 10s. 10. Müller, Collectanea Anglo-Saxonica, cum Vocabulario, 12mo., 1835, hf. bound, 3s. 6d. 11. Poèmes des Bardes Bretons du VI. S. in Breton and French, by Villemarqué, 8vo., 1850, 448 pp. 9s. 12. Fables de Lokman, par Cherbonneau, in Arabic, and Two French translations, with the pronunciation, 12mo., 1846, 3s. 13. Armorial Universel par Curmer, 2 vols. impl. 8vo., 1844-48, numerous Coats of Arms, some emblazoned, 25s. 14. Legonidec, Dictionnare Celto-Breton et Français, 2 vols. 4to., best edition, complete, with the Grammar, St. Brieux, 1847-50, sd. 32s. 15. Tesoro de los Romanceros y Cancioneros Espanoles, 4to., Barcelona, 1840, sd. 9s.
Sold by BERNARD QUARITCH, 16. Castle Street, Leicester Square.
*** B. QUARITCH'S Catalogue of Oriental Books and Manuscripts, comprising the valuable libraries of the Rev. W. Morton of Calcutta, and of the late Earl Mount Norris of Arley Castle, Staffs., is just published, and may be had Gratis.
KERR & STRANG, Perfumers and Wig-Makers, 124. Leadenhall Street, London, respectfully inform the Nobility and Public that they have invented and brought to the greatest perfection the following leading articles, besides numerous others:—Their Ventilating Natural Curl; Ladies and Gentlemen's PERUKES, either Crops or Full Dress, with Partings and Crowns so natural as to defy detection, and with or without their improved Metallic Springs; Ventilating Fronts, Bandeaux, Borders, Nattes, Bands à la Reine, &c.; also their instantaneous Liquid Hair Dye, the only dye that really answers for all colours, and never fades nor acquires that unnatural red or purple tint common to all other dyes; it is permanent, free of any smell, and perfectly harmless. Any lady or gentleman, sceptical of its effects in dyeing any shade of colour, can have it applied, free of any charge, at KERR & STRANG'S, 124. Leadenhall Street.
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Now ready, in Seven Volumes, medium 4to., cloth, pp. 4,167, Price Fourteen Guineas,
From the Original of the Four Masters, from the earliest Historic Period to the Conclusion in 1616; consisting of the Irish Text from the Original MSS., and an English Translation, with copious Explanatory Notes, an Index of Names, and an Index of Places, by JOHN O'DONOVAN, Esq., LL.D., Barrister at Law; Professor of the Celtic Language, Queen's College, Belfast.
Extract from the Dublin Review.
"We can but hope, within the limited space at our disposal, to render a scanty and imperfect measure of justice to a work of such vast extent and varied erudition.... We would beg the reader, if he be disposed to doubt our opinion, to examine almost every single page out of the four thousand of which the work consists, in order that he may learn the true nature and extent of Mr. O'Donovan's editorial labours. Let him see the numberless minute verbal criticisms; the elaborate topographical annotations with which each page is loaded; the historical, genealogical, and biographical notices; the lucid and ingenious illustrations, drawn from the ancient laws, customs, traditions and institutions of Ireland; the parallelisms and discrepancies of the narrative with that of other annalists, both native and foreign; the countless authorities which are examined and adjusted; the errors which are corrected; the omissions and deficiencies supplied; in a word, the curious and various learning which is everywhere displayed. Let him remember the mines from which all those treasures have been drawn are, for the most part, unexplored; that the materials thus laudably applied to the illustration of the text are in great part manuscripts which Ussher and Ware, even Waddy and Colgen, not to speak of Lynch and Lanigan, had never seen, or left unexamined; many of them in a language which is to a great extent obsolete."
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Dublin: HODGES & SMITH, Grafton Street, Booksellers to the University.
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125. Fleet Street, London, Jan. 1. 1853.
One Hundred Days' Sale of Books and other Property.
MR. L.A. LEWIS, Auctioneer of Literary Property (Established 1825, without change of name or firm), will have SALES by AUCTION of LIBRARIES, SMALL PARCELS of BOOKS, EARLY DUPLICATES of CIRCULATING LIBRARIES, EDITOR'S BOOKS, PRINTS, PICTURES, and MISCELLANEOUS EFFECTS every Week throughout the present year, on the under-named days. Property sent in not later than the previous Friday will be certain to be sold (if required) in the following week.
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On FRIDAY, 25th, and SATURDAY, 26th of February.
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On SATURDAY, 12th of March.
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On SATURDAY, 16th of April.
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on FRIDAY, 12th, and SATURDAY, 13th of August.
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On FRIDAY, 23rd, and SATURDAY, 24th of December.
On FRIDAY, 30th, and SATURDAY, 31st of December.
MR. L. A. LEWIS will also have occasional Sales of Printing and Book-binding Materials, Household Furniture, and General Effects.
CLASSICAL EDUCATION IN FRANCE.—A married gentleman, of literary habits, a graduate and repeated prizeman of Cambridge, who has resided many years in France, receives into his family THREE PUPILS, to whom with his own younger son he devotes the whole of his time. There are now vacancies: terms, including masters for French, German, and Drawing, 100 guineas per annum.
Address H. I. D., at MR. BELL'S, 186. Fleet Street.
(The Horticultural Part edited by PROF. LINDLEY)
Of Saturday, January 1, contains Articles on
Agriculture, progress of
Apple, golden pippin
Birds, destructive, by Messrs. Hardy
Calendar, Horticultural
Carrots, cattle
Cement for stoneware
Chicory, to roast
College, Cirencester, sessional examination at
Drains, stoppage of, by Mr. Sherrard
Eau de lessive
Emigrant, the, Rev.
Fairclough's (Mr.) farm
Farm valuation, by Mr. Morton
Farming, the year's experience in, by the Rev. L. Vernon Harcourt
Flowers, florist, by Mr. Edwards
Fruits, Syrian
Gardenia Fortuni
Gift Hall farm, cheese-making at
Grapes, Red Hamburgh, by Mr. Thompson
Hort. Society's Garden
Land question
Lanktree's Elements of Land Valuation, Rev.
Larch, durability of, by Mr. Patterson
Melons in St. Michael's, by Mr. Wallace
Mushrooms, by Mr. Massey
Nuts, cedar
Plough, drain
Primula sinensis
Rabbits, rearing of
Reptiles, temperature of, by M. Aug. Duméril
Reviews, miscellaneous
Roots, curious instances of formation of, by Mr. Booth (with engraving)
Societies, Proceedings of the Caledonian; Horticultural; Fylde Agricultural
St. Michael's, melons in, by Mr. Wallace
Statistics, agricultural, by Dr. Mackenzie
Tanks, water
Tree-lifter, M‘Glashen's
Turnips, Lois Weedon
—— at Kettering
Wardian cases
Wind gauge.
THE GARDENERS' CHRONICLE and AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE contains, in addition to the above, the Covent Garden, Mark Lane, Smithfield, and Liverpool prices, with returns from the Potato, Hop, Hay, Coal, Timber, Bark, Wool, and Seed Markets, and a complete Newspaper, with a condensed account of all the transactions of the week.
ORDER of any Newsvender. OFFICE for Advertisements, 5. Upper Wellington Street, Covent Garden, London.
Printed by Thomas Clark Shaw, of No. 8. New Street Square, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by George Bell, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid.—Saturday, January 8. 1853.
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