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[Illustration: S. J. Quinn]


Prepared and printed by authority of the
Common Council thereof,
under the direction of its Committee on
Publication, consisting of the following
Councilmen: H. B. Lane, Wm. E.
Bradley and S. W. Somerville

S. J. QUINN, Historian

The Hermitage Press, Inc.
Richmond, Va.

Copyright, 1908,
On all original matter herein,
H. B. Lane, Chairman of History Committee,
for the City of Fredericksburg, Va.




_To Messrs. H. B. Lane, Wm. E. Bradley and Prof. S. W. Somerville,
Committee on History of the Common Council_:

GENTLEMEN--When I was requested by your predecessors to write a history of
Fredericksburg, I regarded it as quite an honor, and in the discharge of
the duty I have found great pleasure. Not that the material needed was
ready at hand and the task was easy, but because I found so many of the
best of our citizens eager to assist in getting the material together,
that had been laid away for ages, and placing it at my disposal. Moreover,
their kind words very much encouraged me, and I wish I could here record
their names, but as it might not be proper, I take much pleasure in
extending to them my grateful thanks.

The records concerning the town reach back only to the close of the
Revolutionary war. If Major Lawrence Smith, who constructed the fort and
governed the settlers by military law or "as a county court might do,"
ever kept any records of his acts, we have been unable to find them, and
the same is true of the Trustees who had the management of the town from
the time it was "laid out by law," until it was chartered by the
Legislature of Virginia. Therefore, much that is found in the following
pages in reference to "the olden time," came from families who had
preserved it in various forms for many generations.

In presenting this history it is not claimed that all is said about
Fredericksburg that could have been said or that incidents have not been
related as others have heard them, but it is believed that all important
events have been referred to and incidents given as they have been related
to us by those well informed and who were regarded as authority on such
matters. Nor is there any claim made for originality. The book is intended
to be a history of Fredericksburg, and "history is a narration of facts
and events which may be given chronologically or topically," therefore we
have written in the main what others have spoken and have disregarded
chronology and even the arrangement of subjects. But it is believed that
the arrangement herein is probably best adapted to impress the reader with
the splendid history of the town and the magnificent achievements of her
sons and those men of fame who sprang from her immediate vicinity.

It is believed this book will be welcomed by all citizens and their
friends, whether those friends be former residents or descendants of such,
or those veteran soldiers on either side of the late Civil Contest who
performed such gallant deeds upon our hills and within our valleys. No
soldier of either army--the Army of the Potomac or the Army of Northern
Virginia--can ever forget Fredericksburg. It was in the four great battles
fought in and around Fredericksburg that he won imperishable glory as an
American soldier, that name which to-day is written on the highest
pinnacle of military fame.

No living citizen, or the descendant of such noble sires, wheresoever
dispersed, can ever forget the town or lineage from which he sprang. None
such can ever fail to appreciate those citizens, who, in the most trying
times, and under the most adverse circumstances, were conspicuous for
their love and loyalty, suffering and sacrifice, daring and doing for home
and country.

Let their deeds and sacrifices be preserved for imitation of future
generations, which is one of the objects of this book.

  Very respectfully,
    S. J. QUINN.


                                   Facing Page

  Baptist Church                           132

  Butterfield Monument                     288

  Capt. S. J. Quinn               _Frontispiece_

  Catholic Church                          272

  Chancellorsville Tavern                   82

  Charity School                           232

  Christian Church                         240

  Church of God                            304

  City Hall                                192

  Com. M. F. Maury                         320

  Confederate Cemetery                     122

  Confederate Monument                     264

  Court House                               22

  Eagle Hotel                              182

  Entrance to Confederate Cemetery         222

  Entrance to National Cemetery            256

  Exchange Hotel                           172

  Federal Hill                              32

  Fire Department                          232

  First Mayor's Residence                  182

  Forsythe's Birthplace                    102

  Fredericksburg College                   172

  Fredericksburg from Marye's Heights       12

  Fredericksburg from Stafford Heights      12

  Free Bridge                               22

  Free Lance--Star Office                  248

  Hon. Montgomery Slaughter                 72

  Jackson Monument                         202

  Kenmore                                  212

  Marye Mansion                            328

  Mary Washington House                     32

  Mary Washington Monument                  52

  Masonic Lodge                            222

  Meditation Rock                          152

  Mercer Monument                           92

  Methodist Church                         162

  M. W. M. Lodge                           142

  Old Planters' Hotel                      296

  Opera House                              296

  Postoffice                               280

  Power Dam                                152

  Presbyterian Church                      162

  Presbyterian Memorial Chapel              62

  Public School                            288

  Remarkable Tombstone                     264

  R., F. & P. R. R. Bridge                 312

  Rising Sun Tavern                         52

  Section Stone Wall                       112

  Sentry Box                               102

  Shiloh Church, N. S.                     304

  Shiloh Church, O. S.                     272

  Stevens House                            192

  St. George's Church                       62

  Stone House                               92

  Sunken Road                               82

  Superintendent's Lodge                   256

  Trinity Church                           240

  Trustees' Office                         112

  Union House                              212

  View on Princess Anne St.                 42

  Wallace Library                          142

  Water Power Office                       328

  Wm. Paul's Gravestone                    280


    Captain John Smith Explores the Rappahannock River--The
    Flight of Pocahontas--Major Lawrence Smith's Fort--Governor
    Spotswood's Miners at Germanna,                                     11

    The Knights of the Golden Horse Shoe--Governor Spotswood's
    Expedition over the Blue Ridge Mountains,                           27

    Fredericksburg Incorporated by the House of Burgesses--Col.
    Byrd Walks about Town--A Church Building Erected--Rev.
    Patrick Henry Rector--Augustine Washington a Town Trustee--
    Stock Fairs Inaugurated--Limits of the Town Extended,               37

    Encouraging Home Industries--Further Extension of the
    Town--Tobacco Inspectors Appointed--Modes of Punishing
    Criminals--Prosperity--Military Ardor--Under the United
    States Government--A New Order of Things,                           46

    Lease of the Market-House Lots--The First Serious Fire--
    Fredericksburg an Important Center--An Act Concerning
    Elections--Half of the Town Destroyed by Fire--
    Fredericksburg an Important Postal Point--How the Mails
    were Carried--A Congressional Investigation--Amendatory
    Acts of 1821--The Great Fire of 1822--The Trade of the
    Town--Contagious Diseases--The Town in 1841--Acts of
    Extension, 1851, 1852, 1858, 1861,                                  57

    The War Clouds Gather--Fredericksburg in the Southern
    Confederacy--Troops Raised and Equipped--Town Surrendered
    to Federal Authorities--Citizens Arrested and Held as
    Hostages--Thrilling Evacuating Scenes--Citizens Flee from
    their Homes--Bombardment of the Town,                               71

    The Great Battle--The Town Sacked by Soldiers--The Federals
    Recross the River--A Great Revival of Religion--The Battle
    of Chancellorsville--Gen. Sedgwick Captures the Town--The
    Wilderness Campaign--Many Noncombatant Citizens Arrested
    and Imprisoned--A Statement by the Council--The Citizens
    and Federal Soldiers Released,                                      90

    The Armies Transferred to Richmond and Petersburg--Gen. Lee
    Surrenders his Army--Citizens Return Home--Action of the
    City Council--Fredericksburg Again Under the Old Flag--The
    Assassination of President Lincoln Denounced--
    Reconstruction Commenced--An Election Set Aside by the
    Military--All Civil Offices Set Aside and Strangers
    Appointed--The Financial Condition of the Town--The Town
    Again in the Hands of its Citizens--Splendid Financial
    Showing,                                                           107

    The Courts of Fredericksburg--The Freedman's Bureau--Court
    Orders and Incidents--First Night Watch Appointed--
    Ministers Qualify to Perform Marriage Ceremony--First
    Notary Public--Fixing the Value of Bank Notes--Prison
    Bounds for Debtors--Church Buildings,                              123

    Public Buildings--Court House--The Jail--Town Hall--Fire
    Department--School Buildings--Wallace Library--Normal
    School--Government Building,                                       136

    Ancient and Historical Buildings--Mary Washington
    Monument--General Mercer's Statue--Mary Washington's Will,         148

    Hotels of the Town, old and new--Agricultural Fairs and
    Toll Bridges--Care of the Dependent Poor--City Water
    Works--City Gas Works--Electric Light--Telephone Company--
    Fire Department,                                                   164

    Volunteer Militia--The Confederate Cemetery--The National
    Cemetery--The Confederate Veterans--The Sons of Confederate
    Veterans--The Schools, Private and Public,                         182

    The Churches of Fredericksburg,                                    202

    Charitable and Benevolent Societies--Mary Washington
    Hospital--Newspapers and Periodicals--Political
    Excitement--Strong Resolutions Against the Administration--
    An Address Approving the President's Foreign Policy--The
    Names of Those who Signed the Address,                             217

    Distinguished Men Buried in Fredericksburg--A Remarkable
    Grave Stone--Three Heroic Fredericksburgers, Wellford,
    Herndon, Willis--The Old Liberty Bell Passes Through Town--
    Great Demonstration in its Honor--What a Chinaman Thought
    of it,                                                             235

    Visits of Heroes--Gala Days--The Army of the Society of the
    Potomac Enters the Town,                                           251

    The Society of the Army of the Potomac Continued--Welcome
    Address--Laying a Corner Stone,                                    263

    Doctor Walker's Expedition--Bacon's Rebellion, so-called--
    The Fredericksburg Declaration--The Great Orator--
    Resolutions of Separation--The Virginia Bill of Rights,            280

    Declaration of Separation--The Declaration of
    Independence--Washington Commander-in-Chief of the Armies--
    John Paul Jones Raises the First Flag--First to Throw the
    Stars and Stripes to the Breeze--Fredericksburg Furnishes
    the Head of the Army and Navy--The Constitution of the
    United States,                                                     292

    The First Proclamation for Public Thanksgiving--
    Pennsylvania Whiskey Rebellion--John Marshall and the
    Supreme Court--Religious Liberty--The Monroe Doctrine--
    Seven Presidents--Clarke Saves the Great Northwest--The
    Vast Western Territory Explored--The Louisiana Purchase--
    The Florida Purchase--Texas Acquired--The War with Mexico
    and its Rich Results--The Oceans Sounded, Measured and
    Mapped--The Ladies' Memorial Association--The Mary
    Washington Monument--General Mercer's Statue,                      306

    Fredericksburg at Present--The Health of the City--Its
    Financial Solidity--Its Commercial Prosperity--Its Lines of
    Transportation--Its Water Power--Its Official Calendar--
    List of Mayors,                                                    322

  Official Calendar--September 1, 1908                                 333

  Mayors of Fredericksburg in Their Chronological Order                336

HISTORY OF THE City of Fredericksburg, Virginia, FROM ITS Settlement to
the Present Time


    _Capt. John Smith Explores the Rappahannock River--The Flight of
    Pocahontas--Maj. Smith's Fort--Gov. Spotswood's Miners at Germanna._

In what year the white man first set his foot upon the present site of
Fredericksburg is not certainly known. The mind of man, of the present
generation, does not run back to that time, and if the first white visitor
to the place thought it of sufficient importance to make a note of it that
note was not preserved; or, if it was, it is unknown to the present
inhabitants of the town, unless that visitor was Captain John Smith.

It is stated that after John Smith was captured by the Indians, while on
his trip exploring the Chickahominy, his captors marched him through the
country, amid great rejoicing, visiting the Indian towns on the Pamunkey,
Mattapony, Piankitank, Rappahannock and Potomac rivers, but it is not
stated that he was taken as high up the Rappahannock as the falls. This
trip through the country, however, while it was attended with hideous
yells, cheers and all sorts of mournful noises by the excited throng, gave
John Smith some idea of the rich and fertile valleys, the beautiful rivers
that flowed from the mountains, and a desire to explore them if he should
be fortunate enough to get back to the English settlement alive.

For soon after his release, in writing of the discoveries, having already
explored the Chesapeake bay, he says:[1] "There is but one entrance by sea
into this country, and that is at the mouth of a very goodly bay, the
wideness whereof is near eighteen or twenty miles. The cape on the south
is called Cape Henry, in honor of our most noble Prince. The show of the
land there is a white hilly sand like unto the Downes, and along the
shores great plenty of pines and firs. The north cape is called Cape
Charles, in honor of the worthy Duke of York.

"Within is a country that may have the prerogative over the most pleasant
places of Europe, Asia, Africa or America and for large and pleasant
navigable rivers, heaven and earth never agreed better to frame a place
for man's habitation, being of our constitutions, were it fully manured
and inhabited by industrious people. Here are mountains, hills, plains,
valleys, rivers and brooks, all running most pleasantly to a fair bay,
compassed, but for the mouth, with fruitful and delightsome land. In the
bay and rivers are many isles, both great and small, some woody, some
plain, most of them low and not inhabited. This bay lies north and south,
in which the water flows near two hundred miles and has a channel for one
hundred and forty miles of depth betwixt seven and fifteen fathoms,
holding in breadth, for the most part, ten or fifteen miles. From the head
of the bay at the north, the land is mountainous, and so in a manner from
thence by a southwest line. So that the more southward, the further off
from the bay are those mountains, from which fall certain brooks, which
after come to five principal navigable rivers. These run from the
northwest into the southeast, and so into the west side of the bay, where
the fall of every river is within twenty or fifteen miles one of another."

Early in the year of 1608, his life having been saved by Pocahontas, John
Smith made a number of trips, exploring the rivers of this section of
Virginia, entered the mouth of the Rappahannock and, but for an accident
that befell him, might have continued his trip to the falls.

They found fish in abundance in all the streams and, "near the mouth
of the Rappahannock, Smith plunged his sword into a singular fish like a
'thornback,' with a long tail and from it a poisoned sting. In taking it
off it drove the sting into his wrist, producing a torturing pain, and in
a few hours the whole hand, arm and shoulder had swollen so fearfully that
death seemed inevitable. He pointed out a place for his grave, and his
men, with heavy hearts, prepared it. But Dr. Russell applied the probe and
used an oil with such success that Smith was soon well and ate a part of
the same fish for supper."[2]

[Illustration: View of Fredericksburg from Marye's Mansion, showing ground
charged over by Federals in battle 1862. Confederate line at fence. (See
page 91)]

[Illustration: View of Fredericksburg from Stafford Heights, where Federal
guns were located in 1862, showing the old Scott bridge. (See page 171)]

Some writers contend that it was while on this trip that Smith came up the
Rappahannock to the falls and had a battle with the Indians, but this is a
mistake. This trip was commenced on the 20th of June, 1608, and it was
directly after entering the mouth of the river that he saw so many fish in
the clear stream and caught one on the point of his sword; for Russell,
the physician, who accompanied him, says after Smith was thought to have
been fatally poisoned, "having neither surgeon or surgery, but that
preservative oil, we presently set sail for Jamestown. Passing the mouth
of the Piankatank and Pamunkey rivers, the next day we safely arrived at
Kecaughtan."[3] If Smith had been very far up the Rappahannock he could
not have passed the mouth of these two rivers the next day.

The voyage that Smith made, during which he explored the Rappahannock
river to the falls, was commenced on the 24th of July, more than a month
after he entered the mouth of the river and was stung by the fish which
turned him back. As this trip up the river is of great interest, being the
first made by white men, it is here given in full as narrated by Anthony
Bagnall, Powell and Todkill, Smith's companions, who wrote it down at the
time. They say:

"In the discovery of this river, that some called Rappahannock, we were
kindly entertained by the people of Moraughtacund. Here we encountered our
old friend Mosco, a lusty savage of Wighconisco, upon the river Patawomeck
[Potomac]. We supposed him some Frenchman's son because he had a thick,
black, bushy, beard, and the savages seldom have any at all, of which he
was not a little proud to see so many of his countrymen. Wood and water he
would fetch us, guide us any whether; nay, cause divers of his countrymen
help us tow against wind or tide from place to place till we came to

"The next morning we went up the river, [Rappahannock] and our friend
Mosco followed us along the shore, and at last desired to go with us in
our boat. But, as we passed by Pisacack, Matchopeak and Mecuppom, three
towns situated upon high white cliffs; the other side all a low plain
marsh, and the river there but narrow, thirty or forty of the Rapahanocks
had so accommodated themselves with branches, as we took them for little
bushes growing among the sedge, till seeing their arrows strike the
targets and drop in the river; whereat Mosco fell flat in the boat on his
face, crying, the Rapahanocks, which presently we espide to be the bushes,
which, at our first volley fell down in the sedge: when we were near half
a mile from them, they showed themselves dancing and singing very merrily.

"The kings of Pessassack, Nandtaughtacund and Cultatawoman, used us
kindly, and all their people neglected not anything to Mosco to bring us
to them.

"Betwixt Secobeck and Massawteck is a small isle or two which cause the
river to be broader than ordinary; there it pleased God to take one of our
company called Master Fetherstone [Richard Fetherstone, Gent.], that all
the time he had been in this country, had behaved himself honestly,
valiantly and industriously; where in a little bay, called Fetherstone's
bay, we buried him with a volly of shot: the rest, not withstanding their
ill diet and bad lodging crowded in so small a barge, in so many dangers,
never resting, but always tossed to and again, had all well recovered
their healths.

"The next day we sailed so high as our boat would float; there setting up
crosses and graving our names in the trees. Our sentinel saw an arrow fall
by him, though we had ranged up and down more than an hour, in digging in
the earth, looking of stones, herbs and springs, not seeing where a savage
could well hide himself.

"Upon the alarm, by that we had recovered our arms there was about an
hundred nimble Indians skipping from tree to tree, letting fly their
arrows so fast as they could; the trees here served us as baricades as
well as they. But Mosco did us more service than we expected; for having
shot away his quiver of arrows he ran to the boat for more. The arrows of
Mosco at the first made them pause upon the matter, thinking by his bruit
and skipping, there were many savages. About half an hour this continued,
then they all vanished as suddenly as they approached. Mosco followed them
so far as he could see us, till they were out of sight. As we returned
there lay a savage as dead, shot in the knee; but taking him up we found
he had life: which Mosco seeing, never was dog more furious against a
bear, than Mosco was to beat out his brains. So we had him to our boat
where our Chirurgian [A. Bagnall], who went with us to cure our Captain's
hurt of the stingray, so dressed this savage that within an hour after he
looked somewhat cheerfully and did eat and speak. In the mean time we
contented Mosco in helping him to gather up their arrows, which were an
armful; whereof he gloried not a little.

"Then we desired Mosco to know what he was and what countries were beyond
the mountains; the poor savage mildly answered, he and all with him were
of Hassininga, where there are three kings more, like unto them, namely
the King of Stegora, the King of Tauxsintania and the King of Shakahonea,
that were come to Mohaskahod, which is only a hunting town, and the bounds
betwixt the Kingdom of the Mannahocks and the Nandtaughtacunds, but hard
by where we were.

"We demanded why they came in that manner to betray us, that came to them
in peace and to seek their loves; he answered, they heard we were a people
come from under the world, to take their world from them.

"We asked him how many worlds he did know; he replied, he knew no more but
that which was under the sky that covered him, which were the Powhatans,
with the Monacans and the Massawomeks that were higher up in the

"Then we asked him what was beyond the mountains, he answered the sun;
but of anything else he knew nothing because the woods were not burnt. [A
foot note says 'they cannot travel but where the woods are burnt.']

"These and many such questions were demanded concerning the Massawomecks,
the Monacans, their own country and where were the kings of Stegora,
Tauxsintania and the rest. The Monacans, he said, were their neighbors and
friends, and did dwell as they in the hilly countries by small rivers,
living upon roots and fruits, but chiefly by hunting. The Massawomeks did
well upon a great water, and had many boats, and so many men that they
made war with all the world. For their kings, they were gone every one a
several way with their men on hunting. But those with him came thither a
fishing till they saw us, notwithstanding they would be all together at
night at Mahaskahod.

"For his relation we gave him many toys, with persuations to go with us:
and he as earnestly desired us to stay the coming of those kings that for
his good usage should be friends with us, for he was brother to
Hassininga. But Mosco advised us presently to be gone, for they were all
naught; yet we told him we would not till it was night. All things we made
ready to entertain what came, and Mosco was as diligent in trimming his

"The night being come we all embarked, for the river was so narrow, had it
been light the land on the one side was so high they might have done us
exceeding much mischief. All this while the King of Hassininga was seeking
the rest, and had consultation a good time what to do. But by their spies
seeing we were gone, it was not long before we heard their arrows dropping
on every side the boat; we caused our savages to call unto them, but such
a yelling and hallowing they made that they heard nothing, but now and
then [we shot off] a piece, aiming so near as we could where we heard the
most voices. Moor than twelve miles they followed us in this manner; then
the day appearing, we found ourselves in a broad bay out of danger of
their shot, where we came to an anchor, and fell to breakfast. Not so much
as speaking to them till the sun was risen.

"Being well refreshed, we untied our targets that covered us as a deck,
and all showed ourselves with those shields on our arms, and swords in our
hands, and also our prisoner Amoroleck. A long discourse there was betwixt
his countrymen and him, how good we were, how well we used him, how we had
a Patawomek with us [who] loved us as his life that would have slain him
had we not preserved him, and that he should have his liberty would they
be his friends; and to do us any hurt it was impossible.

"Upon this they all hung their bows and quivers upon the trees, and one
came swimming aboard us with a bow tied on his head, and another with a
quiver of arrows, which they delivered our Captain as a present: the
Captain having used them so kindly as he could told them the other three
Kings should do the like, and then the great King of our world should be
their friend; whose men we were. It was no sooner demanded than performed,
so upon a low moorish point of land we went to the shore, where those four
Kings came and received Amoroleck: nothing they had but bows, arrows,
tobacco-bags and pipes: when we desired, none refused to give us,
wondering at everything we had, and heard we had done: Our pistols they
took for pipes, which they much desired, but we did content them with
other commodities. And so we left four or five hundred of our merry
Mannahocks singing, dancing and making merry and set sale for

"In our returns we visited all our friends, that rejoiced much at our
victory against the Mannahocks, who many times had wars also with them,
but now they were friends; and desired we should be friends with the
Rapahanocks. Our Captain told them, they had twice assaulted him that came
only in love to do them good, and, therefore, now he would burn all their
houses, destroy their corn, and forever hold them his enemies till they
made him satisfaction. They desired to know what that should be. He told
them they should present him the King's bow and arrows, and not offer to
come armed where he was; that they should be friends with the
Moraughtacunds, his friends, and give him their King's son in pledge to
perform it: and then all King James and his men should be their friends.
Upon this they presently sent to the Rapahanocks to meet him at the place
where they first fought where would be the Kings of Nantantacund and
Pissassac: which according to their promise were there so soon as we;
where Rapahanock presented his bow and arrows, and confirmed all we
desired, except his son, having no more but him he could not live without
him, but instead of his son he would give him the three women
Moraughtacund had stolen. This was accepted: and so in three or four
canoes so many as could went with us to Moraughtacund, where Mosco made
them such relations, and gave to his friends so many bows and arrows, that
they no less loved him than admired us. The three women were brought our
Captain, to each he gave a chain of beads: and then causing Moraughtacund,
Mosco and Rapahanock stand before him, bid Rapahanock take her he loved
best, and Moraughtacund choose next, and to Mosco he gave the third. Upon
this away went their canoes over the water, to fetch their venison, and
all the provision they could; and they that wanted boats swam over the
river. The dark [darkness] commanded us then to rest.

"The next day there was of men, women and children, as we conjectured, six
or seven hundred, dancing and singing; and not a bow nor arrow seen
amongst them. Mosco changed his name to Uttasantasough, which we interpret
stranger, for so they call us. All promising ever to be our friends and to
plant corn purposely for us; and we to provide hatchets, beads and copper
for them, we departed; giving them a volley of shot, and they us as loud
shouts and cries as their strengths could utter."

This account of Capt. Smith's exploration of the Rappahannock river, and
the country bordering on the stream is highly interesting for three
reasons. It shows beyond dispute, we think, that Capt. Smith and his
little band were the first white men to tread the soil where is now
located the city of Fredericksburg. It gives us a complete history of the
voyage, so that we may become his travelling companions as he ascends the
river, encounters the Indians, prospects for gold and other rich deposits
in the earth about the falls; also as he descends the river and calls the
Indian kings together, makes friends of them, settles differences between
them and their tribes and sails out of the river loaded with provisions,
carrying with him their promise that they will raise more for him in the
future. It gives us the names of many of the tribes of Indians, on the
Rappahannock, their kings, towns and other places, so that we may look at
his map of Virginia and locate many of them. It informs us that Richard
Fetherstone, who accompanied Smith, was taken sick and died while he was
here and was buried in the vicinity of Fredericksburg, he being the first
white man to find sepulture in this part of Virginia.

The locations of the following places, found on Smith's map of Virginia,
and mentioned in this work, will be of interest to many, and especially to
those who are familiar with the country. They seem to be located as
follows: Secobeck was just west of the city's almshouse: Massauteck was
located just back of Chatham; Fetherstone's bay is in Stafford, opposite
the upper end of Hunter's Island; Accoqueck was near R. Innis Taylor's
residence; Sockbeck was in the neighborhood of J. Bowie Gray's;
Anasheroans were about Moss Neck; King Nandtaughtacund lived near Port
Royal; King Cultatawoman was located in Stafford, just below Snowdon; King
Pissassack was located in Westmoreland county, near Leedstown; King
Tapahanock lived in the upper part of Lancaster county; Mahakahod was
about the line of Stafford and Culpeper counties; Hassininga was about
Indian Town in Orange county; Stegara was in the upper part of Orange, on
the Rapid Ann river; and Tauxuntania was located near the foot of the Blue
Ridge mountains.

The several towns at and near the falls of the river made it a general
rendezvous of all tribes for this part of Virginia. It was a favorite
place at which to meet for hunting, fishing and other sports, as was the
case when Smith reached here. It is more than probable that the beautiful
and fascinating Pocahontas, who saved the life of John Smith and who
captivated the bold and fearless Rolfe, spent some time at this point, in
her journeyings, resting here and feasting her youthful eyes upon the
magnificent scenery of the Rappahannock falls, and engaging in the sports
and pastimes of her distinguished father's subjects.

We are told[4] that in 1611 she was entrusted by her father, Powhatan, to
Chief Japazaws, who carried her to his home on the Potomac river, where
she lived some time in retirement--that is, away from the stirring scenes
around Jamestown. It is not, therefore, unreasonable to suppose that much
of the time she was with Japazaws was spent at this point, the favorite
gathering place of all the tribes at the different seasons of the year.

Why Pocahontas left her home for the protection of Japazaws is not
positively known. Howe thinks Powhatan was preparing for a great war with
the new settlers and wanted to get his daughter away from danger and the
exposure and discomfort that would result from such a conflict. Stith
gives no reason, "except it was to withdraw herself from being a witness
to the frequent butcheries of the English, whose folly and rashness, after
Smith's departure, put it out of her power to save them."

In the year 1612 Capt. Argall took a trip up the Potomac in search of corn
and other supplies for the English settlers, fell in with the old chief
and purchased the young princess from him, the price agreed upon being a
copper kettle, which was readily given. This prize Argall took to
Jamestown, where he hoped to receive a considerable sum from Powhatan for
her redemption, but the old King became very angry and refused to pay
anything, but declared he preferred to fight for her. The young princess
afterwards married Capt. John Rolfe.

At what time the first settlement was made at Fredericksburg is unknown,
but it must have been at a very early date. It is more than likely that it
was one of the many plantations that dotted the banks of our principal
rivers in the early settlement of the country, for, in 1622, John Smith
proposed to the London Company "to protect all their planters from the
James to the Potomac"[5] which territory must have included one or more
plantations on the Rappahannock river, because it lies immediately between
the James and Potomac rivers and is the largest stream between those two
rivers. And if there was a plantation on the Rappahannock it was, no
doubt, in the neighborhood of Fredericksburg. John Smith had visited the
place twelve years before and had found it "beautiful and inviting" and
an excellent place for a settlement, and possibly he recommended and
procured the location of a plantation in this vicinity.

But, whether or not this supposition be true, we know that the
Rappahannock falls some years afterwards became a point of considerable
interest and steps were taken to fortify and defend it; and for that
purpose a fort was ordered to be built here in 1676 to protect settlers
from the incursions of the Indians, who continued troublesome, which was
garrisoned by quite a number of men. "At a grand assemblie held at James
cittie, between the 20th of September, 1674, and the 17th of March, 1675,"
it was ordered that "One hundred and eleven men out of Gloucester be
garrisoned at one ffort or place of defence, at or near the ffalls of
Rappahannock River, of which ffort Major Lawrence Smith to be Captain or
Chiefe Commander," and that the fort be furnished with "ffour hundred and
eighty pounds of powder and ffourteen hundred and fforty three pounds of

This fort, it seems, was not constructed that year, but in 1679, Major
Lawrence Smith, upon his own suggestion, was authorized to settle or
"seate down at or near said fort by the last day of March, 1681," which we
are informed he did, and to have in readiness, on all occasions at the
beating of a drum, fifty able men, well armed, with sufficient ammunition,
and two hundred more within the space of a mile along the river, prepared
always to march twenty miles in any direction from the fort; and it was
stipulated that should they be obliged to go more than twenty miles
distance, they were to be paid for their time thus employed at the rate
paid to other "soulders." He was also empowered "to execute Martiall
discipline" among the fifty "souldiers so put in arms," both in times of
war and peace, and with "two others of said privileged place," he was to
hear and determine all cases, civil and criminal, that should arise in
said limits, as a county court might do, and to make by-laws for the same.
These military settlers were privileged from arrest for any debts except
those due the King and those contracted among themselves, and were free
from taxes and levies except from those laid within their own limits.

This fort was not named by the act authorizing its construction, and if
any was given it after its completion, it does not appear in the histories
or records at our disposal. It is quite likely it had some designation, if
nothing more than the Rappahannock fort--Smith's fort on the
Rappahannock--and it may have been known by one or the other until the
place was laid out for a town and received its present name. Or it may
have been known as "The Lease Land," the designation it had when it was
incorporated forty-six years afterwards.

It has been suggested, and believed by some few to be true, that this fort
was built at Germanna, about eighteen miles above the Rappahannock falls,
but this claim cannot be maintained. It is known that all of these
plantations and military stations were located on navigable rivers and
were reached and communicated with mostly, if not exclusively, by sail
vessels, and it is not reasonable to suppose that this fort was located
eighteen miles above tidewater, where it could not be reached by such
vessels. In addition to this objection, it may be added that the "gallant
cavalier, Governor Spotswood, at the head of the chivalry of Virginia,"
never made his dash above the falls to the "blue ridge of mountains" until
the year 1720[7] [1716 is the correct date], nearly fifty years after the
construction of the fort at or near the falls.

Besides this, Governor Spotswood did not come to Virginia as Governor
until the year 1710. After coming to this country he became possessed of
lands on the Rappahannock, at the mouth of Massaponax run, and from there
up the ridge, west of Fredericksburg, to the Rapidan river at Germanna. We
do not know when he became possessed of these lands, but it is known that
he built a wharf near the mouth of Massaponax run and opened the ridge
road from there to Germanna, now called Mine Road, over which he hauled
his iron ore for shipment. And so it was said, and it was true, that he
could go from his wharf on the Rappahannock to Germanna on the Rapidan on
his own lands without crossing a stream.

Germanna was settled in April, 1714, thirty-eight years after this fort
was built and thirty-four years before Governor Spotswood came to
Virginia. It was settled by twelve German families, who had been induced
by Governor Spotswood to come over from Germany to develop the iron and
silver mines he desired opened on his land, recently acquired by him,
several miles above the falls. These were the first iron mines opened and
operated in this new country, and being the first worker in iron gave him
the honorable appellation of the "Tubal Cain of America."

[Illustration: The Free Bridge over the Rappahannock River to Stafford
Heights. (See page 171)]

[Illustration: The City Court House and Clerk's Office. (See page 142)]

It has been a tradition held by some that the Germans, who settled
Germanna, came to this country as paupers, and when they landed at
Tappahannock, where their vessel anchored, they were unable to pay their
passage and were virtually sold to Governor Spotswood for a term of years,
he to pay the passage money and furnish the land upon which they were to
settle. It is further said that he induced them to settle on the river,
above Fredericksburg, where they built small huts, called the place
Germanna and opened the mines which proved so remunerative to the

Much of this statement, however, is denied by the descendants of these
pioneers, who resent the charge of pauperism and show that these first
settlers were men of education, were skilled miners, and that they came to
this country under contract with Governor Spotswood, bringing with them
letters of commendation from gentlemen of influence and official position.

From a paper prepared, and left to posterity, by Rev. James Kemper, a
grandson of the emigrant, John Kemper,[8] we are able to cull some
interesting facts connected with these people, who became neighbors and
friends of the early settlers of Fredericksburg, and many of whose
descendants are now among us.

These Germans "did not 'happen' to come to Virginia, but came upon the
invitation of the Baron de Graffureid, who was a friend to Governor
Spotswood, and for the express purpose of developing the iron ore deposits
discovered by the latter upon his lands in the present county of
Spotsylvania. These people came from the town of Müsen, which was then in
the old province of Nassau Siegen, Westphalia, Germany. At Müsen there is
an iron mine which has been worked since the early part of the fourteenth
century, and is operated to this day. They were skilled workers in iron
and steel from the Müsen mines and built the old furnace in Spotsylvania

These pioneers remained at Germanna until about 1720, when, owing to some
difference with Governor Spotswood, they removed to what is now Fauquier
county, then Stafford, later Prince William, and in 1759 the portion they
settled became Fauquier. They settled about nine miles south of Warrenton
on a small stream called Licking Run and named the place Germantown--thus
keeping up the German identity,--which is one mile north of Madison
station on the Southern railroad.

Rev. James Kemper, in the paper referred to, says the first year they were
in Germantown they "packed all of their provisions from Fredericksburg on
their heads and raised their first crop with their hoes, in both of which
the women bore a part." This shows that the village, afterwards called
Fredericksburg, was the trading place of the country above the falls at
that period.

The names of the twelve men who, with their families, settled Germanna,
are John Kemper, John Huffman, Jacob Holtzclaw, Tillman Weaver, John
Fishback, Harman Fishback, Harman Utterback, John Joseph Martin, Peter
Hitt, Jacob Coons, ---- Wayman and ---- Hanback. The Rev. Henry Hagen was
their minister.

These people were picked men for a special purpose, to do that which no
one then in Virginia could do--manufacture iron. Their descendants are
scattered all over this country and have filled high positions in the Army
and Navy, as well as in State and Church. They did two things worthy of
note: They laid the foundation of the German Reformed Church in the United
States,[9] and also the iron and steel industry, which now requires
billions of dollars to carry on successfully, and both of these were done
at Germanna, in Spotsylvania county, Virginia.

It has also been contended that the fort, built near the falls of the
Rappahannock river, was constructed on the north side of the river and
that the place where Falmouth now stands was the center of the military
district.[10] This assertion is not substantiated by any record we have
seen, and we are not prepared, in the absence of proof, to accept it.

There are two reasons which may be given which, we think, will show that
the site of Falmouth would have been an improper and unsafe location for
the fort, both of which would have suggested themselves to the
constructors of the fort. One is, that the place is on the bend of the
river and is surrounded by high hills, now known as Stafford Heights. From
the crest of these hills the fort could have been attacked by the enemy
and captured by any small force. And if it had not been captured the
elevation would have given the Indians great advantage over the garrison,
making their arrows very effective. To have placed the fort on either one
of the high hills would have thrown the garrison too far from the river to
protect their sail vessels, and in case they had been compelled to give up
the fort they could not have reached their vessels in the river, which, in
the past, had proved a safer refuge than the poorly constructed forts of
that day.

The other reason is, that to have constructed the fort on the north side
of the river would have placed the almost impassable Rappahannock between
the garrison and their remote friends on the south side, from whom alone
they could look for relief in case they had been besieged, or if they had
been compelled to retreat.

For these reasons, if for no other, we are satisfied that the fort was not
located on the north side of the river, but on the south side and in the
vicinity of where Fredericksburg now stands.

But this author, in speaking of the fort, says "not one stone or brick of
the fort is left on another, but the terraces on the long hill back of the
riverside houses still bear traces of ancient work." But this does not
prove the contention.

It should be remembered that forts were not constructed in those times of
stones and bricks, nor even of earthen walls, as they have since been,
but of wooden poles or logs, and very temporary at that. John Fontaine
gives a minute description of the fort built by the Germans at Germanna in
the year 1714, which will help us to understand what a fort was in those

"We walked about the town, which is palisaded with stakes stuck in the
ground, and laid close the one to the other, and of substance to bear out
a mussket-shot. There are but nine families, and they have nine houses,
built all in a line; and before every house, about twenty feet distant
from it, they have small sheds built for their hogs and hens, so that the
hog-sties and houses make a street. The place that is poled in is a
pentagon, very regularly laid out; and in the very center there is a
block-house, made with five sides, which answer to the five sides of the
great enclosure; there are loop holes through it, from which you may see
all the inside of the enclosure. This was intended for a retreat for the
people, in case they were not able to defend the palisadoes, if attacked
by the Indians."[11] Col. Byrd, in 1732, called this a fort.



    _Governor Spotswood and Others Start on an Expedition over the Blue
    Ridge Mountains--They Pass Through what is now Fredericksburg--They
    Join Others at Germanna, where they make Extensive Preparations--The
    Country Rough and the Woods Dense--Bears, Deer, Turkeys, Squirrels and
    Snakes Plentiful--The Summit of the Mountain Reached--The Sublime
    Scene--The Health of the King Drank and the Country Taken Possession
    of in His Name--The Shenandoah River, &c._

Two years after the settlement of Germanna Governor Spotswood visited the
place, in company with gentlemen and others who were to accompany him in
his famous expedition over the Blue Ridge mountains, which has been the
theme of the writers of song and story, and upon which has recently been
founded a secret benevolent order. So much has been written about this
expedition, in this country and in Europe, into which so much romance has
been woven, and yet so little is known about it by the general public, at
the expense of length and tediousness to the reader of the narrative, we
propose to give John Fontaine's[12] diary, written daily as they
progressed on the journey, from the time he left Williamsburg with the
Governor, until he returned to that city, that we may be thoroughly
informed of all the particulars. The expedition was made in August and
September, 1716, and the following is John Fontaine's diary:

Williamsburg, 20th August, 1716.--In the morning got my horses ready, and
what baggage was necessary, and I waited on the Governor who was in
readiness for an expedition over the Appalachian mountains. We breakfasted
and about ten got on horseback, and, at four came to the Brickhouse, upon
York River, where we crossed the ferry and at six came to Mr. Austin
Moore's house[13] on Mattapony River, in King William County; here we lay
all night and were well entertained.

21st.--Fair weather. At ten we set out from Mr. Moore's, and crossed the
river of Mattapony, and continued on the road, and were on horseback till
nine of the clock at night, before we came to Mr. Robert Beverley's house
where we were well entertained, and remained this night.

22nd.--At nine in the morning we set out from Mr. Beverley's. The Governor
left his chaise here, and mounted his horse. The weather fair, we
continued on our journey until we came to Mr. Woodford's where we lay, and
were well entertained. This house lies on Rappahannock River ten miles
below the falls.

23rd.--Here we remained all this day, and diverted ourselves and rested
our horses.

24th.--In the morning, at seven, we mounted our horses and came to Austin
Smith's house[14] about ten, where we dined, and remained till about one
of the clock, when we set out, and about nine of the clock we came to the
German-town, where we rested that night--bad beds and indifferent

German-town, 25th.--After dinner we went to see the mines, but I could not
observe that there was any good mine. The Germans pretend that it is a
silver mine; we took some of the ore and endeavored to run it, but could
get nothing out of it, and I am of opinion it will not come to anything,
no, not as much as lead. Many of the gentlemen of the county are concerned
in this work. We returned and to our hard beds.

26th.--At seven we got up, and several gentlemen of the country, that
were to meet the Governor at this place for the expedition, arrived here,
as also two companies of Rangers, consisting each of six men, and an
officer. Four Meherrin Indians also came.[15] In the morning I diverted
myself with other gentlemen shooting at a mark. At twelve we dined, and
after dinner we mounted our horses and crossed the Rappahannoc River that
runs by this place, and went to find out some convenient place for our
horses to feed in, and to view the land hereabouts. Our guide left us, and
we went so far in the woods that we did not know the way back again; and
so we hallowed and fired our guns. Half an hour after sunset the guide
came to us, and we went to cross the river by a ford higher up. The
descent to the river being steep, and the night dark, we were obliged to
dismount and lead our horses down to the river side, which was very
troublesome. The bank being very steep, the greatest part of our company
went into the water to mount their horses, where they were up to the
crotch in the water. After we had forded the river and came to the other
side, where the bank was steep also, in going up, the horse of one of our
company slipped and fell back into the river on the top of his rider, but
he received no other damage than being heartily wet, which made sport for
the rest. A hornet stung one of the gentlemen in the face which swelled
prodigiously. About ten we came to the town, where we supped, and to bed.

27th.--We got our tents in order, and our horses shod. About twelve I was
taken with a violent headache and pains in all my bones, so that I was
obliged to lie down, and was very bad that day.

28th.--About one in the morning I was taken with a violent fever, which
abated about six at night, and I began to take the bark, and had one ounce
divided into eight doses, and took two of them by ten of the clock that
night. The fever abated, but I had great pains in my head and bones.

29th.--In the morning we got all things in readiness, and about one we
left the German-town to set out on our intended journey. At five in the
afternoon, the Governor gave orders to encamp near a small river, three
miles from Germanna, which we called Expedition Run, and here we lay all
night. The first encampment was called Beverley Camp, in honor of one of
the gentlemen of our party. We made great fires, and supped, and drank
good punch. By ten of the clock I had taken all of my ounce of Jesuit's
Bark, but my head was much out of order.

30th.--In the morning about seven of the clock, the trumpet sounded to
awake all the company, and we got up. One Austin Smith, one of the
gentlemen with us, having a fever, returned home. We had lain upon the
ground under cover of our tents, and we found by the pains in our bones
that we had not had good beds to lie upon. At nine in the morning, we sent
our servants and baggage forward, and we remained, because two of the
Governor's horses had strayed. At half past two we got the horses, at
three we mounted, and at half an hour after four, we came up with our
baggage at a small river, three miles on the way, which we called Mine
River, because there was an appearance of a silver mine by it. We made
about three miles more, and came to another small river, which is at the
foot of a small mountain, so we encamped here and called it Mountain Run,
and our camp we called Todd's Camp. We had good pasturage for our horses,
and venison in abundance for ourselves which we roasted before the fire
upon wooden forks, and so we went to bed in our tents. Made 6 miles this

31st.--At eight in the morning we set out from Mountain Run, and after
going five miles we came upon the upper part of Rappahannoc River. One of
the gentlemen and I, we kept on one side of the company about a mile, to
have the better hunting. I saw a deer, and shot him from my horse, but the
horse threw me a terrible fall and ran away; we ran after, and with a
great deal of difficulty got him again; but we could not find the deer I
had shot, and we lost ourselves, and it was two hours before we could come
upon the track of our company. About five miles further we crossed the
same river again, and two miles further we met with a large bear, which
one of our company shot, and I got the skin. We killed several deer, and
about two miles from the place where we killed the bear, we encamped upon
Rappahannock River. From our encampment we could see the Appalachian Hills
very plain. We made large fires, pitched our tents, and cut bows to lie
upon, had good liquor, and at ten we went to sleep. We always kept a
sentry at the Governor's door. We called this Smith's Camp. Made this day
fourteen miles.

1st September.--At eight we mounted our horses, and made the first five
miles of our way through a very pleasant plain, which lies where
Rappahannock River forks. I saw there the largest timber, the finest and
deepest mould, and the best grass that I ever did see.[16] We had some of
our baggage put out of order, and our company dismounted, by hornets
stinging the horses. This was some hindrance, and did a little damage, but
afforded a great deal of diversion. We killed three bears this day, which
exercised the horses as well as the men. We saw two foxes but did not
pursue them; we killed several deer. About five of the clock, we came to a
run of water at the foot of a hill, where we pitched our tents. We called
the encampment Dr. Robinson's Camp, and the river Blind Run. We had good
pasturage for our horses, and every one was cook for himself. We made our
beds with bushes as before. On this day we made 13 miles.

2nd.--At nine we were all on horseback and after riding about five miles
we crossed Rappahannoc river,[17] almost at the head, where it is very
small. We had a rugged way; we passed over a great many small runs of
water, some of which were deep, and others very miry. Several of our
company were dismounted, some were down with their horses, others under
their horses, and some thrown off. We saw a bear running down a tree, but
it being Sunday we did not endeavor to kill anything. We encamped at five
by a small river we called White Oak River,[18] and called our Camp
Taylor's Camp.

3rd.--About eight we were on horseback, and about ten we came to a
thicket, so tightly laced together, that we had a great deal of trouble
to get through; our baggage was injured, our clothes torn all to rags, and
the saddles and holsters also torn. About five of the clock we encamped
almost at the head of James River,[19] just below the great mountains. We
called this camp Colonel Robertson's Camp. We made all this day but eight

4th.--We had two of our men sick with the measles, and one of our horses
poisoned with a rattlesnake. We took the heaviest of our baggage, our
tired horses, and the sick men, and made as convenient a lodge for them as
we could, and left people to guard them, and hunt for them. We had
finished this work by twelve, and so we went out. The sides of the
mountains were so full of vines and briers, that We were forced to clear
most of the way before us. We crossed one of the small mountains this side
of the Appalachian, and from the top of it we had a fine view of the
plains below. We were obliged to walk up the most of the way, there being
an abundance of loose stones on the side of the hill. I killed a large
rattlesnake here, and the other people killed three more. We made about
four miles and so came to the side of James River, where a man may jump
over it, and there we pitched our tents. As the people were lighting the
fire, there came out of a large log of wood a prodigious snake, which they
killed; so this camp was called Rattlesnake Camp, but it was otherwise
called Brook's Camp.

5th.--A fair day. At nine we were mounted; we were obliged to have axe-men
to clear the way in some places. We followed the windings of James River,
observing that it came from the very top of the mountains. We killed two
rattlesnakes during our ascent. In some places it was very steep, in
others it was so that we could ride up. About one of the clock we got to
the top of the mountain; about four miles and a half, and we came to the
very head spring of James River, where it runs no bigger than a man's arm,
from under a large stone. We drank King George's health and all the Royal
Family's at the very top of the Appalachian mountains. About a musket-shot
from the spring is another, which rises and runs down on the other side;
it goes westward, and we thought we could go down that way, but we met
with such prodigious precipices, that we were obliged to return to the top
again. We found some trees which had been formerly marked, I suppose, by
the Northern Indians, and following these trees, we found a good, safe
descent. Several of the company were for returning; but the Governor
persuaded them to continue on. About five we were down on the other side,
and continued our way for about seven miles further, until we came to a
large river, by the side of which we encamped. We made this day fourteen
miles. I, being somewhat more curious than the rest, went on a high rock
on the top of the mountain, to see fine prospects, and I lost my gun. We
saw, when we were over the mountains, the footing of elks and buffaloes,
and their beds. We saw a vine which bore a sort of wild cucumber; and a
shrub with a fruit like unto a currant. We eat very good wild grapes. We
called this place Spotswood Camp, after our Governor.

[Illustration: "Mary Washington House," home of Mary, the Mother of
Washington, and where she died in 1789; now the property of the A. P. of
V. A. (See page 157)]

[Illustration: "Federal Hill," home of Thomas Reade Rootes, Gov. Brooke,
etc.; now the residence of Mrs. H. Theodore Wight. (See page 153)]

6th.--We crossed the river, which we called Euphrates.[20] It is very
deep; the main course of the water is North; it is fourscore yards wide in
the narrowest part. We drank some healths on the other side, and returned;
after which I went a swimming in it. We could not find any fordable place,
except the one by which we crossed, and it was deep in several places. I
got some grass hoppers and fished; and another and I, we caught a dish of
fish, some perch, and a fish they called chub. The others went a hunting,
and killed deer and turkeys. The Governor had graving irons, but could not
grave anything, the stones were so hard, I graved my name on a tree by the
river side; and the Governor buried a bottle with a paper enclosed, on
which he writ that he took possession of this place in the name and for
King George the First of England.[21] We had a good dinner, and after it
we got the men together, and loaded all their arms, and we drank the
King's health in Champagne, and fired a volley--the Princess's health in
Burgundy, and fired a volley, and all the rest of the Royal Family in
Claret, and a volley. We had several sorts of liquors, viz: Virginia red
wine and white wine, Irish usquebaugh, brandy, shrub, two sorts of rum,
champagne, canary, cherry, punch, water, cider, &c.

I sent two of the rangers to look for my gun, which I dropped in the
mountains; they found it, and brought it to me at night, and I gave them a
pistole for their trouble. We called the highest mountain Mount George,
and the one we crossed over Mount Spotswood.

7th.--At seven in the morning we mounted our horses, and parted with the
rangers, who were to go further on, and we returned homewards; we repassed
the mountains, and at five in the afternoon we came to Hospital Camp,
where we left our sick men, and heavy baggage and we found all things well
and safe. We camped here, and called it Captain Clouder's Camp.

8th.--At nine we were all on horseback. We saw several bears and deer, and
killed some wild turkeys. We encamped at the side of a run, and called the
place Mason's Camp. We had good forage for our horses, and we lay as
usual. Made twenty miles this day.

9th.--We set out at nine of the clock, and before twelve we saw several
bears, and killed three. One of them attacked one of our men that was
riding after him, and narrowly missed him; he tore his things that he had
behind him from off the horse, and would have destroyed him, had he not
had immediate help from the other men and our dogs. Some of the dogs
suffered severely in this engagement. At two we crossed one of the
branches of the Rappahannock River, and at five we encamped on the side of
the Rapid Ann, on a tract of land that Mr. Beverley hath design to take
up. We made, this day, twenty-three miles, and called this Captain Smith's
Camp. We eat part of one of the bears, which tasted very well, and would
be good, and might pass for veal, if one did not know what it was. We were
very merry, and diverted ourselves with our adventures.

10th.--At eight we were on horseback, and about ten, as we were going up a
small hill, Mr. Beverley and his horse fell down, and they both rolled to
the bottom; but there were no bones broken on either side. At twelve as we
were crossing a run of water, Mr. Clouder fell in, so we called this place
Clouder's Run. At one we arrived at a large spring, where we dined and
drank a bowl of punch. We called this Fontaine's Spring. About two we got
on horseback, and at four we reached Germanna. The Governor thanked the
gentlemen for their assistance in the expedition. Mr. Mason left us here.
I went at five to swim in the Rappahannock River, and returned to the

11th.--After breakfast all our company left us, excepting Dr. Robinson and
Mr. Clouder. We walked all about the town, and the Governor settled his
business with the Germans here, and accommodated the minister and the
people, and then to bed.

12th.--After breakfast went a fishing in the Rappahannock, and took seven
fish, which we had for dinner; after which Mr. Robinson and I, we
endeavored to melt some ore in the Smith's forge, but could get nothing
out of it. Dr. Robinson's and Mr. Clouder's boys were taken violently ill
with fever. Mr. Robinson and Mr. Clouder left us, and the boys remained

13th.--About eight of the clock we mounted our horses, and went to the
mine, where we took several pieces of ore; and at nine we set out from the
mine, our servants having gone before; and about three we overtook them
in the woods, and there the Governor and I dined. We mounted afterwards
and continued on our road. I killed a black snake about five feet long. We
arrived at Mr. Woodford's[22] on Rappahannoc River, about six, and
remained there all night.

14th.--At seven we sent our horses and baggage before us; and at ten we
mounted our horses; we killed another snake, four feet nine inches long.
At twelve we came to the church, where we met with Mr. Buckner, and
remained till two, to settle some county business; then we mounted our
horses, and saw several wild turkeys on the road; and at seven we reached
Mr. Beverley's house, which is on the head of the Mattapony River, where
we were well entertained. My boy was taken with a violent fever, and very

15th.--At seven my servant was some what better, and I sent him away with
my horses, and about ten o'clock the Governor took his chaise, and I with
him, and at twelve we came to a mill-dam, which we had great difficulty to
get the chaise over. We got into it again, and continued on our way, and
about five we arrived at Mr. Baylor's, where we remained all night.

16th.--My servant was so sick, that I was obliged to leave him, and the
Governor's servants took care of my horses. At ten we sent the chaise over
the Mattapony River, and it being Sunday, we went to church in King
William County, where we heard a sermon from Mr. Monroe. After sermon we
continued our journey until we came to Mr. West's plantation, where
Colonel Basset waited for the Governor with his pinnace, and other boats
for his servants. We arrived at his house by five of the clock, and were
nobly entertained.

17th.--At ten we left Colonel Basset's, and at three we arrived at
Williamsburg, where we dined together and went to my lodgings, and to bed,
being well tired as well as my horses.

I reckon that from Williamsburg to the Euphrates River is in all 219
miles, so that our journey, going and coming, has been in all 438 miles.


    _Fredericksburg Incorporated by Law--Col. Byrd Walks About
    Town--Church Erected--Patrick Henry Rector--Augustine Washington a
    Trustee--Fairs Inaugurated--Limits of the Town Extended, &c._

Although the site upon which Fredericksburg now stands was settled by
white men, possibly in 1622, in the location of plantations by the London
Company referred to by Capt. John Smith, and certainly in 1681 by the
construction of Major Lawrence Smith's fort, yet the town was not
incorporated for many years thereafter. That it was a trading station and
a place of importance before its incorporation is admitted in the act of
incorporation itself, besides earlier writers refer to it as such. If the
inquiry should be made as to why the town was not incorporated earlier if
it was a place of importance, it might be answered with the fact that
prior to that time the authorities did not seem to think it was necessary,
as neither Richmond, Petersburg, Norfolk nor Alexandria was incorporated
for several years after Fredericksburg had a legal existence.

Fredericksburg was founded by law in 1727 and named for Frederick, Prince
of Wales, son of George the Second, by which act the people of the town
showed their attachment to the royal family of England. But this was not
all; they emphasized that attachment by calling nearly every street in the
original survey of the town after some member of the royal family or of
some country to which English royalty was closely allied. Sophia street
was named for the sister of George II; Caroline for his wife; Princess
Anne for one of his daughters, and Prince Edward for his grandson. The
cross streets were named, Princess Elizabeth for a daughter of George II;
Frederick for his oldest son; William for his second son, and Amelia for a
daughter. George was named for the King himself; Charlotte for the wife of
George III; Hanover for the House of Hanover, and Prussia for the country
of Prussia. This includes every street in the original survey except
Charles and Wolfe. We do not know for whom these two streets were named,
and we think the evidence is very clear that they were not laid out as
streets at the time of the original survey.

The act of the House of Burgesses, establishing Fredericksburg, in which
are preserved as near as possible the form, orthography, punctuation and
capitalization, is as follows:

    I. Whereas great Numbers of People have of late seated themselves and
    their Families upon and near the River _Rappahannock_, and the
    Branches thereof above the Falls, and great Quantities of Tobacco and
    other Commodities are every Year brought down to the upper Landings
    upon the said River to be shipped off and transported to other Parts
    of the Country and it is necessary that the poorer Part of the said
    Inhabitants should be supplied from thence with Goods and Merchandise
    in return for their Commodities, but for Want of some convenient
    Place, where Traders may cohabit and bring their Goods to, such
    Supplies are not to be had without great Disadvantages, and good
    Houses are greatly wanted on some navigable Part of said River, near
    the Falls for the Reception of safe keeping of such Commodities as are
    brought thither and for the Entertainment and Sustenance of those who
    repair thither from remote Places with Carriages drawn by Horses and
    Oxen; and forasmuch as the Inhabitants of the County of _Spotsylvania_
    have made humble Supplication to the General Assembly that a Town may
    be laid out in some convenient Place near the Falls of said River, for
    the cohabitation of such as are minded to reside there for the
    purposes aforesaid, whereby the peopling of that remote Part of the
    county will be encouraged, and Trade and Navigation may be increased:

    II. BE _it enacted, by the Lieutenant Governor, Council, and
    Burgesses, of this present General Assembly, and it is hereby enacted,
    by the Authority of the same_, that within six Months after the
    passing of this Act fifty Acres of Land, Parcel of a Tract of Land
    belonging to _John Royston_ and _Robert Buckner_, of the County of
    _Gloucester_, situate, lying and being upon the South Side of the
    River Rappahannock aforesaid in the County of _Spotsylvania_ commonly
    called or known by the Name of the _Lease Land_, shall be surveyed
    and laid out, taking the whole Breadth of the Tract of Land upon the
    River, by the Surveyor of the said County of _Spotsylvania_; and the
    said fifty Acres of Land, so to be surveyed and laid out, shall be and
    is hereby vested in _John Robinson_, Esq; _Henry Willis_, _Augustin
    Smith_, _John Taliaferro_, _Harry Beverley_, _John Waller_, and
    _Jeremiah Clowder_, of the County of _Spotsylvania_, Gentlemen, and
    their Successors, in Trust, for the several purposes hereafter
    mentioned; and the said _John Robinson_, _Henry Willis_, _Augustin
    Smith_, _John Taliaferro_, _Harry Beverley_, _John Waller_ and
    _Jeremiah Clowder_, are hereby constituted and appointed Directors and
    Trustees for designing, building, carrying on, and maintaining, a Town
    upon the said Land: And the said Directors and Trustees, or any four
    of them, shall have power to meet as often as they shall think
    necessary, and shall lay out the said fifty Acres in Lots and Streets,
    not exceeding Half an Acre of Ground in each Lot, and also to set
    apart such Portions of said Land for a Church and Church-Yard, a
    Market Place, and publick Key, and to appoint such Places upon the
    River for publick Landings, as they shall think most convenient, and,
    if the same shall be necessary, shall direct the making and erecting
    of Wharfs and Cranes at such publick Landings, for the publick Use.
    And when the said Town shall be so laid out the said Directors and
    Trustees shall have full Power and Authority to sell all the said Lots
    by publick Sale or Auction, from Time to Time, to the highest Bidder,
    so as no Person shall have more than Two Lots; and when such Lots
    shall be sold, any two of the said Trustees shall and may, upon
    Payment of the Purchase Money, by some sufficient Conveyance or
    Conveyances, Convey the Fee Simple, Estate of such Lot or Lots to the
    Purchaser or Purchasers: And he or they, or his or their Heirs and
    Assigns, respectively, shall and may for ever thereafter peaceably and
    quietly have, hold, possess, and enjoy, the same, freed and discharged
    of and from all Right, Title, Estate, Claim, Interest, and Demand
    whatsoever of the said _John Royster_ and _Robert Buckner_ and the
    Heirs and Assigns of them respectively, and of all Persons whatsoever
    claiming by, from, or under them or either of them.

    III. PROVIDED _nevertheless_, that the said Directors and Trustees
    shall pay, or cause to be paid, unto the said _John Royston_ and
    _Robert Buckner_, out of the Money to be raised by the Sale of the
    said Lots, as soon as the same shall be by them received, after the
    Rate of forty Shillings for every Acre of the said fifty Acres of
    Land, according to the Right which the said _John Royston_ and _Robert
    Buckner_ now respectively have to the same; and the said _John
    Royston_ and _Robert Buckner_ shall also have each of them two Lots,
    which shall be assigned to them by the said Directors and Trustees,
    and they shall respectively remain seized of such Lots of the same
    Estate whereof they were respectively seized in the said Land before
    the making of this Act.

    IV. AND _be it further enacted, by the Authority aforesaid_, that
    after the said Lots shall be so laid out and disposed of, as
    aforesaid, the said Directors, or any four of them, shall have full
    Power and Authority to apply all the overplus Money which shall be
    raised by the Sale of the said Lots to such publick Use; for the
    common Benefit of the Inhabitants of the said Town, as to them shall
    seem best.

    V. AND _be it further enacted, by the Authority aforesaid_, that the
    Grantee or Grantees of every such Lot or Lots, so to be conveyed and
    sold in the said Town, shall, within two Years next after the Date of
    the Conveyance for the same, erect, build, and finish, on each Lot so
    conveyed, one House, of Brick, Stone or Wood well framed, of the
    Dimensions of Twenty Feet square, and nine Feet Pitch at the least, or
    apportionably thereto, if such Grantee shall have two Lots contiguous;
    and the said Directors shall have full Power and Authority to
    establish such Rules and Orders, for the more regular placing the said
    Houses, as to them shall seem fit, from Time to Time. And if the Owner
    of any Lots shall fail to pursue and comply with the Directions herein
    prescribed, for the building and finishing one or more House or Houses
    thereon, then such Lots upon which such Houses shall not be so built
    and finished shall be revested in the said Trustees, and shall and may
    be sold and conveyed to any other Person or Persons whatsoever, in the
    Manner before directed, and shall revest, and be again sold, as often
    as the Owner or Owners shall fail to perform, obey, and fulfil, the
    Directions aforesaid; and if the Inhabitants of the said Town shall
    fail to obey and pursue the Rules and Orders of the said Directors, in
    repairing and amending the Streets, Landings, and publick Wharfs, they
    shall be liable to the same Penalties as are inflicted for not
    repairing the Highways of this Colony.

    VI. AND for the continuing the Succession of the said Trustees and
    Directors, until the Governour of this Colony shall incorporate some
    other Persons by Letters Patents, under the Seal of this Colony, to be
    one Body Politick and Corporate, to whom the Government of the said
    Town shall be committed, _Be it further enacted_, that in Case of the
    Death of the said Directors, or of their Refusal to act, the surviving
    or other Directors, or the major Part of them, shall assemble, and are
    hereby Empowered, from Time to Time, by Instrument in Writing, under
    their respective Hands and Seals, to nominate some other Person or
    Persons, being an Inhabitant or Freeholder of the said Town, in the
    Place of him so dying or refusing; which new Director or Directors, so
    nominated and appointed, shall from thenceforth have the like Power
    and Authority, in all Things relating to the Matters herein contained,
    as if he or they had been expressly named and appointed in and by this
    Act, and every such Instrument and Nomination shall from Time to Time
    be recorded in the Books of the said Directors.

    VII. AND whereas _William Livingston_ is possessed of a Lease under
    the said _John Royston_, for certain Years to come, of Part of the
    said fifty Acres of Land, and hath erected buildings and made several
    Improvements thereon, which will be taken away when the said Town
    shall be laid out: For making Satisfaction for which,

    VIII. BE it further enacted, that the two Lots to be assigned to the
    said _John Royston_, pursuant to this Act, shall include the
    Dwelling-House and Kitchen of the said _William Livingston_, and shall
    be held and enjoyed by him for the Residue of the said Term, and at
    the Expiration thereof shall revert unto, and be vested in, the said
    _John Royston_, as aforesaid; and, moreover, the said Trustees are
    hereby enjoined and required to pay unto the said _William Livingston_
    the Sum of twenty Pounds current Money out of the Monies arising by
    Sale of Lots, as a Consideration and Compensation for the said Lease.

    IX. AND _be it further enacted_, that the Town aforesaid shall be
    called by the Name of _Fredericksburg_.

    This act of incorporation which elevated the Lease Land into the town
    of Fredericksburg, was signed by William Gooch, Esq., Governor, and
    John Holliday, Speaker.

By the authority conferred upon the trustees of the town by the sixth
section of the above act, the following paper was issued by the board of
trustees, appointing Augustine Washington, the father of General George
Washington, one of the trustees of the town. The original was presented to
the town some years ago by one of the descendants of Augustine Washington,
and is now preserved in the clerk's office:

    "Whereas, at a meeting of the Trustees of the town of Fredericksburg,
    April 6th 1742, according to directions of act of Assembly, Intitled
    an Act for erecting a Town in both of the counties of Spotsylvania and
    King George, To Supply the number of Trustees in the Room of those
    Gentlemen deceased, we have Unanimously made Choise of, and Elected,
    Augustine Washington, Gent., to be one of the Trustees or Feoffees for
    the town of Fredericksburg, in Spotsylvania county to fill up and
    compleat our full number and for confirming of the same We have
    according to Directions of the Sd Act, set our hands and seals, this
    20th day of April, 1742.

      John Taliaferro,
      John Waller,
      Ira Thornton,
      John Allen,
      Rob Jackson."

In the year 1732 the seat of justice, which had been located at Germanna,
where Governor Spotswood had settled, and where he started and operated
the first iron works in this country, heretofore mentioned, was removed to
Fredericksburg as a more convenient place. That change did not continue
long, for, in 1749, the law was again changed and the court was moved back
to Germanna, where it was held for several years, and until it was located
at Holidays, thence to the old Courthouse and finally to Spotsylvania
Courthouse, where it was held until abolished by the new Constitution.

[Illustration: Princess Anne Street looking East.]

In 1732, five years after the town was established by law, Col. Byrd, then
living on the James river, where Richmond now stands, made a visit to
Fredericksburg. This visit was made at the time he made his trip to
Germanna to see his old friend Governor Spotswood. While here Col. Byrd
wrote a description of the new town to a friend as he saw it, as follows:

    "Colonel Willis walked me about his new town of Fredericksburg. It is
    pleasantly situated on the south shore of the Rappahannock river,
    about a mile below the falls. Sloops may come and lie close to the
    wharf, within thirty yards of the public warehouse which is built in
    the figure of a cross. Just by the wharf is a quarry of white stone
    that is very soft in the ground, and hardens in the air, appearing to
    be as fair and fine grained as that of Portland. Besides that, there
    are several other quarries in the river bank, within the limits of the
    town, sufficient to build a large city. The only edifice of stone yet
    built is the prison, the walls of which are strong enough to hold Jack
    Sheppard, if he had been transported thither. Though this be a
    commodious and beautiful situation for a town, with the advantages of
    a navigable river, and wholesome air, yet the inhabitants are very
    few. Besides Colonel Willis, who is the top man of the place, there
    are only one merchant, a tailor, a smith, an ordinary-keeper, and a
    lady, Mrs. Livingston, who acts here in the double capacity of a
    doctress and a coffee-woman. It is said the courthouse and the church
    are going to be built here, and then both religion and justice will
    help to enlarge the place."

The church spoken of was built soon after Col. Byrd's visit. It was
located on the lot where St. George's church building now stands. It was a
wooden structure, about thirty by forty feet, to which two additions were
made as the town increased in population. The first addition was made to
the side of the church, which gave the building the shape of a capital T,
and the second one was made a few years afterwards on the opposite side,
giving the building the form of a cross.

The first rector of the new church was Rev. Patrick Henry, uncle of the
great Virginia orator, Patrick Henry. Mr. Henry remained rector for a
short time, and was followed, in 1734, by Rev. James Marye, of Goochland
county, who was the great great grandfather of our late honored fellow
citizen, Gov. John L. Marye. Mr. Marye had charge of two churches within
the parish, one located on the Po river and the other at Fredericksburg.
His salary for the first year for the entire parish was discharged with
sixteen thousand pounds of "farm tobacco." St. George's church is noticed
more at length under the head of churches.


In the year 1738 a law was passed by the House of Burgesses authorizing
and directing that "fairs should be held in Fredericksburg twice a year
for the sale of cattle, provisions, goods, wares, and all kinds of
merchandise whatever." The act provided that all persons at such fairs,
going to or from them, were privileged from arrest and execution during
the fairs, and for two days before and two days after them, except for
capital offences, breaches of the peace, or for any controversies, suits
and quarrels that might arise during the time. These fairs were continued
from time to time, by various acts and amendments, until 1769, when the
right of holding them was made perpetual, they having proved a benefit to
both town and county. We have no record as to when they ceased to be held
and no citizen now living remembers to have attended one. They may have
been changed into agricultural fairs, which are mentioned elsewhere.


In March, 1739, the trustees of the town found it necessary to have
another survey and plat of Fredericksburg made. This work was done by
William Waller, Surveyor of Spotsylvania county. By this new survey it
appears that the lots and buildings of the town had not only occupied the
original fifty acres, but had also encroached upon the lands of Henry
Willis and John Lewis; and, as this gave rise to controversies and
threatened law suits, the Lieutenant-Governor, Council and Burgesses of
the General Assembly passed an act in May, 1742, which was declared to be
"for removing all doubts and controversies," and which declared that these
lands, belonging to the estate of Henry Willis and John Lewis, should be
held and taken to be part of Fredericksburg and vested in the trustees,
and purchasers claiming under them; provided, that the trustees should pay
to the executors of Henry Willis five pounds, and to John Lewis fifteen
pounds. The area of the town, as ascertained by this survey, was not quite
fifty-three acres.

The irregularity of the buildings having necessitated an enlargement of
the original fifty acres, the style of buildings must have caused serious
apprehensions of danger from fire, as we find that, in 1742, it was
represented to the General Assembly that the people were often in great
and imminent danger of having their houses and effects burned by reason of
the many wooden chimneys in the town, and, therefore, it was made unlawful
to build any wooden chimneys in the town thereafter, and unlawful, after
the expiration of three years, to use any wooden chimney already built;
and, in case the owners did not, within three years, pull down and destroy
these wooden chimneys, the sheriff was authorized to do so, at the expense
of the owners thereof.


    _Encouraging Home Industries--Further Extension of the Town--Tobacco
    Inspectors--Modes of Punishment--Prosperity--Military Ardor--Under the
    United States._

In 1759 an act was passed by the General Assembly to encourage the "Arts
and Manufactures in the Colony," but wine and silk making seemed to have
predominated all others, wine having the decided preference as will
readily be seen. In the act it was set forth that five hundred pounds
should be paid as a premium to the person who should, in any one year,
within eight years from the date of its passage, make the best wine in
quantity not less than ten hogsheads, and one hundred pounds should be
paid to the person making the second best. It was provided that the money
for these premiums should be raised by the annual subscriptions of
public-spirited gentlemen who were willing to encourage the undertaking;
and it was further provided that, if the subscriptions would justify it, a
handsome premium should be given for silk making. It was also stipulated
that if there was an "overplus of money," after the premiums on wine and
silk making were provided for, it was to "be given for the encouragement
of such other articles as should appear to the committee most advantageous
to the colony." Among those who contributed the first year for this
purpose, who were then, or had been, citizens of Fredericksburg, were the
following gentlemen who subscribed two pounds each: Robert Carter,
Pressley Thornton, George Washington, James Mercer, William Bernard, David
Ker, Philip Rootes, Thomas Reade Rootes, Alexander Ross, John Champ.


In 1763 an act was passed by the General Assembly extending the corporate
limits of the town, but to what extent we do not know, as we have been
unable to find the act or any of its provisions.


In 1764 the General Assembly passed an act for "Amending the Staple of
Tobacco and for Preventing Frauds in his Majesty's Customs." It was a very
lengthy bill, having seventy-seven sections, ten more than any other act
ever before passed by that body, and severe penalties were prescribed for
its violation. The bill was necessarily long and severe penalties were
prescribed because it had reference to the raising, curing, packing and
sale of tobacco, which was one of the principal products of Virginia, and
the duties and responsibilities of tobacco inspectors and their proper
management of tobacco warehouses. Besides tobacco being one of the
important crops raised in the colony, if not the most important one, large
quantities of it were shipped to the old country and sold for good prices.
In addition to this, tobacco was used in the colony as a substitute for
money, as all debts between private individuals, as well as those due the
colony, were paid in tobacco. The bill provided for public warehouses, for
the proper inspection of tobacco and for public inspectors, appointed by
the Governor and his Council, not less than two at each warehouse, who,
besides taking an oath of office, were placed under heavy bonds with
security, the penalty being five hundred pounds sterling for the faithful
performance of their duties. One of these public warehouses was located in
Fredericksburg, and may have been the old stone house on Water street,
just below the free bridge. The oath required to be taken by these public
inspectors was as follows:

    "You shall swear that you will diligently and carefully view and
    examine all tobacco brought to any public warehouse or warehouses
    where you are appointed to be inspector, and that not separately and
    apart from your fellow, but in his presence; and that you will not
    receive any tobacco that is not in your judgment sound, well
    conditioned, merchantable and clear of trash, nor receive, pass or
    stamp any tobacco, hogshead or cask of tobacco, prohibited by one act
    of Assembly, entitled an act for amending the sample of tobacco, and
    preventing frauds in his Majesty's customs; and that you will not
    change, alter or give out any tobacco, other than such hogsheads or
    casks for which the receipt to be taken was given; but that you will
    in all things well and faithfully discharge your duty in the office of
    inspector, according to the best of your skill and judgment and
    according to the directions of said act, without fear, favor,
    affection, malice or partiality. So help me God."

The receipts given by the inspectors of the public warehouse in
Fredericksburg, according to the provisions of the act, were to pass and
be current in the town and county of Spotsylvania for the payment of all
quit-rents, county and town levies and for officers' fees. As this
provision of law made them current for public dues, the public also
adopted them as currency and they were used for the payment of all
obligations. These receipts were protected by severe penalties against
counterfeiting and forgery, and each one represented so many hundred
pounds of tobacco deposited at the public warehouse.


Fredericksburg continued to grow in population and material prosperity,
and also improve in the intelligence and public spirit of its inhabitants,
until the year 1775, when the affairs between Great Britain and the
American Colonies were verging to a crisis. Her leading citizens were
among the very first in Virginia to adopt the principle that the American
Colonies ought not only to be exempt from taxation by the Mother Country,
but should be free and independent States. The battle of Lexington was
fought on the 19th day of April, 1775, and on the 20th, the following day,
Lord Dunmore secretly removed twenty barrels of gunpowder from the public
magazine in Williamsburg to the Magdalen Man-of-war, which anchored off
Yorktown. When the news of the battle of Lexington, and of the removal of
the powder, reached Fredericksburg, great excitement prevailed. Over six
hundred men armed themselves, from the town and surrounding country,
assembled at the Courthouse in town and offered their services to George
Washington, who was then in Williamsburg, to defend that city from Lord
Dunmore's threatened attack, and the country from his tyranny.

After assembling they dispatched delegates to Richmond and Williamsburg
to ascertain the condition of affairs and to what point they should report
for duty. In the meantime, those ardent patriots, George Washington,
Peyton Randolph and Edmund Pendleton, transmitted their advice to the
people of Fredericksburg, and especially those who had formed the military
organization, to abstain for the present from hostilities until a
congress, then called or soon to be called, should decide upon a general
plan of resistance.

On the receipt of this advice, these patriots held a council, consisting
of more than one hundred men, representing fourteen companies, who, by a
majority of one vote, decided to disperse for the present. They were
burning with indignation at the murderous attack made upon their brethren
of Lexington, Mass., by the armed soldiers of Great Britain, and the
unlawful arrests, and retention as prisoners, of some of the leading
citizens of Massachusetts by British military officers. And this feeling
of indignation was intensified when they saw that this outrage was
followed the next day by another perpetrated in their own colony and by
their own Governor; and when he threatened to return from Yorktown,
whither he had fled for safety, and attack Williamsburg with a man-of-war
they were convinced that the enemies of the Patriots, the British and
Tories, understood each other and were acting in concert. Yet, upon the
advice of those whose lead they were willing to follow, and whose commands
they were ready to obey, they agreed to disband for the present. Before
dispersing, however, they drafted an address, which was tantamount to a
declaration of independence, in which they firmly resolved to resist all
attempts against their rights and privileges, from whatever quarter they
might be assailed.

They went further than to just pass resolutions; they pledged themselves,
solemnly and firmly one to the other, to be in readiness, at a moment's
warning, to reassemble, and, by force of arms, to defend the laws,
liberties and the rights of this or any sister colony, from unjust and
wicked invasions. They then sent dispatches to patriots assembled in
Caroline, Berkeley, Frederick and Dunmore counties, thanking them for
their offer of service and acquainting them with the condition of public
affairs and their determination to be ready at a moment's notice to
respond to any call that might be made by the patriotic leaders, who were
then holding a council in Williamsburg. The resolutions and pledges were
read at the head of each company of patriots encamped at Fredericksburg,
and unanimously approved and adopted. The address concluded with the
impressive words, "God, save the liberties of America," which were a
substitute for the off-repeated words, "God, save the King."

These resolutions were passed twenty-one days before the celebrated
Mecklenburg resolutions in North Carolina were, and more than a year
before the Declaration of Independence by the American Congress, which
showed the intense patriotic fervor of the people of Fredericksburg at
that early period, many of whom bore a heroic part in the subsequent
struggle of the Seven Years' war that followed. Among the number assembled
with these lovers of liberty, and most prominent, were Gen. Geo. Weedon,
who served on Gen. Washington's staff, commanded with distinction a
division at the surrender of Yorktown, and afterwards for several terms
served as mayor of the town; Gen. Hugh Mercer, who rose to the rank of
Major-General and was killed at Princeton, New Jersey, on January 3, 1777,
and Gen. Gustavus B. Wallace, who served gallantly through the war,
attaining to the rank of Brigadier-General.


The long tobacco act of the House of Burgesses was the last act passed by
that body that affected the commercial interest of the town or the
agricultural interest of the surrounding country that we have any
knowledge of. The Revolutionary war soon followed and our independence and
new government was the result. It is not considered necessary in this work
to attempt to give the part Fredericksburg bore in that struggle--the
generals she furnished to command the armies and navy of the country, the
line officers and soldiers she sent forth to meet and repel the invader,
the statesmen she gave to provide for the armies or to form the new
government and to guide it to a successful, permanent and solid
establishment. All of these things are told by the records and histories
of the State and country more accurately and in a more pleasing style than
we can narrate them. We therefore pass to the new order of things.


The first act of the Legislature of Virginia in reference to
Fredericksburg, after the establishment of the young republic, was to
grant it a charter, which bill was passed in 1781. It provided for the
town a Mayor, Recorder, Board of Aldermen and a Common Council, and
required that all of them should be freeholders. They were made a body
politic by the name and designation of Mayor and Commonalty of the town of
Fredericksburg, and by that title were to have perpetual succession. The
Mayor, Recorder and the four Aldermen were _ex-officio_ Justices of the
Peace, and had power to hold a court of hustings once a month, and to
"hold pleas in all cases whatsoever originating within the limits" of the
town and to "low water mark on the northwest side of the Rappahannock
river and half a mile without and around the other limits of the said
town." They were given the sole authority and power of "licensing tavern
keepers and settling their rates," to appoint a sergeant with the powers
of sheriffs, a "constable and other necessary officers of court and
surveyors of the streets and highways." A surveyor of the streets was
appointed at the first hustings court held by the Mayor and his fellow
magistrates, but he was known as the "Geographer" of the town for more
than half a century, and was often so entered upon the court records.

In civil cases the hustings court was not to have jurisdiction where the
amount in controversy exceeded one thousand pounds of leaf tobacco, or its
value in money, unless both parties to the suit were citizens of the town
when the suit was instituted.

The corporate authorities were authorized to assess the inhabitants and
all property within the actual bounds of the town for all the charges of
repairing the streets, and other matters of municipal expense. They were
empowered to erect workhouses, houses of correction, prisons and other
public buildings, and to pass all necessary ordinances for the good
government of the town. They were to have two market days in each week,
and appoint a clerk of the market, "who shall have assize of bread, wine,
wood and other things," and perform all the duties of Clerk of the Market.
The market days were fixed by law on Wednesdays and Saturdays. It was
also provided in the charter that if any person elected to an office
failed or refused to serve, he was to be fined. The fines were regulated
as follows: "For a Mayor-elect, fifty pounds; for the Recorder, forty
pounds; for any Alderman, thirty pounds; for any Common Councilman,
twenty-five pounds; for the City Sergeant, one hundred pounds; for the
Constable, fifty pounds; for the Clerk of the Hustings Court and the Clerk
of the Market, each fifty pounds; the Surveyor of Streets or Roads, each
thirty pounds." These several fines were to be imposed by the hustings
court, and "to be levied by execution against the goods and chattles of
the offender."

The charter also provided that in case of "misconduct in the office of
Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen or Common Councilmen, or either of them, the
others, being seven at least, shall have power to remove the offenders,"
and in case the other officers were guilty of misconduct, the power
appointing them was clothed with the authority of revoking the
appointment. It was provided that if the office of Mayor should become
vacant, the Recorder was to succeed to the office, the oldest Alderman was
to become Recorder, and "so on according to priority."

It was further provided "that all the property, real and personal, now
held and possessed by the trustees of the said town of Fredericksburg, in
law or equity, or in trust, for the use and benefit of the inhabitants
thereof, and particularly the charity donation of Archibald McPherson,
deceased, now vested in the trustees of said town in trust, for the
education of poor children, shall be and the same are hereby transferred
and vested in the Mayor and Commonalty of said town, to and for the same
uses, intents and purposes as the trustees of the town now hold the same."

At the session of the Legislature in 1782 the charter of the town was
amended and the jurisdiction of the hustings court was extended one mile
without and around the former limits of the town on the south side of the
Rappahannock river, and made a court of record and as such was authorized
to receive probate of wills and deeds and grant administrations in as full
and ample manner as the county courts could or might do. But no will was
to be admitted to proof and no administration was to be granted unless
the parties were citizens and residents of the town at the time of their
death, and no deeds for conveyance of land were to be admitted to record
unless the lands conveyed lay within the limits of the corporation. The
court was empowered and authorized to appoint a person skilled in the law
to prosecute for the Commonwealth and pay him a reasonable salary for his
services, and when the Attorney for the Commonwealth was appointed for the
town, it was to be exempt from paying any part of the salary of the
Attorney for the Commonwealth of Spotsylvania county.

[Illustration: "Rising Sun Tavern," kept by Gen. Geo. Weedon prior to
1775; now the property of the A. P. of V. A. (See page 148)]

[Illustration: Mary Washington Monument, erected by the Women of America;
Wm. J. Crawford, architect. (See page 157)]


On the petition of sixty-four of the leading citizens of the town,
property owners and tax payers, complaining that certain provisions and
requirements of the original charter of the town, granted in 1727, had not
been enforced by the Council and complied with by lot owners, the Common
Council, in 1782, passed an order which resulted in great benefit to the
town in the way of improving vacant lots, erecting buildings and
furnishing permanent homes for artisans, mechanics and laboring men. In
the memorial submitted to the Council, these property owners complained of
"being frequently subjected to the payment of many heavy Taxes and charges
for the general benefit and improvement of the said Town of which many
proprietors of unimproved Lotts pay no part, although their property is
thereby daily rendered more valuable; That the proprietors of said Lotts,
although wealthy, will neither build on them, nor sell to those who would,
unless for exorbitant prices, by means whereof Rents are high and many
useful tradesmen are prevented from residing in the said Town, to remedy
which your petitioners pray that you, as Guardians of the said
Corporation, will take into your consideration an Act of Assembly, passed
in the year of our Lord One thousand, seven hundred and twenty seven,
entitled an Act for erecting a Town in each of the counties of
Spotsylvania and King George[23] or so much of the said Act as may relate
to the said Town of Fredericksburg. A due execution of said Law, your
petitioners Conceive, will be productive of many real and very essential
advantages to the said corporation; by encouraging the peopling of it and
increasing its Trade and Navigation. Your petitioners do not wish that any
immediate advantage may be taken of failures or defaults already
heretofore suffered, by noncompliance with the above mentioned Act, but
that Public notice may be given to the proprietors of such unimproved
Lotts that a strict execution of the above mentioned Act of Assembly will
be observed with all such as shall, in future, fail to perform, fulfil and
comply with the rules and directions therein set forth."

In consideration of the complaints of these citizens and the wise
suggestions made in their communication, as well as the requirements of
the act referred to, the Council ordered "that notice be given to the
Proprietors of unimproved Lotts within this corporation, by advertisement
in the Public News Papers, that they immediately pay up the Taxes due on
said Lotts within this Town and that they be informed that they must build
on their unimproved Lotts, agreeable to the Act of Assembly, passed in One
thousand seven hundred and Twenty-seven, for establishing a Town in the
County of Spotsylvania, otherwise the Lotts will be sold agreeable to the
said Act."

In consequence of the enforcement of this order of the Common Council,
both the taxable values, and the inhabitants of the town, increased
rapidly. Instead of an empty treasury, as the town then had, and the
necessity it found itself under of appealing to the public for
subscriptions for money with which to repair and enlarge the church, to
repair the market house, the courthouse and jail, so they could be used,
the town soon had money for ordinary purposes, and also for repairing the
public buildings, many of which had been used during the war by the
soldiers of General Washington's army, leaving a good balance in the
treasury, after the work was done. Nor was that all; in 1791, under the
"Domestic Loan Act" of Congress, the town loaned to the general government
$3,500. This loan was evidenced by four certificates, issued by the "Loan
office" of the Government in Washington and are duly recorded in the
record book of the Common Council.


It may be interesting to note that in the olden times there were other
methods resorted to for punishing criminals besides fines, jails and
penitentiaries, which are not used in this day and time. The Common
Council, in 1785, passed a resolution ordering Sergeant John Richards to
"erect immediately a whipping post, stocks and ducking stool." The
whipping post was used mainly for the slaves who were guilty of small
infractions of the law, but for aggravated offences, the penalty was
"thirty-nine lashes on his bare back, well laid on," to which was added
"burning in the left hand, in the presence of the court." The whipping
post is said to have been used for habitual persistent absence from
church, but it was very seldom used for that purpose, and never in
Fredericksburg so far as we have discovered from the records.

The stocks were used to punish white persons for petty offences, such as
vagrancy, trespassing and similar infractions of the law. The stocks
consisted of a frame of timber, with holes in which the ankles and wrists
of the offenders were confined. The stocks were erected in the public
square and it is said the passers-by, and those who had gathered around
them, through curiosity, would taunt and jeer at the criminals thus
confined for punishment.

The ducking stool was used for punishing common scolds, refractory women
and dishonest tradesmen, especially brewers and bakers. The ducking stool
for Fredericksburg was erected on the bank of the Rappahannock river, at
the foot of Wolfe street, near where the old Stafford bridge spanned the
river. There are several of our old citizens now living who remember when
it was in use, and when it was dispensed with, nearly seventy years ago. A
"ducking" always brought together a large crowd, most of whom were rude
and disorderly, and jeers at and ridicule of the party "ducked" would rend
the air, while the sentence of the court was being carried out. It is said
that some of the "scolding women," as they would emerge from the water
would send forth volumes of abuse at the disorderly crowd, while the
officer waited for the next bath, and this was kept up until the order of
the court was fully executed. It seemed to be the wish of the authorities
that the whole population would turn out and witness these different modes
of punishment, with the hope that it would deter others from committing
similar offences.


    _The Lease of the Market-House Lots--The First Serious
    Fire--Fredericksburg an Important Center--An Act Concerning
    Elections--Half of the Town Destroyed by Fire--Fredericksburg an
    Important Postal Point--How the Mails were Carried--A Congressional
    Investigation--Amendatory Act of 1821--The Great Fire of 1822--The
    Trade of the Town--Contagious Diseases--The Town in 1841--Acts of
    Extension, 1851, 1852, 1858, 1861, &c._

In the year 1789 an enactment was passed by the Legislature empowering the
Mayor and Commonalty of the town of Fredericksburg to lease for three
lives, or twenty-one years, such unimproved parts of the market-house lots
as to them shall seem most proper, and apply the rents arising therefrom
for the benefit of the corporation. In the same year an act was passed
authorizing the Trustees of the Fredericksburg Academy to raise, by way of
lottery, the sum of four thousand pounds to defray the expenses of
erecting a building on the academy lands for the purpose of accommodating
the professors and the rapidly increasing number of students. We could not
learn the result of this latter scheme.


In 1799 the first serious fire the town ever had occurred. It took place
in the night time and quite a number of houses were destroyed. By many
persons it was supposed to have been the work of an incendiary, but others
believed that it was caused by a "wooden chimney or a stove pipe, run
through a window or through the side of a wooden house, without being
properly protected." The Council decided to meet both views, and offered
five hundred dollars for the arrest and conviction of the incendiary, and
issued an emphatic condemnation against wooden chimneys and stove pipes
projecting through windows or the sides of houses without having them
"fire proof." This nuisance was thereby abated.


As early as 1796 Fredericksburg was an important commercial center, and
manufactories of various kinds were in operation. Iron works and mills
and other industries were successfully prosecuted, and the trade of
the town, in the general merchandise department, was in the hands of
public-spirited, energetic merchants; and it would no doubt surprise the
merchants of the present day to read the advertisements and note the
extent and variety of stocks of goods kept here at that period. The growth
and development of the trade was gradual and decided in all departments,
the leading article being tobacco, which up to and during the War of 1812
and 1814, was increased heavily and necessitated the employment of vessels
of great tonnage to carry it. And, though strange as it may appear to our
present population, in those days of prosperity in manufactories, farms
and workshops, and when nearly all merchandise and supplies reached our
town in said vessels, large three-masted ships were moored at our wharves;
and, until large cities sprang up along the coast, that diverted trade by
reason of railroad transportation, our leading merchants carried on a
direct trade with the West India Islands, as well as with many of the
European countries. Our wharves then were a scene of busy activity and the
river was crowded with vessels from all quarters of the country.


In 1806 an act of the Legislature was passed providing that on the next
annual election day for members of the "Common Hall of the Town," which
term was used to denote the Common Council, a Mayor and Recorder and eight
persons should be elected by ballot to act as Justices of the Peace for
the town, who should "continue in office during good behavior." Three of
these justices were empowered to hold a hustings court, except in cases of
the examination or trial of free persons or slaves charged with felonies,
in which case five of the eight justices were necessary to constitute the
court. This court had the same power and jurisdiction that the hustings
court had under the act of 1781, but the members were ineligible for the
Common Council and they had no power to lay a tax for the support of a
night watch.

At this election the voters were also to elect by ballot twelve persons as
members of the Common Council of the town, who were to continue in office
for one year and until their successors should be elected and qualified.
The powers of the Common Council should be the same as had been previously
conferred upon the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Common Council of the
town "in Common Hall assembled." The Common Council, at their first
meeting, were to elect one of their number to the office of Mayor and
another to the office of Recorder. It was the duty of the Mayor to preside
over the deliberations of the body, and, in his absence, the Recorder was
to discharge that duty. The Mayor, or in his absence, the Recorder, or any
two members of the Council, could call a meeting of the body, but it
required seven members present to constitute a quorum. After the Council
assembled in the first meeting after the election of the members, and
elected the proper officers, the body then consisting of the Mayor,
Recorder and the other ten members elected as common councilmen,
constituted the "Common Hall" of the town, and all ordinances were adopted
by that body.


In the year 1807 Fredericksburg was visited by a terrible conflagration
which destroyed nearly one-half of the town. It was in October of that
year, when the town was almost depopulated, the citizens, old and young,
having left their homes to attend and witness the horse racing just below
town, on "Willis's Field" farm. The fire broke out in the dwelling house
of Mr. Stannard, which was located on the lot where the residence of Mr.
George W. Shepherd now stands, on the north corner of Princess Ann and
Lewis streets. A high wind prevailed at the time, the house was
inflammable, the weather very dry, and in a short time the fire swept down
Main street, the flames leaping from house to house to Henderson's store,
on the south corner of Main and Amelia streets; thence down both sides of
Main to George street, destroying every building in its track except
Henderson's corner, which alone escaped destruction. The Bank of
Virginia, which stood on the spot where Shiloh Baptist church (old site)
now stands, on Water street, although more than a quarter of a mile from
where the fire originated, was the second house to take fire and was
entirely consumed. Mr. Stannard, at whose residence the fire started, was
lying a corpse in the house at the time of the fire, and his remains were
rescued from the flames with great difficulty.

Preparations to rebuild the burnt district were at once commenced, and
buildings of a more substantial character took the places of those
destroyed and prosperity again smiled upon the town. Yet strange to say
the square on the west side of Main street, from Lewis to Amelia, then in
the business part of the town, and now in the residential part, although
before the fire was lined with buildings, was without a building until
some five years ago. A tool chest, saved from destruction in this fire, by
the debris of the building falling upon it and covering it up, and which
escaped the destruction wrought in town by the Federal soldiers in
December, 1862, is now in the possession of Police Officer Charles A.
Gore. It was the property of his grandfather, Jacob Gore, who had been
working at Mr. Stannard's a few days before the fire occurred and left it
there temporarily.


Fredericksburg, as early as 1820, was a very important point for mail
distribution, and the mail matter of not less than five States was
assorted here and sent on to its destination. About the breaking out of
the War of 1812 mail matter to Fredericksburg rapidly increased, and
continued to increase, for several years, which necessitated a change in
the method of transporting the mails from Washington, an increase of pay,
and finally scandalous reports were put in circulation which resulted in a
congressional investigation.

A paper on this investigation, prepared by Henry Castle, Esq., Auditor,
from the records in the Postoffice department, and kindly furnished us,
will prove interesting.

    "The year 1820 had arrived; James Monroe was President and Return J.
    Meiggs, Jr., of Ohio, was Postmaster General. There were then over
    three thousand post offices, and the revenues had increased to
    $1,000,000 per annum, a sum considerable in excess of the
    expenditures, a feature which seldom characterized the service after
    that date. It appears from the records that vague rumors of certain
    irregularities had been afloat throughout the country and in the
    'public prints' for some time, and that they finally assumed such a
    tangible shape that a resolution was introduced into the United States
    Congress providing for an investigation of the charges.

    "A committee of the House of Representatives, of which Hon. Elisha
    Phelps was chairman, proceeded in accordance with instructions of the
    House, in due form and great deliberation, to investigate the general
    conduct of the office under Postmaster General Meiggs, and especially
    the features which had been subjected to more immediate criticism. Mr.
    Meiggs's service, as Postmaster General, extended from March 17th
    1814, to June 26th 1823, a period of more than nine years. The gravest
    of the charges made against his administration were substantially as

    "First. That he had introduced an irregular financial system which had
    led to serious losses of the public funds.

    "Second. That he had illegally and improperly increased the
    compensation of certain contractors for carrying the mail.

    "With slow formality and tedious reiteration of assurances of
    distinguished consideration, the solemn committee of the Honorable
    House of Representatives, and the Honorable Postmaster General,
    finally reached a point where questions were asked and answered and a
    tolerably clear understanding of what had really occurred may be
    gained. The statement of the Postmaster General, divested of all its
    superfluities and reduced to its simplest form, showed no dereliction
    in either case, but read at this late day gives an almost ludicrous
    insight into the diminutive transactions which then sufficed for this
    great, free and intelligent Republic.

    "Postmaster General Meiggs's answer to the second charge was perhaps
    even more interestingly significant as a revelation of the day of
    small things. He admitted that he had increased the compensation of
    contractors for carrying the mails, but justified his action on the
    ground of an imperious necessity.

    "The case as he explained it was this: His predecessor in office had
    about the year 1813, let a contract to certain parties for
    transporting mail from the Seat of Government at Washington to
    Fredericksburg, Virginia, a distance of seventy miles. This great mail
    route, which would now be termed a trunk line, carried substantially
    the mail for the five States of Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina,
    South Carolina and Georgia. The contract provided that these mails
    should be carried by stage coach in summer and, as the roads were
    impassable in winter, they were to be carried on horseback.

    "But," says the Postmaster General, "by the increased popular interest
    in the war of 1812, correspondence was greatly stimulated and the
    circulation of the public journals was enormously increased.
    Consequently, it was found impracticable to transport all this heavy
    mail for five States, on horseback from Washington to Fredericksburg;
    therefore contractors were authorized to place a sulky, or curricle
    service thereon and the remuneration was increased accordingly.

    "This explanation was apparently satisfactory to the Honorable
    Committee as it certainly appears very reasonable on its face, and
    will appeal to man's inherent sense of justice even in this exacting
    era. The final action of Congress is not contained in the records, but
    it was no doubt exculpatory since, as shown above, Postmaster General
    Meiggs, continued to discharge the duties in his high office for
    several years thereafter."


Under the previous acts of the Legislature, extending the limits of the
town and providing for laying out streets, and the amendments thereto, it
was claimed that mistakes had occurred and irregularities had resulted
therefrom. In order to correct these mistakes, and provide for the better
government of the town, an amendatory act was passed by the Legislature in
the year 1821. In that act the Common Council was authorized and empowered
to elect the Mayor from their own number or from the body of the
citizens, and in case he was elected from the Council, thus creating a
vacancy in that body, it was to be filled by the Council. Under this act
the Mayor was eligible to reëlection from year to year as long as the
Council was pleased to elect him, was made custodian of the corporation
seal, and was to keep an office in the town where he should transact the
public business, and where the citizens could call upon him and present
any grievance or complaint they might have to make.

[Illustration: The St. George's Episcopal Church. (See page 203)]

[Illustration: The Presbyterian Memorial Chapel. (See page 208)]

When the hustings court was not in session the Mayor was to act as a
Justice of the Peace and superintend and control the police and night
watch. He was to qualify in ten days after his election, and was to
preside at the sittings of the hustings court; and in his absence the
Recorder, upon whom all the powers and authority of the Mayor were
conferred, was authorized to perform his duties. The Common Council had to
regulate and fix the salary of the Mayor, which could not be increased or
diminished during his term of office. The same act extended the
jurisdiction of the hustings court to high water mark on the Stafford side
of the Rappahannock river, and exempted the citizens of the town from the
assessment and payment of all taxes and levies to Spotsylvania county, to
which they were subject under the former laws.

By the provisions of the act of 1821 the Common Council was authorized to
assess and levy a tax on the inhabitants of, and property within, the town
for the purpose of repairing and keeping in order the streets and alleys
and for other purposes and charges as to them might seem right and proper,
and for the improvement, convenience and well being of the town. They were
authorized to provide a night watch for the protection of the town and for
the "better execution of this duty the power and authority, now exercised
by field officers of the militia concerning patrols, shall hereafter be
vested in and exercised by the said Mayor, Recorder and Common Council
over the militia of the said town," and the militia of the town were, by
the same act, exempted from patrol duty beyond the city limits.

In order to correct defects in laying out streets under the former acts,
by this act a Commission, consisting of John W. Green, John Mundell,
George Cox, Silas Wood and David Briggs, was appointed to survey and
locate the streets of the town according to existing laws and authentic
ancient surveys. This Commission was to locate the streets by metes and
bounds, making such alterations as its members might think expedient, with
the consent of the proprietors of lots effected by such alterations, but
not otherwise. It was also required to mark the boundaries of the streets
by stones or otherwise, which were to be designated on the map of the town
made by it. These Commissioners were to report their plan, with
explanatory notes, to the Common Council, and if approved by that body it
was to be taken as the authentic plan of the town.

But in making this survey of the streets it was especially provided that
if a house should be found, in whole or in part, in the street, it was not
to be considered a nuisance or an illegal obstruction of the street, but
if such building should perish, or in any manner be destroyed, it was not
to be rebuilt so as to encroach upon or obstruct the street.


After the great conflagration of 1807, a regular and decided increase in
population is noted with a marked improvement in local trade. So things
progressed with no unusual or startling calamities to disturb the usual
serenity of a prosperous town--not bustling, but active--until the year
1822, when the quiet was disturbed by another serious conflagration. It
was not as disastrous as its predecessor was, but it was of such a
character as to cause great loss of property, and to retard, to a very
great extent, the general prosperity of the town. This fire originated at
the corner of Main and George streets, where Mr. Thomas N. Brent's dry
goods store now stands, and, curious enough, just where the great fire of
1807 was checked. It was then known as Wellford's corner, because Mr. C.
C. Wellford, for a great many years, kept store there. From that corner
the fire made its way down Main street totally destroying every building
on that side of the street from there to Hanover street, which square was
then known as the "Commercial Block," because of the large trade carried
on there.

With the energy and enterprise so characteristic of the citizens of the
town at that day, steps were at once taken to rebuild the burnt district.
Soon the street was almost blocked up with building material, laborers
were busily at work, clearing away the debris and preparing the
foundations for the new buildings. Carpenters and brick masons were in
great demand and large numbers flocked to the town from neighboring cities
and villages. That part of the town was soon a busy scene and the music of
the hammer, the saw and the trowel greeted the ear from early morning
until late in the afternoon. And there were soon erected, with an
occasional exception, the substantial block of brick buildings which now
stand as monuments to the good judgment and excellent workmanship of that
early day. The work of rebuilding was speedy and complete, and the
character of the new buildings was an improvement upon the old ones they
replaced. With the rebuilding of that portion of the town, and the
resumption of business by the burnt-out merchants, came an unusual degree
of prosperity, and for a long period the general peace and happiness of
the people were undisturbed.


At this time the trade of the town was chiefly of a local character,
except the products of the country extending even beyond the Blue Ridge
mountains, as from the early years of the town, were brought to market in
wagons, and it was no uncommon sight to see daily as many as fifty or
sixty four and six-horse teams here at one time from that part of the
country. The merchants were men of exalted character and fine business
capacity, and the amount of business transacted was, considering the times
and circumstances, simply enormous.


To the credit of the authorities of the town it can be truthfully said
that, in all the past, they have been very watchful of and solicitous for
the health of the people. At all times, upon reports, or even rumors, that
contagious or infectious diseases were prevailing in contiguous
communities, they were on the alert, taking every precaution to prevent
their introduction here, and it may be said to their credit that such
strict observance and enforcement of the laws of health, and temporary
quarantines at the proper time, have prevented all kinds of epidemics in
the past history of the town.

Before the first of the nineteenth century, in 1790, the people of the
town were very much excited about the small pox. It was raging in
Philadelphia as an epidemic, and the large trade carried on between the
two places, altogether by water, made it necessary that numerous vessels
should bear the merchandise. In order to prevent the small pox from
reaching this place a strict quarantine was established at the mouth of
Hazel Run, just below town, and a hospital was located at Sligo. Dr.
Brooke and Dr. Ker, two skillful physicians of the town, agreed to attend
the sick at the hospital without charge, whether sailors or citizens. The
wise precaution taken in establishing the quarantine prevented any case
from reaching the town, to the great relief of the citizens generally. In
1792 the same disease broke out in Baltimore and a quarantine was again
established at Hazel Run and a hospital at Sligo. The citizens were
greatly alarmed, fearing its introduction here either by land or water.
The greatest precautions were taken by the health officers, who were nobly
assisted by the town authorities, and the disease was kept out as it had
been two years before, not a single case having made its appearance in the

In 1833, it is said by old citizens, a remarkable case of either fright or
disease occurred in Fredericksburg, which proved fatal. In that year
several parts of the United States were visited and scourged by the
Asiatic cholera. The country generally was in great terror, and
Fredericksburg came in for her share of excitement. In fact, she may have
been more alarmed than other places which were as far removed from the
seat of the scourge, because of a prediction that had previously been
made, and which made its impression on many people. Rev. Lorenzo Dow, an
able, but eccentric, itinerant Methodist minister, when on a visit to the
town the year previous to the scourge, it was reported had predicted the
appearance of cholera in Fredericksburg. Some people believed the disease
would come because Mr. Dow had predicted it, and the excitement ran high,
especially among those who believed the prophecy. A Mr. Shelton became
dreadfully alarmed and whether from fright or from actually contracting
the disease, died in the month of June and the cause of his death was
pronounced sporadic or accidental cholera. His was the only case then, and
to this day there has been no other, Fredericksburg having enjoyed
singular and perfect immunity from epidemics of all kinds.


In describing the town in 1841, an intelligent visitor says
"Fredericksburg is regularly laid out and compactly built; many of its
buildings are brick. The principal public buildings are a courthouse,
clerk's office, a jail, a market-house, an orphan asylum, one Episcopal,
one Presbyterian, one Methodist, one Baptist and one Reform Baptist
church. The town also contains two banks and one male and one female
seminary of the higher class. It is supplied with water from the river[24]
by subterraneous pipes and is governed by a Mayor and Common Council. A
canal, extending from the town to Fox's mill, a point on the Rappahannock,
thirty-five miles above, has been commenced and partly completed.

"Fredericksburg enjoys considerable trade, chiefly in grain, flour,
tobacco, maize, etc., and considerable quantities of gold are exported.
Its exports have been computed at over four millions of dollars annually.
The falls of the Rappahannock, in the vicinity, afford good water power.
There were in 1840, by the United States statistics, seventy-three stores,
with a capital of $376,961; two tanneries, paints, drugs, etc., with a
capital of $37,000; one grist mill, two printing offices, four semi-weekly
newspapers; capital in manufactures, $141,200; five academies, with 256
students, and seven schools, with 156 scholars. The population in 1830,
whites, 1,797; slaves, 1,124; free blacks, 387--total, 3,308. The
population in 1840 was 3,974."

But the commercial prosperity of the town even in 1840 was not equal to
its advantages, but it steadily grew and prospered during the next decade.
The completion of a canal, extending from the town to a point on the
Rappahannock river, a distance of forty miles, railroad facilities and
river navigation by sail vessels and steamboats, greatly enlarged her
commercial advantages and increased her export trade, and the beginning of
the year 1850 found her enjoying a degree of material prosperity,
presaging a glorious commercial future. Commencing the year 1850 under
circumstances so encouraging, the next decade was expected to exceed in
all departments of trade the preceding one.

The failure to build a railroad through the section of country from which
the bulk of our trade was drawn, and the substitution therefor of a plank
road, with the building of the Orange and Alexandria railroad, now the
Western, and the advance of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad along the
upper line of the Shenandoah Valley, greatly injured the trade of
Fredericksburg by diverting from her a large amount of produce, which was
formerly brought to town in wagons, and while in 1860 the population had
somewhat increased, the general trade of the town was diminished.


In the year 1851 the Legislature passed a bill extending the limits of the
town, in accordance with a plan made by Commissioners appointed by the
Common Council. That extension embraced the territory we now have within
the corporate limits except a portion of the Water Power Company, the
survey having been made by Mr. William Slaughter, City Surveyor, in 1850,
and reported to the Council by Joseph Sanford, John Minor and John
Pritchard, who were appointed a committee by the Council to "enquire into
the expediency of extending the limits of the said town." After making a
thorough examination, this committee reported back to the body that it was
both expedient and desirable that the extension should be made, which
report and recommendation were adopted. To carry out this action, the
Council appointed Hugh S. Scott, Wm. S. Barton, John James Chew, Joseph
Sanford and John Pritchard, and they were instructed and empowered as a
Commission, under the provisions of the act of the Legislature, to locate
and lay out such streets in the part of the town annexed by the provisions
of the bill, as they might think proper, and report back to the Council,
with a full plan of their work. But it was provided that none of the new
streets reported upon were to be opened unless the Council should decide
it necessary, and in that event, if the owners of the lots did not
relinquish their claims to the town, damages were to be paid by the
Council in such sums as should be ascertained by three disinterested
freeholders of Spotsylvania county, who should be appointed by the county
court of said county for that purpose. The Commission performed the duties
assigned them by the Council, and laid out the new portion of the town
into streets, giving a name to each, but many of them were never opened,
as they were not needed, and remain closed to this day.

The same act made it unnecessary for either the Mayor or Recorder of the
town to be present and preside over the hustings court, but made it lawful
for any three Justices of the Corporation to hold the court, except, as in
the former act, where parties were to be examined or tried for felonies it
required that five Justices should be present and preside. In consequence
of this provision the court would convene with five Justices when felony
cases were to be considered, and after they were disposed of, two of them
would be excused and the other three would continue the session until the
business of the court was completed. These Justices were appointed by the
Governor, on the recommendation of the hustings court, and were among the
best citizens and most successful businessmen of the town, and what they
lacked in a knowledge of the law, it is generally agreed they more than
made up in good common sense and unyielding integrity.

In the following year, 1852, the Legislature passed another amendment to
the charter of the town, extending its limits, but this amendment was only
made necessary to correct an error in the section of the act of the year
before, extending the corporate limits. The metes and bounds were left the
same as prescribed in the act of 1851.

In 1858 an act was passed by the Legislature enabling the Council to sell
real estate for delinquent taxes due the town. It authorized the
authorities to sell all real estate within the corporation returned
delinquent for the non-payment of taxes and interest, and to make such
regulations for affecting the sale and collecting the taxes as they might
deem expedient. In case the sale was not made and the taxes remained
unpaid, the taxes became a lien on the property and ten per centum was
charged thereon until they were paid. The act also provided that if the
taxes due on real estate were paid by the tenant, who was not the owner of
the property, the amount might be deducted from the rents of the same in
settlement with the owner. In cases where the property was owned by
non-residents, and was vacant or unimproved, and no levy could be made to
satisfy the taxes, the town was authorized to take summary proceedings
before any court in the State, on ten days' notice to the parties owning
the delinquent property.

In 1861 another act was passed by the Legislature, extending the corporate
limits of the town. This was done in order to bring certain property
within the limits of the town for the purpose of city taxation, according
to a previous agreement with the owners of the Fredericksburg Water Power.
That agreement was that all mills and manufactories, using the water of
that company for power, erected after the completion of the canal, should
be liable for, and should pay, city taxes. The extension by this act is
described as follows:

    "Beginning at a point Sixty-seven feet North 64-1/2 degrees east from
    the northeast cornerstone of the present boundary of said town; and
    running thence to the Rappahannock river twelve hundred and fifty feet
    to a stone; thence south 58-1/2 degrees west, four hundred and
    sixty-six feet to a stone; thence south 13-1/2 degrees west, three
    hundred and seventy feet to a stone; thence south 35-1/2 degrees east,
    six hundred and eight feet to a stone; thence south 38-3/4 degrees,
    two hundred and eighty-five feet to a stone; thence south 25-1/2
    degrees east, one hundred and forty-four feet to a stone in a line
    with the present corporation line; thence with said line north 64-1/2
    degrees east six hundred and eighty feet to the point of beginning,
    and particularly set out and described in a survey and plat made by
    Carter M. Braxton, dated the 23rd day of January, 1861, and deposited
    in the clerk's office of the corporation court of said town."


    _The War Clouds Gathering--Fredericksburg in the Confederacy--Troops
    Raised and Equipped--The Surrender of the Town to the Federal
    Authorities--Arrested and Held as Hostages--Citizens Flee from their
    Homes--The Bombardment of the Town, &c._

Notwithstanding the fact that Fredericksburg had been growing for so many
years, and the further fact that she had enjoyed the prosperity which is
claimed for her, and of which we have written, the town had attained at
this time only to the moderate proportions of a population of about five
thousand inhabitants. But it was a delightful place, nevertheless, with a
salubrious climate, good water, charming society, picturesque surroundings
and cheapness of living, and had about it a quiet and chastened dignity of
age and respectability, both attractive and impressive. Such was
Fredericksburg when the storm-cloud of war burst upon her in 1861.


We shall not attempt in these pages to fully portray the scenes enacted in
the town, or narrate the part played by Fredericksburg in that terrible
war. A true portrayal and narration of them is beyond the power of the
tongue of the finished orator, the pen of the most gifted writer or the
brush of the most skilled artist. No one can know them save those who
endured them and were a part and parcel of them, and even they are unable
to describe them with all of their horrible, bloody and destructive
realities. It would take a pen almost inspired to truthfully describe the
fiery scenes, the devastation, the trials, the privations, the sufferings
of body and mind and the heroism of the inhabitants, who were then in
town, in the terrible ordeal through which they passed, and the fortitude
with which they stood the test.

A great change was now about to take place. The quiet of the staid and
sober town was about to be broken by the sound of the drum and the tramp
of armed men. The activity of commerce had ceased, a spirit of patriotism
prevailed; and this patriotism was not demonstrative only, it was deep and
real, and was afterwards sealed by the best blood of the town.


There was never any doubt as to the part the citizens of Fredericksburg
would take in the war. It is true the town was always conservative and
loyal to the government; it had sent a Union man to the State Convention,
which was to consider and pass upon the question of union or disunion; he
had received almost a two-thirds vote of the qualified voters of the town,
but all this was done with a strong hope that the political differences of
the two great sections of the country--North and South--could and would be
settled without a separation. When it was ascertained that such a
settlement could not be had, and when that assurance was followed by a
call on the States from President Lincoln for seventy-five thousand troops
to coerce the seceded Southern States back into the Union and that
Virginia was expected to furnish her quota of that number, the sentiment
of the entire population changed, and the most ardent Union men, with few
exceptions, became strong sympathizers of the Southern movement and were
ready to take up arms in defence of the South. The Constitutional
Convention, that up to that time was supposed to be against the adoption
of the ordinance of secession, rapidly changed front, and when the
ordinance was submitted to a vote it was passed by a large majority, the
delegate from Fredericksburg, Hon. John L. Marye, Sr., voting for its

The two volunteer militia companies, which had been in existence in town
for many years, became the nucleus around which was formed the Thirtieth
Regiment of Virginia Volunteers. This regiment, commanded successively by
Colonel Milton Cary, Colonel Archibald Harrison and Colonel Robert S.
Chew, immediately entered upon active duty and performed good service
throughout the war. The Fredericksburg artillery, under Captain Carter M.
Braxton, was organized at the beginning of the war, and under its gallant
commanders, Captain Carter M. Braxton, Captain Edward Marye and Captain
John G. Pollock, greatly distinguished itself.

[Illustration: HON. MONTGOMERY SLAUGHTER, "The War Mayor" of
Fredericksburg. (See page 74)]

It is claimed that this company fired the first shot at the battle of
Fredericksburg and was honored with a like distinction at Gettysburg; and
yet a greater honor awaited this heroic band than either of these or the
two combined, which each member and his descendants will ever cherish with
pride. Its members claim to have fired the last gun at Appomattox on the
9th of April, 1865, the day on which General Robert E. Lee surrendered the
Army of Northern Virginia to General U. S. Grant, where and when the Star
of the Southern Confederacy went down, never, never more to rise. All
honor to such brave and heroic men! The following is a correct list of the
members of the Fredericksburg artillery at the time of the surrender,
furnished by a member of the company, most of whom are now living:

Captain John G. Pollock, Lieutenant A. W. Johnson, Lieutenant Clinton
Southworth, Sergeant Henry G. Chesley, Sergeant L. T. Bunnell, Sergeant
James Taylor, Sergeant Charles B. Fleet, Gunner M. C. Hall, Gunner Samuel
H. Thorburn, Picket Sergeant J. L. Marye, Jr., H. P. Martin, Quarter
Master Sergeant; Gunner J. R. Ferneyhough, Gunner P. V. D. Conway, Gunner
W. F. Gordon, Gunner R. W. McGuire, Harrison Southworth, Guidon; Privates
W. A. Anthony, John Scott Berry, John J. Berrey, Wm. E. Bradley, J. A.
Bowler, Oscar Berry, James E. Berrey, Wm. Bowler, Robert C. Beale, J. H.
Butzner, Henry Berry, C. B. Cason, L. P. Carter, Walter Carter, W. M.
Chewning, J. S. Cannon, W. S. Chartters, Jacob Crowder, G. W. Clarke, J.
H. Clarke, S. H. Crockford, A. P. Carneal, Charles Donahoe, James Donahoe,
W. B. Dickinson, Elijah E. Fines, R. C. Fitzhugh, M. A. Ferneyhough, Duff
Green (of Brooke), J. T. Goolrick, R. C. Grymes, J. R. Gouldman, Landon
Gallahan, Henry Gallahan, John M. Garrett, James W. Hogans, George F.
Harrison, George M. Harrison, John E. Harrison, Robert Haislip, Matthew
Hudson, John S. Johnson, W. Stanfield Jones, J. Chester Jones, C. W.
Jenkins, John T. Knight, David Corbin Ker, Hubbard M. Long, Charles Lyell,
Alfred J. Marye, J. W. McWhirt, J. A. Marye, A. Stewart Marye, J. W.
Mitchell, Frank A. Maddox, Thomas E. Maddex, Charles W. Manley, John
McKay, W. Nelson Marye, George Oakes, M. B. Pollock, George B. Pearson,
Joseph S. Payne, Harvey W. Proctor, Anthony Patton, John T. Roberts, Henry
Robinson, W. T. Robinson, John D. Smith,[25] R. B. Semple, Warner L.
Sisson, Lawrence Sanford, Charles H. Scott, John Sullivan, Peter Sullivan,
H. Cabell Tabb, A. Byrd Waller, H. H. Wallace, Arthur Wallace, George

Many of the young men at the first opportunity entered the various
branches of the service--the cavalry, infantry, navy, marine, and other
positions necessary and honorable--where they served their country well
and faithfully, and in many cases with distinguished ability. So rapid
were these enlistments, that in less than twelve months the town was
almost stripped of her youths and arms-bearing men, and of her former
population--those remaining at home were the older men, the women and a
few colored people.


_Gen. McDowell's Forces Arrive._

On the 19th of April, 1862, the town first fell into the hands of the
Federal Army. On that day a meeting of the Common Council was held, and a
committee, consisting of Mayor Slaughter, Wm. A. Little, Esq., Thomas B.
Barton, Esq., Dr. J. Gordon Wallace, Rev. William F. Broaddus, D. D., and
Gov. John L. Marye, Jr., three members on the part of the Common Council
and three representing the citizens, was appointed to confer with the
commanding officer of the United States forces, relative to the surrender
of the town. They were instructed to inform him that inasmuch as the
forces of the Confederate States had evacuated the town no resistance
would be made to its occupation by the United States troops, and to ask
such protection for persons and property as was consistent with the rules
of civilized warfare. They were also instructed to inform the Commanding
General "that the population of this town have been in the past, and are
now, in conviction and sentiment, loyal to the existing government of the
State of Virginia and Confederate States." This was an honest and frank
statement, made by the Common Council of the threatened town to the
Commanding General of the invading army, and there can be no doubt that
this honest acknowledgment won the friendship and respect of the
commandant of the post and saved much property from destruction and many
of the inhabitants from indignities on the part of the garrison.

The United States forces took possession of the Stafford hills, which
commanded the town, on the 19th day of April. The destruction of the
bridges connecting the town with the Stafford shore delayed the actual
presence of the troops in town for several days, and it was not until the
morning of the 27th that General Marsena R. Patrick established his
headquarters and took provost command of the town. Unlike many of the
subordinate commanders Gen. Patrick was considered a generous man and a
kind, humane officer, and many of the citizens who were at their homes,
while he was here in command, unite in bearing testimony, that under his
government military rule in Fredericksburg was kindly exercised and the
people were not oppressed, and not a few of them conceived a sincere
respect for his character, and to this day his acts of kindness and
thoughtful consideration are gratefully referred to by them.

This state of things continued until after the disastrous result to
General George B. McClellan's army in the Seven Days' battles around
Richmond. After those engagements General McClellan was superseded in the
command of the Army of the Potomac by General John Pope. General Pope was
from the Western Army, and upon taking command of the army in Virginia
issued a high-sounding, pompous order in which he belittled the valor of
the Confederate soldiers of the west, asserting he had "only seen the
backs of the enemy," and his purpose in coming to this army was to lead it
to victory and success. In that order he declared that he did not want to
hear such phrases as "taking strong positions and holding them," "lines of
retreat" and "bases of supplies," which he was told was common in the
army. He declared that the glory of the soldier was in pushing the enemy
and studying the lines of his retreat, which he then proposed to do.

He announced his purpose to subsist the invading army by enforced supplies
from his enemies, and, in order to prepare the world and give it some idea
of his rapid movements and brilliant feats, issued orders from
"headquarters in the saddle." This unique order, full as it was of
boastings of what he had done and what he proposed to do, failed to
frighten the Confederate commanders, as General Pope, no doubt, thought it
would do. On the contrary, without loss of time they concentrated their
forces, gave him battle and the Federal commander was ingloriously driven
from the field, with great loss of men, arms and supplies. And so in less
than sixty days from the time he took command of the army he was relieved
by General McClellan, whom he superseded, having lost every engagement
fought during the time. His advance through the counties of Fauquier and
Culpeper to Fredericksburg, when he took command of the army, caused great
consternation because of his unreasonable and cruel exactions. Many
private citizens, who had never entered the Confederate service, were
arrested upon their refusal to take the oath of allegiance to the United
States government, and were ruthlessly dragged from their homes and
confined in Northern prisons.


Finally the power of this pompous commander reached Fredericksburg, and
many of her citizens shared the fate of the unfortunate citizens of
Fauquier and Culpeper counties. By General Pope's order nineteen of our
most prominent and highly esteemed citizens were arrested and sent to
Washington, where they were incarcerated in Old Capitol prison. These men
were arrested in retaliation for the arrest of two Union men by the
Confederate authorities--Major Charles Williams, of Fredericksburg, and
Mr. Wardwell, of Richmond--and confined in prison at Richmond. Major
Williams was a native of Fredericksburg and died here several years after
the war, and Mr. Wardwell, we are informed was a northern man and was
appointed superintendent of the penitentiary when Virginia was made
"Military District No. 1, with headquarters at Richmond."

These nineteen gentlemen were arrested in August, 1862, and confined in
Old Capitol prison until the latter part of the following September, a
period of about six weeks. It will be seen from the list of the names that
they were the leading citizens of the town, exempt from military service
by reason, either of age or official position, and were the natural
guardians of the helpless women and children who were then in town. The
list is as follows:[26] Rev. Wm. F. Broaddus, D. D., James McGuire,
Charles C. Wellford, Thomas F. Knox, Beverley T. Gill, James H. Bradley,
Thomas B. Barton, Benjamin Temple, Lewis Wrenn, Michael Ames, John
Coakley, John H. Roberts, John J. Berrey, Dr. James Cooke, John F. Scott,
Montgomery Slaughter, George H. C. Rowe, Wm. H. Norton, Abraham Cox.

The _Christian Banner_, then published in Fredericksburg by Rev. James W.
Hunnicutt, of the Free Will Baptist denomination, himself a strong Union
man, and who would not have written complimentary of these gentlemen
beyond their respective merits, published the following short sketches of
the "Fredericksburg prisoners":

Thomas B. Barton is the oldest lawyer at the Fredericksburg bar and
Attorney for the Commonwealth. He was originally an Old Line Whig and a
member of the congregation of the Episcopal church.

Thomas F. Knox was a large wheat speculator and flower manufacturer, an
Old Line Whig and a prominent member of the Episcopal church.

Beverley T. Gill was, for a number of years, a large merchant tailor, but
for several years past had retired into private life. Was an Old Line Whig
and a prominent member of the Presbyterian church.

Charles C. Wellford was an extensive dry goods merchant, the oldest in
town, than whom none stood higher. Was an Old Line Whig and an elder in
the Presbyterian church.

James McGuire was one of the oldest merchants in Fredericksburg, an Old
Line Whig, a prominent member of the Presbyterian church and a most
excellent man.

James H. Bradley was a grocery merchant, an Old Line Whig and a deacon in
the Baptist church.

Rev. William F. Broaddus, D. D., was the pastor of the Baptist church in
Fredericksburg and an Old Line Whig. He conducted a female school in
addition to his pastoral work.[27]

Montgomery Slaughter, Mayor of Fredericksburg, was a large wheat
speculator and flour manufacturer, was an Old Line Whig and a member of
the Episcopal church.

George H. C. Rowe was a talented jurist, a Democrat and a Douglas elector
during the late presidential election and a member of the Baptist church.

John Coakley was for many years a merchant, but for several years past had
retired from business, and, at the time of his arrest, was Superintendent
of the Fredericksburg Aquaduct Company. He was an Old Line Whig and a very
prominent member of the Episcopal church.

Benjamin Temple was a wealthy farmer, an Old Line Whig and, we believe, a
member of no church, but a most excellent man.

Dr. James Cooke was a druggist, owning the largest establishment, perhaps
south of the Potomac river; was an Old Line Whig and a prominent member of
the Episcopal church.

John F. Scott was proprietor of the large Fredericksburg foundry and
carried on an extensive business up to the time the Union troops took
possession of Fredericksburg, was an Old Line Whig and a prominent member
of the Episcopal church.

John H. Roberts lived off his income, was an old Line Whig and, we
believe, was a member of no church.

Michael Ames was a blacksmith, an Old Line Whig and a member of no church.

John J. Berrey, formerly engaged in a large produce business, but at the
time of his arrest connected with a hardware store, was an Old Line Whig
and a member of no church.

Abraham Cox was a tailor, a Breckinridge Democrat and a Southern

William H. Norton was a house carpenter, an Old Line Whig and a member of
the Baptist church.

Lewis Wrenn, no particular business, an Old Line Whig and a member of the
Baptist church.

After these gentlemen had been in prison some four weeks they procured a
parole and permission to send Dr. Broaddus to Richmond to effect the
release of Major Williams and Mr. Wardwell, that he and his friends might
be liberated and permitted to return to their homes. Armed with a parole
and passports. Dr. Broaddus proceeded to Richmond, where he called upon
Judge Beverley R. Wellford, Jr., formally of Fredericksburg, who went with
him to see Mr. Randolph, Secretary of War. After hearing the case Mr.
Randolph ordered the release of the two prisoners, and Dr. Broaddus
returned to Washington with great joy, supposing that he and his fellow
prisoners would be at once set at liberty. But not so. The Federal
authorities changed their requirements and demanded also the release of
two gentlemen by the name of Turner, who resided in Fairfax county, and
were then held in a Confederate prison.

It took nearly two weeks to effect the release of these Turners, and when
it was done the certificate of release, signed by General Winder, the
Commandant of the post at Richmond, was rejected by the Federal
authorities as evidence of the release of the prisoners, and the personal
presence of the Turners was demanded in Washington before the release of
the Fredericksburg party. This took time, but it was finally accomplished,
and the Fredericksburgers were permitted to leave their prison pen and
again "breathe the air of freedom." They were sent down the Potomac river
on a steamer to Marlborough Point, from which landing they walked to town
to greet their families and friends. There was great rejoicing on their
return, and the whole population turned out to meet them and give them a
cordial welcome. Of that party of nineteen not one of them is living
to-day. The "last one to cross the river" was Mr. Abraham Cox, who died
December 28, 1898, eighty-six years of age.

But the unkindness of the military authorities and their harsh treatment
of our citizens, by the order of General Pope, did not cease with the
arrest and incarceration of the nineteen gentlemen above mentioned. Among
other things, the Federal Provost Marshal of Fredericksburg was charged
with too much leniency to the citizens and was removed; Col. Scriver was
falsely charged with furnishing the destitute with food, and was ordered
to stop it at once, if he had done so, and not to repeat it, and the
stores and places of business were closed, it was said, to prevent the
citizens from obtaining supplies. General Pope's plan seems to have been,
as he declared, to subsist his army as much as possible on the country and
to starve the old men and women into submission to his demands. In this,
however, he was not sustained by the Washington authorities, and
especially by President Lincoln.

This condition of things in Fredericksburg continued only for a short
time. The campaign, inaugurated by General Pope, which resulted in the
Second Battle of Manassas and so disastrously to the Federal army, was
speedily followed by the advance of the Confederate army into Maryland,
the capture of Harper's Ferry, with General Nelson A. Miles's whole force
of eleven thousand prisoners and immense military supplies, by General
Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson, aided by General Wm. Barksdale, on the
Maryland Heights, and General John B. Floyd, on the Loudoun Heights, and
the fierce and bloody, but undecided, struggle between General Lee and
General McClellan at Sharpsburg.

In consequence of the results of these events the Federal authorities
found it necessary to recall from the line of the Rappahannock, which they
were unable to hold, the forces then occupying the same, and therefore on
the 21st day of August, 1862, Fredericksburg was evacuated by the Federal
forces, and thus for a brief time the town was relieved from the presence
and rule of the enemy until the following November, when Gen. Burnside
moved against the town.


The scenes incident to the evacuation of Fredericksburg are well
remembered to the present day by those who were present and witnessed
them. They are indelibly impressed upon their minds and can never be
forgotten, and are often related with great interest. In describing this
stirring event and the reoccupation of the town in the Fall of 1862, we
use the eyes of citizens, who were present and witnessed the scenes
described and the words of another, who wrote of them years
afterwards.[28] Crowds at the corners of the streets indicated that some
unusual excitement prevailed, and clouds of smoke rose from the
encampments on the Stafford side of the river. Everything indicated an
immediate departure. The guards were drawn up in line; the horses and
wagons packed at headquarters; cavalry officers rode up and down, giving
orders; company after company of pickets were led into town from
different roads and joined the regiment at the City Hall; ambulances, with
the sick, moved slowly through the streets; the provost marshal and his
adjutant rode by, and, in a few minutes, the command was given to march,
and the infantry and cavalry marched down to the bridges, each one moving
by different streets. This march was quietly made. There was no music, no
drum, no voice, but the command of the officers' forward, march!

The ladies, standing in groups along the streets, found it difficult to
repress their exultation. Glad to be relieved of the presence of the
enemy, and to be freed from the restraints of their power; glad to be once
more within Southern lines, and to be brought into communication with
their own dear people; but the great gladness was that the evacuation of
Fredericksburg showed that the enemy had been defeated on the upper line
and could no longer hold the line of the Rappahannock river. And this gave
them strong hope that Virginia might yet be free from the armies of the

Several severe explosions followed the blowing up of the two bridges, and,
as the bright flames seized upon and leaped along the sides and floors of
the bridges, the whole horizon was illuminated. The burning continued all
night. A guard was at once organized by the citizens, for the protection
of the town against any stragglers or unruly persons who might chance to
be prowling about.

With the departure of the Federal troops came now the desire on the part
of the citizens of town and country to meet and greet each other, and also
a longing to welcome the appearance of the Confederates, a sight which had
so long been denied them. In this, to their great delight, they were soon
to realize their wish, for on the 2nd day of September about two hundred
people came into town from the surrounding country, and general
congratulations ensued. On the evening of that day a small force of
Confederate cavalry rode into town and were received with shouts of joy.
The ladies lined the streets, waving their handkerchiefs and loudly
uttering their welcome.

On the morning of the 4th of September the soldiers in camp at Hazel Run
were treated to breakfast by the ladies, and greatly enjoyed the hot
rolls, beefsteak and hot coffee, after their long abstinence from such
delicacies, and probably from rations of any sort. After a brief season of
comparative quiet, disturbed only by the general interest felt in the
operations of our armies, the condition of the country generally, and the
liability to the reoccupation of the town at any time, Fredericksburg was
again the subject and recipient of war's horrors in their most appalling

[Illustration: "Chancellorsville Tavern," Gen. Hooker's Headquarters
during the battle there in 1863. Burnt during that battle, May 3rd. (See
page 95)]

[Illustration: "The Sunken Road," along which the "stone wall" stood,
forming breastworks for the Confederates in 1862 and 1863. (See page 91)]


_The Preliminaries to the Great Battle._

On Sunday morning, the 10th of November, 1862, a company of Federal
cavalry, commanded by Captain Ulric Dahlgren crossed the Rappahannock
river, above Falmouth, and charged rapidly down Main street, with drawn
sabres. A small force of Confederate cavalry (Colonel John Critcher's
battalion), was quartered in town, who, recovering from the disorder into
which they were thrown by the sudden and unexpected appearance of the
enemy, quickly rallied, and, aided by citizens and Captain Simpson's
company, of Colonel W. B. Ball's command, attacked the raiders, pursued
and drove them across the river, inflicting upon them a slight loss in men
and horses. The Federal army then began to move down from Fauquier,
Culpeper and Prince William counties, through Stafford county, to occupy

To Colonel Wm. A. Ball, an experienced officer, who had greatly
distinguished himself at the battle of Leesburg, and in other encounters,
was entrusted by General Lee the duty of holding the town, and in
retarding the approach of the enemy, if possible, with the promise of
speedy reinforcements. The divisions of Gen. Lafayette McLaws and General
Robert Ransom, of General Longstreet's corps, with General Wm. H. F. Lee's
brigade of cavalry and a battery of artillery, were marched hurriedly to
this point, and the whole of General Lee's army prepared to follow.

On Sunday, November 16th, Colonel Ball's scouts announced the approach of
the enemy on three roads--the Warrenton, Stafford Courthouse and the
Poplar. He telegraphed to General Gustavus W. Smith, in Richmond, for
reinforcements. General Smith promptly sent him a battalion of four
companies, under Major Finney, from the Forty-second Mississippi. With his
small force, which scarcely exceeded five hundred men, the gallant Colonel
proposed to engage the enemy, if he sought to cross the Rappahannock near
Fredericksburg. Colonel Ball placed his infantry in the mill-race and mill
opposite Falmouth, stationed his cavalry in the upper part of
Fredericksburg and planted Captain John W. Lewis's battery of four guns
and eighty men on the plateau around the old Fitzgerald residence, at
Little Falls, half a mile above the town.

At 10 o'clock on Monday, the 18th, the Southern scouts were driven across
the river by the enemy's cavalry, and several hours thereafter a Federal
corps, of twelve thousand strong, appeared on the Stafford Heights,
opposite Fredericksburg, and planted their field-batteries, consisting of
more than twenty guns. Capt. Lewis's men maintained their ground and
replied to the rapid firing of the enemy. The distance was short--less
than half a mile. The firing of the men was accurate, yet the Confederate
fire was kept up, and the Federals, uncertain as to the force opposing
them, made no attempt to cross the river.

Colonel Ball, with five hundred men, maintained his front, in the face of
the twelve thousand Federals, encouraged by General Lee, who telegraphed
him, "Hold your position if you can. Reinforcements are hurrying to you."
On Tuesday, the 18th, the enemy's force was largely increased. General
Burnside's whole force was pouring down to the Stafford hills. They were
waiting for pontoon bridges, and did not cross the river.

Meanwhile Gen. Lee's army was rushing down the roads from Culpeper and
Orange counties to occupy the crest of hills around Fredericksburg.
Wednesday, at daybreak, General Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry arrived. The next
morning General McLaws, with his own division and that of General
Ransom's, was in position, and on the 20th the Commander-in-Chief was at
hand to direct the movements of the remainder of General Longstreet's
command and General Jackson's corps, which rapidly followed him.

On Tuesday, the 20th of November, by request of General Lee, Montgomery
Slaughter, Mayor of Fredericksburg, accompanied by the Recorder, William
A. Little, Esq., and by Mr. Douglas H. Gordon, a member of her Council,
held an interview with the Confederate Commander-in-Chief. It was held at
Snowden, the residence of the late John L. Stansbury, about a mile above
town. On Friday, the 21st, General E. V. Sumner, of the Federal Army, sent
over a flag of trace, with a written message to the Mayor and Common
Council of Fredericksburg. General Patrick, the bearer of the message, was
met by Colonel Wm. A. Ball at "French John's" wharf, at the foot of Hawke
street. General Sumner's letter, to the town authorities was as follows:

    "GENTLEMEN:--Under cover of the houses of your town, shots have been
    fired upon the troops of my command. Your mills and factories are
    furnishing provisions and material for clothing for armed bodies in
    rebellion against the Government of the United States. Your railroads
    and other means of transportation are removing supplies to the depots
    of such troops. This condition of things must terminate; and by
    direction of Major-General Burnside, commanding this army, I
    accordingly demand the surrender of the city into my hands, as the
    representative of the Government of the United States, at or before
    five o'clock this afternoon (5 o'clock P. M. to-day). Failing an
    affirmative reply to this demand by the time indicated, sixteen (16
    hours) hours will be permitted to elapse for the removal from the city
    of women and children, the sick, wounded and aged; which period having
    elapsed, I shall proceed to shell the town.

    "Upon obtaining possession of the town every necessary means will be
    taken to preserve order and secure the protective operation of the
    laws and policy of the United States Government."

Colonel Ball simply stated to General Patrick that before delivering the
letter to the civil authorities it must be referred to his commanding
military officer. But neither he nor the Mayor gave any intimation of the
actual presence of General Lee, with a large part of his army, on the
heights in rear of the town. General Patrick was obliged to remain in the
log house from ten o'clock in the morning to seven in the afternoon, on
the 21st. Meanwhile Colonel Ball, through the proper channels forwarded
the letter to General Lee. At twenty minutes before five o'clock in the
afternoon the letter was received at his office by the Mayor, through
General J. E. B. Stuart, who communicated in full General Lee's decision.
With the aid of his advisers, Mayor Slaughter prepared a written reply,
bearing date, "Mayor's Office, Fredericksburg, November 21st, 1862." This
reply was to the effect that the communication of General Sumner had not
reached the Mayor in time to furnish a reply by 5 o'clock P. M., as
requested; that it had been sent to him after passing (by General
Patrick's consent) through the hands of the commanding officer of the
Confederate States forces near the town; that as to the shots complained
of in the northern suburbs of the town, they were the acts of the
Confederate military force holding the town; that the Mayor was authorized
to say that the several subjects of complaint would not recur; that the
Confederate troops would not occupy the town, and neither would they
permit the Federal troops to do so. Mayor Slaughter, attended by Dr. Wm.
S. Scott and Samuel S. Howison, Esq., repaired to the place of meeting,
and, at about seven o'clock in the evening, delivered the reply to General

In view of the threatened shelling of the town, General Lee advised the
inhabitants to remove from it as rapidly as possible. The bombardment was
not opened the next morning, but it became apparent that the enemy would
cross, and the town would be exposed, not only to their fire, but to the
most terrible desolations of war. The humane and considerate Chief of the
Confederate army urged the women and children to leave the town, and
furnished wagons, ambulances and every facility in his power for their


Then followed a scene, illustrating both the horrors of war and the
virtues to which it sometimes gives birth. The people of Fredericksburg,
almost _en masse_, left their homes rather than yield to the enemy. Trains
of cars departed, full of refugees. Upon the last the enemy opened a fire
of shells; they afterwards explained that it was a mistake. Wagons and
vehicles of every kind left the town filled with women and little
children, with the few articles of apparel and necessity that could be
removed. Many were seen on foot along the roads leading into the country.
Winter had commenced, and snow had fallen. Many were compelled to take
refuge in cabins, barns and tents, scattered through the woods and fields.
They were dependent for food on the exertions of their friends and the
humane efforts of the Southern army.

A few families remained in Fredericksburg, determined to brave the horrors
of war as long as possible. The hardships and privations, incurred by
these people, who surrendered their homes and property to destruction
rather than remain with them and fall into the hands of the enemies of
their country, excited the sympathy and won the admiration of the South. A
movement to aid them commenced in Richmond. A committee of relief and
treasurer was appointed, and funds were liberally contributed throughout
the South, and the soldiers in the field, of their small rations and pay,
contributed generously, both in food and money. The contributions of the
people and army continued until more than ninety thousand dollars had been
received and disbursed by the committee in Richmond and nearly an equal,
if not greater, sum was distributed by Mayor Slaughter.

A number of skirmishes of an unimportant character were soon followed by
the grand movement of the enemy. On the night of December the 10th the
armies prepared for action. Two hundred and fifty thousand armed men, like
crouched lions ready to spring upon their adversary, were ready for the
bloody conflict. It was the most restless, anxious night ever passed by
the citizens of Fredericksburg. It was the night of terror! The dread of
to-morrow hung like a pall over the devoted city, and everybody was
hurriedly preparing for the awful destruction that was at hand and could
not be averted. The threatened bombardment had long been delayed, and many
citizens had returned from their flight. From one end of the town to the
other, all during that sleepless night, could be seen in nearly every home
dim lights, where busy hands with heavy hearts were preparing for the
flight at the sound of the first gun. What to attempt to carry, and what
to leave to be destroyed by the enemy, was the perplexing question, and
so in the anxiety of the refugees to take with them sufficient food,
clothing and bedding to prevent suffering from cold and hunger, they
overtaxed their strength and had to abandon many things on the roadside.


Having received his pontoon bridges, General Burnside prepared to throw
his grand army across the river. At two o'clock on the morning of
Thursday, December the 11th, his troops were put in motion and two signal
guns from the Confederate side, at five o'clock,[29] sounded a note of
warning to the people and the army. General Burnside commenced throwing
three pontoon bridges across the Rappahannock river. One was to span the
river at French John's wharf, at the foot of Hawke street, one at Scott's
Ferry, at the lower end of Water street, and one at Deep Run, about two
and a half miles below town. General Wm. Barksdale's brigade, consisting
of the Thirteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Twenty-first Mississippi
regiments, held the town.

"General Barksdale kept his men quiet and concealed until the bridges were
so far advanced that the working parties were in easy range, when he
opened fire with such effect that the bridges were abandoned at once. Nine
separate and desperate attempts were made to complete the bridges under
fire of their sharpshooters and guns on the opposite bank, but every
attempt being attended with such severe loss from the Confederates, posted
in rifle-pits, in the cellars of the houses along the banks, and behind
whatever offered concealment, that the enemy abandoned their attempts and
opened a terrific fire from their numerous batteries concentrated along
the hills just above the river. The fire was so severe that the men could
not use their rifles, and, the different places occupied by them becoming
untenable, the troops were withdrawn from the river bank back to Caroline
street at 4:30 P. M. The enemy then crossed in boats, and, completing
their bridges, passed over in force and advanced into the town. The
Seventeenth Mississippi and ten sharpshooters from Colonel J. W. Carter's
regiment (the 13th) and three companies of the Eighteenth regiment,
Lieutenant Colonel Luse, under Lieutenant William Ratliff, were all the
troops that were actually engaged in defending the crossings in front of
the city."[30]

The other regiments and parts of regiments were held in reserve, and were
not brought into action until the enemy had crossed the river. At the
first dawn of light on the morning of December the 11th the Federal
artillery commenced its work of destruction. From the heights above the
town of Falmouth, north of Fredericksburg, to the Washington farm below,
on every available place artillery was stationed, bearing upon the town.
About one hundred and seventy-five of the grim monsters, ready to "belch
forth death and destruction," were placed in position the day before, well
manned, and only waiting for the signal to send forth their deadly
messengers of shot and shell.

At the hour appointed the signal was given, and the thunder of artillery,
the lightning from bursting shells in the air, the crashing of solid shot
through the houses, the roar of musketry on both sides of the river, the
shrieks of frightened women and children, the bustle and confusion that
followed, may be imagined, but can never be described. From early morning
until four o'clock in the afternoon, with only half an hour's cessation
between one and two o'clock, this deluge of shot and shell was poured upon
the streets and houses of the town. The few inhabitants who remained in
the town fled to their cellars and sought to save their lives from the
storm which was beating their homes to pieces. Many houses were burned
with all or most of their contents, the result of hot shot, it was
claimed, thrown from the enemy's guns on the Lacy farm, just opposite the
town. Among the houses that were burned were the residence of Mr. Reuben
T. Thom, in which was located the post-office; the Bank of Virginia, where
the Opera-house now stands, and several other private residences on Main
street. And yet the worst was still to come.


    _The great battle--The town sacked by soldiers--A wonderful display of
    humanity--The Federals recross the river--A great revival of
    religion--The battle of Chancellorsville--The Wilderness
    campaign--Citizens arrested--A statement by the Council--The citizens
    and Federal soldiers release, &c._

To those who had a proper idea of the sacrifices made, the sufferings
endured and the privations experienced by the inhabitants of
Fredericksburg, up to this period, whether that idea was formed from
observation, from reading the narratives or from their rehearsals by those
who experienced them, it might appear that their cup of sorrow was full
even to overflowing, and from further troubles and trials they might be
exempted. But not so. Probably the worst was yet to come; but they firmly
believed that the same patriotic devotion to the cause they had espoused,
and the same fidelity to principle which enabled them to "bear the
spoiling of their goods" with composure in the past, would sustain them in
any additional trials and sacrifices they might have to endure in the
future. Patriotic, self sacrificing and confiding in the right, they were
prepared for the worst, and the worst came.

On taking possession of Fredericksburg the Federal soldiers abandoned
themselves to pillage and destruction. They entered the stores and
dwellings, forcing their way where force was necessary, rifling them of
all that they wanted of their contents and destroying those things that
they could not remove. China and glassware were broken up and scattered
promiscuously; silverware was carried away, books and family pictures were
mutilated and destroyed; furniture was cut up or broken up and converted
into fire-wood, beds, bedclothing and wearing apparel were destroyed or
carried off, and the residences were left despoiled of their contents. In
the three days they occupied the town they made the destruction complete.
But it is a gratification, even to those who suffered by this occupation,
to know that the commanders were not to blame for the sacking of the town.
It was the work, so it is asserted, of stragglers and camp followers--the
most detestable and destructive scabs of an army.

On Friday, the 12th of December, the Union army was drawn up in line of
battle, prepared to advance. Not less than sixty thousand men were on the
south bank of the river, with more than a hundred pieces of artillery.
Near the mouth of Deep Run there were probably as many more ready for the
final charge. The Confederate army was confronting them in a line
extending from Fall Hill to Hamilton's Crossing, between six and seven
miles in length. At one o'clock the heavy batteries on each side opened,
and for an hour kept up a brilliant duel of shell and round shot. On the
morning of Saturday, the 13th of December, a dense fog hung over the river
and the adjoining fields. Under its cover the Federal army advanced. By
eight o'clock it was in position and the dreadful conflict began.

Line after line of battle advanced on the Confederate position, at the
stone wall at the foot of Marye's Heights, to be repulsed with great
slaughter. This was kept up without cessation, charge after charge, as
rapidly as they could reform the men, from eight o'clock in the morning
until four o'clock in the afternoon, when one desperate charge, with
troops _en masse_, was made all along the line in front of the stone wall,
accompanied by the most terrific fire of artillery. In this last and
grandest effort, the men, marching to death and destruction through an
open field, got within twenty-five yards of the stone wall,
notwithstanding the deadly aim of the Confederate infantry behind it and
the destructive fire of the artillery on the heights above, so skillfully
arranged by General E. P. Alexander.

It was a sublime spectacle, and the gallantry of both officers and men won
the admiration of the commanders on both sides, Lieutenant-General
Longstreet, on the Confederate side, declaring that such gallant conduct
deserved success. But success was not to be theirs. The gallant charges of
the Federals were met with that undaunted coolness and courage so
characteristic of the Confederate soldier, and a disastrous Federal defeat
was the result. The fighting was the most desperate that had been
witnessed up to that time, and the Union loss was very great, being
nearly fifty per cent. of the numbers engaged. The battle-field was
covered with the dead, wounded and dying, and it is related by those
behind the stone wall that all during the night the most piteous groans
and cries, for water of the wounded could be heard, but no relief could be
afforded, although the Confederates deeply sympathized with them.[31] Thus
ended the battle of Fredericksburg, fought, it is claimed, against the
judgment and advice of every corps commander in the army who refused to
renew the attack next day, although it was the desire of Gen. Burnside to
do so.


On Monday night, December the 15th, General Burnside withdrew his army
across the river and removed his pontoons. The citizens returned to their
houses, to find them stripped of everything that was left in them. What
could not be carried away was broken up and destroyed. Private residences,
orphan asylums, church buildings and lodges of benevolent and charitable
institutions, all fared alike. Not only were the residences of the
refugees deprived of everything left in them, but the returning citizens
were without money and food. They were in a destitute condition, and,
between the two great armies, with no prospect of relief, unless it
came from friends in the way of a contribution. It was at this critical
period that the appeal, made but a few days before, brought to them relief
in the way of money and supplies. The contributions in money amounted to
$164,169.45, and the provisions were ample to relieve the present needs.
Thus the wants of the destitute of the town were supplied and untold
suffering prevented.

[Illustration: Gen. Hugh Mercer's Monument on Washington avenue. (See page

[Illustration: Old Stone House near Free Bridge. Supposed to have been a
tobacco warehouse before the Revolutionary War. (See page 47)]


From the first of January to the second day of June, 1862, General
Barksdale's brigade, that had guarded the banks of the river from the
arrival of the Confederate army at this point to the great battle of the
13th of December, was quartered in town for picket and provost guard duty.
About the first of April, 1863, one of the most remarkable and successful
religious revivals took place here that was known to that generation. The
dangers and hardships of war were to yield for a time for the comforts of
religion. The services were commenced in the Presbyterian church by Rev.
Wm. B. Owens, Dr. J. A. Hackett, Rev. E. McDaniel and Rev. W. T. West,
chaplains in the brigade, aided by Rev. John L. Pettigrew, then a private
soldier in Company A, Thirteenth Mississippi regiment, but afterwards
appointed to a chaplaincy in a North Carolina regiment. Mr. Owens, a
Methodist minister, had charge of the services, and for some reason the
meetings were transferred from the Presbyterian church to the Southern
Methodist church, then standing on the corner of Charles and George
streets, where Mr. P. V. D. Conway's residence now stands.

The interest in the meetings deepened, their influence spread to the
adjoining camps,[32] and the congregations became so large that they could
not find standing room in the building. To accommodate these
rapidly-increasing crowds, Rev. A. M. Randolph, then rector, tendered the
use of St. George's church, which was gladly accepted, and the services
were conducted there until the close of the meeting, in the latter part of
May. Before the close, this revival attracted the attention of the leading
ministers of nearly all denominations, many of whom came to the assistance
of Mr. Owens and his co-workers. Among those who were at times present,
preached and rendered valuable assistance, were Rev. J. C. Stiles, D. D.,
Rev. Wm. J. Hoge, D. D., Rev. James D. Coulling, Rev. James A. Duncan, D.
D., Rev. J. Lansing Burrows, D. D., Rev. Alfred E. Dickinson, D. D., and
Rev. W. H. Carroll. During the meeting more than five hundred soldiers,
most of whom belonged to Barksdale's brigade, were converted and united
with churches of the various Christian denominations.

Of this wonderful religious awakening, Rev. Dr. Wm. J. Hoge wrote to the
_Southern Presbyterian_ as follows: "We found our soldiers at
Fredericksburg all alive with animation. A rich blessing had been poured
upon the labors of Brother Owens, Methodist chaplain in Barksdale's
brigade. The Rev. Dr. Burrows, of the Baptist church, Richmond, had just
arrived, expecting to labor with him some days. As I was to stay but one
night, Dr. Burrows insisted on my preaching. So we had a Presbyterian
sermon, introduced by Baptist services, under the direction of a Methodist
chaplain, in an Episcopal church! Was not that a beautiful solution of the
vexed problem of Christian union?"

Mr. Owens, who worked so faithfully in the great meeting at
Fredericksburg, endeared himself to all who had the pleasure of attending
the services. On his return to his Mississippi home, at the close of the
war, he at once entered upon his work as a travelling minister, and was
drowned while attempting to cross a swollen stream on horseback,
endeavoring to reach one of his preaching stations.


_Chancellorsville campaign._

In the Spring of 1863, as soon as the roads began to dry off, the armies
were put in readiness to move, preparatory to another great battle.
General Joseph Hooker, known as "Fighting Joe Hooker," had succeeded
General Ambrose E. Burnside in the command of the Army of the Potomac,
which he claimed was the finest army on the planet. His desire was to
reach Richmond, which his predecessors, General McDowell, General
McClellan, General Pope and General Burnside, had failed to do.
Accordingly, about the last of April, detaching General John Sedgwick,
with twenty-two thousand men, to threaten General Lee's rear at
Fredericksburg, he crossed his army at the several fords of the
Rappahannock river above town and concentrated it at Chancellorsville. His
plan seems to have been to turn General Lee's right flank with the forces
under General Sedgwick, double back his left flank with the corps under
General Howard, and then, with the forces of General Crouch and General
Meade, make a bold and desperate dash against the center, crush it and
capture the entire army of his adversary. This accomplished, Richmond
would be an easy prey.

But while General Hooker was moving to execute his plans, General Lee had
the Army of Northern Virginia in motion, and when General Hooker reached
Chancellorsville he found to his great astonishment, the Confederate army
in his front and prepared to dispute his advance. Skirmishers were thrown
out by both armies and soon the engagement of May the 2nd and 3rd
commenced. On the morning of the 2nd General Stonewall Jackson commenced
his famous flank movement that has been the study and wonder of military
men of this and other countries, which resulted in a great disaster to the
Federal army and a great calamity to the Southern cause. General Hooker
was badly defeated and driven in haste from the field, but General Jackson
lay mortally wounded. Of that attack and result we use in substance the
language of General Lee in his official report of the Battle of
Chancellorsville.[33] After a long and fatiguing march, General Jackson's
leading division, under General Rodes, reached old turnpike, about three
miles in the rear of Chancellorsville, at four in the afternoon. As the
different divisions arrived they were formed at right angles with the
road--Rodes in front, Trible's division, under Brigadier-General R. E.
Colston, in the second, and General A. P. Hill's in the third line.

At six o'clock the advance was ordered. The enemy were taken by surprise
and fled after a brief resistance. General Rodes's men pushed forward with
great vigor and enthusiasm, followed closely by the second and third
lines. Position after position was carried, the guns captured, and every
effort of the enemy to rally defeated by the impetuous rush of our troops.
In the ardor of pursuit through the thick and tangled woods, the first and
second lines at last became mingled and moved on together as one. The
enemy made a stand at a line of breastworks across the road at the house
of Melzi Chancellor, but the troops of Rodes and Colston dashed over the
entrenchments together and the flight and pursuit were resumed and
continued until our advance was arrested by the abatis in front of the
line of works near the central position at Chancellorsville.

It was now dark, and General Jackson ordered the third line, under General
Hill, to advance to the front and relieve the troops of Rodes and Colston,
who were completely blended, and in such disorder, from their rapid
advance through intricate woods and over broken ground, that it was
necessary to reform them. As General Hill's men moved forward, General
Jackson, with his staff and escort, returning from the extreme front, met
his skirmishers advancing, and in the obscurity of the night were taken
for the enemy and fired upon. Captain J. K. Boswell, chief engineer of the
corps and several others were killed and a number wounded. General Jackson
himself received a severe injury and was borne from the field. He was
taken to the Chandler house, at Guiney's station, in Caroline county,
where, notwithstanding everything possible was done for him that loving
hearts could do or medical skill could suggest, he died on the 9th of May.
Amid the sorrow and tears of the Southern people he was laid to rest at
his home in Lexington, Virginia.

General Jubal A. Early had been left at Fredericksburg to watch General
Sedgwick, and had been instructed, in the event of the enemy withdrawing
from his front and moving up the river, to join the main body of the army.
This order was repeated on the 2nd, but by some mistake General Early was
directed to move unconditionally. Leaving Hays's brigade and one regiment
of Barksdale's at Fredericksburg, he moved with the rest of his command
towards Chancellorsville. As soon as his withdrawal was perceived the
enemy began to advance, and General Early returned to his original

The line to be defended by Barksdale's brigade extended from the
Rappahannock, above Fredericksburg, to the rear of Howison's house, a
distance of more than two miles. The artillery was posted along the
heights in rear of the town.

Before dawn on the morning of the 3rd General Barksdale reported to
General Early that the enemy had occupied Fredericksburg in large force
and had bridged the Rappahannock river. Hays's brigade was sent to his
support, and placed on his extreme left, with the exception of one
regiment, stationed on the right of his line behind the Howison house.
Seven companies of the Twenty-first Mississippi regiment were posted by
General Barksdale between the Marye house and the Plank road, the
Eighteenth and the three other companies of the Twenty-first occupied the
Telegraph road, behind the stone wall, at the foot of Marye's Hill, the
two remaining regiments of the brigade being farther to the right on the
hills near Howison's house. The enemy made a demonstration against the
extreme right, which was easily repulsed by General Early. Soon afterward
a column moved from Fredericksburg along the river bank as if to gain the
heights on the extreme left, which commanded those immediately in rear of
the town. This attempt was foiled by General Hays and the arrival of
General Wilcox from Banks's Ford, who deployed a few skirmishers on the
hill near Dr. Taylor's house and opened on the enemy with a section of
artillery. Very soon the enemy advanced in large force against Marye's
Heights and the hills to the right and left. Two assaults were gallantly
repulsed by Barksdale's men and the artillery. After the second, a flag of
truce, it was claimed, was sent from the town to obtain permission to
provide for the wounded, which was granted.

At the end of the truce three heavy lines advanced and renewed the attack.
They were bravely repulsed on the right and left, but the small force at
the foot of Marye's Hill, overpowered by more than ten times their
numbers, was captured after a heroic resistance, and the Heights carried.
Eight pieces of artillery were taken on Marye's and the adjacent heights.
The remainder of Barksdale's brigade, together with that of General Hays,
and the artillery on the right, retired down the Telegraph road. The
success of the enemy enabled him to threaten Gen. Lee's communications by
moving down the telegraph road, or gain his rear at Chancellorsville by
the Plank road. He at first advanced on the Telegraph road, but was
checked by General Early, who had halted the brigades of Barksdale and
Hays with the artillery, about two miles from Marye's Hill, and reënforced
them with three regiments of General John B. Gordon's brigade. The enemy
then began to advance up the Plank road, his progress being gallantly
disputed by the brigade of General Cadmus M. Wilcox, who had moved from
Banks's Ford as rapidly as possible to the assistance of General
Barksdale, but arrived too late to take part in the action. General Wilcox
fell back slowly until he reached Salem church, on the Plank road, about
four miles from Fredericksburg.

Information of the state of affairs in our rear having reached
Chancellorsville, General McLaws, with his three brigades and one of
General Anderson's, was ordered to reinforce General Wilcox. He arrived at
Salem church early in the afternoon, where he found General Wilcox in line
of battle, with a large force of the enemy--consisting, as was reported,
of one army corps and part of another, under Major-General Sedgwick--in
his front. The brigades of General Kershaw and General Wofford were placed
on the right of General Wilcox and those of Semmes and Mahone on the left.
The enemy's artillery played vigorously upon our position for some time,
when his infantry advanced in three strong lines, the attack being
directed mainly against General Wilcox, but partially involving the
brigades on his left.

The assault was met with the utmost firmness, and after a fierce struggle
the first line was repulsed with great slaughter. The second then came
forward, but immediately broke under the close and deadly fire which it
encountered, and the whole mass fled in confusion to the rear. They were
pursued by the brigades of General Wilcox and General Semmes, in the
direction of Banks's Ford, where the enemy crossed to the Stafford side of
the river.

The next morning General Early advanced along the Telegraph road and
recaptured Marye's Heights and the adjacent hills without difficulty.
General Barksdale's brigade entered the town, to find the enemy gone, with
the exception of some stragglers who had secreted themselves in cellars
and elsewhere about town. These were captured and sent to the rear, and
the brigade took up its former quarters in the town, where it remained
until the first of June.

After some four weeks of rest and reorganization the army was again put in
motion, the object of Gen. Lee being the invasion of Pennsylvania. After
the removal of the army Fredericksburg was left practically without any
armed troops, and soon relapsed into her usual quiet, so characteristic of
the place. This condition of things existed until the return of the army
from its invasion in the Fall, when the town was occasionally visited by
scouting cavalry from the Confederate army, the main body of the troops
camping west of Fredericksburg.


_The Wilderness Campaign._

With the opening of the Spring of 1864, was inaugurated the most active
and bloody campaign of the war in Virginia. This battle embraces those of
Mine Run, the Wilderness, Todd's Tavern, the Po, the Ny and those around
Spotsylvania Courthouse, in which both armies, the Confederate, under
General Robert E. Lee, and the Federal, under General Ulysses S. Grant,
lost heavily. Many thousands of the wounded Federals were sent in
ambulances and wagons to Fredericksburg, where hospitals were established,
under the charge of United States surgeons. Every house in the town that
was at all available was converted into a hospital. Residences, stores,
churches and lodge rooms were all occupied by the wounded and the surgeons
were kept busy day and night. As fast as the wounded could be moved they
were sent north, and others were brought from the battle-fields. This was
kept up from the time the battles commenced, on the 4th of May, until they
closed, on the 20th of May, the first batch reaching town with their
authorized attendants on the 9th of May.

On Sunday, the 8th, a small body of Federal troops, numbering about
sixty, most of them slightly wounded, came into town. They were armed, and
the citizens demanded their surrender as prisoners of war. This demand was
acceded to and they were delivered over to the Confederate military
authorities at the nearest post from which they were sent to Richmond.
This action of the citizens was regarded by the Federal authorities as a
violation of law, and the arrest of an equal number of citizens was
ordered by the Federals, that they might be held as hostages until these
Union soldiers were released and returned.

This order caused great consternation in town. No one could foretell the
fate of those arrested and the worst for them was feared. Many of the male
citizens sought hiding places, but quite a number made no effort to escape
or elude the officers, as they did not consider they had done any
wrong--certainly no intentional wrong--and they were willing to abide the
consequences until an impartial investigation was made, when they believed
they would be exonerated from any crime. In the execution of this order,
sixty-two citizens were arrested and carried to Washington, ten of whom
were there liberated and the remaining fifty-two were sent to Fort
Delaware. Afterwards five other citizens were arrested and sent to the
same prison.

The families of these citizens were almost frantic at being thus deprived
of their protectors, while the town was overrun by Federal soldiers, many
of them stragglers, without any one to restrain them, and others brought
here from the Wilderness and other battle-fields, wounded and dying, their
groans and shrieks filling the air. No one can imagine the distressing
scenes enacted in town about this time who did not witness them, or form
any conception of the terrible ordeal through which these helpless
families passed save those who shared their privations and sufferings.

The town had been the scene of a bombardment unparalleled; two fearful
battles had been fought here, with their accompanying destruction of
property and consumption of food and family supplies; the town had been in
possession of both armies at different times; therefore these families
were destitute of food and the comforts of life, and now comes the order
for the arrest and imprisonment of those whom God had given them to
protect and provide for them. Notwithstanding the intense excitement of
the people of the town, and the sufferings and entreaties of the bereaved
ones, it was thought prudent to defer public action until further
developments, in the hope that the prisoners would be released and allowed
to return to their homes.

Having impatiently awaited the release of the prisoners, and their hopes
not being realized, on the 31st of May a meeting of the Common Council was
called, and upon assembling the Mayor informed the body that the object of
the meeting was to take some steps for the relief of those citizens who
had been arrested and who were then suffering in prison at Fort Delaware.
A paper was submitted by Mr. Wm. A. Little, which was unanimously adopted,
looking to their release. As the paper contains the views of the citizens
of Fredericksburg, with reference to the arrest of the Federal soldiers,
and also the names of the citizens arrested, it is here copied in full, as

    FREDERICKSBURG, VA., May 31st, 1864.

    _To the Honorable James A. Seddon,
      Secretary of War of the Confederate States,
        Richmond, Virginia._

    At a meeting of the Mayor and Common Council of Fredericksburg,
    Virginia, held this 31st of May, 1864, a committee of two citizens, to
    wit: Montgomery Slaughter and John F. Scott, were appointed to repair
    to Richmond and present to you the following statement and


    On Sunday, the 8th instant, a number of slightly-wounded and
    straggling Federal soldiers, who entered the town, many of them with
    arms in their hands, and with the capacity and intention, we feared,
    of doing mischief in the way of pillage and injury to our people, who
    were unprotected by any military force, were arrested by order of our
    municipal authorities and forwarded to the nearest military post as
    prisoners of war, under the guard of citizens. These prisoners
    amounted to about sixty men, of whom but few are said to have been
    slightly wounded. In retaliation of this act, the provost marshal,
    under orders from the Secretary of War at Washington, arrested on the
    20th instant some sixty of our citizens and forwarded them to
    Washington, to be held as hostages for said prisoners. Ten of the
    citizens were afterwards released in Washington, and have returned to
    their homes, leaving some fifty-one citizens still in confinement, who
    have been sent to the military prison at Fort Delaware.

    In behalf of these unfortunate people, who are thus made to suffer so
    seriously, and for their suffering families who are thus left without
    their natural protectors, and many of them without their means of
    support, we appeal to you to take such steps as may be proper and in
    accordance with military regulations to return the said prisoners to
    the Federal authorities and thus secure the release of our citizens.
    Surely the matter of a few prisoners cannot be allowed to interfere
    with the humane and generous work of restoring to these desolated
    homes, and these mourning women and children, the only source of
    comfort which the fate of war has left them in this war-ravaged and
    desolated town, the presence of those loved ones who are separated
    from them and imprisoned at Fort Delaware. The following is a list of
    the citizens arrested and carried to Washington as aforesaid:

    James H. Bradley, Thomas F. Knox, James McGuire, Councellor Cole,
    Michael Ames, John G. Hurkamp, John J. Chew, George H. Peyton, Wm. H.
    Thomas, John D. Elder, who were released at Washington.

    F. B. Chewning, P. B. Rennolds, James B. Marye, George Aler, Charles
    Mander,[34] Benjamin F. Currell, John L. Knight, Wm. C. Smith, Joseph
    W. Sener, E. W. Stephens, Charles Cash, Charles B. Waite, Charles G.
    Waite, Jr., George W. Wroten,[34] Thomas Newton, Robert H. Alexander,
    Robert Smith, Lucien Love, George F. Sacrey, Henry M. Towles, Landon
    J. Huffman, Lewis Moore, John T. Evans, Walter Bradshaw, Samuel D.
    Curtis, Lewis Wrenn, Wm. White, John Solan, George W. Eve, James
    Mazeen, Abraham Cox, Wm. Brannan, James A. Turner, A. E. Samuel,
    Tandy Williams, Robert S. Parker, Christopher Reintz, Thomas F.
    Coleman, Patrick McDonnell, Charles Williams, Wm. Cox, Walter M.
    Mills, Thomas S. Thornton, John Joyce,[35] John Miner, Richard Hudson,
    Wm. B. Webb, Alexander Armstrong, Wm. Wiltshire, Gabriel Johnston,
    George Mullin, William Burke.

[Illustration: Birthplace of Hon. John Forsythe, the brilliant Georgia
Statesman. (See page 154)]

[Illustration: The "Sentry Box," the home of Gen. Hugh Mercer; now the
residence of O. D. Foster, Esq. (See page 150)]

The following citizens were arrested subsequently and are still held by
the Federal authorities: Wm. Lange, Thomas Manuell, Joseph Hall, Wm. W.
Jones, Wyatt Johnson.

    The committee appointed by the Council proceeded to Richmond and laid
    the matter before the Secretary of War, and, on their return home,
    reported to the Council in writing. This report was filed, but was not
    entered upon the records of the Council, and, from indications as
    shown by subsequent entries in the Council proceedings, the committee
    appointed Mr. George H. C. Rowe to visit Washington, interview the
    Federal authorities and ascertain what could be done. Some of the
    members of the Council claimed that this action of the committee was
    without authority, as the appointment should have been made by the
    Council itself and not by the committee of the Council. This claim
    was, no doubt, well founded, and the action of the committee may have
    been a stretch of its authority, but their great anxiety to have these
    gentlemen released from prison and have them restored to their
    families and friends, was a sufficient explanation and apology, if
    such had been needed, for their action, independent of the Council.
    And furthermore, the propriety of, and authority for, this action of
    the committee may be explained, if not justified, by the fact that one
    of the committeemen was the Mayor and executive officer of the town
    and the other one was a leading member of the Common Council.

    But be that as it may, Mr. Rowe proceeded to Washington, and on his
    return, on the 20th of June, made a report of his visit to the
    Council, stating that he was well received by the Federal authorities
    and was assured by the Secretary of War that the exchange could be
    effected. Mr. Rowe further stated that the proposition made by the
    Secretary of War was that the Federal prisoners should be released and
    placed in his care, and he be permitted to take them through their
    lines with the assurance that the citizen prisoners would be turned
    over to him. Mr. Rowe concluded his report as follows:[36]

    "This proposition, it seems to me, obviates all difficulties of
    misconstruction, and I will undertake the delivery and receipt of the
    prisoners at Alexandria. It is proper to state that in 1862, I
    undertook and executed, a similar Commission of exchange of citizens
    Captured, with success, and thorough satisfaction to our
    Government,[37] and I am sure with its assent and coöperation as
    proposed, I will now reap a similar result."

Upon the reception of this report by the Council Mayor Slaughter and Mr.
Rowe were appointed a commission to visit Richmond and secure the release
of the Federal prisoners, and, when so released, the commission was
authorized to do what might be necessary to effect the final exchange. On
their arrival in Richmond they called on the Confederate authorities and
stated the terms of agreement, and through their solicitation the
following order was issued by Colonel Robert Ould, the Confederate
commissioner of exchange of prisoners:

    "RICHMOND, VA., June 23rd, 1864.

    _Brigadier General M. M. Gardner_--SIR: I will thank you to deliver to
    M. Slaughter, Mayor of Fredericksburg, fifty-six Federal Soldiers
    (privates) who are to be exchanged for an equal number of our people,
    captured in Fredericksburg. I will thank you also to furnish M.
    Slaughter the necessary guard, &c., for their transportation to
    Fredericksburg. Please send two or three surgeons with the party.

      Resp'y yr Obt. Sert.,
        R. OULD, Agt."

The issuance of this order, with the previous assurance of the Federal
authorities, encouraged and rejoiced the hearts of all interested parties.
The mourning changed to rejoicing, and nothing now remained to complete
the joy but the presence of the loved ones, who yet lingered in prison. An
order was at once issued by the Common Council authorizing Mr. Slaughter
and Mr. Rowe to procure all the necessary transportation and make proper
arrangements for the exchange and effect the release of the imprisoned
citizens as speedily as possible. From the final report, made on the
subject, it appears that the whole matter of making the exchange of
prisoners was turned over to Mr. Rowe. On his return from Washington he
reported the transactions in full to the Council, on the 8th of July, in
the following words:[38]

    "I have the honor to report that I reached the military lines of the
    United States in safety with the fifty-six prisoners of war and four
    civil officers of the so-called State of West Virginia, committed to
    my charge by the corporation authorities, to be exchanged for the
    captive citizens of Fredericksburg. After some difficulty in obtaining
    personal access to the authorities at Washington, and several days'
    discussion there, I succeeded in closing a negotiation that the
    Federal prisoners delivered by me should be released from their
    paroles simultaneously with the delivery of fifty-three captive
    citizens of Fredericksburg, and seven Confederate prisoners of war, on
    board of a flag of truce steamer, with transportation to Split Rock,
    on the Potomac river.

    "In execution of this obligation the Federal authorities delivered to
    me, on board the Steamer Weycomoke, whence they were landed at Split
    Rock on yesterday, forty-nine citizens and two prisoners of war,
    according to the roll which accompanies this report, marked A.[39] The
    four citizens and five prisoners of war still due, I have solid
    assurances will be forwarded by the same route at an early day."

    At the conclusion of Mr. Rowe's report, on motion made by Mr. John
    James Young, the Council unanimously adopted the following resolution:

    "That the thanks of this body be tendered to Mr. Rowe for the
    energetic and efficient manner in which he has effected the exchange
    of Federal prisoners for our captive citizens."

Having been set at liberty at Split Rock, on the banks of the Potomac
river, the march to Fredericksburg was soon commenced. Some few of the
party, and especially the sick, were fortunate enough to have carriages
sent for them, some got seats in wagons, but a large majority of them made
the journey on foot, and were delighted at the privilege of doing so. The
distance is about twelve miles. It is unnecessary to attempt (for we could
not if we did) to describe the scene upon the arrival of these unfortunate
ones to their homes and families. It is sufficient to say they reached
home in safety amidst the shouts of welcome and the rejoicing of the
inhabitants of the town, the returned prisoners joining in the refrain,
bearing testimony to the truth of Payne's declaration, "There's no place
like home."

The small batch of wounded and straggling Federal soldiers, who were
arrested by the citizens on the 8th of May, was followed next day and the
succeeding days, until there were in the different improvised hospitals in
town about fifteen thousand sick and wounded soldiers. They were attended
by a large body of surgeons and assistants of every kind, including
nurses. The native population of the town at this time was small, and
consisted entirely of women, children and elderly men. Even the colored
population had become very much reduced.

The sudden increase of the population by the advent of this large number
of sick and wounded soldiers, and their numerous attendants, caused great
suffering and distress, and during this occupation by the wounded, the
suffering, disease and sorrow endured by the people of Fredericksburg were
greater than any that had previously visited them. But notwithstanding
this, and notwithstanding the harsh and cruel treatment they received at
the hands of General Pope and his subordinates, truth demands the record
and admission that these scenes of horror were greatly mitigated by many
acts of courtesy and considerate aid on the part of the Federal officers
stationed here, which even now are kindly remembered and spoken of by many
of our citizens who were participants in the scenes referred to above.


    _The Armies Transferred to Richmond and Petersburg--Gen. Lee's
    surrender--Citizens Return Home--Action of the Council--Fredericksburg
    Again Under the Old Flag--The Assassination of President Lincoln
    Denounced and Deplored--Reconstruction Commenced--An Election Set
    Aside--The Iron-Clad Oath--All Offices Vacated and Strangers
    Appointed--The Financial Condition of the Town--The Town Again in the
    Hands of its Citizens--Splendid Financial Showing, &c._

At the conclusion of the battles around Spotsylvania, during which time
Fredericksburg was the base of supplies for the Federal army, the two
armies moved south and the scenes of war were transferred from
Fredericksburg to Richmond and Petersburg. From the time the main armies
moved south to the close of the war Fredericksburg was first in the
Federal lines and then in the Confederate lines. After the base of
supplies for the Union army was moved from Fredericksburg to City Point
about the only troops that visited the town were scouting or raiding
parties, and be it said to their credit very little damage to property was
done by them. Communication was kept up all the time with Richmond and the
citizens were not without hope that the Federal army would be driven back
and the scenes of war transferred to other parts. But these hopes were
delusive. General Grant was constantly receiving reinforcements, until he
had over 200,000 men, by which he was enabled to extend his lines, while
General Lee's small army, not exceeding 45,000 men, was becoming smaller
and his lines of battle thinner by reason of casualties, resulting from
daily engagements with the enemy. In consequence of this he was unable to
hold his long lines against the vigorous attacks of General Grant.

About the first of April General Lee suffered several reverses on his
extreme right, which resulted in turning his right flank on the 2nd of
April. On the morning of the 3rd he commenced the evacuation of Richmond,
abandoned his entire line in front of Petersburg and retreated in the
direction of Danville. The overwhelming numbers of Grant against him made
his retreat very difficult and enabled the Federals to harass him on
every side. When General Lee reached Burkeville he found the Federals
between him and Danville, his objective point, and it became necessary for
him to change the direction of his column. There was but one way open for
him and that was the road to Lynchburg. But this road was soon closed. At
the battle of Sailors' Creek, near Farmville, on the 6th of April, the
Confederates lost over six thousand men and several general officers. From
the result of this engagement it was plainly seen that the end had come.
By fighting in the day and marching at night General Lee reached
Appomattox Courthouse on the 9th, with what few soldiers he had left,
broken down from hunger and marching, his horses jaded and unable to do
their work, and his artillery and wagon trains were falling an easy prey
to the pursuing army. Although the men's courage never failed them, in the
condition in which Gen. Lee found himself, there was nothing to do but to
surrender. General Grant had already communicated with him and demanded
his surrender, upon the ground that he could not longer resist, but he had
not felt a willingness to yield until the morning of the 9th.

On that eventful morning General Lee opened communication with General
Grant and invited a conference, to discuss the terms of surrender. They
met, it is said, under an apple tree and adjourned to the residence of Mr.
Wilmer McLane,[40] where the terms were agreed upon, written out and
signed. It was from this building that General Lee mounted old
Traveller,[41] to return to his lines to announce the sad news to the
remaining remnant of his once magnificent army. General Hooker declared
the army of the Potomac, prior to his move to Chancellorsville, "the
grandest army on the planet," but more than one of the Federal generals of
high rank, who served in the Army of the Potomac, have since the war
declared "that for sacrifice, suffering and for fighting qualities the
world could not surpass the Army of Northern Virginia."

The terms of the surrender were liberal, even generous, and bore testimony
to the affectionate consideration General Lee had for his men and the
magnanimity of General Grant to those who had surrendered their arms. It
was agreed that the officers were to give their individual paroles not to
take up arms against the Government of the United States until properly
exchanged, and each company or regimental commander was to sign a similar
parole for their men. The arms, artillery and public property were to be
stacked and packed and turned over to a United States officer. The
officers and men were allowed to take their side arms, private horses and
baggage and return to their homes unmolested and so remain as long as they
observed their paroles. In addition to this, at the suggestion of General
Lee, General Grant furnished the Confederate army with rations, which they
had been without for several days. It is said that when it became known by
the advanced lines of the Federal troops and those of the Confederate army
that the terms of surrender had been signed and peace was at hand, their
long pent-up feelings gave way in the loudest tumult of rejoicing.

There was no demand made by General Grant for the surrender of General
Lee's sword, and there was no offer of the surrender of his sword on the
part of General Lee. The officers were to retain their side arms which
included the sword. "The number of men paroled was about twenty-six
thousand, of whom not more than nine thousand had arms in their hands.
About sixteen thousand small arms were surrendered, one hundred and fifty
cannon, seventy-one colors, eleven hundred wagons and caissons and four
thousand horses and mules. The Confederate troops, immediately upon
receiving their paroles, separated and returned to their homes."[42]

The scene of separation of soldiers and commanders, who had served nearly
four years together, and who were linked together by the strongest bonds
of comradeship, not to say of genuine affection, was the saddest and most
trying that had ever occurred in the past history of the army. Farewells,
amid tears and audible sobbing of the brave, rough soldiers, were
exchanged and they parted, never to meet as soldiers, in arms again!
Before leaving for home, however, and as the last act of the closing
drama, and the last act of General Lee as the Commander of the Army of
Northern Virginia, the day following the surrender he issued a farewell
address.[43] The address was printed on slips of paper and distributed to
the soldiers, who felt unwilling to leave for their homes until they
received the parting blessing and loving benediction of their idolized


The first news of General Lee's surrender received at Fredericksburg came
from soldiers returning to their desolated homes, and with the sad tidings
came also the feeling that the fate of the Confederacy was sealed. The
population of Fredericksburg at this time had been increased by the
presence of strangers and adventurers. The trade of the town was
conducted, to a considerable extent, by those who were not permanent
residents of the town, and there was but little population, business or
general appearance to remind one of the Fredericksburg of other days.

But what a change in other respects had come over the town as to its
character and condition! For four years it had been a part of the Southern
Confederacy, and its devotion to the Southern cause had been demonstrated
time and again by its sacrifices, sufferings for and contributions to that
cause. Now the collapse of the Confederacy had come and the town was again
a part of the United States and subject to its laws. The question was what
shall be done to place the town in its proper position, and who shall take
that action? That was the question.

After a conference of the leading citizens of the town it was decided that
the Council was the only body that could represent the people, and that it
should be convened to take such steps as might be suggested by the proper
authorities. This step was deferred, however, until the 27th of April,
when it was known the Confederate government had ceased to exist, on which
day the Council was convened, the following members being present: M.
Slaughter, Mayor; Wm. A. Little, Recorder; Charles Herndon, George
Gravatt, Joseph W. Sener, Horace B. Hall, Wm. H. Cunningham, Charles S.
Scott, Beverley T. Gill. John G. Hurkamp, James McGuire, John J. Young,
Thomas F. Knox, Councilmen. The following paper was submitted and
unanimously adopted:

    "Whereas, this community finds itself, after four years of disturbing
    war, all of whose evils and sacrifices they have been called upon to
    endure, subject to the laws of the United States, and under the
    control of its authority;

    And whereas, they are satisfied that the war is at an end, and that
    their interests and duty alike require that they should recognize the
    situation and submit to said authority and laws, and, as quiet and
    orderly citizens, acknowledge the powers that be, and endeavor to
    preserve that character of a law abiding and peaceable community,
    which it has been their purpose to maintain;

    And whereas further, it is deemed proper that this community should,
    through their constituted representatives, give expression at this
    time to those views and communicate the same to the United States
    authorities, therefore resolved--

    1. That M. Slaughter, Esq., Mayor, be, and he is, hereby appointed a
    Commissioner to proceed to Richmond and present a copy of these
    proceedings through General M. R. Patrick to said authority.

    2. Trusting that as the community and State is in no way responsible
    for the causes which led to the revolution and have already suffered
    so seriously during its progress, a magnanimous government will be
    satisfied with the restoration of its authority, and adopt towards us
    the policy of leniency and reconciliation which will tend with the
    people of Virginia to restore friendly relations, soften the
    asperities and heal the wounds of the past, and enable us to resume
    our former position as peaceful and prosperous citizens of Virginia
    and the United States.

    Resolved, That the crime of assassination, which has so recently
    deprived the United States of its President,[44] has, in all ages and
    countries, received the unqualified detestation of all honorable and
    civilized communities, and that the perpetrator of this crime deserves
    the utmost punishment of the law and the condemnation of all upright

This action of the Council was Fredericksburg's declaration of her
allegiance to the United States, and made her a part of the Union, so far
as that action could make her. She had passed through the fiery furnace of
suffering and sacrifice since Virginia had withdrawn from the Union, but
she hesitated to take any action by which her loyalty and devotion to the
Confederate States could be questioned, and declined to take any steps
transferring her allegiance to the Union until she knew that the
Confederate government had disbanded and ceased to exist.

[Illustration: Marye's Heights and section of old Stone Wall. These
heights were crowded with artillery in the battle of December 13, 1862.
(See page 91)]

[Illustration: Office of Trustees of the Town from 1727 to 1781;
constructed into a residence. (See page 153.)]

Fredericksburg had suffered as no other town in the South had suffered and
had sacrificed her all, yet instead of complaining she showed herself
grand in her sufferings and glorious in her sacrifices. There clustered
around her hallowed memories, grand historic events, individual
achievements, that, with her war record, imparted to her a beauty and
nobility of character that made her sublime even in her desolation.

As time progressed population increased. The old citizens who had refugeed
returned to their homes; young and middle-aged men, who had faithfully
served their country in the army, exchanged their weapons of war for the
implements of peace, and business began to assume its legitimate channels
and the old town was well nigh restored to its wonted activity and
prosperity. The census of 1870, very imperfectly taken, gave
Fredericksburg at that time a population of about four thousand


_Virginia Military District No. 1_

The period in Virginia known as Reconstruction, extending from the
cessation of hostilities, in 1865, to the first day of July, 1870, when
the officers, elected under the new constitution, assumed their places and
performed their duties, free of military restraint, was one of deep
humiliation to the people of Virginia, and especially to the citizens of
Fredericksburg. Just after the close of the war Virginia appears to have
been neither a State nor a territory, but was declared to be Military
District No. 1, and United States army officers were placed in authority
over her affairs, civil as well as military. It is true that soon after
the order proclaiming Virginia a military district a provisional governor
was appointed by the authorities, but he was dominated by the military in
his administration of affairs of State, and was powerless, it appears, to
do anything in his office as Governor not sanctioned and approved by the
commanding military officer.

While the town was in the hands of the civil authorities--the Mayor and
Common Council, elected at the last election held before the close of the
war--it was only nominally so. They were powerless to do anything unless
it met the approval of the military authority. This was plainly shown by a
communication received from Brigadier-General T. M. Harris, commanding,
on the first day of August, 1865, addressed to the Mayor. In that
communication General Harris said:

    "The sanitary condition of your town will, of course, claim the first
    and earnest attention of your Council. I am desirous of coöperating,
    so far as I am able, in this matter and desire the coöperation of the
    city authorities in return. It will be indispensable to have labor,
    which cannot be procured without money. I would, therefore, suggest
    that you take into consideration the propriety of levying a small per
    capita and also property tax for this purpose."

Of course, under the condition of things, a suggestion from the General
commanding was virtually an order, and it was so understood. Accordingly,
on the 8th of August, the Common Council was convened by the Mayor, when
General Harris's communication was laid before it, considered and the
following tax levied:

"On all real and personal property, fifty cents on the one hundred dollars
value; on moneys, solvent bonds and securities, except the bonds of the
corporation, forty cents on the one hundred dollars value; on all capital
invested or used in any manufacturing business or investment, used or
employed in any trade or business, twenty-five cents on every one hundred
dollars; on the moneys and personal property of joint-stock companies,
forty cents on every one hundred dollars; on every white and colored male
above twenty-one years of age, two dollars." The same tax was levied for


The municipal government that found itself in possession of the town at
the close of the war continued without any election, or any attempt to
hold an election, until the Spring of 1867. At that time it seemed to be
the opinion and desire of the Mayor and Common Council that an election
should be held and that a full corps of officers for the town should be
chosen. The only law under which the Council could act and order an
election was the charter which was in force prior to the war and which
prescribed that elections for Mayor and Common Council should be held on
the third Monday in March of each year.

In accordance with this provision of the charter the Council ordered an
election to be held on the 18th of March, 1867, for the election of a
Mayor and Common Council, but the question of the qualification of voters
having arisen, and the Council being unable to decide who were entitled to
vote under the new order of things, referred the question to General John
M. Scofield, who was then in command of Military District, No. 1.

General Scofield suspended the election "until the necessary preparations
can be made to fully and fairly carry out the provisions of the act of
Congress of March 3rd, 1867, concerning the elective franchise and the
qualification of officers." On receipt of this order of suspension the
Council passed the following resolution:

"That in pursuance of said order, the election heretofore advertised to be
held on Monday, the 18th instant, for Mayor and Common Councilmen, be and
it is hereby suspended until further orders. And whereas, further, under
General Orders No. 1, issued from the same headquarters, all officers
under the existing provisional government of Virginia are continued in
office for the present, this Council, in accordance with said orders, do
hereby resolve that the persons at present, discharging the duties
required by the charter of this corporation, be and they are hereby
continued in their respective offices until further orders." And there was
a peculiar significance in the word orders!


In April, 1867, the famous order was issued from "Headquarters, Military
District, No. 1, of the State of Virginia," requiring every officer in the
Commonwealth, State, municipal and county, to take the oath adopted by
Congress in 1862, commonly called the test oath, and which was known
through the South after the close of the war as the Iron-clad oath. This
order affected every officer in the State, from the Governor down to the
smallest officer, and it created quite a sensation. The oath was as

    "I, --------, of the county of -------- and State of --------, do
    solemnly swear that I have never voluntarily borne arms against the
    United States since I have been a citizen thereof; that I have
    voluntarily given no aid, countenance, counsel or encouragement to
    persons engaged in hostility thereto; that I have neither sought nor
    accepted, nor attempted to exercise the functions of any office
    whatsoever under any authority or pretended authority in hostility to
    the United States; that I have yielded no voluntary support to any
    authority, pretended authority or constitution within the United
    States inimical thereto. So help me God!"

Fredericksburg had no officer serving at that time who could take such an
oath. Some of the officers had, at some time during the war, been active
participants on the Confederate side, and those who were too far advanced
in age to enter the army had sympathized with the Confederate cause and
had otherwise aided it, therefore every officer, from Mayor down to
policeman, was removed and their places supplied, in some few instances,
by residents who took the required oath, but in most instances the
appointees were strangers and citizens of Northern States, who had floated
down South in search of some office at the hands of the military

The venerable and efficient clerk of the courts, Mr. John James Chew, who
had held the office for forty years, was removed and an inexperienced and
inefficient stranger was installed in his place and given the keeping and
custody of our court papers and records. Many of the appointees of the
Common Council were men of that class, and were therefore unable to
conduct the affairs of the town, provide a revenue to meet the running
expenses and pay the interest on the city bonds.

The Military Council was placed in possession of the city government in
1867, and conducted public affairs on the revenues brought in by the tax
bill levied by their predecessors by permission of the commanding general.
In the latter part of 1867 the creditors of the town were demanding their
money, and no money was in the treasury. They threatened suits to enforce
payment of their dues, and in order to meet these obligations, on the 23rd
of May, 1868, the Military Council passed a tax bill levying a tax of one
dollar and a quarter on the one hundred dollars value of all real and
personal property, and on all males over twenty-one years of age a
capitation tax of three dollars, but the Commissioner of Revenue never
made up his tax books and the tax was never collected. This state of
things continued through the year 1869; therefore, when the Common Council
of the people's own choosing took charge of the city government on the
first of July, 1870, under the provisions of the new State constitution,
they found municipal affairs in a wretched condition.


The new charter for the town, granted under the new State constitution,
was passed by the Legislature and approved by the Governor on the 23rd of
March, 1871. It differed very much from the charter under which the town
was governed before the war, both as to new offices provided for and the
term of officers. The officers to be elected by the people were one Mayor,
who should hold his office for two years; twelve Councilmen, who should
hold for one year; but this was subsequently changed so that six
Councilmen should be elected from each ward--the town having been divided
into two wards--and they were to hold office for two years; one City
Sergeant for a term of two years; one Commissioner of the Revenue for two
years, which has since been changed to four years, and one City Treasurer
for three years. Any person who was a qualified voter was eligible to any
one of the offices named above, and when they were elected and qualified
they were to "have the powers, perform the duties and be subject to the
liabilities and responsibilities prescribed by the general laws" of the

They were not to enter upon their respective duties until they qualified
before some person authorized to administer oaths, and, in addition to the
oath of fidelity and the anti-duelling oath, each one had also to swear
"that I recognize and accept the civil and political equality of all men
before the law." This was another reminder to us that the "negroes were
free," and was "intended as the lash to compel Southern courts to
administer to them justice and to election officers to accord them all the
privileges at the polls they were allowed."

The Mayor was to preside at the meetings of the Council, give the casting
vote on questions before that body in case of a tie and act as a justice
of the peace in civil and criminal matters arising in the corporation. He
was to have control of the police of the town and appoint special police
officers when he deemed it necessary; and, in addition to these duties, he
was empowered to try all offences and controversies arising under the
ordinances of the town, to impose fines and collect the same, saving to
the parties the right of appeal when the matter in controversy exceeded
the sum of ten dollars.

The Council was authorized to establish and regulate markets, to alter or
improve streets, alleys, sidewalks and bridges, and keep the same in
order; to provide for the lighting of streets, against accidents by fire;
to establish fire companies, purchase engines, and to provide wells or
cisterns for supplying water. It was authorized to prevent and punish, by
reasonable fines, the practice of discharging fire-arms and running horses
in the town; to license and regulate shows and other exhibitions, and tax
them in such manner as may be expedient and lawful; to lay off public
grounds and provide for and take care of public buildings, grounds and
cemeteries; to conduct and distribute water into and through the town; to
adopt rules for its own government and the transaction of its business. It
was also to define the powers, prescribe the duties and fix the term of
service and compensation of its own appointees, necessary for conducting
the affairs of the town, not otherwise provided; to fix the salary of the
Mayor and all other officers, but no compensation was to be allowed to any
member of the Council unless he should act as clerk of the body. The
Council was to make all such by-laws and regulations as it might deem
necessary, consistent with the constitution and laws of the State, for the
good government of the town, and to enforce the same by reasonable fines
and penalties, not exceeding for any one offence the sum of ten dollars.

The Council was authorized to provide a revenue for the town and
appropriate the same, and for that purpose it was made the duty of the
Commissioner of the Revenue to make an annual assessment of taxable
persons and property within the town, such as should be taxable under the
revenue laws of the State, including dogs and other animals running at

This was the release of the liberty-loving people of Fredericksburg from
military bondage and misrule, signed, sealed and delivered, for which they
rejoiced as did the captive Israelite of old as he again returned from
bondage to his beloved native land.


_The Ante Bellum Debt of the Town._

Prior to the war the Council, by direction of the people, given through
the ballot, had made large appropriations to public improvements, with a
view of building up the town by retaining the trade of the surrounding
country, which was threatened by other cities, and by drawing trade from
other sections of the country that found markets elsewhere. From these
improvements the hopes of the town were not realized. Some of them
remained in an unfinished condition, while others had been rendered
worthless by new lines of railroad that had diverted their business and
rendered them worthless; yet, the debt owed by the town, by reason of
these appropriations and other expenditures, amounted to $244,521.48.[46]
All this debt was hanging over the desolated town and not a dollar's worth
of property to show for it.

In addition to this loss no provision had been made by former Councils to
meet the interest on these bonds for the past four or five years, and
suits had been brought and judgments obtained to enforce payment and other
suits were threatened. Under judgments and executions obtained against the
corporation, all property belonging to the town, available, was sold at
public auction by the officer of the law. Even the chairs in the council
chamber, in which the members of the Council sat to conduct the public
business of the town, were sold by the constable at public outcry under
execution. The members of the Council attended this sale and each one
purchased his chair, and thereafter the members furnished their own seats
at the council board, while they legislated for the public good, without
fee or reward, other than the consciousness of duty nobly done.

The Common Council that took charge of municipal affairs in 1870 had many
grave and difficult questions to meet and determine. Debts had accumulated
against the city, while the taxable values had greatly diminished by the
destruction of property during the war and the emancipation of the slaves.
A large portion of the inhabitants had recently returned home--the women
and children from refugeeing and the men from the army--almost penniless,
to find their homes in ruins or badly damaged and despoiled of what had
been left in them. Nearly everybody had to commence life anew.

The Council, therefore, had to provide for these debts, and, at the same
time, not place a burden upon an impoverished people, in the form of
taxation that they could not bear. It was a trying ordeal, but the members
were equal to the emergency. That Council was composed of Walker Peyton
Conway, J. Gordon Wallace, Hugh S. Doggett, George W. Eve, Patrick
McCracken, Wm. C. Morrison, Joseph W. Sener, John T. Knight, John H. Myer,
George Gravatt, Thomas Harrison and John James Young.

The finance committee of that Council, which was expected to provide for
the finances and bring before the Council, for its consideration and
adoption, such measures as would meet the emergency and not oppress the
tax-payers, consisted of W. P. Conway, J. Gordon Wallace and Hugh S.
Doggett. With great diligence they applied themselves to their task. A tax
bill was formulated and brought before the Council levying a tax, which
was adopted, and in a short time money was raised, the debts were paid in
installments until all creditors were paid or satisfactory arrangements
made with them.

In 1876 the old bonds of the city were funded, by mutual agreement of the
Council and the bond holders, at sixty-six and two-third cents on the
dollar, the new bonds to bear seven per cent. interest and run thirty
years. This was a wise arrangement of the Council, notwithstanding there
was considerable opposition to it, the opponents of the measure claiming
that the rate of interest of the new bonds should not exceed six per
cent., although money was then bringing from ten to twelve per cent., and
sometimes more than twelve. The amount of bonds issued under this funding
act amounted to $125,000.

By this arrangement of funding one-third of the principal of the bonds was
eliminated, the threatened suits for past-due interest were averted, and
it put the Council in a position to provide for the interest as it should
fall due, take care of the floating debt, and at the same time reduce the
rate of taxation, which the tax-payer hailed with delight. Thus the
delinquencies of the former years were met and provided for, the rate of
taxation was not oppressive, and the town, being under the control of its
own citizens, untrammelled by military authority, rapidly moved forward,
public confidence in its ability to meet its obligations was restored and
thus municipal affairs were placed in a satisfactory condition. The credit
of the city is as good at present as any city of the State, and no bonds
have been funded or sold in the last twelve years at a greater rate of
interest than four per cent., or at any figure below their face value.


The bonded indebtedness of the city, and the improvements for which said
bonds were issued is a matter that concerns every citizen, and for their
information are here given as of 1908:

  Five per cent. water bonds, issued July 1, 1895, due
  January 1, 1909, coupons payable January and July 1st           $ 30,000

  Four per cent. gas bonds, issued January 2, 1900, coupons
  due July and January 2nd, bonds due January 2, 1920               25,000

  Four per cent. bridge bonds, issued July 2, 1900, coupons
  due January and July 2nd, bonds due July 2, 1920                  25,000

  Four per cent. electric light bonds, issued January 1,
  1901, coupons due July and January 1st, bonds due January
  1, 1931                                                           12,000

  Four per cent. sewer bonds, issued April 1, 1901, coupons
  due October and April 1st, bonds due April 1, 1931                18,000

  Four per cent. street improvement bonds, issued April 1,
  1901, coupons due October and April 1st, bonds due April
  1, 1931                                                           20,000

  Four per cent. water and gas bonds, issued April 1, 1905,
  coupons due October and April 1st, bonds due April 1, 1931        20,000

  Four per cent. gas and water bonds, issued September 1,
  1905, coupons due September 1st, $5,000 to be paid each
  year till paid, $5,000 already paid                               20,000

  Four per cent. bonds funding the old 7 per cent. bonds,
  issued May 1, 1906, coupons due May and November, bonds
  due May 1, 1936                                                  119,400

  Three bonds of $5,000, due National Bank of Fredericksburg
  and payable $5,000 on November 1, 1908, and yearly
  thereafter, bearing 4 per cent. interest                          15,000

  Making the total bonded debt of the town                        $304,400

Many of these public improvements were constructed by the authority of the
freeholders of the town, by a majority vote cast at special elections
appointed and held for that purpose; others were constructed by action of
the City Council under authority granted them by the new constitution
enlarging the powers and duties of city councils, and appeared to have the
sanction of a large majority of the tax-payers of the town.

[Illustration: Confederate Cemetery at Fredericksburg. The pyramid of
stones marks the battle-field at Hamilton's Crossing, between Jackson and
Meade. (See page 185)]


    _The Courts of Fredericksburg--The Freedman's Bureau--Court Orders and
    Incidents--First Night Watch--Ministers Qualify to Perform Marriage
    Ceremony--First Notary Public--Fixing the Value of Bank Notes--Prison
    Bounds for Debtors--Public Buildings, &c._

If every one in this Christian land was a Christian, and was governed by
the rule laid down and inculcated by the Christ, "whatsoever ye would that
men should do to you, do ye even so to them," there would have been but
little, if any, use for courts in this country. But all people are not
Christians, and all Christians are not governed by that golden rule,
therefore courts were necessary to punish crime, settle disputes, protect
the weak against the strong, secure the widow and orphan in their rights,
enforce provision for the indigent poor, and perform other functions for
the benefit of society and the well-being of the country.

What courts Fredericksburg had before the Revolutionary war is unknown, as
no record seems to have been left of them. In all probability the
successors of Major Lawrence Smith were also authorized to execute martial
law and hear and determine all questions, as a county court might do,
until the town was chartered in 1727 and placed in the hands of trustees.
These trustees had certain powers conferred upon them by act of the House
of Burgesses, and they were to keep records of their proceedings, but
these records cannot now be found and quite likely have long ago been

It may have been possible that the Colonial Governors appointed
magistrates to hear and determine causes within certain limits and to
punish petty offences, while causes beyond those limits and felonies were
heard and determined by the court sitting at Williamsburg. Of this,
however, we are left to conjecture, as no records are at our command. But
if this had been the manner of dispensing justice prior to 1781, it
furnished a pattern for the Virginia Legislature for many years
thereafter with respect to the town, as is referred to elsewhere.

The first court established in Fredericksburg, that we now have any
records of, was by an act of the General Assembly of Virginia, passed
during the session of 1781. At that session Fredericksburg was regularly
incorporated and given a Common Council and a hustings court, but the
court did not organize until April 15, 1782. At its organization the
following justices were present: Charles Mortimer, Wm. McWilliams, James
Somerville, Charles Dick, Samuel Roddy and John Julien, "the same being
Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the town," elected to their respective
offices on the 18th day of March, 1782, in the order above named.

This continued as the only court of the town until 1788, when nineteen
district courts were established in the State by the General Assembly, one
of which was located at Fredericksburg. These courts were presided over by
two judges of the General Court, located at Richmond, the number of judges
of that court having been, by the same act, increased from five to ten

This district court was regarded as a very important court, and was
attended by some of the ablest lawyers in Virginia and adjoining States.
Edmund Randolph, after he was Governor and twice a Cabinet Minister,[47]
and also James Monroe, a citizen of this place, after he was Minister to
England, France and Spain, were attorneys before and practised in this
court. While attending a session of this court, on the 3rd day of May,
1798, Governor Randolph published the following card in the _Virginia

    "My business in the Court of Appeals and High Court of Chancery render
    it impossible for me to attend _constantly_ the district court holden
    at this place. I have, therefore, come hither, during the present
    term, with a hope of finishing almost every cause in which I was
    employed; and have refused all fees, which have been offered to me in
    any suits, which I may not try before I leave the town. I am
    apprehensive, however, that I shall not succeed in concluding
    everything; and I have accordingly, made the following arrangement:
    To some of my clients I have personally returned the fees; to all
    others, where the business has not been absolutely finished, or any
    step remains to be taken, except to move for the opinion of the court,
    the fee will be returned on application to John Chew, Esq., clerk of
    the court, who has been so obliging as to accept from me a list of all
    my suits, still depending, of the money received, and of their
    situation. Although the fees are to be returned yet I have obtained
    the favor of Colonel Monroe,[48] Colonel John Minor and Francis
    Brooke, Esq.,[49] to attend to these suits, agreeably to the
    memorandum which I have given each of them, with every paper and
    information in my power. In two of the cases, which are of peculiar
    importance, I shall attend myself at a future day; and in all
    instances, will cheerfully assist with my advice. If required, I will
    be ready to attend the trial of any particular suits, now or hereafter
    depending in this court whensoever the business of the Court of
    Appeals and High Court of Chancery will permit."

This court continued in existence for about twenty years, when, by an act
of the General Assembly of 1808-9, it was abolished, and a "Circuit Court
or a Superior Court of Law," was established in its stead. This new court
was presided over by one of the judges of the General Court, the number of
judges of that court, it appears, having been increased from ten to
fifteen, to correspond with the number of circuits established in the
State. These courts have continued to the present time, with slight
changes at different periods as to their powers and territory, and are
presided over by circuit judges.

In the year 1852 the State was divided into ten districts and a court was
established for each district, known as the District Court of Appeals. The
court for the Fourth district was located at Fredericksburg, and was held
up-stairs in the north wing of the present courthouse. This court
consisted of the judges of the circuit courts constituting the district
and the judge of the Court of Appeals, elected from this section of the
State, as president. It was provided that no judge should sit in any
appeal case sent up from his circuit. This court continued until the
adoption of what was known as the Underwood Constitution, which failed to
make provision for district courts.

Prior to 1870 the corporation or hustings court was held by three or more
justices of the peace, but when the State constitution of that year was
adopted it raised that court to a higher dignity, its powers and
jurisdiction were enlarged, and a judge prescribed "who shall be learned
in the law." Since the establishment of this court it has had five judges
to preside over it--John M. Herndon, John T. Goolrick, Montgomery
Slaughter, A. Wellington Wallace, and Alvin T. Embrey. The new State
constitution abolished all county courts and provided four annual terms of
the circuit court, which were regarded ample for all purposes. In this
change in the present constitution Fredericksburg lost her session of the
circuit court and also her hustings court, but authority was conferred
upon the City Council to continue the hustings court if it judged it
necessary, the Legislature to elect the judge, whose term of office was to
be ten years, and the Council was to pay his salary. In accordance with
this authority the Council decided to continue the court, and Judge John
T. Goolrick was elected by the General Assembly to preside over it.

The police court, established by the State constitution of 1870, is held
by the Mayor of the town, and in his absence by the Recorder, or in his
absence by any justice of the peace who may be designated by the Mayor for
that purpose. This court has jurisdiction of misdemeanors and of civil
cases, where the amount involved is less than one hundred dollars, with
the right of appeal to the corporation court when the amount in
controversy is ten dollars or more. After the first of January, 1909, by
provision of State law, this court will be conducted by a police justice.


The new State constitution increased the number of circuits, when the
county courts were abolished, to twenty-nine, and also increased the terms
of the court to four annually, in order to enable the judges to do what
the circuit courts previously did and most of the work formerly allotted
to the old county courts. In order to do this the duties of the circuit
clerks were greatly enlarged, that they might do much of the business
heretofore transacted by the county courts. Fredericksburg is in the
fifteenth circuit, but no session of the court is held within her borders.
The circuit consists of five counties--King George, Stafford,
Spotsylvania, Caroline and Hanover. Our circuit judge is the Hon. John E.
Mason, who resides most of the time in Fredericksburg.


The same constitution that changed the circuit courts and abolished the
county courts made many changes also with government of cities and towns.
In Fredericksburg, divided into two wards as it had been for some years,
the six Councilmen from each ward were elected at the same time to serve
two years, the Mayor being the presiding officer of the body. In these
changes each ward is to elect three Councilmen every two years, who are to
serve a term of four years, and the presiding officer is to be elected
from the body of the Council. The present president is William E. Bradley,
Esq., the first one having been Col. E. D. Cole.


The Freedman's Bureau was established in Fredericksburg in 1865. It was an
unique judicial tribunal, and found its way in our midst by reason of the
disjointed condition of the country at that time. It was brought into
being by congressional enactment, to be operated alone in the Southern
States that had formed the Southern Confederacy, which government had then
ceased to exist. The geographical divisions in the South were no longer
States, as heretofore stated, but military districts, designated by
numbers, and it was the opinion of the Federal authorities, it seems, that
in the chaotic condition of society and the impotency of our courts, or
from some other cause, the colored people, who had just been emancipated
from slavery, would not be justly dealt with by their former owners, hence
the necessity of this civil-military tribunal.

These Freedman's bureaus were composed of three judges--one an army
officer and two citizens. In the organization of the bureau in
Fredericksburg two of the judges were appointed by the commander of the
military district and the third one was elected by the Common Council.
Being thus formed it was supposed that all parties brought before the
court would receive justice. It had original jurisdiction over
misdemeanors, controversies involving labor and the observance of
contracts, and appellate jurisdiction from the decisions of magistrates
and police justices, where the rights of colored people and United States
soldiers were involved.

The first court of this kind organized in Fredericksburg was composed of
Major James Johnson, a United States army officer, Major Charles Williams,
an ardent Union man, and James B. Sener, who was unanimously elected by
the Common Council "a commissioner on the part of the citizens of the town
in the Freedman's bureau, about to be organized."[50]

Many absurd and amusing stories were put in circulation about this court,
and the colored people were variously impressed with its functions and
purposes, as well as of its powers and jurisdiction. Persons who followed
the Union army to town, and who professed great friendship for the colored
people and secured their confidence, told them that one purpose of the
Freedman's Bureau was to adjust financial matters between ex-slaves and
their former owners and to remunerate them for labor performed while they
were in slavery. The money for this purpose was to be made from the
property of those who owned the slaves and who received the benefit of
their services.

The most of the colored people believed these, as they did the other
absurd stories,[51] and it was agreed that a test case should be made in
Fredericksburg, and if it was decided in favor of the ex-slave that all
the other ex-slaves should bring similar suits for their ante-bellum
services. The papers were prepared in such a case by one of the so-called
lawyers, who made their appearance in our midst in those troublous times,
one of our colored men being the plaintiff, but it was soon ascertained
that such a suit would be "laughed out of court," and therefore the matter
was dropped and nothing more was heard from it. It is said that after this
the bureau was not popular even with the colored people.


There are many orders made and incidents that happened in the old courts
that will be of interest to-day, if for no other reason than for their age
and the fact that they are not practised in our present courts. Among the
first things that claimed the attention of the hustings court, after its
organization and appointment of the officers of the court, was to fix the
rates of charges for the tavern-keepers. This it did on the 20th day of
May, 1782, entering the following schedule:

"Good West India rum, one pound per gallon; bread, ten shillings; whiskey,
six; strong beer, four; good West India rum toddy, ten shillings; brandy
toddy, seven shillings and six pence; rum punch, fifteen shillings; brandy
punch, twelve; rum grog, six; brandy grog, five. Diet: one meal, one
shilling and six pence; lodging, one shilling and three pence; "stablidge"
and hay, two shillings; oats and corn, nine pence per gallon."

Nearly half a century passed before another order in reference to tavern
rates was made, or recorded if made. It is presumed that the schedule of
rates made in 1782 was in force until the 10th day of May, 1838, or was
renewed from time to time, with slight changes. On the 10th of May, 1838,
another list of prices was adopted by the court, and entered as follows,
dollars and cents being substituted for pounds and shillings:

Breakfast, 50 cents; dinner, 50; supper, 50; lodging, 25; grain per
gallon, 12-1/2; "stablage" and hay per night, 25; Madeira wine, per quart,
1.00; champagne, per quart, 1.50; other wine per quart, 50; French brandy,
12-1/2 per gill; rum, 12-1/2; gin, 12-1/2; whiskey, 12-1/2; corn per
gallon, 25.

Another order was made by the court on the first day of March, 1784, when
it "proceeded to settle the allowances to the officers of the
corporation." That order gave to the officers their salaries as follows:
Mr. John Minor, Jr., attorney for the Commonwealth, 2000 pounds of
tobacco; Henry Armistead, clerk, 1200 pounds; John Legg, sergeant, 1200
pounds; Henry Armistead, for attending all courts of inquiry, 400 pounds;
sergeant for same, 570 pounds, and Wm. Jenkins, "gaoler," 364 pounds. For
several years the salaries of the corporation officers were paid in the
same manner and in the same currency.

On the 2nd of August, 1784, it was "ordered that the clerk certify that
this court do recommend Robert Brooke[52] as a person of probity, honesty
and good demeanor." This recommendation, it is understood, was necessary
in order for Mr. Brooke to obtain a license from the General Court to
practise law; and on the 7th of February, 1785, Robert Brooke and Bushrod
Washington[53] were admitted as practising lawyers before the court.

Henry Armistead, the first clerk of the court, died about the first of
August, 1787, and on the 6th of August John Chew, Jr., was appointed clerk
to fill the vacancy. By that appointment we have this remarkable record,
that from the appointment of John Chew, Jr., on the 6th of August, 1787,
to the death of Colonel Robert S. Chew, on the 17th of August, 1886, the
clerkship of the hustings court was in the Chew family, except the short
time it was held by W. C. Strait under military appointment. It went from
father to son for the fourth generation, covering a period of ninety-nine
years and eleven days. These generations served as follows: John Chew,
Jr., from 1787 to 1806; Robert S. Chew, from 1806 to 1826; John James
Chew, from 1826 to 1867, and Robert S. Chew, from 1870 to 1886.

On the 27th of February, 1789, we are told that "James Mercer, Esq., Chief
Justice of the General Court this day in open court took the oath of a
Judge to the District Court, pursuant to an act of the General Assembly
entitled an act establishing district courts, and for regulating the
General Court, which is ordered to be certified accordingly." From this
entry we learn that James Mercer,[54] a Fredericksburg lawyer, was not
only the chief justice of the General Court, which was held in Richmond,
but the judge of the first district court held in Fredericksburg. This
district court was the first court held in the town having jurisdiction
over higher crimes than misdemeanors. Before the institution of this court
all white persons charged with felonies were sent to Richmond for trial by
the General Court.

From the records of the hustings court it appears that the "Gentlemen
Justices" for many years after the introduction of United States money
entered up fines and judgments in pounds, shillings and pence. The clerk
used dollars and cents in entering up costs as early as 1795, but the
court did not adopt the American count until about July, 1797. It is also
noticeable that the clerk in nearly all entries placed the dollar mark
after the figures, instead of in front of them, according to the present

The first intimation that the town needed a watch or police, in addition
to the town sergeant, is given in an order of the court, entered April 25,
1801, when it was "ordered that the sergeant of this corporation do
(within the time limited for the collection of the other taxes in this
corporation) collect of the housekeepers, within the jurisdiction of this
court, two per cent. on the amount of their rents, agreeable to the
assessed value thereof, and that he pay the same to the chamberlain to be
appropriated to paying a watch to be kept in said corporation, the same
being this day levied for that purpose."

On March 27, 1802, the grand jury of the corporation presented "as a
nuisance the numerous obstructions in the streets, particularly in St.
George street lot, burying the dead in George and Princess Ann streets;
also the irregular burying in the ground west of and adjoining Prince
Edward street." The most of the obstructions complained of were on Hanover
street, west of Princess Ann, and on George street, from Main to the
river. The burying ground adjoining Prince Edward street about twenty-five
years ago was converted into Hurkamp park.

The court had been in existence more than twenty-two years before any
record is found where a minister of the gospel, of any denomination,
qualified to perform the rites of matrimony. It may have been that the law
did not require such qualification prior to 1804, and was enacted that
year. At any rate, the first one to appear before the court was on the
24th day of December, 1804. On that day "Benj. Essex, having produced to
the court credentials of his ordination and of his being in regular
communion with the Methodist Society, and having taken the oath of
fidelity to the Commonwealth and entered into bond with security according
to law, a testimonial is granted him to celebrate the rites of matrimony
according to the forms and customs of the said Methodist church." Similar
orders were entered by the court for ministers of other denominations as
they applied to the court. From the record we find they applied as
follows: Samuel Wilson, of the Presbyterian church, September 22, 1806;
Samuel Low, of the Episcopal church, September 8, 1808, and Wm. James, of
the Baptist church, June 13, 1811. So it is found that as early as 1811
any one could be married in Fredericksburg, according to the customs of
the Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian and Baptist churches.

On the 24th of December, 1805, John T. Lomax and Carter L. Stevenson
qualified to practise law in the hustings court. They were two leading
citizens of the town and served the public long and faithfully. John T.
Lomax afterwards was made judge of the circuit court and one of the judges
of the district court. He was also the author of several law books. Mr.
Stevenson was thirty-five years Commonwealth's attorney in the town,
holding the office a longer period than any other attorney, before or
since his day.

The first notary public to qualify in the hustings court was John
Metcalfe. He was appointed by Governor James Barbour, and on the 12th day
of November, 1812, came into court and produced his commission as a notary
public, "whereupon the said John Metcalfe took the oath of fidelity to the
Commonwealth, and that he will without favor or partiality, honestly,
intelligently and faithfully discharge the duties of a notary public."

[Illustration: The Baptist Church. (See page 209)]


In the early part of the nineteenth century "paper money" superseded
tobacco and tobacco warehouse receipts as currency, and therefore much of
it was issued. The notes of the denomination of one dollar, and more, were
generally designated as bills, while those below one dollar were called
"shin plasters." At first these notes were issued by States, cities and
banks, but in a few years incorporated companies, and sometimes
individuals, issued them. These notes were not always taken at their face
value, especially when they were found any distance from their place of

This being the case, it was difficult for the people to distinguish
between the good and the doubtful, or to fix the proper rate of discount.
Therefore the courts took the matter in hand. The question was considered
and passed upon, for the first time in our courts, on the 14th of March,
1816, the subject being the difference between the paper currency of
Virginia and the bank notes of other places, which were found in
circulation in Fredericksburg. Having properly investigated and reached a
conclusion, the court declared and entered on record, as follows:

    "It appears to the satisfaction of the court that the chartered bank
    notes of the District of Columbia, State of North Carolina, and cities
    of Philadelphia and Baltimore, are current in this town, and it is the
    opinion of the court that the chartered bank notes of the District of
    Columbia, when compared with the chartered bank notes of Virginia, are
    at a depreciation of six per cent.; that the said notes of the cities
    of Philadelphia and Baltimore are at a depreciation of five per cent.
    and that the said notes of the State of North Carolina are of equal
    value with the said notes of Virginia."

A similar declaration was made by the court each year for several years

On the 10th day of November, 1831, the will of Thomas Seddon[55] was
admitted to probate. Philip Alexander, John Moncure and Arthur A. Morson
were appointed and qualified as executors and entered into bond, without
security, the deceased requesting that none be required, in the sum of
$240,000, it being the largest bond ever before required by the court.
Appraisers were appointed by the court to appraise his property in the
town of Fredericksburg and the counties of Spotsylvania, Stafford, Prince
William, Culpeper, Fauquier, Shenandoah and Page, and they were ordered to
make returns to this court.

The court entered the following certificate on its records on the 12th day
of January, 1832: "The court orders it to be certified that it was proved
to their satisfaction by the evidence of Francis S. Scott, a witness sworn
in court, that Major Robert Forsythe, of the Revolutionary army, had two
children, one of whom, Robert, died under age and unmarried, and the other
son, John, is now alive, being the Senator in Congress from Georgia."


In the olden times, when some claim that the people were more honest and
just and the laws more righteous than they are now, a person who failed or
refused to pay his debts could, by proper process, be placed in "prison
bounds," and kept there until he exhibited to the court a schedule of his
property, made under oath. If he had nothing more in the opinion of the
court, than a reasonable allowance under the law, the court could
discharge him as a poor debtor from custody. For more than fifty years the
prison bounds was the square on which the jail is located. The poor debtor
was allowed the full width of the streets around the square, but was not
allowed to enter a building on the opposite side. Many distinguished men,
it is said, have been confined to this central point in the town because
they were unable at the time to meet their obligations.

In 1840 the court extended the liberty of the poor debtor by enlarging the
prison bounds to four squares, probably because the law had relaxed its
hold upon him. He could roam anywhere on those four squares and in the
streets bounding them, but he could not go beyond the limits without
being in contempt and becoming liable to additional punishment by the
court. This order of extension was made on the 11th of June, 1840, and
recorded as follows:

    "The court doth fix the prison bounds as follows, to-wit: Beginning at
    the intersection of Caroline and William streets, thence up William to
    Charles street, thence down Charles street to Hanover street thence
    down Hanover street to Caroline street, thence up Caroline street to
    William street, including the footways on each side."

And now having escaped the prison bounds we will visit the public
buildings of the town and take a peep at them.


    _The Public Buildings--The Jail--Courthouse--Town
    Hall--Firehouse--School Buildings--Wallace Library--Normal
    School--Government Building, &c._

As it was found necessary to have courts to punish crimes, to settle
disputes and to enforce law and order in the Commonwealth for the good of
society, it was also found necessary to have buildings in which to hold
the courts, to keep their records, and a place to confine criminals until
they were tried by the courts, and then to punish them after conviction
for their crimes. Therefore, the act that gave Fredericksburg a name and a
place among the towns of the country, also gave it the authority, and
enjoined it as a duty, to erect a courthouse and a jail, which was soon
done; and it is almost certain that whatever court Fredericksburg had from
1727, when it was first incorporated, to 1781, when it was chartered by
the Legislature of Virginia, was held in that courthouse and that the
criminals were kept and punished in that jail.

When the hustings court was organized its sessions were held in the
"coffee-house," but as soon as preparations could be made it was held in
the old town hall, or market-house, on Main street, which appears to have
had rooms sufficient for all public uses, as it was a favorite resort for
the "lovers of balls and parties and other public gatherings."

The first thing, however, that claimed the attention of the court was the
repairing of the "courthouse and common gaol, where criminals could be
placed and safely kept and in due time brought before the court." The
first jail erected for the town seems to have been built partly with
brick, and, from a false notion of economy, was entirely too small, was
uncomfortable and not fit to keep prisoners in. This was so patent that
the matter was, at various times, and for several years, brought to the
attention of the court. Various grand juries, upon examination, had
reported that it was not a suitable place in which to confine prisoners.

In 1803 a grand jury brought in an indictment against the jail as a
nuisance, and charged that a colored criminal, who had been confined
therein, had contracted a disease of which he afterwards died. This
colored man was arrested, charged with entering a house in the night time
and stealing goods therefrom, which was a capital offence. He was tried by
the hustings court, after considerable delay, and sentenced to be hung,
but was recommended to the mercy of the Governor, who pardoned him.

It was while the colored man was awaiting a trial, and afterwards the
action of the Governor, that it was claimed he contracted a disease, of
which he died soon after his liberation. Upon this report of the grand
jury the court ordered the small, brick jail torn down and a new one of
stone to be erected in its place. This new building was completed in 1805,
when Wm. Taylor was appointed by the court and ordered to "sell the brick
and other materials of the old jail in this corporation on a credit of
sixty days and make return to this court."

This jail stood on Princess Ann street, just north of the present clerk's
office, and, long before it was torn down and removed, was "an eye-sore to
the public," and especially to those who lived in that locality. In 1851,
when it was decided to build a new courthouse, it was also decided to move
the jail. This was a joint action of the court and Common Council, and it
met with serious opposition by many of the tax-payers, on the ground that
it was a waste of public money, the present jail being all that was

But the order was given, and the jail was torn down and rebuilt in rear of
the courthouse, the public scales, which stood on the spot, to be "moved
to some more convenient place." The most of the stone in the old jail was
placed in the new one, but a portion of it was taken for the foundation of
the fence, which, until some six years ago, enclosed the courthouse yard
and sustained the wall on George street and in Jail alley. The present
granite alignment of the courthouse lot is a great improvement on the old
iron fence.


The first courthouse the town had was built on a part of the ground
occupied by the present building and stood several feet back from the
street. It was a small, brick structure and very uncomfortable. It is
supposed to have been the second courthouse built for the town, the first
having been built soon after the town was laid out. As early as 1820 the
courts complained of the building they had to occupy and declared that it
was unsuitable for court purposes. Various requests and complaints were
made and orders issued to the Common Council by the court, looking to the
erection of a new and commodious building, but the Council appeared to
take no action in the matter, except to lay on the table all
communications from the court on the subject.

It appears that the town and county were joint owners in the jail and
courthouse, they being public property and the town then being a part of
the county, and possibly contributed some way to their erection. This may
account to some extent for the tardiness of the Council in taking action,
but whether it does or not, the court was not satisfied and did not
attempt to conceal its displeasure.

Finding its requests and orders disregarded, the court issued an order
declaring that the Council must build a new courthouse or provide a better
place for holding court, but even this did not appear to hurry the
Council, which moved along in its own quiet way. This controversy went on
for several years, the court requesting, ordering, even threatening,
without avail. It finally reached a point where it seems to have exhausted
its patience and determined to assert its authority.

On the 14th of June, 1849, the court being composed of Mayor Semple and
Justices Wm. H. White and Peter Goolrick, the following order was made and
entered on the record book:

    "It is ordered, that Thomas B. Barton, John L. Marye, Robert B.
    Semple, Wm. C. Beale and John J. Chew, who are hereby appointed a
    committee for that purpose, do examine and report to this court, some
    plan for the enlargement and repairs or rebuilding of the courthouse
    for this corporation, for the convenient administration of justice;
    and the said committee are also requested to examine and report
    whether any other public building, belonging to this corporation, can
    be so changed as to answer the above purpose, and to inquire and
    report the probable cost of such plan or plans as they may approve
    and report upon, and it is ordered that the justices for this
    corporation be summoned to attend here at the next court to consider
    and decide upon said report."

While this order and the appointment of the committee, with its
instructions, created considerable comment, it did not seem to excite the
Council or precipitate any action favorable to the proposed building. At
the next court eight justices were present in answer to the summons issued
at the last session of the court. Those present were R. B. Semple, Robert
Dickey, Beverly R. Wellford, Wm. C. Beale, Wm. H. White, Peter Goolrick,
Wm. Slaughter and Wm. Warren.

The report of the committee appointed at the previous court, was made, and
the court declared "that in obedience to the act of the General Assembly,
which requires that courts for the corporations within this Commonwealth
should cause to be erected one good and convenient courthouse, that it is
necessary and proper to build a courthouse for this corporation," and the
report of the committee "having been returned to court, and therewith an
order from the county court of Spotsylvania, releasing to this court all
title and interest the said county has to the jail and courthouse, within
this corporation, and the said lots on which they stand, being considered
by this court, it is approved and confirmed."

The court then appointed a commission, consisting of Mayor Semple, Beverly
R. Wellford, Wm. H. White, Thomas B. Barton and John L. Marye, who were
instructed to contract with some responsible party to erect a good and
substantial courthouse on lots 42 and 44, or either of them, according to
the plan submitted to the court, or that plan modified, if it was found
necessary, the cost not to exceed four thousand dollars. The commission
was to report from time to time to the court.

This action looked as if the court intended to exhaust its powers or have
a new courthouse, but a few days' mixing with the people seems to have
raised a doubt in the minds of the members of the court as to the wisdom
of their action. At any rate, when the August term came the full corps of
magistrates was present. A petition, and counter petition of the citizens
of Fredericksburg, in relation to the action of the court upon the
subject of rebuilding the courthouse, were severally presented, when, on a
motion made to rescind the order for building the courthouse and laying a
levy therefor, the vote stood as follows:

For rescinding, Robert B. Semple, Peter Goolrick, Wm. C. Beale, Robert
Dicky, 4. Against rescinding, Beverley R. Welford, Wm. H. White, Wm.
Slaughter, Wm. Warren, 4. The court being divided on the question of
repealing or enforcing its own order, the subject was dropped so far as
any action of the court was concerned, and was not again brought up for
several months.

At the April term, in 1850, however, the court respectfully requested the
Council to appoint a day to have an election, that the voters might
express their wishes as to whether or not a levy should be made for the
purpose of building a courthouse. This paper, although it placed the court
before the Council in the attitude of an humble suppliant, was read before
the Council and laid on the table, as all former papers from that source
had been.

This seems to have ended the efforts of the court to secure a new
courthouse or the repairing of the old, either by entreaties, threats or
by the power given it under the acts of the General Assembly. Thus things
continued for one year, although the question was warmly discussed by the
citizens, who were very much divided on the subject. An election was to be
held the following March, and the court, finding itself defeated in all
former efforts, transferred the question to the people in their selections
for members of the Council. This was a wise move for the friends of the
measure. The election was held and a Council in favor of building a new
courthouse was elected. The eyes of the public were now turned from the
hustings court to the Common Council which had just been elected. The
contest was not long delayed.

The election for Councilmen was held on the third Monday in March, 1851,
and at the meeting, held on the first day of April, Messrs. Thomas B.
Barton, John James Chew, J. Minor, Wm. Allen and Beverly R. Wellford were
appointed a committee by the Council to consider the subject of the
location and erection of a new courthouse and report thereon all matters
connected with the cost, style and site of said building.

The next meeting of the Council was held on the 26th of April. It was one
of unusual importance, because the committee on the new courthouse was to
report, and every member except two was in his seat, and the chamber was
crowded to its full capacity by citizens, who felt a special interest in
the subject. The committee was in favor of erecting a new courthouse, and
therefore reported to the Council plans and specifications for the
building, drawn by J. B. Benwick, Jr., of Baltimore, giving the style and
the probable cost at $14,000.

The committee recommended the site of the old courthouse, the removal of
the jail to the back of the new building and the removal of the clerk's
office and engine houses. The report was adopted and the committee was
instructed to contract for the erection of the building inside of the
estimated cost. This looked as if the Council meant business, and for the
next three weeks the question was warmly discussed, and the opponents of
the measure undertook to prevent the great waste of money, as they termed
it, by petition and other influences. The Council met on the 21st of May
to receive the report of the committee, appointed to contract for the
building, and every member was present. The interest was intense and the
opposition determined.

The committee made its report and the clerk of the Council made this
record: "A contract with Wm. M. Baggett, for building a new courthouse,
jail, &c., for the sum of $13,850, together with drawings and
specifications of said buildings made by James Benwick, architect, and to
be taken as part of said contract, and a bond executed by said Baggett, J.
Metcalfe, J. S. Caldwell, and George Aler, in the sum of ten thousand
dollars, for the faithful performance of said contract, by said Baggett,
were submitted to the Council by T. B. Barton, chairman of the committee
appointed for that purpose, for their approval or rejection.

"Whereupon, and before any action was had thereon, Mr. J. M. Whittemore,
asked and obtained leave to be heard by the Council in support of a
petition, signed by one hundred and seventy-two of the voters of the
corporation, remonstrating against the extravagant scheme of pulling down
the jail and other buildings on the courthouse lot, and praying the
appointment of a committee of their own board,[56] to contract for the
erection of a spacious and comfortable courthouse at a cost not exceeding
six thousand dollars. Said petition was accordingly presented by Mr.
Whittemore, and, being read, was, on motion, laid on the table.

"On motion, said contract was then approved and confirmed by the following
vote to-wit: Ayes: F. Slaughter, Joseph Sanford, J. Minor, D. H. Gordon,
J. Pritchard, L. J. Huffman, B. S. Herndon, Thomas F. Knox, Charles C.
Wellford and John J. Berrey, 10. Nays: Hugh Scott and Wm. Allen, 2. And it
was ordered that the Mayor, as evidence of said approval and confirmation,
do sign an endorsement to that effect on said contract, and cause the
corporation seal to be affixed thereto, and that said contract together
with the drawings and specifications, be then delivered to the clerk of
the hustings court for safe keeping," &c.

After this action was completed the Council appointed Messrs. Thomas B.
Barton, John James Chew, J. Minor, Wm. Allen and Beverly R. Wellford a
committee to superintend the entire work and see that it was done
according to the plans and specifications. And so a question that had
vexed the people of the town for more than thirty years, and had caused
considerable friction between the hustings court and the Common Council,
was settled and the town was to have a new courthouse.

The building was completed in 1852, when the courts and clerks were
removed to spacious and comfortable quarters, and have remained there to
the present day. The south wing on the lower floor has been used for fire
engines until the companies were disbanded prior to the war; but, for
several years in the past, they have been used for the public schools of
the city, while the large room on the second floor is used for an armory.
The vault, for the records and papers of all the courts of the past and
present, as well as of those of the Common Council, is ample for the
purpose and absolutely fire-proof. The building is one of the handsomest
in the State and always attracts the attention of strangers.

[Illustration: "The Lodge" at Mary Washington Monument. Constructed of
Virginia Granite for Superintendent of Monument and Grounds. (See page

[Illustration: The "Wallace Library," now near its completion. The
building and library a donation by the late Capt. C. Wistar Wallace. (See
page 145)]

The old courthouse, that was torn down to make room for the new one, was
provided with a bell for calling the people together. It was used to call
public meetings, to notify the people of the assembling of the courts,
and, until another bell was provided for the purpose, to sound the alarms
for fires. This bell now hangs in the belfry of the present courthouse. It
was presented to the town by Silas Wood in 1828 and has been on duty more
than three-quarters of a century. Mr. Wood married a Fredericksburg lady,
and it is reported that he was a believer in the adage that a fair
exchange (rather an exchange for the fair) was not robbery; therefore, as
he had taken one bell (belle) from Fredericksburg he ought to give it
another in exchange. The bell has this inscription on it: "Revere, Boston.
Presented to the Corporation of Fredericksburg by Silas Wood, A. D. 1828."


The first market-house, or town hall, Fredericksburg had, of which we have
any account, either by record or tradition, was located on the west side
of Main street, just below the present "Market alley." It was constructed
mainly of brick, and had several rooms in it that were used for the
courts, the Common Council, balls, sociables, public meetings and lodge
rooms. The Common Council held its sessions in that building, when it
organized at the "coffee-house," which no doubt was one of the rooms in
the market-house, after the rooms were properly fitted up, and continued
there from 1781 until the building was taken down in 1813.

At what period the market-house was built we do not know, but it was
certainly prior to 1752, as we have record evidence of its existence at
that time, and also evidence that it needed repairs, which shows that it
had been standing for some years. During the Revolutionary war colonial
troops used a portion of the building for barracks, and it was in this
house that the great peace ball was given in 1783, which was attended by
General Washington and his mother. In the year 1813 this old building was
taken down and the present market-house erected.

While this information was obtained from Benj. Peyton, a very old colored
man, who died some twenty-five years ago, who assisted in taking down the
old and erecting the new building, the truth of it is borne out by the
records. He was a youth at the time, learning the trade of brick mason,
and was employed on both buildings. The present market-house is a
substantial, two-story brick building, with market lot in the rear, market
stalls in the basement and work shops for the city water and gas works. It
has two wings, which have been at different times used for school rooms
and printing offices, but are now used, the south wing for the Council
Chamber and the north wing for the commissioner of revenue and city tax
collector. The second floor is used by the Washington Guards as a reading
room. In 1824 the building was brilliantly illuminated and beautifully
decorated for a grand ball and reception in honor of Gen. Lafayette, who
was then visiting this country, and passed through Fredericksburg, where
he remained for several days.


The substantial brick house for the Fire Department, just south of the
courthouse, was erected in 1890. It is two stories high, with a belfry on
the front part of the building. The first floor is used for the reels, the
hook and ladder truck and other fire apparatus. The belfry, or tower, is
so constructed that in addition to its holding the fire bell, the fire
hose can be suspended in it for drying after a fire.


At present we have but two school buildings, one at the corner of Main and
Lewis streets, known as the Union House, and the other at the corner of
Princess Ann and Wolfe streets. The historical Union House, used by the
white pupils, was built in the first part of the last century by a Mr.
Ross for a residence and is quite substantial, being constructed of brick
and spacious, and is three stories high, with a basement. Mr. Ross was a
Frenchman, and royally entertained Gen. Lafayette and his retinue when he
visited Fredericksburg in 1824. Seven grades occupy this building, while
three grades are provided for elsewhere. The school authorities, in the
discharge of their duties, have repeatedly called attention of the City
Council to the fact that this building was inadequate for the rapidly
increasing school population; that it was constructed for a residence and
not for school purposes, the rooms being too small for the large number of
pupils that had to be crowded in them.

A year ago conditions were investigated by the School Committee of the
City Council (Prof. S. W. Somerville, chairman), which resulted in a
movement of said committee to provide a suitable building for the schools.
Soon plans and specifications were drawn and laid before the Council which
were fully considered and finally adopted, and the committee was
instructed to advertise for bids, let the contract and have the building
completed as soon as possible. Work is now progressing on the building,
which is to be quite a commodious one, with twelve rooms, with all the
modern improvements as to heating, fire protection, &c. The contract price
(Mr. E. G. Heflin, contractor, and Mr. Frank P. Stearns, inspector,) is
$37,700, and the building is to be completed by February 1, 1909.

The only objection that any one could offer against these changes (and no
one is likely to offer it) is the demolition of the venerable landmark, so
long known as the Union House and the headquarters of Gen. Lafayette when
he visited the town for the last time.

The school building at the corner of Princess Ann and Wolfe streets, a
two-story, brick structure, with four spacious rooms, was constructed for,
and is occupied by, the colored schools. For years after its construction
it was found to be large enough to accommodate all the grades of that
school, but when a grammar department was added this building was found to
be fully occupied and the high grade had to be provided for elsewhere.


By his will Capt. C. Wistar Wallace, a valuable citizen of the town, who
was born and raised in Fredericksburg, and who died May 20, 1907, left to
the town, under certain conditions, $15,000 for a public library, which
was to bear his name. The conditions were that the city was to adopt legal
papers binding itself to establish said library, within three years of the
donor's death, as a permanent institution of the city and properly
maintain the same; that the city was not to expend more than $5,000 of the
legacy for the purchase of a suitable lot and the erection thereon of a
suitable library building, and the balance of the legacy was to be
expended for the purchase of books for the library. These books are to be
purchased by a board not to exceed five members, to be chosen from time to
time by the President of the University of Virginia, Washington and Lee,
Richmond College and Randolph Macon College. In order to make these
conditions binding upon the city, it was provided that necessary
legislation should be procured by the General Assembly of Virginia as
might be necessary to authorize and enable the city to comply with all of
the conditions of the bequest.

The whole matter having been laid before the City Council and explained by
the city attorney, Mr. St. Geo. R. Fitzhugh, and discussed, that body
adopted the following:

[57]Be it resolved, that the city of Fredericksburg, Va., decides to
establish and maintain a public library to be known as the "Wallace
Library," and hereby accepts the said bequest of $15,000 upon the
conditions and according to the terms of said bequest, and hereby binds
itself to carry out the same.

Under the provisions of the Code of Virginia the duty of appointing the
board of directors of this library devolved upon Major Thomas P. Wallace,
Mayor of the town, the Council concurring. The following letter,
therefore, was communicated to the Council by the Mayor:

"I herewith transmit, in pursuance to the resolution of your honorable
body, passed at your meeting on the 18th day of July, 1907, the following
named citizens, who shall constitute the board of directors contemplated
by your resolutions: St. Geo. R. Fitzhugh, S. J. Quinn, A. T. Embrey, Rev.
J. W. Roseboro, D. D., James S. Knox, E. D. Cole, A. P. Rowe, B. P. Willis
and James T. Lowery."

The board of directors organized by the election of Mr. St. Geo. R.
Fitzhugh, president, and S. J. Quinn, clerk.

The Council and the General Assembly united in permitting the library
building to be constructed on the courthouse lot, and the board of
directors authorized the construction of the building to be proceeded with
at once. It is a two-story house, with basement, and is now nearing
completion. It is constructed under the direction of Mr. Wm. E. Bradley,
chairman of the Public Property Committee, Mr. Geo W. Wroten, contractor,
and Mr. A. M. Garner, inspector.


In addition to these public buildings the General Assembly has
appropriated $25,000 and will supplement that with $25,000 additional to
construct in or near the town a female normal school. The board of
directors of this institution are now endeavoring to select a site for
this school, and will likely succeed in the near future. The buildings
will be commenced next Spring and pushed to completion.

The United States Government has also appropriated money for the erection
of a very commodious brick building on the corner of Princess Ann and
Hanover streets. This site has already been purchased by the government
and will soon be in condition for the brick masons and carpenters. The
work, however, has been delayed for an additional appropriation, in order
to enable them to construct such a building as was contemplated by the
architect of the postoffice department. When the building is completed it
is to be occupied by the postoffice.

Having inspected the public buildings of the town, and discussed those now
in course of erection and those which soon will be, we will now visit the
private historical buildings and take a view of the monument erected by
the ladies of the country to Mary, the mother of the illustrious
Washington, and the handsome statue of Gen. Hugh Mercer, recently erected
by the United States Government, who stands upon his pedestal, sword in
hand, ready to strike for Liberty and Independence, for Truth and Victory.
They both stand on Washington avenue.


    _Ancient and Historical Buildings--Mary Washington Monument--Gen.
    Mercer's Statue--Mary Washington's Will, &c._

In stating that Fredericksburg has more ancient reminiscent and historical
buildings than any other town of its size in this country, we do not fear
successful contradiction. Fredericksburg is one of the oldest towns in the
State and has from its settlement been the center of refinement and
culture. Here the young men of this section of Virginia were taught and
imbibed those principles of liberty and justice that made them leaders in
the movement against oppression, which resulted in our constitutional
rights and religious liberty. Here they were equipped for all the duties
of life in whatever station they might be placed. Here was the home and
birthplace of men who commanded armies, controlled navies, swayed
statesmen, electrified assemblies, and many of those homes and
birth-houses are still standing, and it will appear but natural if they
shall be pointed out and written about by the inhabitants of
Fredericksburg with patriotic pride. Notwithstanding the quaint
architecture of many of them, and the ravages of time upon them, they are
dear to us and are regarded as heirlooms of the town which have witnessed
the advent and exit of many generations.

Among the oldest houses now in Fredericksburg are the residence of the
late William A. Little, the Mary Washington House and the Rising Sun
Hotel. It is impossible to give the order of seniority of these buildings,
because we have no way of ascertaining when they were built. Mr. Little,
several years ago, so renewed and extended his residence and adorned it as
to almost destroy its ancient identity. This old mansion has recently
passed to Mr. John C. Melville.

The Rising Sun Hotel, located on the west side of Main street, just above
Fauquier, is one of the oldest buildings now standing. It is of the old
style of architecture of wooden buildings that prevailed in the first
settlement of the country, which, notwithstanding its hoary age and
frequent necessary repairs, has never been changed. In the first of the
eighteenth century, and even before the Revolutionary war, it was one of
the leading hotels of the town, and was the stopping place of many of the
Southern senators, representatives and other dignitaries as they journey
to and from Washington city.

It is claimed that the eccentric John Randolph, of Roanoke, has more than
once addressed the people of the town from the steps of this building.
General George Weedon, long years before he entered the Colonial Army for
American Independence, kept hotel in this house. Just prior to that war it
became the property of General Gustavus B. Wallace, a Revolutionary
patriot, and it has remained in the Wallace family until the death of
Capt. C. Wistar Wallace, a public spirited citizen, a little over one year
ago. At his death, May 20, 1907, it became the property of the Society for
the Preservation of the Antiquities of Virginia, by the provisions of his
will. The Fredericksburg branch of the society has charge of the building,
a one and a half story wooden structure, and now has it in good condition
and open for the inspection of those who would like to live for a short
time in the far distant past, when Mrs. Livingston was the "doctress and
coffee-woman" of the town. That society has renovated the building and it
is now in good repair. It has not been kept as a hotel since the Civil

The handsome residence erected by Mr. Stannard, on the lot now occupied by
Mr. George W. Shepherd, was destroyed by fire in the great conflagration
that occurred here in 1807, which is mentioned elsewhere. The fire
originated in that house and had made considerable headway before it was
discovered. In the year 1815 the large, brick residence now standing on
that lot was erected by Mr. Robert Mackay, a merchant of the town and
Mayor for two years, from 1817 to 1819. It is said that the cost of
erecting that building, and beautifying the grounds, was thirty thousand
dollars, and it so embarassed Mr. Mackay that he never recovered from it.

For a number of years this place was the residence and home of Thomas
Seddon, a wealthy gentleman, who died there in 1831. As is said elsewhere
herein, he was the father of James A. Seddon, secretary of War of the
Confederate States, who, it is claimed by some persons, was born there,
although his biographers say, and it is substantiated by his relatives,
that he was born in Falmouth, in Stafford county. It is not disputed,
however, that Secretary Seddon spent his boyhood days in that building,
having moved there when he was quite young, but his birthplace is beyond
doubt as his biographers and relatives state it, as he was born the same
year this residence was built, and Mr. Mackay occupied it for some years
before Mr. Seddon moved there.

The old, one and a half story frame house, which stands on the east side
of Princess Ann street, between Prussia and Wolfe streets, just below
Shiloh Baptist church (new site), was at one time owned by James Monroe.
He was elected to a seat in the Legislature, and the law required that
members of the General Assembly should be owners of real estate. In order
to make him eligible his uncle gave him a pocket deed to this house and
lot. This was the first civil office, except that of Common Councilman of
Fredericksburg, Mr. Monroe ever held. The house at the time stood on a lot
in the upper part of the town and was without the wings it has at present.
Mr. Monroe's boarding place was located on the same lot on which now
stands the handsome residence of Mrs. James H. Bradley. His law office was
in the row of low, brick buildings, formerly known as the "City Lunch," on
Charles street, in rear of Colonel E. D. Cole's store.

The "Sentry Box," at the lower end of Main street, was the residence of
General George Weedon, of Revolutionary fame, and was afterwards owned and
occupied by Colonel Hugh Mercer, a son of General Hugh Mercer, who was
killed at the battle of Princeton, and a nephew of General Weedon, to whom
it was devised by General Weedon. We are unable to state when this house
was erected or who built it. It is doubtless one of the oldest buildings
in town. It is a large two-story frame house, with a wide hall through the
center and overlooks the Rappahannock river. It has been known as the
"Sentry Box" as far back as the mind of our oldest inhabitant goes, and
the past generations knew it by that name. Tradition has brought the name
down to us and we need not stretch our imaginations as to the "why it was
so called." From the upper story of the southeast end of this stately
building is a beautiful and unobstructed view of the river for some
distance, and there sentinels were placed at various times during the
Revolutionary war, to watch and give the alarm of the approach of the
enemy. It was thus used for three wars to much advantage to the side with
which Fredericksburg was in sympathy--the Revolution, as above mentioned,
the war of 1812 and the Civil war, or the War between the States. Another
thing that gives the "Sentry Box" additional historical interest is the
claim that has been made, which may need verification, that in this house
has been received and entertained every President of the United States
from George Washington to James Buchanan. The property is now owned and
occupied by Mr. O. D. Foster, a veteran of the Confederate army.

The splendid two-story brick residence, owned and occupied by Gen. Daniel
D. Wheeler, of the United States army, on the east side of lower Main
street, was built by Roger Dixon, a gentleman of means, who owned most of
the land in the lower end of the town about 1764. A few years after its
construction Mr. Dixon died, and most, if not all of his property, was
purchased by Dr. Charles Mortimer. Dr. Mortimer was one of Mary
Washington's physicians, and tradition has it that the last visit she made
was to her much-loved physician; that upon her return home she was taken
down with cancer and after that never left her home.

Of one of the many delightful dinings and balls at this splendid mansion,
so frequent in that day with the "well to do folks" of Virginia, Mrs.
Roger A. Prior, in "the Mother of Washington and Her Times" says, "Little
Maria Mortimer, aged sixteen, was at the Fredericksburg ball. Her father,
Dr. Charles Mortimer, issued invitations at the ball for a great dinner to
the distinguished strangers the next day but one, and his wife (Sarah
Griffin Fauntleroy), being too ill to preside, that honor fell to the
daughter of the house. The house, an immense pile of English brick, (?)
still stands on the lower edge of the town, facing Main street, with a
garden sloping to the river, where Dr. Mortimer's own tobacco ships used
to run up to discharge their return English cargoes, by a channel long
since disused and filled up. * * * The table, as little Maria described
it in after years, groaned with every delicacy of land and water, served
in massive pewter dishes, polished until they shone again. The chief sat
beside the master of the house at the long table, although at his own
house his place was always at the side of the table among his guests.
Little Maria, 'with her hair cruped high,' was taken in by the Marquis
Lafayette, or Count d'Estaing, or Count Rochambeau--they were all
present--and the little lady's heart was in her mouth, she said, although
she danced with every one of them at the ball--nay, with Bettie Lewis's
uncle George himself!"

Dr. Mortimer was the first Mayor of Fredericksburg. His remains are buried
near the center of Hurkamp Park, which was for nearly a century a public
burying ground. As has been said, he was Mary Washington's physician, but
not the only one at her late illness, for it is quite certain that Dr.
Elisha Hall, who was the grandfather of Dr. Horace B. Hall, and who lived
on the lot now occupied by Dr. J. E. Tompkin's residence, was also one of
her physicians in her last days. This is shown beyond a doubt by a letter,
still preserved from Dr. Benjamin Rush, of Philadelphia, to Dr. Elisha
Hall, his cousin, written July 6, 1789, a short time before Mrs.
Washington's death. Dr. Hall had written to him for his experience and
advice for cancer treatment and received the following:

"The respectable age and character of your venerable patient lead me to
regret that it is not in my power to suggest a remedy for the cure of the
disorder you have described in her breast. I know nothing of the root you
mention, found in Carolina and Georgia, but, from a variety of inquiries
and experiments, I am disposed to believe that there does not exist in the
vegetable kingdom an antidote to cancers. All the _supposed vegetable_
remedies I have heard of are compounds of some mineral caustics. The
arsenic is the most powerful of any of them. It is the basis of Dr.
Martin's powder. I have used it in many cases with success, but have
failed in some. From your account of Mrs. Washington's breast I am afraid
no great good can be expected from the use of it. Perhaps it may cleanse
it, and thereby retard its spreading. You may try it diluted in water.
Continue the application of opium and camphor, and wash it frequently with
a decoction of red clover. Give anodynes, when necessary, and support the
system with bark and wine. Under this treatment she may live comfortably
many years, and finally die of old age."

[Illustration: The Dam of the Water Power Co., the Canal emerging from
left corner furnishes power for town. (See page 329)]

[Illustration: "Meditation Rock," Mary Washington's favorite retreat for
reading, prayer and meditation. (See page 157)]

The house on the south corner of Prince Edward and Fauquier streets,
purchased in 1898 by Mrs. Bernice Hart, tradition says, was for over one
hundred years the clerk's office, and the court records of the trustees of
the town were kept there. There may have been a court held in that small
place under the Colonial charter of the town, but not a criminal court
since that time, as the records show to the contrary. The records of
courts held here before the War of the Revolution--if any were held
here--and the record of proceedings of the trustees cannot be found at
present. The house was a small, one and a half story frame building,
similar in architecture to the old part of the Mary Washington House. The
additions made to it in recent years have completely destroyed its
original form and architecture and have given it a modern appearance. No
one, of course, knows when it was built, but, judging from its style and
the material of which it was constructed, it must take its place with the
oldest of our ancient buildings.

"Federal Hill," on Hanover street, owned and occupied by Mrs. H. Theodore
Wight, was, in the latter part of the eighteenth and early part of the
nineteenth centuries, the home of Thomas Reade Rootes, who was one of the
most distinguished lawyers of his day. His third daughter was Sarah
Robinson, who married Colonel John A. Cobb, of North Carolina, a son of
Howell Cobb, of Virginia. Soon after his marriage Colonel Cobb settled in
Georgia, where were born those two distinguished lawyers and soldiers,
Howell and Thomas Reade Rootes Cobb. The latter was killed in front of the
Stevens House, at the foot of Marye's Heights, on the 13th of December,
1862, it is claimed, by a shell, which was said to have been thrown from a
gun stationed at Federal Hill, where his mother was born and married. A
recent writer in a Northern journal, however, claims that General Cobb was
killed by a shell thrown from the Stafford side of the river. But both
accounts differ from the report of General Kershaw, who took command of
the line when General Cobb was wounded. In his report of the battle he
says General Cobb was killed by a sharp-shooter stationed in one of the
houses to his left on Hanover street.[58] As General Kershaw was on the
ground a few minutes after General Cobb was wounded, and saw and talked
with him after he was wounded, his version is more than likely the correct
one. No one knows when or by whom Federal Hill was built. At one time the
property belonged to a gentleman by the name of Lovell, who moved to
Fauquier county, and it may be he erected the residence.

The old, one and a half story frame building on the corner of Prince
Edward and Fauquier streets, now owned and occupied by Mrs. Mary Knox
Moncure, takes its place among the oldest buildings of the town. It was
the birth-place and home of John Forsythe, who made such a brilliant
record as a Statesman from Georgia, to which State he moved while a young
man. His father was Robert Forsythe, a major in the Revolutionary war, who
died in Fredericksburg early in the nineteenth century.

This house was also said to have been the home of John Dawson, an old
bachelor, who represented this district in Congress from 1797 to 1814. His
success at the ballot-box was due as much, perhaps, if not more, to his
declaring himself a friend to the poor man (a hobby much ridden these days
by politicians) than to any other one thing. He is said to have created
quite a sensation in the courthouse in Fredericksburg during one of his
heated campaigns, which gained him many votes. Political feeling ran high,
the people were much stirred up, the canvas was exciting and the result
doubtful. A public meeting had been extensively advertised to take place
at the courthouse, and the building was early filled to its capacity to
hear a joint discussion between the Congressional candidates. Mr. Dawson,
a few minutes late, reached the courthouse, and, finding his way blocked
by the dense crowd, shouted at the top of his voice from the door--"Make
way, gentlemen, for the poor man's friend!" All eyes were at once turned
to the speaker, and, seeing it was John Dawson, the candidate, the crowd
parted and he was escorted through to the stand, amid thundering applause.
It is needless to say he was reëlected to Congress.

The old, frame building on the south corner of Main and Amelia streets,
one and a half stories high, for many years of the first of the nineteenth
century was occupied by a Mr. Henderson as a store, and was known for more
than a century as Henderson's corner. It is a very old building and prior
to the Revolutionary war, while political feeling was almost at fever
heat, those who opposed resistance to the Mother Country congregated at
this corner and discussed the "state of the country." This gave it the
name of "Tory Corner," by which it was known for many years afterwards.
This was the only building left in the track of the great fire of 1807,
and has not been used as a storehouse for more than half a century.

The venerable brick mansion, known as "Kenmore," facing Washington avenue,
and the residence of Clarance Randolph Howard, Esq., was built by Colonel
Fielding Lewis, a man of great wealth, and who owned a large body of land
west of the town. The bricks of which the house was built, tradition had
it, came from England, but that is hardly possible, as elegant bricks were
manufactured in this country at that time--in the seventeen forties--and
the best of clay is found in that locality, where signs of a brick-yard
can now be found. The interior stucco work of this colonial mansion is
probably equal in workmanship to the best in this country, and is said to
have been done by expert Englishmen. It has stood for a century and a half
without repairs, so far as is known, until some fifteen years ago, when
Mr. Wm. Key Howard gave it some slight touches, which compare favorably
with the old work. Col. Lewis, for his second wife, selected Miss Bettie
Washington, sister of Gen. George Washington, and to this beautiful
mansion she was taken as a bride, and lived there until a few years before
her death. Col. Lewis was an officer in the Patriot army and commanded a
division at the Siege of Yorktown, where Cornwallis surrendered and where
the Seven Years' war ended. He was an ardent patriot, and during the
Revolutionary war, at one time, superintended the manufacture of arms,
shells and shot on the north side of the Rappahannock river, just above
Falmouth. The ruins of the old forge are still to be seen there, and also
the old prison barracks, where some German prisoners were kept during that
struggle. The garrison was commanded by Colonel Enever. Colonel Lewis was
also a magistrate in the town after the war, a member of the City Council
and represented the county in the Legislature.

He died in December, 1781, and, it is said, is buried under the front
steps of St. George's Episcopal church. His wife, Bettie, survived him
sixteen years. In the latter part of her life she went to Culpeper county
and lived with one of her children, where she died and was buried. Colonel
Fielding Lewis was the father of Captain Robert Lewis, who was one of
President Washington's private secretaries, and Mayor of Fredericksburg
from 1821 to the day of his death, February 11, 1829. Captain Lewis
delivered the address of welcome to General Lafayette on his visit to the
town in 1824.

Mary, the mother of Washington, must have lived in Fredericksburg the most
of her widowhood, which was about forty-six years. Some time after her
husband's death, on the opposite side of the Rappahannock river, she moved
into the town, where she brought up her illustrious son George to manhood.
The dwelling she occupied during that time is now standing on the west
corner of Charles and Lewis streets. Until some fifteen years ago this old
residence was owned and occupied by private individuals, but just prior to
the World's Fair in Chicago a party from that city was negotiating for it,
with a view of transferring it to Chicago. While a difference of five
hundred dollars in the price was under consideration some ladies of
Fredericksburg, who opposed its being disturbed, communicated the
condition of things to the Society for the Preservation of Virginia
Antiquities, at Richmond, who at once purchased the property at four
thousand and five hundred dollars. The Society had the buildings put in
good repairs and the purchase is considered a valuable addition to the
possessions of the Society.

It is a plain, substantial, old fashioned one and a half story dwelling,
of the prevailing order of architecture of that period, and though it has
been thoroughly overhauled and repaired, the distinctive features of
architecture and general appearance have been faithfully preserved. Mrs.
Mary Washington died in the front room of this building in 1789, and was
buried on a spot which she had selected for her grave there, on a part of
the Kenmore tract, which belonged to the estate of Colonel Fielding Lewis,
her son-in-law.


Within a few steps of the place where Mary, the mother of Washington, was
buried is a ledge of rocks and a beautiful grove of original oak trees,
much larger then in area than at present, to which she used often to
resort for private reading, meditation and prayer. The grave was marked by
a small, marble slab, appropriately inscribed. About forty-five years
after her death a stately marble monument, designed to mark her grave and
perpetuate her memory, was partly constructed by the private munificence
of Mr. Silas Burrows, a wealthy merchant of New York.

The corner-stone of this proposed monument was laid on the 7th of May,
1833, with an imposing military and civic display, by Fredericksburg
Lodge, No. 4, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, President Andrew Jackson,
Past Grand Master of Masons in Tennessee, being present and participating.
This monument, because of the failure of Mr. Burrows in business, remained
in a half completed condition for nearly sixty years and was greatly
mutilated by time and relic hunters.

An appeal for a Congressional appropriation to restore and complete the
structure by the United States Government, made by a bill, introduced in
the Forty-third Congress by Hon. James B. Sener, then representing this
Congressional district, was unsuccessful, notwithstanding his patriotic
efforts were seconded by a strong appeal of the Mayor and Common Council
of Fredericksburg and unanimously recommended by a Congressional
committee, who visited the place, of which Hon. Horace Manard, of
Tennessee, afterward Post-Master General, was chairman. A similar effort
was made some years thereafter by Hon. George T. Garrison, representing
this district in Congress with the same result.

Upon the failure of the efforts of these two members of Congress, aided by
the city authorities, to secure the completion of the monument by the
government, came the women's opportunity. They were deeply interested in
the subject, and cherished an honest pride in having the monument
completed to perpetuate the memory and virtues of the greatest of American

In 1889, the centennial year of the death of this venerated lady, an
association was formed by the devoted and patriotic ladies of
Fredericksburg, with Mrs. James P. Smith as their leader, who resolved to
spare no time or effort to raise the necessary money to complete the
structure, and thus save the grave of this sainted woman from oblivion. A
systematic correspondence and appeals were commenced, and in a short time,
mainly, if not altogether, through the influence of the Fredericksburg
association, a national association was formed in Washington, with Mrs.
Chief-Justice Waite as president. These two associations coöperating,
other strong appeals were sent out to the patriotic women of the United
States, soliciting contributions, and soon money began to flow into the
treasury of the association, until a sufficient sum was raised to complete
the work.

A sufficient amount of money being in hand this perplexing question
arose--should the old monument be renovated and completed, or should it be
set aside and a new one constructed? This gave rise to considerable
controversy, because there was quite a division of sentiment, and serious
results were feared by members of both associations. This difficulty was
met, however, by an order to have the unfinished monument examined by an
expert, who, upon a thorough investigation, reported that it was so broken
and mutilated that it could not be repaired, and so plans for a new
monument were ordered. The plan submitted by Mr. Wm. J. Crawford, of
Buffalo, New York, was adopted by the ladies and to him was intrusted the
work of erecting the monument on the site of the unfinished structure,
under which the remains of this venerable and venerated woman reposed. The
monument is a square base, with a solid granite shaft fifty-one and a half
feet high--total height, fifty-five feet--with the words "Mary, the Mother
of Washington," in raised letters, cut on the base. The material of the
old monument was broken up and placed in the foundation of the new one,
except such of the fluted columns as remained unbroken, which were donated
to different institutions. One of them was given to Fredericksburg Lodge
of Masons, of this place, by Mr. Crawford, the architect, which is now in
the lodge room.

In due time the monument was finished to the satisfaction of both the
Fredericksburg and Washington associations, which was accepted, and the
10th of May, 1894, was designated as the time for its dedication. The
Fredericksburg Masonic Lodge, which had laid the corner-stone of the old
monument, was invited to conduct the ceremonies of dedicating the new, but
it gracefully turned that honor over to the Grand Lodge of Virginia, which
performed the work in good style, escorted and assisted by Lodges No. 4
and No. 22 of Alexandria.

The day for the dedication of the monument dawned beautiful and clear and
found everything in readiness for the grand event. Besides the National
Association being largely represented from Washington, headed by Mrs.
Waite, there were President Grover Cleveland, with most of his cabinet and
their wives; Vice-President A. E. Stevenson and lady, Chief-Justice
Fuller, Justice Harlan, Senators and Representatives, Governor Charles T.
O'Ferrall and Staff, the volunteer militia from different portions of the
State, the Grand Lodge of Masons of Virginia, with Fredericksburg Lodge,
No. 4, and Alexandria-Washington Lodge, No. 22, and distinguished men and
Masons from different parts of the country.

The streets of the town were thronged with thousands of people from far
and near, eager and anxious to witness the ceremonies. Never before was
such a vast number of people seen in Fredericksburg, except at the great
battle in December, 1862. The dedicatory services were conducted by the
Grand Lodge of Masons of Virginia, Major Mann Page, Jr., Grand Master,[59]
which were solemn and impressive. Addresses, appropriate to the occasion,
were made by Mayor A. P. Rowe, Governor Charles T. O'Ferrall, President
Grover Cleveland and Mr. Blair Lee, who were followed by Senator John W.
Daniel, the orator of the occasion.

Fredericksburg Lodge, No. 4, gave a grand banquet at the opera house in
the afternoon to the Masonic fraternity and several hundred invited
guests, which was presided over by Judge James B. Sener. On that
interesting occasion addresses were made by several distinguished guests,
including President Cleveland, Vice-President Stevenson, Justice Harlan
and others. The Marine band was present and furnished music of the highest
order for both the dedication and banquet. Since the monument was finished
the associations have erected a comfortable granite building on the
grounds for a residence and office for the custodian of the monument and
the grounds, and Mrs. John T. Goolrick, a descendant of George Mason,
occupies that position.


The last will and testament of Mary Washington has for many years
attracted general interest, and numerous visitors call at the courthouse
to inspect and feast their eyes upon the original document. So precious
does the court regard this relic that an order was made for its
preservation, and it is now in a case and receives the special attention
and care of Mr. A. B. Yates, the polite and accommodating clerk of the
court. The will is in these words:

    "In the name of God, amen. I, Mary Washington, of Fredericksburg, in
    the county of Spotsylvania, being in good health, but calling to mind
    the uncertainty of this life and willing to dispose of what remains
    of my earthly estate, do make and publish this my last will,
    recommending my soul into the hands of my Creator, hoping for a
    remission of all my sins through the merits and mediation of Jesus
    Christ, the Saviour of mankind. I dispose of all my worldly estate as

    Imprimis. I give to my son General George Washington all my lands on
    Accokeek Run, in the county of Stafford, and also my negro boy,
    George, to him and his heirs forever; also my best bed, bedstead, and
    Virginia cloth curtains (the same that stands in my best room), my
    quilted blue-and-white quilt and my best dressing glass.

    Item. I give and devise to my son, Charles Washington my negro man,
    Tom, to him and his assigns forever.

    Item. I give and devise to my daughter, Betty Lewis, my phæton and my
    bay horse.

    Item. I give and devise to my daughter-in-law, Hannah Washington, my
    purple cloth cloak lined with shay.

    Item. I give and bequeath to my grand son, Corbin Washington my negro
    wench, old Bet, my riding chair, and two black horses, to him and his
    assigns forever.

    Item. I give and bequeath to my grand son, Fielding Lewis, my negro
    man, Frederick, to him and his assigns forever; also eight silver
    table spoons, half of my crockery ware, and the blue-and-white tea
    china, with book-case, oval table, one bed, bedstead, one pair sheets,
    one pair blankets and white cotton counterpane, two table cloths, six
    red leather chairs, half my pewter, and one half of my iron kitchen

    Item. I give and devise to my grand son, Lawrence Lewis, my negro
    wench, Lydia, to him and his assigns forever.

    Item. I give and bequeath to my grand daughter, Betty Carter, my negro
    woman, little Bet, and her future increase, to her and her assigns
    forever; also my largest looking glass, my walnut writing desk with
    drawers, a square dining table, one bed, bedstead, bolster, one
    pillow, one blanket and pair of sheets, white Virginia cloth
    counterpane and purple curtains, my red-and-white tea china, tea
    spoons and the other half of my pewter, crockery-ware, and the
    remainder of my iron kitchen furniture.

    Item. I give to my grand son, George Washington, my next best dressing
    glass, one bed, bedstead, bolster, one pillow, one pair sheets, one
    blanket and counterpane.

    Item. I devise all my wearing apparel to be equally divided between my
    grand daughters, Betty Carter, Fanny Ball and Milly Washington; but
    should my daughter, Betty Lewis, fancy any one, two or three articles,
    she is to have them before a division thereof.

    Lastly. I nominate and appoint my said son, General George Washington,
    executor of this my will, and as I owe few or no debts, I desire my
    executor to give no security nor to appraise my estate, but desire the
    same may be allotted to my devisees with as little trouble and delay
    as may be, desiring their acceptance thereof as all the token I now
    have to give them of my love for them.

    In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 20th day
    of May, 1788.


    Witness _John Ferneyhough_.

    Signed, sealed and published in our presence, and signed by us in the
    presence of the said Mary Washington, and at her desire.

      J. MERCER,

The will was written by Judge James Mercer, first President of the Court
of Appeals, or "Chief-Justice of the General Court."


In the year 1906 the government of the United States erected a monument to
General Hugh Mercer, who was mortally wounded at Princeton, N. J., while
gallantly leading his men in a charge against the British in 1777. He
lived one week in great suffering, when he died and was buried near where
he fell, but afterwards removed to Philadelphia, Pa., where he now sleeps.
Gen. Mercer was born in Scotland, studied medicine at Aberdeen and
graduated with high honors. After graduating he soon rose to distinction
as a surgeon and physician and did much service in the army. He was at
the battle of Culloden Moor, Scotland, where his party was badly defeated,
and those not taken prisoners fled to other countries to save their lives.
Gen. Mercer came to this country and settled in Pennsylvania. He was with
Gen. Braddock, who was killed at Fort Duquesne, and, being thrown with
Gen. Washington, became attached to him and came to Fredericksburg "to be
near him," landing here in 1763. He practised medicine and established a
drug store at the corner of Main and Amelia streets.[60] Gen. Mercer
married Isabella Wallace and lived at the "Sentry Box" with Geo. Weedon,
who married his wife's sister, until the beginning of the Revolutionary
War. Soon after his death Congress appropriated $5,000 for the erection of
a monument in this place to his memory, but the matter was overlooked and
the gratitude of the government for his services was not exhibited to the
extent of a memorial until the year 1906, one hundred and twenty-nine
years after his death. In 1905 a bill was passed by Congress appropriating
$25,000 to erect a monument to perpetuate the memory of the grand
hero--two-thirds of the interest of the amount appropriated in 1777--and
he now appears in heroic size, on his pedestal, on Washington avenue, in
the attitude of a patriot, drawn sword in hand, ready to strike for Home
and Country--Liberty and Independence.

We naturally uncover our heads while we "behold this friend of
Washington--this heroic defender of America!"

[Illustration: The Presbyterian Church. (See page 207)]

[Illustration: The Methodist Church. (See page 211)]


    _Hotels of the Town, old and new--Agricultural Fairs--Ferries and Toll
    Bridges--Care of the Dependent Poor--City Water Works--City Gas
    Works--Electric Light--Telephone Company--Fire Department, &c._

Fredericksburg, from the time it was first chartered, found itself on the
main line of travel from North to South and _vice versa_. For this reason
it was the main point for stopping, if the traveller could reach it even
by journeying a few hours after dark. As the postoffice department came
into existence and the mail matter increased, the pony had to give way for
the small vehicle, and the small vehicle for a larger one, and the larger
one for the stage, and the one stage for two, three, four and five, for
Fredericksburg was a great mail distributing office, and the travel to and
fro, stopping in the town, became immense. This necessitated the
construction and opening of inns, and so the town became famous for its
many elegant hotels. This continued until broken up by the rapid transit
of steamboats and railroads, where the travellers found floating palaces
and moving cafés. They look not for the hotel in small towns--they have
their dining cars of eatables and drinkables. But let us not forget the
village hotel, our former friend "where we slaked our thirst, ate to the
full," and where we lost ourselves in "balmy sleep, nature's kind

The old time hotels, which have passed out of the memory of the present
generation, will no doubt prove one of the most interesting chapters of
this historical sketch of the town. The ground upon which many of them
stood is now bare or occupied by other buildings, and the names of many of
their keepers have been lost to the town. A short reference to some of
these public resorts will probably refresh the minds of the citizens of
what was at one time one of the principal features of the town, and will
introduce to the younger generation the names of these hotels and their
keepers, so intimately associated with the "good old times." For most of
these references we are indebted to the memory and pen of Mr. Wm. F.
Farish, who died at Lanhams, Md., a few years since. He was born here
eighty-four years ago and spent his boyhood days in the town.

Near the present opera house, on Main street, was a hotel and oyster
house, kept by Mr. Thomas Curtis. This place was headquarters for the
politicians, and it was there the merits and demerits of candidates were
discussed and their success or defeat was determined upon. It was what
would be called to-day the Tammany Hall of Fredericksburg. The beginning
of the war was the end of this hotel, as it was destroyed during the
shelling of the town in December, 1862.

The Rappahannock House was located on the east side of Main street, about
half way between George and Hanover streets. It was kept by Thomas
Goodwin. The name of this house was afterwards changed to the Shakespeare,
and was conducted by a Mr. Parker. It was burned down soon after the close
of the Civil war and store houses were built on the ground it occupied.

The Farmers' Hotel was situated on the west corner of Main and Hanover
streets, and extended up Hanover street to Jail alley, then known as Hay
Scales alley. A part of this building is still standing on the corner of
Hanover street and Jail Alley and is now owned and occupied by Mr. M. E.
Ferrell, who has changed it into a residence. The main part of the
building, on the corner of Main and Hanover streets, was burnt many years
ago. In its stead a large, brick structure has recently been erected,
called the Enterprise Building, the lower part of which is used for store
and postoffice and the upper floors for a public hall, sleeping apartments
and offices. This Farmers' Hotel was regarded as the leading hotel of the
town in its day, and was headquarters for both stage lines--Extra Billy
(afterwards Governor and Confederate General) Smith's[61] and Colonel
Porter's. It was kept at different times by James Young, Wm. E. Bowen,
Bowen and Ramsay, Turner H. Ramsay, Charles E. Tackett, Peter Goolrick and
Daniel Bradford.

The Exchange Hotel, so well known and in operation to-day, on the south
corner of Main and Hanover streets, was built in 1837 by Wm. D. Green. The
brick work of this building, which was destroyed by fire in 1850, is said
to have been the handsomest in the State. The front walls were of pressed
brick, oil finished and were of a beautiful red. The first building had
three stories and a hall for theatrical purposes, with an entrance on
Hanover street. This hall was known as "Green's Assembly," and very fine
companies occupied it, many of them for several nights in succession. The
present three-story building was commenced soon after the first one was
burnt, but was not fully completed until after the late Civil war. The
Exchange was first opened by Mrs. Wm. D. Green and was succeeded by Mrs.
Fenton Brooke Smith. Since the Civil war it has been conducted
respectively by W. T. Freaner, Captain George Henry Peyton, Cadmus B.
Luck, Cotton and Hills, H. B. Tuttle, John Ultz and W. L. Laughlin, who is
the present landlord.

Just above the Exchange Hotel, on Hanover street, was the Eagle Hotel. It
has recently been refitted for families and room-renters and is known as
the "Eagle Flats." The Eagle was very popular in its day and was a
favorite stopping place for the farmers. It had a very good patronage also
from passengers on the two stage lines. No hotel has been kept there for
many years. In its day it was conducted by James Newby, James Cunningham,
Jesse Pullen, Wm. P. Quisenberry and Wm. H. Murphy.

The Alhambra, on Main street, just below the Exchange Hotel, was first
kept by James Timberlake, who was succeeded by Samuel Stone, and he by
Charles F. Barlosius. After the death of Mr. Barlosius, several years ago,
the house was repaired and remodelled by Capt. Thomas P. Wallace and
leased to John W. Allison, Jr., who conducted it some time as the Alsonia.
Some years ago it was purchased by Mr. Michael Long, who conducted it
until his death. It is now a restaurant.

On the south corner of Main and Charlotte streets stood the Indian Queen
Hotel. This was a fine, old building, erected probably in colonial times
for a hotel, with a porch the entire length of the building, with
colonnade. It was the favorite stopping place for members of Congress and
other travellers going to and from Washington.[62] The first proprietor of
the Indian Queen, in the memory of our oldest inhabitant, was Jacob
Herndon. He was succeeded by James Young, John Gray, Robert Blackburn and
Mr. Rawlings. The last to occupy it was a Mr. Whiting, and during his
occupancy, in May 1832, the building was destroyed by fire and was never
rebuilt. The lot to this large building extended to Princess Ann street,
and the stage yard and stables were located where the Southern Foundry now
stands. It was in this building that the statute of religious liberty was
considered, adopted and written, and it is a matter of great regret that
the house was destroyed. The committee that produced this wonderful
document, which is given elsewhere, was composed of Thomas Jefferson,
George Wythe, Archibald Cary, George Mason and Ludwell Lee.

On the south corner of Main and Frederick streets stood Traveller's Rest,
a tavern of considerable notoriety and popularity, kept by Jesse Pullen.
It was headquarters for all circuses and manageries, and was frequented by
large numbers of laboring men after their day's toil was over. Here were
talked politics and the general topics of the day by the ward politicians,
and where they laid schemes to carry elections. The house was destroyed
some years before the Civil war and the lot remained vacant for nearly
sixty years.

The Western Hotel was located at the corner of Commerce and Charles
streets, where Mr. Robert T. Knox and Brother keep store. It was a frame
building, and the business was conducted first by Thomas Procter, then by
Walker Lucas, who was succeeded by Mr. Joseph Sanford. Mr. Sanford, some
years before the war, tore the old frame building down and erected the
present three and a half story brick structure and changed its name to the
Planters' Hotel. During the Civil war it was conducted by Mr. Councellor
Cole, and a short time after the war by a Mr. Mitzell. Since then it has
not been kept as a hotel.[63]

Liberty Hotel was located on Liberty street, then outside of the corporate
limits, but now a part of the town. For many years it was kept by Boswell
Alsop and was headquarters for the sporting men of the town. General Sam
Houston, after his return from frontier life, spent much of his time at
this hotel, and quite a number of the leading men of the South, on their
journeys to and from Washington, made it their stopping place. It is an
old-fashioned frame house, one story and a half high, of the same style of
architecture as the Mary Washington house, and shows that both of them
were built about the same time.


We have no means of ascertaining where the fairs previously referred to
were held or how long they were continued under the act of 1769, or any
similar act that might have been passed by the Legislature after Virginia
became a State. In the first of the nineteenth century an agricultural
fair was held on the Kenmore farm, near the Kenmore building. The gate
leading to the grounds was on Lewis street, where it intersects with
Winchester street. The stock was exhibited on the fair grounds and the
ladies' department was kept on the upper floor of the present city hall.

At one time Mr. Samuel Gordon, then proprietor of Kenmore, was president
of the association, who was succeeded by Hon. James M. Garnett, of Essex
county. It was the custom of this association to have an address by the
president on the first night of the exhibition on agriculture and stock
raising, which was one of the main features of the fair, and drew together
a large number of farmers and others to hear it.

A silver cup, awarded to Mr. Jacob Gore for the best wheat fan exhibited
at one of these fairs, is now in possession of Police Officer Charles A.
Gore, a grandson of Mr. Jacob Gore. It is in a good state of preservation,
the inscription on it being "Presented by the Fredericksburg Agricultural
Society, 1823." On the left of the inscription is a wheat fan, beautifully
engraved, near which is the letter J, which stands for Jacob, and on the
right is another fan, near which is the letter G, standing for Gore. We do
not know when these annual fairs ceased.

About the year 1850, possibly a little earlier, fair grounds were laid out
on Green House Hill, covering most of that part of the town where Prof. A.
B. Bowering now lives. A Mr. White, of Caroline county, was the first
president, Mr. W. N. Wellford succeeding him to that office. The first
steam engine for threshing wheat ever seen in this country was exhibited
at one of these fairs by the Hope Foundry, of this place, then operated by
Messrs. Scott and Herndon. It was constructed by Mr. Benjamin Bowering,
foreman of the works. A committee of farmers was appointed to examine it
and report upon its merits. After witnessing its work the committee
condemned it, because "it would burn all the wheat up." Fairs were held on
these grounds about three years.

A year or so after the Green House Hill fair grounds were closed, the
grounds on which Major W. S. Embrey now lives and those in front of him
for some distance east of Spotswood street were purchased and converted
into fair grounds. Very successful fairs were held there until the
commencement of the Civil war, when they were closed. The last fair held
on these grounds was in 1860, only a few months before hostilities
actually commenced. At one time Major J. Horace Lacy was president of this
society and Major J. Harrison Kelly was secretary.

After the closing of the fair grounds, in 1860, Fredericksburg had no
other fair for twenty-five years. In 1887 steps were taken by the citizens
of the town to inaugurate annual fairs. A charter for a society was
obtained, stock was subscribed for and the Amaret farm, on the Fall Hill
road west of the town and bordering on the Rappahannock river, was
purchased and converted into excellent fair grounds. The society
inaugurating these fairs is known as the Rappahannock Valley Agricultural
and Mechanical Society, and its annual fairs have been a great success.
The presidents of the society from its organization have been Hon. A. P.
Rowe, of Fredericksburg; Charles Pierson, Esq., of Caroline county; Hon.
S. Wellford Corbin, of King George county; Mr. Oliver Eastburn, of
Spotsylvania county; Frank W. Smith, of Spotsylvania county; Captain
Terence McCracken, of Fredericksburg; Colonel E. Dorsey Cole, of
Fredericksburg; Capt. M. B. Rowe, of Spotsylvania; Chas. H. Hurkamp, of
Stafford; Henry Dannehl, of Fredericksburg, and Thomas F. Morrison, of


The first ferry across the Rappahannock river, provided by law, was an act
of the House of Burgesses passed in 1748. This act provided for a ferry
from the Fredericksburg warehouse, where the tobacco was deposited and
inspected by public, bonded inspectors, to the land of Anthony Strother,
on the Stafford side of the river. The charge for a horse, which seems to
have been the only one regulated by law, was fixed at three pence. In the
year 1796 a petition was presented to the General Assembly of Virginia for
leave to build a toll-bridge across the Rappahannock river from the lower
line of the land of William Fitzhugh, of Chatham. The Legislature granted
the request and Mr. Fitzhugh built the bridge, which was kept open for the
public travel as a toll-bridge until 1889.

This bridge has been destroyed several times, some times by floods and at
other times by fire, and has been rebuilt, but the dates of its
destruction have passed from the minds of our oldest citizens. The only
dates that can be given, with anything like accuracy, are, that in 1820 it
was destroyed by a great flood, in 1861 by fire, in accordance with
military orders, and in 1889 by another great flood. In 1890 the city
purchased the site and constructed the present iron bridge, which is about
one thousand feet long. On its completion it was opened to free travel and
has been continued such to the present time. It was at first a toll-bridge
and owned by private parties for nearly a century, and yet so far as we
can discover there have been but three owners up to the time it was
purchased by the city. These three were William Fitzhugh, Esq., Judge John
Coulter and Charles S. Scott.

Near the beginning of the nineteenth century a covered bridge spanned the
river at the foot of Wolfe street, landing on the farm on the opposite
side of the Rappahannock. The farm was then owned by a Mr. Thompson. No
one knows when this bridge was built or to whom it belonged. It was known
as the Stafford bridge, as the one above it was known as the Chatham
bridge, until it was purchased by Mr. Scott, after which it was known as
Scott's bridge. The two bridges were destroyed in the flood of 1820 and
the Stafford bridge was never rebuilt.


The first move made by the Common Council, or any other town organization,
to provide for the dependent poor of the town was on the 25th of January,
1805, when the hustings court appointed five commissioners--Elisha
Thatcher, James Smock, Wm. Benson, Benjamin Botts and Wm. Taylor--to
"enquire into the probable and comparative expense of erecting or renting
a poor and work house for the reception of the poor of the corporation,
and ascertain the probable salary of a steward for such poor and work
house and the annual expense of supporting the same."

These commissioners were empowered to receive propositions from persons
desiring to rent suitable houses for the purpose, and to ascertain who
would be willing to act as steward and report at the next session of the
court. The report was submitted at the March term of the court and was
approved and filed; when another commission was appointed, with Dr. George
French as chairman, to "rent a house for a term of one or more years," at
a cost not exceeding fifty pounds, and John F. Gaullier was appointed
steward of the poor and work house.

The steward was to be "allowed a salary at the rate of one hundred and
fifty dollars per annum, with two rooms and so much provisions as may be
necessary for himself and family," which should not exceed three in
number. He was to be at his post at all times to receive the poor into the
poor and work house, to "treat them with tenderness and humanity, but at
the same time to make them work." For the better government of the
institution five inspectors were appointed by the court, consisting of
George French, from the lower end of the town to Wolfe street; James
Brown, from Wolfe to Hanover street; James Smock, from Hanover to William
street; Stephen Winchester, from William to Lewis street, and Wm. Taylor,
from Lewis street to the upper end of town. From the record it appears
that John Minor was appointed inspector for the town at large.

The inspectors were instructed to place all the poor in the poor and work
house and to "advertise a request to the inhabitants to assist no poor
person residing in town, lest imposition and idleness be encouraged." This
manner of providing for the poor seems to have been continued to the
beginning of the Civil war, and, in addition to looking after the steward
and the inmates of the poor and work house, the inspectors (more
frequently recorded overseers of the poor), were to bind out all orphans
who had no one to look after and provide for them.

[Illustration: The Exchange Hotel. (See page 166)]

[Illustration: The Fredericksburg College. (See page 198)]

It is not stated in what part of the town the first poor house was
located, but for many years before the Civil war it was located on the
Lang property, near Gunnery spring, and afterwards the poor were quartered
in a brick house near the western limit of Princess Elizabeth street,
which was rented for the purpose and which is now owned by the Richmond,
Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company.

After the war, for about eighteen years, the poor were maintained at the
private houses, with such families as would agree to take them. In some
instances the town paid rent for the houses for the families who would
take one of the poor, and in others a stipulated amount per month for
their maintenance. This manner of providing for the poor caused much
complaint, both from the city and its dependents. The city authorities
charged that the cost per capita was entirely too much, running annually
in the aggregate from two to three thousand dollars, and the poor
complained that they were neglected in both food and clothing.

But the overseer of the poor (the number having been reduced from five to
one under the city ordinances) aided and assisted by a committee of three
from the Common Council, could do no better with the facilities at his
disposal, and while the subject continued to be discussed the Council had
been slow in making any change. This inaction, however, was not because
the citizens did not favor providing better methods for taking care of the
poor, because the public favored it, and the necessity was recognized, but
because no member felt willing to take the lead in such a movement.

In the Fall of 1882 a case of small pox broke out in town, and, strange as
it may appear, it caused the erection of the present almshouse. The small
pox case occurred near the corner of Princess Ann and Frederick streets.
The citizens in that part of the town became greatly alarmed and a
stampede was threatened. An extra session of the Common Council was called
in haste, to make arrangements for the removal of the patient (a colored
man) to some isolated place. The Council met and discussed the matter, but
it was found that there was no place to which he could be moved. The town
owned no land where a temporary hospital could be erected, and land
owners declined to rent to the city, for spreading a tent or for erecting
a temporary hospital.

In this condition of things the economy of having an almshouse, in which
to keep the poor, entered very largely into the discussion, and the result
was the farm and residence of Mr. Frank Beckwith, on the hill about half a
mile west of the town, was purchased for seventeen hundred dollars. The
small pox patient, to the great delight of the citizens in the lower end
of town, was at once sent to that place and the excitement subsided.

The following year the residence on the farm was greatly enlarged and a
commodious department for the colored poor was built, under the direction
of the Committee on Poor of the Common Council, consisting of Messrs. S.
J. Quinn, E. D. Cole and M. B. Rowe, and the dependent poor of the town
were sent to "Mount Nebo," which was the name given to the place, because
of its commanding position and the splendid view of the town and
surrounding country from that point.

Since the poor have been kept at the almshouse they are better provided
for and are better satisfied, besides they are more comfortable than under
the former system, and the expense of maintaining them has been reduced
fully one-half. Mr. Albert Hooton, who was overseer of the poor of the
town prior to the erection of the almshouse, was the first superintendent
of the institution. Mr. Hooton died on the 23rd of November, 1897, and Mr.
John Wesley Ball was elected to the vacancy and is now serving. Mr. A.
Mason Garner is chairman of the committee of the Council having the
almshouse in charge, and while it is conducted on economical principles,
the poor are well provided for, in both food and clothing.


For more than one hundred years after the charter by the House of
Burgesses the town was without water works of any description. About the
year 1832 a private company constructed the Poplar Springs Water Works,
which distributed through the principal streets of the town the elegant
water from Poplar springs, located on the Plank road, half a mile west of
the city. About ten years afterwards the Smith spring was added, which
increased the supply. But notwithstanding the addition of the Smith spring
the supply was very inadequate; yet for more than half a century these
springs, together with street pumps, furnished the only supply the town
had. The works were constructed by a Northern contractor, whose name is
not remembered, and are yet operated. Since the Civil war these works were
under the superintendency of Captain Joseph W. Sener, until his death, in
1889, since which time Mr. Robert Lee Stoffregen has been superintendent.

The inadequacy of the water supply for domestic and manufacturing
purposes, and the great necessity for fire protection, were subjects for
the consideration of the Common Council for many years, without definite
action. On several occasions committees were instructed to have surveys
and estimates made for a system of water works, which were done and
recommendations had been made by some of the committees that works should
be constructed, but the Council in each case had failed to act upon them.
As a case of small pox contributed to the erection of a long-needed
almshouse, so a fire, that threatened the town with destruction, showing
the authorities how helpless they were when confronted by flames,
contributed to the construction of water works.

The fire occurred in rear of George E. Chancellor's store in 1883, at the
corner of Charles and Commerce streets, now conducted by M. S. Chancellor,
and while it was confined to the premises and did but little damage, it
threatened to be a serious conflagration. There was no fire department in
town and no water to supply an engine, if one was sent from Richmond. This
aroused the authorities and the people generally, whose property was
constantly threatened with destruction, and at the next meeting of the
Council a plan was adopted for "an abundant supply of water for all
purposes, including fire protection," which was submitted to a vote of the
citizens for their approval or disapproval.

The plan submitted was adopted at the ballot-box by a large majority, and
a special committee of the Council was appointed to carry out the will of
the people, thus expressed, and construct the works, consisting of Messrs.
S. J. Quinn, James S. Knox, Charles E. Hunter, Terence McCracken and Wm.
E. Bradley. After arranging the necessary preliminaries the committee
contracted with Colonel Wm. W. Taylor, of Philadelphia, who constructed
the works and turned them over to the committee in the latter part of
February, 1885, at a cost of twenty-five thousand dollars, Mr. Benjamin
Bowering having been appointed by the committee to superintend the laying
of pipe, setting of the pump, etc.

The introduction of water into the buildings, the extension of water
mains, the changing of the old for newly-patented fire hydrants, and the
erection of additional fire hydrants since the works have been in
possession of the town, together with additional pumps and steam engine
and boiler, have increased the cost of the works to about fifty thousand
dollars. At present there are about eighteen miles of pipe, ranging in
size from eight inches to one inch, and seventy-two fire hydrants. These
hydrants are so located that they protect from fire all the property of
the town.

The reservoir pressure is from fifty to fifty-six pounds to the square
inch, according to draught, which is sufficient to throw streams of water
over any of our ordinary buildings. The pressure, by the use of the pump,
can be raised to one hundred pounds to the square inch.

The water is taken from the Rappahannock river, which is known to furnish
the softest and purest of water, the analysis showing that it is free from
any foreign substance, and the reservoirs are so well arranged that the
citizens are seldom served with water that is the least discolored. The
works are under the control of a committee of the Common Council and a
superintendent. Since their construction they have been under the
superintendency of Captain S. J. Quinn, and they are in good condition and
a paying investment to the city, at a comparative small cost to the
consumers. The present water committee consists of Josiah P. Rowe, H. B.
Lane and A. M. Garner.


The old gas works of the town were constructed by a private company in
1843-44, at a cost, it is said, of about forty thousand dollars. The
works have changed hands several times since their completion, it being a
private company, and most of the stock holders residents of Philadelphia.
In consequence of the wear and tear of the works, and the erection of an
electric plant in town some twelve years ago, which secured the contract
for lighting the streets, the stock of the gas company depreciated very
much in value, and an effort was made on the part of the town to purchase
the works.

For this purpose a special committee was appointed by the Common Council,
consisting of Messrs. Wm. I. King, M. G. Willis, James S. Knox, Wm. E.
Bradley and John T. Knight. They entered into negotiations with the
officers of the company and finally purchased the works at a cost of
twenty thousand dollars. Since their purchase the works have been placed
in good repair and the mains have been extended in many parts of the town
where they did not before run. There were about nine miles of pipe, but it
was claimed by many who had examined the works that the plant was too
small to supply the town, and there was much complaint of "no gas" on the
part of the consumers, but it was then fashionable to complain against the
city even if you were getting what you wanted, and so the matter went on
until the "spirit of improvement" struck the town and estimates for a new
gas plant were ordered, and before many months passed it was decided that
the old works must be abandoned and a new plant constructed on a new site.
And so the work of construction commenced and went forward with great
rapidity. After the new plant was completed, and had been in running order
for some time, the superintendent was asked for an article on the works
for this volume, and he remarked that during the latter part of the year
1904 it became obvious that the old gas plant, which had been supplying
the city with gas for fifty years, had gone beyond repair, and that for
the sake of economy it would be necessary to erect a new plant. With this
end in view a plot of ground was selected near the railroad depot and
alongside the right-of-way of the railroad, and here the new works were
built. Mr. Frederic Egner, an eminent gas engineer, was selected to draw
the plans and engineer the construction.

Early in May, 1905, ground was broken and work progressed rapidly, and on
the 25th of November the first gas was made in the new plant, and by the
28th everything was working smoothly and the old plant was abandoned. The
plant is what is known as a coal gas works, using soft coal for
manufacturing the gas. The manufacturing end of the plant consists of two
benches of inclined retorts, four to the bench, with half depths
regenerative furnaces, and has a manufacturing capacity of 100,000 cubic
feet of gas each day of twenty-four hours.

Our plant is one of the most modern in the country, and no small plant now
built surpasses it. Mr. Wm. Fitzpatrick, who had faithfully served the
city as superintendent of the old plant for many years, retired upon the
completion of the new plant and Mr. B. F. Bullock was made superintendent.
Gas is $1.00 per thousand, and Mr. John C. Melville is chairman of the


Fredericksburg was rather tardy in obtaining an electric light plant for
street lighting, either through a private company or by city purchase.
While the propriety of constructing a plant by the town was under
consideration by the citizens, and often before the Council, application
was made by a private company to erect one and the privilege was at once
granted. In 1887 a plant of the Thompson-Houston system was erected by a
Mr. McNett. Soon after its construction Mr. McNett formed a company, many
of whose members were citizens of the town. It has been purchased by
others and is now the Rappahannock Light Co., with some changes. It has
furnished the town with arc lights for the streets and many of the
buildings with incandescent lights. The dynamo and power house were first
located at Knox's mill, above town, but afterwards removed above the
Bridge Water mills, where they are at present.


The town authorities, concluding that our streets could be lighted better
and at less cost if they had a plant of their own, arranged and purchased
an outfit of machinery, wired the town and now have some seventy-five
lights running. Those who opposed the city owning its own light before the
plant was constructed have now changed their minds, not only as to the
constancy and brilliancy of the light, but also of the cost of lighting
the streets. The plant is located between the silk and woolen mills and is
in charge of the Light Committee, Mr. Wm. Key Howard, superintendent.


In 1895 the Occoquan Woodbridge Telephone Company was organized in
Fredericksburg by a Mr. Abner, of Occoquan, and a telephone line was
erected. At first the undertaking did not appear to be popular and the
company received very little encouragement. After the construction of the
line the company, beginning with a small number of subscribers, grew
rapidly in public favor and were soon enjoying a liberal patronage.

In 1897 all the property, rights and franchises were purchased by a few of
our enterprising citizens, who organized and changed the name of the
company to the Rappahannock, Fredericksburg and Piedmont Telephone
Company; but subsequently the Bell Company extended their line through
Fredericksburg to the South and the local company sold out to the Bell.
The service, at first defective, was placed in splendid condition, and the
service now equals that of the most favored towns and cities. Since the
construction of the Bell line the town has become the center of many
private country lines, which place the citizens in communication with all
contiguous communities as well as with the cities of the country. The
present manager of the local office is W. T. Jones.


More than a hundred years ago Fredericksburg had an organized fire
department, and from reports, which, however, were seldom made, was
sufficient in extinguishing fires. In the early part of the eighteenth
century, when the town was built up mostly of wooden houses, with wooden
chimneys, and the water was scarce and inaccessible, several fires
occurred that spread over considerable territory and did great damage, but
even in those instances, although the winds were high, the department did
much to retard the progress of the fires and finally got them under

The first fire company organized in town was known as the Vigilant. It was
organized in 1788 and the names of its members were certified to the
hustings court and filed with the court papers, but their names were not
placed on the record. How long this company remained in existence is not
known, but in 1814 the Hope Company was organized, which was soon followed
by the formation of the Union. It is not known who commanded these
companies when they were first organized, but we are told that long before
the middle of the century the Hope was commanded by Charles C. Wellford
and afterwards by John Pritchard, and the Union, about the same time, was
commanded by Albert G. Lucas, who was succeeded by John M. Whittemore.

These fire companies had suction and force engines and got water from the
river, street pumps, and sometimes from the canal west of the town, after
it was constructed, using the source most convenient, and did effective
work. It is said the rivalry between these organizations was very great,
the excitement in times of fires was intense, and often disputes would
arise between the members as to which company did the most effective work,
which often resulted in blows. When they were in their prime fires were
frequent. Scarcely a week passed that a fire did not occur, and often two
or three would take place inside of a week. Then there was a grand rush to
see which company could get the first stream of water on the fire.

The frequent fires soon led to the suspicion that some of the firemen
originated and were responsible for many of them, and, strange to say, the
disbandment of the companies was encouraged by the property owners of the
town, as a means of preventing fires and saving property. They were
disbanded before the Civil war, and since that time, until the year 1885,
the town was without a fire department, and was without any means of
contending with the flames, save the feeble efforts of citizens in what
was styled "the bucket brigade." This name was applied to the large number
of citizens, who, in times of fire, carried water in buckets to
extinguish it, and used "wet blankets" to prevent the flames from
spreading to adjoining buildings.

In 1885, after the completion of the present city water works, a new fire
department was organized, with thirty-three members, with Captain Terence
McCracken as chief. This organization is very efficient, and has on
several occasions saved the town from sweeping conflagrations. The
department is now under the command of John H. Robinson, as chief, and
consists of twenty-two members, all of whom render faithful and efficient
service without compensation.


    _Volunteer Militia--The Confederate Cemetery--The National
    Cemetery--The Confederate Veterans--The Sons of Confederate
    Veterans--The Schools, Private and Public, &c._

In times of peace and quiet, in free America and even in conservative
Virginia, it is necessary that cities should have some military
organization that can be called upon to protect the citizens in their
persons, rights and property in case of any emergency that might arise. It
is true that such cases seldom occur in Virginia, but if they should, it
is necessary to have some organized force, under the laws of the State, to
meet and put them down. This being true, Fredericksburg has, in all
periods of her history, encouraged and financially assisted volunteer
militia companies.

And it can be truthfully stated that, in all the past of the town, the
young men have shown a special fondness for military organizations, and,
so far as we can gather from records and tradition, Fredericksburg has
been well protected in this direction. It is very doubtful if at any time
since Major Lawrence Smith seated himself "down at or neare" the falls of
the Rappahannock river and manned a fort with one hundred and eleven men,
Fredericksburg had not a military organization, either active or dormant,
that she could easily call into service in case of need. It is quite
certain she has been well represented in every war since the settlement of
the country, in which her sons have played conspicuous parts and have been
commended for their gallantry and brilliant achievements.

One of the first companies remembered from tradition was commanded by a
Capt. Blackford, and is said to have been armed with wooden guns. This
company was among the guard of honor to Gen. Lafayette when he was here in
1824. It met the General and his suite at the old Wilderness tavern,
escorted him to Fredericksburg, and, when he left, accompanied him as far
as Aquia Creek, on the Potomac river. It did not last long as an

[Illustration: The Home of Dr. Charles Mortimer, first Mayor. To her
physician here was the last visit made by Mary Washington. Residence now
of Gen. D. D. Wheeler. (See page 151)]

[Illustration: The Eagle Hotel, now the Eagle Flats. (See page 166)]

The first company remembered by the oldest inhabitants, which lasted
any length of time, was the Fredericksburg Guards, which was organized
many years before the Civil war. It is not known exactly when it was
formed or who was its first commander, but it is remembered that at
different periods it was commanded by Captains Wm. A. Jackson, Wm. M.
Blackford, Robert Smith, John Pritchard and John S. Porter, the order in
which they served being in doubt.

A company, known as the Mercer Rifles, was also organized and commanded by
Capt. D. Lee Powell some years before the war, but in a year or so it was
disbanded in consequence of the commander changing his residence to

In the early part of 1859 the Washington Guards was organized, with Capt.
Joseph W. Sener as commander. It was well equipped and elegantly uniformed
and drilled. When John Brown and his party were captured at Harper's Ferry
in the Fall of 1859 by Colonel, afterwards Gen. Robert E. Lee, and turned
over to the State authorities, this company was ordered to Charlestown, by
Governor Wise, to guard the prisoners, and remained there in that capacity
until the last of the party was executed, when they were ordered home.

In the same year, 1859, the Fredericksburg Grays was organized, with
Captain Wm. S. Barton as commander. It is said this company was called
into existence because of the excited condition of the country and a
determination on the part of the young men of the town to be ready for any
emergency. On the return of the Washington Guards from Charlestown they
were met at the railroad depot by the Grays, who extended them a warm
welcome home, escorted them to the Shakespeare House, where a grand
banquet was given them, which was followed by speeches and a good time.

These two companies, before the war and preparatory thereto, were formed
into a battalion, of which Captain Barton was made major, Robert S. Chew
becoming captain of the Grays. Many pleasant excursions and picnics were
given by this battalion, which are well remembered by many, now living,
who were participants and enjoyed them. But many of those who took part in
those pleasant scenes have since then passed to the Great Beyond, and
those now with us show the marks of Time upon them and are patiently
waiting for the last call that shall transfer them to the great army
above. The battalion had a drum corps, consisting of eleven drums, which
was presided over by Mr. Pipenbrick, of Falmouth, who was appointed drum

A boy company, known as the Coleman Guards, commanded by Captain W. F.
Gordon, was also organized just prior to the war. In 1860 great excitement
was caused on the arrival of Robinson's circus here, the charge having
been made that some of the employees or attaches had murdered a man by the
name of Boulware at Port Royal the day before. Warrants were sworn out for
the arrest of the supposed parties, and the three companies, with the
civil authorities, arrested the entire circus and had the suspected
parties before the Mayor. A two days' investigation disclosed no probable
guilt and the circus was discharged from custody.

Another military company was organized in the town in 1861, known as the
Gordon Rifles, with Captain Robert H. Alexander as its commander. These
three companies, at the outbreak of the war, were placed in the Thirtieth
Virginia regiment of infantry, that did such noble service during the
Civil war. The Washington Guards, which became Company A, was commanded by
Capt. Joseph W. Sener. He was succeeded by Capt. George H. Peyton and
Captain John K. Anderson. The Fredericksburg Grays became Company B and
was commanded by Capt. Robert S. Chew, and, on his promotion to Colonel,
by Capt. H. S. Doggett. Capt. Doggett was on detached duty the most of his
official term as captain and the company was commanded by Lieutenant James
S. Knox in his absence, who was promoted to captain, but his commission
never reached him. The Gordon Rifles became Company C and was commanded by
Captain Robert H. Alexander and afterwards by Captain C. Wistar Wallace.

After the war the Fredericksburg Grays was reorganized, with Samuel S.
Brooke, now of Roanoke, as captain. He was succeeded in command by Captain
Maurice B. Rowe, and he by the following commanders in the order named:
Captain Terence McCracken, Captain Robert B. Berrey, Captain George A.
Walker and Captain Frank H. Revere.

When war was declared between the United States and Spain, and volunteers
were called for by the government, the Washington Guards, which had been
reorganized by Captain Maurice B. Rowe, promptly responded and was
mustered into the United States service as Company K of the Third Virginia
regiment of infantry. It went into camp at Richmond, Virginia, and was
soon transferred to Camp Alger, named in honor of the then Secretary of
War, near Washington city. Before these troops were ordered to the scene
of action peace was declared and they were ordered back to Richmond and
mustered out of service, having been in the service of the United States
seven months. The company then returned to Fredericksburg.

The Guards numbered one hundred and twelve men on the rolls, was a
splendid body of patriotic young men and reflected credit upon the town.
Soon after being discharged from the United States army the company was
reorganized, reëntered the service of the State and now numbers sixty-two
men, under the command of Captain Thomas M. Larkin. They have often been
called upon to discharge important and delicate service, and have
responded with alacrity.

In 1883 a colored volunteer company was organized in town, called the
Garfield Light Infantry Blues. It was organized by Benjamin Scott, of
Richmond, who was its first captain. Captain Scott soon returned to his
home in Richmond and was succeeded in command by Captain Lucien G. Gilmer.
This organization continued in existence several years, but was finally
disbanded, having fallen below the minimum number required by law.


Soon after the citizens of Fredericksburg returned to their desolated
homes at the close of the Civil war, and had gotten their dwellings in a
condition to be occupied, the thoughts of the patriotic ladies were at
once turned to the Confederate soldiers who had fallen and were buried in
Fredericksburg and on the several adjacent battle-fields. They were
anxious that the remains of these brave men should be gathered up and
interred in some place where their dust would be preserved and the names
of the known saved from oblivion.

As a result of a consultation, and a call published in the newspapers of
Fredericksburg, the ladies of the town met in the basement of the
Presbyterian church on the 10th day of May, 1865, one month after the
surrender of Gen. Lee, and organized the Ladies' Memorial Association of
Fredericksburg, elected officers, appointed a board of directors, an
executive committee and an advisory board. This was the first ladies'
memorial association chartered in the South and among the first to
decorate the soldiers' graves with flowers.

The best methods for accomplishing the patriotic work of the association
were discussed and adopted at this early date. The plan was to raise as
much money in town and in Virginia as possible and then issue an appeal to
be sent all through the Southern States for funds, because every Southern
State was represented on the battle-fields in and around the town by their
heroic dead. These appeals were sent out as soon as they could be gotten
ready and had the desired effect. Funds soon began to flow into the
treasury and a suitable site was selected, west of and adjoining the city
cemetery, which was purchased, and the work of gathering up the dead
commenced. The number gotten from the different battlefields and buried in
the ground purchased by the association numbered about fifteen hundred.
The circular sent out had, in addition to the organization of the
association and the list of officers in full, an appeal, which was as

    "To all true hearted women and men, who would rescue from oblivion the
    memory of the brave, who died in defence of home and country, we
    present this appeal: The stern pressure of military necessity made it
    impossible, properly, to care for the remains of the gallant dead who
    fell on the bloody fields of Fredericksburg, Wilderness,
    Chancellorsville, Spotsylvania Courthouse and in scores of skirmishes
    which, in a war less terrible, would have been reckoned as battles.

    "Our Association proposes to preserve a record, and, as far as
    possible, mark the spot where every Confederate soldier is buried in
    this vicinity, whether he fell on these memorable fields or otherwise
    died in the service. To the bereaved throughout our suffering South we
    pledge ourselves to spare no exertion to accomplish this work.

    "In a land stripped of enclosures and forests, desolated and
    impoverished as ours, we cannot, without aid, guard these graves from
    exposure and possible desecration; we can only cover them with our
    native soil. And, with pious care, garland them with the wild flowers
    from the fields. But, with the generous aid and cordial coöperation of
    those who have suffered less, but who feel as deeply as we do on this
    subject, we confidently hope to accomplish far more--to purchase and
    adorn a cemetery, to remove thither the sacred dust scattered all over
    this region, and to erect some enduring tribute to the memory of our
    gallant dead.

    "Shall that noble army of martyrs, who, for years of toil and
    suffering, bore, in triumph, the 'Conquered Banner' from Chattanooga
    to Gettysburg, sleep on the fields of their fame unnoticed and
    unknown? Shall their names pass from the knowledge of the living to be
    treasured only in the mind of Him 'to whom the memory of the just is

    "What spot so appropriate for the last resting place of these heroes,
    as some commanding eminence overlooking the memorable plain of
    Fredericksburg? And what nobler work for the hearts and hands of
    Southern women, than upon its summit to rear a monument to the
    unrecorded Confederate dead, which, through all time shall testify to
    the gratitude of the people for whom they so gloriously died? As no
    State, and scarcely a town or county throughout the limits of the late
    Confederacy, is unrepresented on these battle-fields, may we not hope
    that the coöperation required in order to accomplish our holy work
    will be as universal?

    "An act of the Legislature of Virginia will be obtained, incorporating
    our Association, so that the property may be held perpetually
    dedicated to its sacred uses. We solicit such contributions as the
    appreciative sympathy of friends in all parts of our country, and of
    the world, will extend us. As soon as sufficient means are obtained
    our Association will proceed to purchase and improve grounds
    appropriate for a cemetery, and remove thither the remains of the
    honored dead.

    "Our Association, although its organization is but recent, has been
    enabled to rescue from oblivion the names and places of burial of many
    of the noble dead, who fell upon the fields of Fredericksburg,
    Chancellorsville, the Wilderness, and all the objects of the
    Association will be pressed as rapidly forward as the requisite means
    are procured. All auxiliary societies, which may be formed, are
    requested to correspond with our Association; and, should they desire
    their contributions to be specially appropriated to the graves of any
    individuals, or of any particular State or section, the trust will be
    sacredly discharged.

      MRS. JOHN H. WALLACE, _President_.
      MISS ANN J. CARTER, _Corresponding Secretary_.

    _President_--Mrs. John H. Wallace.

    _Vice-Presidents_--Mrs. J. H. Lacy, Mrs. Jane Ficklin, Mrs. James W.
    Ford, Mrs. A. F. T. Fitzhugh, Mrs. Fannie S. White.

    _Board of Directors_--Miss Mary G. Browne, Miss S. Freaner, Mrs. W. K.
    Howard,[64] Mrs. S. J. Jarvis, Mrs. E. A. Fitzgerald, Mrs. L. J.
    Huffman, Mrs. J. H. Bradley, Mrs. Magruder Maury, Mrs. Joseph Alsop,
    Mrs. Monroe Kelly, Miss Ellen P. Chew, Miss Lizzie Braxton.

    _Treasurer_--Dr. F. P. Wellford.

    _Recording Secretaries_--Miss L. G. Wellford, Mrs. Lucy Herndon.[64]

    _Corresponding Secretary_--Miss Ann J. Carter.

    _Assistant Secretaries_--Miss V. S. Knox,[64] Miss Mary Thom, Miss
    Bettie L. Scott,[64] Miss Lizzie Alsop, Miss N. S. Wellford, Miss Mary
    G. Browne, Mrs. L. T. Kearsley, Miss Helen G. Beale, Miss Nannie
    Taylor, Miss Virginia Goolrick, Miss S. Freaner, Miss Lizzie Braxton.

    _Executive Committee_--Major J. H. Kelly, Thomas F. Knox, George Aler,
    J. W. Slaughter, Edwin Carter, Joseph W. Sener, Dr. L. B. Rose.

    _Advisory Committee_--Gen. D. H. Maury, Gen. Daniel Ruggles, Gen. C.
    L. Stevenson, Col. R. S. Chew, Col. C. M. Braxton, Col. W. W.
    Fontaine, Major George Freaner, Major Chas. S. Green,[65] Capt. C. T.
    Goolrick, Capt. W. R. Mason,[65] Rev. M. Maury, Rev. T. W. Gilmer,
    Rev. Patrick Donelan, Rev. W. H. Williams, Rev. F. C. Tebbs, Mayor M.
    Slaughter, Judge R. C. L. Moncure,[66] A. A. Little, J. H. Kelly,
    Judge R. H. Coleman, John L. Marye, Jr., John E. Tackett, D. H.
    Gordon, W. P. Conway, J. L. Stansbury, Ab. P. Rowe, James B. Sener, W.
    K. Howard."

In response to the appeal of the Association, liberal contributions were
received from all the Southern States, with which the ground was
purchased, the present, cemetery laid out and the remains of all the
Confederate dead, who were killed and buried throughout this community,
gathered together, transferred to the cemetery and the graves marked with
cedar posts. These posts were removed a few years afterwards and marble
headstones took their places. The next work of the Association was to
raise money for a monument to be placed in the center of the cemetery,
and, as in their other patriotic work, the appeal was not in vain. The
necessary amount was raised and the monument was erected and dedicated.
Mr. Leyburn, of Lexington, Va., contractor; Mr. Cassell, of Baltimore,
architect. The stone used is gray granite and was taken from the farm of
Mrs. Mary Downman, in Spotsylvania county. The monument contains
inscriptions as follows:

    On the east side--S. Carolina, Virginia, N. Carolina.

    On the north side--Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas.

    On the west side--Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas.

    On the south side--Georgia, Florida, Alabama.

The monument stands on a mound about five feet high, and is five feet and
six inches high without the statue. With the statue it is twenty feet in
height. On the west side, cut in the granite, are muskets; on the south
side, a castle with battlements; on the north side, sabres; on the east
side, cannon and the inscription "To the Confederate Dead." On each corner
of the monument is a column of red granite, with gray granite plynth and
base. The corner-stone was laid on the 4th of June, 1874, by
Fredericksburg Lodge, No. 4, A. F. & A. M., Grand Master Wm. H. Lambert
presiding, and was completed and unveiled on Memorial Day, June 9, 1884.
The statue of a Confederate soldier, at dress parade, which crowns the
apex, is of bronze, and was manufactured by the Monumental Bridge Company,
of Bridgeport, Conn. It was ordered through Mr. George T. Downing and
placed in position by him.


The National Cemetery, in which were gathered and interred the Union
soldiers who died in camp and were killed in the various battles in and
around Fredericksburg, was commenced in 1865, soon after the close of the
war. It is located on Willis's Hill, about half a mile south of the town.
It is on the range of hills known in the war histories and correspondents
as Marye's Heights, which overlooks the beautiful valley of the
Rappahannock and affords a fine view of Fredericksburg and the surrounding
country. It afforded a splendid location for the Confederate artillery at
both battles of Fredericksburg, which did such fearful execution as the
Union troops were advancing on General Lee's position.

The remains of the Union soldiers were taken from their temporary graves
and conveyed to the cemetery by a "burial corps," consisting of a large
detail of Federal soldiers and a few veterans employed by the
superintendent. The work was continued for three or four years, and it was
thought that all the dead had been cared for, but even now remains of
soldiers are sometimes found in different places and turned over to the
superintendent for interment. The Fredericksburg cemetery is not the
largest in area in the United States, but it has a larger number of
interments in it than any other in the country. Up to the present time the
interments number 15,294, of these 2,496 are known and their names,
regiments and State are registered in a book in the superintendent's
office, and 12,798 are unknown. The superintendent of the cemetery is
Major M. M. Jefferys, and under his management it is kept in good

The superintendent has a "lodge" or residence near the cemetery gate,
constructed of stone. It is made of the stone taken from the historical
stone wall, behind which the Confederates were stationed when they
successfully resisted the many gallant charges of General Hancock's men on
the 13th of December, 1862. Several years ago the government constructed a
Macadamized road from the railroad depot to the cemetery, making it a
pleasant drive to that "city of the dead," and it is visited by numbers of
persons, both citizens and strangers. In 1901 Gen. Daniel Butterfield
erected a beautiful monument in the cemetery to the valor of the Fifth
Army Corps, which he commanded, at a cost of $11,000.


The Confederate veterans of Fredericksburg and surrounding country
organized themselves into a camp in 1883. It was one of the first camps of
the kind organized in the State and had quite a large membership. It was
called Maury Camp in honor of General Dabney Herndon Maury, a native of
Fredericksburg, who rose to the rank of major-general in the Confederate
army, and distinguished himself as a skillful commander as well as for
conspicuous gallantry on many fields of battle during the Civil war.

Maury Camp flourished for several years, having at one time in the
neighborhood of one hundred and fifty members. At first it was independent
and separate from any other camp, but upon the organization of R. E. Lee
Camp, of Richmond, which obtained a charter from the General Assembly of
Virginia, thereby giving it authority over other camps, Maury Camp
obtained a charter from that organization, and holds its authority under
that charter at present.

For some cause in late years the camp has not been prosperous; on the
contrary, it has merely maintained its organization. Many of the members
withdrew their membership or allowed their names to be dropped from the
rolls, while those who still retain their membership, with a few
exceptions, exhibit but little interest in the affairs of the camp.
Notwithstanding its decline, however, it has done much good in the past in
assisting needy Confederate veterans, besides they have relieved the
necessities of the widows and orphans of veterans, and have decently
buried their old comrades who have died in destitution. The camp has had
for commanders at different periods Colonel Robert S. Chew, Judge John T.
Goolrick, Capt. Daniel M. Lee, Thomas F. Proctor, Geo. Shepherd and Capt.
S. J. Quinn. At present Prof. A. B. Bowering is the commander and the camp
seems to be taking on new life.


The organization of Maury Camp of Confederate Veterans was followed in a
few years by the organization of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. This
camp came into existence on the 10th day of May, 1890. It was organized,
mainly, if not entirely, through the efforts of Mr. James A. Turner, who
was its first commander, and, by annual reëlections, without opposition,
he was continued until he retired and Mr. Wm. H. Hurkamp was elected and
is commander at this time.

This camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans was named in honor of
Colonel Robert S. Chew, who was, at the close of the war, Colonel of the
Thirtieth Virginia regiment of infantry, a native of Fredericksburg and
was honored and beloved by all who knew him. The camp has done a noble
work in the way of looking after the comfort and supplying the needs of
the destitute Confederate veterans, who are rapidly passing "over the
river to rest under the shade of the trees," and providing for them a
decent Christian burial when they shall have "answered the last roll

As an organization the R. S. Chew Camp has attended nearly all the
reunions of Confederate veterans in the State, and has taken as much
interest in them as if they had been veterans instead of the sons of
veterans. In all of these visitations the camp, by the discipline and
military bearing of its members soon won for itself a position in the
front rank of Sons of Confederate Veterans in the South. About thirty of
its members volunteered in the United States army in the War with Spain,
some of whom are now in the regular army, holding important
commissions. The camp has flourished from its organization, and has now
nearly one hundred members on its rolls, who are earnest in their work and
faithful to the memories of their fathers.

[Illustration: "Stevens House," on "Sunken Road"; the Confederate line of
battle, 1862 and 1863, in front of fence. Gen. Thos. R. R. Cobb killed
where gate swings to right. (See page 91)]

[Illustration: City Hall, in which are Mayor's Office, Council Chamber,
etc., and where a ball was given in honor of Gen. Lafayette on his visit
here in 1824. (See page 144)]


Fredericksburg, from its earliest days, possessed educational advantages,
greatly in advance of many larger towns of the colonies. Soon after its
establishment by the House of Burgesses, schools of a high order were
established here by the best of educators and it is highly probable that
the leading men of the State--those who conducted public affairs in
colonial times, and who were the first to oppose and resist British
tyranny and who inaugurated and conducted the movement for separation and
independence--were educated in those schools. And it can be safely said
that from that time to the present Fredericksburg has not been without
schools that would be creditable to any town.

In 1796 a lottery scheme--which was a popular method of raising money in
those days for such purposes--was chartered by the Legislature of the
State for the purpose of raising money to erect a school building on what
was known as the "old poor-house grounds," at present the property of
Alexander Lang's estate near Gunnery Spring. Whether or not this scheme
was successful is not known, but it is a fact that a male academy was
established by some French refugees, gentlemen of education and
refinement, who, having lost their fortunes, adopted teaching as a means
of support. Many distinguished Statesmen and jurists, in after years, were
educated at this school, among them was Judge John Tayloe Lomax, who, in
his old age, when president of the Young Men's Christian Association of
Fredericksburg, referred to his connection with this school by contrasting
the teaching of the school of French philosophy of that day with the
instruction of Christian teachers of a later period, showing the
advantages of the latter.

In a letter from Dr. John Brockenburg to Rev. Philip Slaughter, D. D., in
1846, about another matter, he said: "I had been entered as a student at
the Fredericksburg Academy, then (1790) in high repute, under the Rev.
Mr. Ryan, an eminent classical scholar and a graduate of Trinity College,
Dublin." Dr. Brockenburg finished his education in this school,
preparatory to entering a medical college in Edinburg, and speaks highly
of it.[67]

It is also claimed that Washington, Madison, Monroe, and others who made
their mark as soldiers, statesmen, and in the various professions, were
educated in the schools of Fredericksburg.

The establishment of a female college at "Federal Hill," in the year 1789,
and which was kept up by different teachers for half a century or more,
was an important event in the history of the town, and, in connection with
the male academy, gave to Fredericksburg great distinction as an
educational center.

On the 27th of September, 1795, a fund was created by the sale of lands,
which were devised for the purpose by Mr. Archibald McPherson, which fund
was held in trust by the Mayor and Common Council of the town for the time
being, and afterwards, by an act of the Legislature, by six trustees,
annually appointed for the benefit of the Charity School of
Fredericksburg. These trustees organized into a board, the first president
being Major Benjamin Day, who continued as such to the day of his death.
The school was kept in the brick building on the north side of Hanover
street, just below the Masonic hall, now used by Miss Willie F. Schooler
for her Hanover school. The funds derived by the sale of some of the
McPherson property were afterwards supplemented by a legacy from Mr.
Thomas Colson in 1805.

In the back part of the room in which this male charity school was kept
are to be found three tablets of marble let into the brick wall, in good
preservation, with these inscriptions:

    "In memory of Mr. Archibald McPherson. He bequeathed his property to
    the trustees of this town for the education of the poor. By an act of
    the Legislature the funds were transferred to this institution as best
    fulfilling the testator's charitable design. Died A. D. 1754; age 49."

    "In memory of Thomas Colson, Esq., who, by his last will and
    testament, contributed largely to the permanent funds of this school.
    His benevolence claims the gratitude of the poor, and the respect of
    all. Died A. D. 1805."

    "In memory of Major Benjamin Day, one of the founders of this
    institution and its first president. This office he filled for
    twenty-six years with zeal and fidelity. As an humble tribute to his
    philanthropic services this simple monument is erected. Died A. D.
    1821; age 69."

On Major Day's tombstone, in the burial ground of Fredericksburg Masonic
Lodge, in reference to this school, is found these words: "The Male
Charity School of Fredericksburg is chiefly indebted to him for its origin
in 1795, and for its prosperity to his unremitted attention in the
principal management of its concerns, over which he presided until the
time of his death."

These tablets and tombstones furnish a history of this school that can be
had nowhere else, and their transcription here will, it is hoped, enshrine
the memories of these charitable men for their munificence to the poor of
the town in the hearts of the present generation and indelibly impress
upon their minds the solemn, but oft unheeded, words of the Master, "ye
have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them
good." Mr. George W. Rothrock conducted this male school as teacher for
many years, but upon his death, before the Civil war, it was closed and
has never been resumed.

A reference to other schools of Fredericksburg, some contemporary with the
Male Charity School and the Federal Hill Female College, and others of a
later date, will no doubt be of interest to the numerous descendants of
those who were educated in them, and will recall to many of our older
citizens pleasant memories of their youthful days, as well as the labor
over "tare and tret, which made them mad and sweat."

Among these was the excellent female school taught by Rev. Samuel Wilson,
in which many of the most accomplished ladies in Fredericksburg received
their early education. Mr. Wilson was succeeded by Miss Mary Ralls, who
was assisted by Mr. Herard, whom she afterwards married.[68] Mr. Herard
was a Frenchman, and although he could not speak English, taught writing
and French in the school. Here commenced the education of a large number
of girls and boys, who were afterwards well known in the social circle and
business pursuits of Fredericksburg and of many other parts of the
country, and some of them are to-day honored citizens of the town.

The school kept by Mr. John Goolrick, in the small, brick building on the
lower end of Main street, now occupied by Mr. W. Snowden Hitt, was famous
in its day, and in that school were educated some of our substantial
business men and accomplished women. He was assisted in his school by his
son, George, who was an accomplished teacher and cultured gentleman.
George Goolrick succeeded his father in the conduct of the school and
continued it for many years.

Mr. Thomas H. Hanson, who came to Fredericksburg from Georgetown, D. C.,
was principal of the Fredericksburg Male Academy. He was a fine classical
scholar and his school enjoyed a wide-spread reputation as a classical
school. He taught in the north wing of the City Hall, and for several
years on Prince Edward street, above Amelia, in a brick building, where
the residences of Misses Hay and Misses Wissner now stand. The building
was torn down several years ago, when residences were built. Some few of
his pupils are now living. One died a short time ago, at a ripe old age,
with the honorary LL. D. attached to his name.

Rev. George W. McPhail conducted a school for some years on the west side
of Main street, just above Commerce. The house was a large, frame
building, with a store on the ground floor and school-room above. It was
destroyed at the shelling of the town in December, 1862. Mr. McPhail's
first school-room was located on George street west of the Presbyterian
church, but, it being too small to accommodate his pupils, he moved to
Main street.

Messrs. Powell and Morrison, for many years, conducted a school for girls
in Citizens' Hall, which stood on Princess Ann street where the Catholic
parsonage now stands. It was known as the Fredericksburg Institute, and
was one of the best schools of that day. It was moved to Richmond and is
now conducted by members of Mr. Powell's family.

Professor Richard Sterling conducted a school for boys in the old
Colonnade building on Princess Ann street, opposite the courthouse, long
before the war. He was succeeded by Mr. J. J. Halsey. The building was
partially destroyed by fire during the Civil war, and finally, in 1880,
was removed to give place to the Presbyterian Memorial chapel.

For a number of years a school for girls was conducted by Mrs. John P.
Little, first at her residence, on Princess Ann street, and then for some
time at Federal Hill and at the Union House, which is now used for the
public schools. She was assisted in her school by an accomplished French
teacher by the name of Guillet.

More than half a century ago Misses Ann and Mary Drinnan conducted a
flourishing school for girls on Charles street, above Lewis, where the
Misses Goodwin now live, and Mrs. Mary Hackley conducted a large boarding
school over the store now occupied by Mr. Thomas N. Brent. For several
years before the war Rev. Wm. F. Broaddus, D. D., taught a school for
young ladies in the basement of the Baptist church. These schools were all
of a high order and fully sustained the reputation of Fredericksburg as a
town possessing the most enlarged educational advantages. Besides the
schools above referred to, schools for boys were taught by Richard Stern,
Mr. Hudson, Mr. Jamison, Stephen A. Boardman, James G. Read, Edward Henry,
Mr. Tchudi, Buckner & Henry, Buckner & Temple, Chas. E. Tackett, Thomas
Moncure, H. W. Rhinehart, Mrs. Judith Anstice, Mrs. A. L. Magrath, Maria
Woodruff, Miss Willie Schooler and others.

After the war Judge Richard H. Coleman taught a high school for boys at
Kenmore, and Colonel W. Winston Fontaine taught a high school for girls on
the south corner of Main and Frederick streets, and Professor Volley M.
Johnson conducted a similar school at the Union House. When Judge Coleman
moved his school to Guiney's in Caroline county, Messrs. Cuthbert Buckner
and Charles W. Temple opened a school of the same grade. They were
succeeded by Messrs. Cuthbert Buckner and Wm. Caruthers, and they by
Messrs. Charles E. Tackett, James W. Ford and Wm. B. Marye, who added a
military feature to the school, which made it quite popular. These schools
were located on Prince Edward street in a one-story brick house, known as
the Academy, where the Misses Hay have recently erected a modern

After Colonel Fontaine moved South a high school for young ladies was
opened by Mr. Wm. Caruthers in the Presbyterian Asylum, known now as
Smithsonia, assisted by his sisters, Mrs. Davis and Miss Caruthers. He was
succeeded by Mrs. Wm. A. Campbell and daughter, two excellent teachers,
but the school did not appear to prosper and was finally closed. In
addition to these schools of high grade there were many excellent primary
schools for girls and boys, which succeeded well until the public free
schools were opened, which became popular because of their graded system
and the thoroughness of their instruction. Since then most of the private
schools have been abandoned, yet some few are yet conducted and are doing


The Assembly's Home and School was founded by Rev. A. P. Saunders, D. D.,
then pastor of the Presbyterian church in Fredericksburg, in 1893. It was
incorporated by an act of the Virginia Legislature December 16, 1893. It
consisted originally of a home designed for the maintenance and education
of the orphans of deceased Presbyterian ministers and missionaries, and
also of a college. The latter was intended as a place for the education of
these orphans and also for the youth of other denominations.

The General Assembly of the Presbyterian church, each year, commended the
institution to the confidence of the churches within its bounds, and by
their contributions the Home was maintained. The college for some time was
supported partly by contributions from the churches, but more largely by
the pay students attending the school from home and abroad.

In the year 1897 the General Assembly of the church separated the college
from the Home and ordered the sale of the college and all the property
belonging to it. The city of Fredericksburg recognizing the value of such
an institution in its midst, had subscribed ten thousand dollars of bonds,
the interest on which was to pay for ten annual scholarships in the
college, the scholars being selected from the highest grade of the public
schools of the town.

This arrangement continued until 1898, when the college and property were
sold and the ten thousand dollars of bonds were returned to the city
authorities and cancelled. The property was purchased by Rev. F. P.
Ramsay, who conducted the college for two years, the city continuing its
patronage of ten scholarships, paying the tuition in money.

In the year 1900 Mr. Ramsay sold the college and property to Rev. John W.
Rosebro, who had just become pastor of the Presbyterian church in
Fredericksburg. He is a gentleman of rare ability, and, with his corps of
able assistants, is making the college worthy of the confidence and
support of the public. A bright and prosperous future is predicted for the
institution under the management of this scholarly gentleman.

The Assembly Home is still in operation, supported by the denomination,
and holds a strong place in the affections of the Presbyterian church. It
is now under the management of Professor Samuel W. Somerville.


The public schools were established in Fredericksburg, under what is known
as the Underwood Constitution, in 1870. For several years they were not
well patronized, principally from the fact that the system was not popular
with the people. When the system was first put in operation in town the
schools were kept at private houses, because the city had no public school
houses and was then unable to build them, and as the appropriations for
school purposes were small the sessions were held only for five or six
months in the year. The teachers, in a majority of cases, were selected
more because of their need of the salary than because of their ability and
fitness to teach.

In the year 1876 the schools were graded, and the funds received from the
city and State were largely supplemented from the Peabody fund, which
enabled the school board to adopt a ten months' session. By this
arrangement the efficiency of the schools was greatly promoted; they grew
in public favor, the citizens patronized them, and soon they became so
large and popular the town was compelled to provide larger buildings for
the accommodation of the pupils. To accommodate this large increase of
attendance a commodious two-story brick building was erected on the north
corner of Princess Ann and Wolfe streets for the colored schools,
sufficiently large to accommodate four schools, and the Union House, a
three-story brick building on the north corner of Main and Lewis streets,
was purchased for the white schools and converted into a building capable
of accommodating six schools.

In addition to the schools held at the Union House there are two schools
for the first primary grades, one held in the forenoon and the other in
the afternoon, under one teacher, and were kept in the south wing of the
courthouse until two years ago, when they were moved to the Union House
and other grades removed to the courthouse. The grammar grade of the
colored schools is taught at Samaritan Hall, on Douglas street. These
schools have an efficient corps of teachers and the instruction is as
thorough as is found in any of the schools of the State.

There are ten grades in the white schools--seven in the primary department
and three in the grammar department. There are six grades in the colored
schools--five in the primary department and one in the grammar department.
The town is divided into two school districts, the Upper and the Lower,
George street being the dividing line. There are three trustees from each
school district, the six members constituting the school board of the

There have been four superintendents of schools since the inauguration of
the free school system in 1870, who have served in the following order:
Mr. John Howison, General Daniel Ruggles, Mr. Edgar M. Crutchfield and Mr.
Benjamin P. Willis. All of these gentlemen have passed away except Mr.
Willis, who is now serving as superintendent. The school board has had but
four presidents since its organization, thirty-eight years ago, who
served in the following order: John James Young, Captain Joseph W. Sener,
Wm. H. Cunningham and Andrew B. Bowering. Only one is now living--A. B.
Bowering, who is serving at present.


    _The Churches of Fredericksburg._

If the morals and correct lives of the people of a town are to be judged
by the number of churches within its borders, giving due consideration to
the number of inhabitants, the people of Fredericksburg would be rated
with the best. One of the first things that received the attention of the
founders of the town, under the charter granted by the House of Burgesses
in 1727, was the building of a house of worship and its dedication to the
service of the Almighty, and since that time Fredericksburg has been
blessed with regular divine services. And as the inhabitants of the town
increased in numbers, and the little building became too small to
accommodate all who would wish to attend upon the House of the Lord, the
authorities were not too much engrossed with money-making and
money-getting to enlarge the church and provide for the spiritual comfort
and necessities of the increasing population. So the church building was
enlarged time and again as the growth of the town demanded it.

Up to the first of the nineteenth century the only denomination holding
regular services in town was the Episcopalians, as that was the only
denomination that had a house of worship, but in the early part of that
century other denominations organized churches in town, built houses of
worship and have continued to occupy them to the present. Since then
Fredericksburg has not been without a sufficient number of churches for
the accommodation of her entire church-going population. There are at
present eleven church buildings in town--seven for the whites and four for
the colored people. The seating capacity of the white church buildings is
about three thousand and that of the colored churches about one thousand
five hundred, making the total seating capacity of the churches of
Fredericksburg about four thousand five hundred, being ample accommodation
for the church-going population, both white and colored.

[Illustration: Jackson Monument. Erected where he was mortally wounded May
2, 1863. (See page 96)]


The history of the Episcopal church in Fredericksburg is of peculiar
interest to the people of the town because of its antiquity and because of
its intimate connection with the history and affairs of the town. In the
year 1732, seven years after the town was laid out and named, the first
church building was erected in Fredericksburg.[69] It was in St. George's
parish, which embraced the whole of Spotsylvania county, which then
contained all the territory west, as far as it was or might be settled by
the whites. A church building had previously been erected in the county,
on the Po river, for the accommodation of the people of the county. This
church is said to have been located on the Catharpin road, on the top of
the hill west of Mine run, on the south side of the road, where the Yellow
church was afterwards built by the Baptists and which was destroyed some
years ago. This stream is not the Po, but one of its tributaries and may
then have been called the Po.

The first pastor the Fredericksburg church had after the completion of its
building was Rev. Patrick Henry, uncle of the great orator and statesman
of that name. He served the church for two years, and in 1735 was
succeeded by Rev. James Marye,[70] of Goochland county, who died as rector
of the church in 1769, having served it faithfully for thirty-four years.
Rev. James Marye was succeeded in the rectorship by his son, Rev. James
Marye, Jr., who was rector for eleven years. From 1780, when the second
James Marye closed his labors, to 1813 the church had many rectors, but
their stay was of short duration.

In the year 1787 the Common Council, through a committee of its members,
repaired and enlarged the church building by adding another wing, (one
having been previously constructed, mentioned elsewhere,) which made the
building a cross in shape. The cost for this work amounted to four hundred
and six pounds, a part of which was raised by the committee by an appeal
to the private citizens for donations, because of the depleted condition
of the city treasury. In the same year the Council prepared and adopted a
petition to the Legislature of Virginia, praying for a division of St.
George's parish and for vesting "the property of the old church and the
new burying ground in Fredericksburg in the corporation of said town."

Mr. James Monroe,[71] who was a member of the Council and a vestryman of
St. George's church, (who was afterwards a member of the Legislature, a
Representative in Congress, a United States Senator, twice Governor of
Virginia, twice Minister to France, twice Minister to England, Minister to
Spain, Secretary of State, Secretary of War, two terms President of the
United States, Presiding Justice of Loudoun county and Visitor of the
University of Virginia,) was appointed chairman of the committee to
present the petition and secure the desired action of the Legislature. If
any report was ever made by Mr. Monroe, neither it nor any reference to it
can be found. It is quite likely that the law separating church and State,
which was passed that year, made it unnecessary.

As has been stated, that after the death of the younger Marye, for more
than thirty years the pastorates of the church were short and
unsatisfactory. The cause for this state of things has not been recorded
and conjecture is needless. In 1813 Edward C. McGuire, of Winchester,
Virginia, came to the church as lay reader, being highly recommended by
Rev. Wm. Meade (who afterwards became bishop of the diocese) as a young
man of character and piety. Mr. McGuire was soon ordained and became
rector of the church, serving it with great acceptance and success to the
day of his death, in 1858, a period of forty-five years.[72]

Mr. McGuire was greatly beloved by all classes of persons, his ministerial
labors were signally blessed, and the number of communicants was largely
increased. From the death of Mr. McGuire to the present the church has
had several rectors, who did good work and who greatly endeared themselves
to the congregation and people of the town. These pastors served in the
following order: Rev. A. M. Randolph, D. D., now bishop of the Southern
Diocese of Virginia; Rev. Magruder Maury, Rev. Edward C. Murdaugh, Rev.
Robert J. McBryde, Rev. J. K. Mason, Rev. Wm. M. Clarke, Rev. Wm. D. Smith
and Rev. Dr. Robert J. McBryde, a second time, who is the present rector.
During a portion of the time that Dr. Murdaugh was rector he had as his
assistant Rev. Arthur S. Johns, a son of the late Bishop Johns. St.
George's church has a flourishing Sunday school, of which Dr. M. C. Hall
was superintendent for thirty-eight years, his duties closing at his
death. This long service as an officer of St. George's church has been
exceeded only by one rector, Rev. Edward C. McGuire, and one vestryman and
senior warden, Reuben T. Thom, Esq.[73]

There have been three buildings erected on the ground where the present
house of worship stands. The first one was built in 1732, and was an
oblong, frame building. As the inhabitants of the town increased an
addition was built on one side, and in 1787 another addition was
constructed, rendered necessary by a further increase of the population
and larger congregations. By the year 1814 the old building seems to have
become so old and dilapidated that a new house was thought necessary, and
therefore the old one, which had stood for over three-quarters of a
century, was torn down and a new one was erected in its stead. An aged
citizen, some forty years ago, describing this first building, said: "It
was cruciform in shape, with steeple and bell, capable of holding large
congregations. In each projection of the cross there was a small gallery;
one contained the organ, the others two pews each. It was a frame
building, painted yellow. The pulpit was at one of the angles of the
cross, highly elevated, with reading desk, and clerk's desk in front
below. A clerk, in his desk, generally responded to the minister in the
service, while the people were silent."[74]

The second house was made of brick, but, like the former one, was not
large enough to hold the growing congregation. The work was commenced in
1814, the corner stone having been laid that year, with imposing
ceremonies. It was completed in the following year, and was reported to
the Council in 1816 by Bishop Moore, who stated to that body that he had
consecrated a handsome, brick edifice in Fredericksburg and confirmed
sixty persons.

In the short space of thirty-three years it was found that this new, brick
house was too small, and so, in 1849, it was removed and the present brick
building was erected, which is one of the handsomest church edifices in
the State, outside of the large cities. While this house was in the course
of erection the church worshipped in the old Methodist church, just back
of the park, which was destroyed by fire about 1852. The new church was
consecrated and occupied in the Fall of 1849. A few years after its
completion it was very much damaged by fire, but it was at once repaired
and restored to its former beauty.


Trinity Episcopal church, composed of members who withdrew from St.
George's church, and organized with Rev. Dr. E. C. Murdaugh as rector,
worshipped for some time in the courthouse, and afterwards in the
Hanover-street Methodist church, which had not been used for religious
services since the Civil war.[75] With commendable zeal this new
congregation went to work, purchased a lot on the south corner of Prince
Edward and Hanover streets and erected a handsome house of worship, which
in due time was consecrated to the service of the Lord. The change for the
purposes for which this ground was used was indeed radical; it was from
theatrical to church purposes. It is said that after the Revolutionary war
this lot had on it a large frame house, which was at first intended for
an extensive stable, but was converted into a hall for theatrical
purposes. Theatrical companies visiting town would sometimes remain for a
week exhibiting every night to large audiences of the elite of the town.

The first rector of Trinity church was Dr. Edward C. Murdaugh, who was
succeeded by Rev. J. Green Shackelford, Rev. John S. Gibson, Rev. J. S.
Gray, Rev. Edwin Green, Rev. W. V. Reaney and Dr. H. H. Barber, who is now
serving the church. Some few years ago the congregation erected a
beautiful and commodious rectory near the church building, which adds much
to the comfort and convenience of the pastor.


The Presbyterian church in Fredericksburg was constituted in the early
part of the nineteenth century. In the year 1806 Rev. Samuel B.
Wilson,[76] a young minister of that denomination, came to town. At that
time there were but two Presbyterians in the place. As St. George's
church, which had the only house of worship in town, was without a pastor,
Mr. Wilson was invited to preach in that church. This invitation was
gladly accepted, and for some time he preached in St. George's church,
large congregations attending the services. In a few years Mr. Wilson
succeeded in getting together a sufficient number of Presbyterians to
organize a church, and a house of worship was erected in 1810 on the lot
where the asylum (at present known as Smithsonia) now stands on Amelia

This house was occupied until the present brick building on George street
was erected, which was in 1833, and was dedicated on the 26th of July of
that year. The old church on Amelia street stood back several yards from
the sidewalk and was approached through a gate, near which the bell was
suspended on a cross-beam erected on two uprights. In the gallery of the
church, where the choir was seated, a large brass ball was arranged on
the principle of a metronome, which marked the time for the singers. Some
years after the house on George street was built a comfortable manse was
erected on the same street, near the church, for the pastor.

In 1880 the "Memorial Chapel" was erected just in rear of the present
church building, fronting on Princess Ann street and neatly fitted out by
Mr. Seth B. French, a Fredericksburg man, then residing in New York city,
as a memorial to his daughter Margaretta, who died just as she was
entering into womanhood; upon the death of his wife, a few years
afterwards, who was the daughter of Judge John M. Herndon, he placed a
very beautiful and costly window in the east end of the building as a
memorial of her. This house is built of granite, quarried on the old
Landram farm, two miles west of Fredericksburg, and is of a superior
quality. The Presbyterian house of worship, like other houses of worship
in town, was dismantled during the Wilderness campaign in 1864 and used by
the Federal authorities as a hospital. After the war the Presbyterians had
no bell and their church had been sacked by Federal soldiers.

In connection with this condition of things an amusing incident occurred,
which was related to us by the perpetrator of the joke, and which is too
good to be lost. Just after the war, when the different church buildings
had been repaired and fitted up for occupation by the respective
congregations, Mr. James McGuire, a prominent member of the Presbyterian
church, met Mr. Reuben T. Thom, senior warden of St. George's church, on
the corner of the street near the Presbyterian church, St. George's being
on the diagonal corner. They engaged in conversation, during which Mr.
McGuire appeared to be very much troubled because all the other churches
had bells to call their congregations together while the Presbyterians had
none. Mr. Thom, kind hearted as he was, sympathized with them very much
and undertook to console Mr. McGuire. Seeing Mr. Thom was very much
concerned, and casting his eyes up towards St. George's bell, just across
the street, his countenance brightening up as if a new idea had struck
him, queried: "Well, Mr. Thom, won't you let the Presbyterians come to
church by St. George's bell?" Mr. Thom, being anxious to accommodate the
Presbyterians, but feeling that he was not authorized to decide the
matter, replied: "Eh, eh, I have no objection myself, Jimmie, but, but I
will lay the matter before the vestry, and will inform you of its action!"

Mr. Wilson served the church as pastor until 1841, when he resigned to
accept a professorship in the Union Theological Seminary, then at
Hampden-Sidney, in Prince Edward county, Virginia. He was succeeded by
Rev. George W. McPhail, D. D., and Rev. A. A. Hodge, D. D. Rev. B. T. Lacy
supplied the pulpit for some time prior to the Civil war, but was never
the regular pastor of the church. The church has had the following pastors
since the war: Rev. Thomas W. Gilmer,[77] Rev. James P. Smith, D. D., Rev.
A. P. Saunders, D. D., Rev. Benjamin W. Mebane, D. D., Rev. John W.
Rosebro, D. D., and Rev. J. H. Henderlite, who is now serving the church.
Governor John L. Marye was a ruling elder of this church for more than
forty-seven years, giving faithful and efficient service.


The Baptists came into notice as early as the year 1768, when John Waller,
Lewis Craig and James Chiles, three zealous Baptist ministers, were seized
by the sheriff of Spotsylvania county, carried before three magistrates in
the yard of the church building, on the charge of "preaching the gospel
contrary to law." They were ordered to jail in Fredericksburg, and, while
in jail, preached through the iron gratings of the windows and door to
large crowds, who assembled to see and hear them.[78] It is said as they
marched through the streets of the town to jail, in the custody of the
officers of the law, followed by a large, noisy crowd jeering at them,
they sang that old hymn by Watts, to the tune of Wyndham:

  "Broad is the road that leads to death.
    And thousands walk together there;
  But wisdom shows a narrow way,
    With here and there a traveller."

And as the sweet, solemn notes fell upon the ears of the curious crowd the
jeering ceased, and before the hymn was concluded many persons were melted
to tears.

The Baptist church of Fredericksburg was organized by Rev. Andrew
Broaddus, Sr., the great orator of King and Queen county and later of
Caroline county, in the year 1804, who for several years was its pastor.
In 1810 Rev. Robert Baylor Semple, in preparing his "History of Virginia
Baptists," says of the Fredericksburg church: "They have no resident
pastor, but are supplied by Mr. A. Broaddus, who attends them monthly. If
there is any objection to Mr. Broaddus's ministry in this city it is that
he is too popular with the irreligious. It may be said of him as was said
of Ezekiel: 'Lo! thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath
a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument; for they hear thy
words, but they do them not.' This remark by no means applies to the
church, for, although they hear with much pleasure, they practise with
more. It is a young and rising church."

The first house of worship erected in town by the Baptists was a small,
frame structure built on the ground now occupied by the Richmond,
Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company as a depot, but before many
years had passed the congregation had so increased in size the small
building was found to be inadequate and a large, brick building was
erected on Water street, where Shiloh church, old site, now stands, and
for thirty years or more the church worshipped in that building.

Under the preaching of able and faithful pastors the membership rapidly
increased and the congregations became larger, and by the middle of the
century the house on Water street was found to be too small to accommodate
the increasing attendance. In the year 1854 the present large and
commodious brick building was erected on Princess Ann street, mainly
through the efforts of Rev. Wm. F. Broaddus,[79] the pastor, J. B.
Benwick, Jr., architect, notwithstanding on a tablet in the front of the
church that work is credited to another.

The new house, with a large addition to it about twelve years ago, has
proved ample for the church and congregation to the present. Rev. Andrew
Broaddus, the first pastor, was succeeded by the following ministers: Rev.
Robert B. Semple, Rev. Carter Braxton, Rev. Mr. James, Rev. John Teasdale,
Rev. John M. Waddey, Rev. George F. Adams, Rev. S. C. Smith, Rev. Wm. F.
Broaddus, D. D., Rev. Wm. H. Williams, Rev. Thomas S. Dunaway, D. D., Rev.
Jacob S. Dill, D. D., and Rev. R. Aubrey Williams, who is now serving the
church. Dr. Dunaway's pastorate covered a period of thirty-two years,
during which he greatly endeared himself to the church and people of the
town, and was eminently successful in winning souls and building up the
church. The Baptist church has a large and flourishing Sunday school
connected with it that has had but four superintendents for sixty-three
years. George W. Garnett[80] was superintendent for thirty and Prof. A. B.
Bowering served nearly twenty-three years, S. J. Quinn ten, and B. P.
Willis, having just been elected, has entered upon the work.


The Methodists, who, for a number of years, were designated as a society,
held services in Fredericksburg as early as 1786. For a number of years
they held meetings from house to house, and were very active workers. It
is not known when the first church or society was formed, or by whom it
was organized, but it is known that persons united with that denomination
before the dawn of the nineteenth century, and that Father Kobler
commenced his ministry here as a local preacher in the year 1789, and
continued his labors as such for over half a century. Therefore it may be
concluded that the first organization of that denomination in
Fredericksburg held its meetings in private houses for more than thirty

The first house of worship built by the Methodists in town, that we have
any record or tradition of, was erected in 1822, on the lot in rear of
Hurkamp park, fronting on George street, and occupied by Colonel E. D.
Cole as a stable and lumber yard. It was then outside of the city limits
and was known as Liberty Town. It was a small frame building and was
occupied until 1841, when the old church on Hanover street was finished.
The services were then held in the new house and the old frame church
building was turned over to the colored Methodists, who occupied it for
some time. It was destroyed by fire about 1852.

Some years after occupying the church building on Hanover street, the
question of slavery, which had been so vigorously discussed by the
denomination North and South, was the theme of discussion in the church at
Fredericksburg. The feeling became strong between the parties and
increased in intensity until it resulted in a split in the church. One
division was known as the Northern Methodist, as its members opposed
slavery, while the other division was known as the Southern Methodist, its
members favoring slavery. When the difference became so marked and the
feeling so bitter, that the parties could not longer worship together, the
Southern Methodists withdrew, and held services in the second story of the
town hall for some time. The Northern wing remained in the Hanover street
house until the beginning of the Civil war.

In the year 1852 the southern division of the church erected a handsome
brick building on the south corner of George and Charles streets, where
Mr. P. V. D. Conway's residence now stands, in which they worshipped until
the war came on, when the sessions of the church were almost suspended.
Since the Civil war the two churches united and occupied the George-street
church until about the year 1879, when the old building on Hanover street
was torn down and a house of modern architecture erected in its place.
Since that time the new church has been occupied and the George-street
building was sold. About fifteen years ago an addition was built in rear
of the church for the accommodation of the Sunday school. The church also
has a parsonage on the same street, which was donated to it by Rev. John

[Illustration: "Kenmore," Mansion of Col. Fielding Lewis, who married
Betty Washington; now residence of Councilman Clarance R. Howard. (See
page 155)]

[Illustration: "Union House," where Gen. Lafayette was entertained in 1824
by his friend, Mr. Ross. (See page 144)]

In 1843 Rev. John Kobler, widely known as Father Kobler, a citizen of the
town, a venerable local preacher of the Methodist church, distinguished
for his piety and ability and greatly beloved by all who knew him, died
and was buried beneath the pulpit of the Hanover-street church. Prior to
his death he wrote his "farewell to the world," which he requested should
be read as a part of his funeral service, which was done. The farewell is
almost as long as a sermon and is "the very perfume of piety and Christian
assurance." 1st. He bids farewell to the ministry of the gospel and all
the ordinances of the church of God. 2nd. He bids farewell to the church
in her militant state. 3rd. He bids farewell to the communion of saints.
4th. He bids farewell to prayer. 5th. He bids a final and hearty adieu to
temptation and to every species of the Christian warfare. 6th and lastly.
He bids farewell to his Bible. This history of him is given on the first
page of the pamphlet: "John Kobler was born 29th of August, 1768; joined
the Methodist Episcopal church 6th of December, 1786; was converted 24th
of December, 1787; commenced his itinerating ministry 3rd of October,
1789; and died with glory on his lips, July 26th, 1843."

Some ten or twelve years after the death of Father Kobler his devoted and
saintly wife followed him to the glory land and she was interred by the
side of her husband. When the old building was torn down and the new one
erected the sacred dust of these two sleeping saints was left undisturbed,
and so under the pulpit of the new church their mortal remains still
repose. The present pastor of the church is Rev. W. L. Dolly, a faithful
and zealous servant of the Lord.


About the year 1832 the religious movement, in which Alexander Campbell
was the leader, began in Fredericksburg. A number of citizens, adopting
the views held by Mr. Campbell, were organized into a Christian or
Disciples church. With commendable energy and zeal they went to work,
purchased a lot and erected quite a comfortable church building on Main
street, between Amelia and Lewis streets. The church prospered until the
breaking out of the Civil war, when, like those of the other churches,
its members were scattered and church services were suspended.

Several efforts have been made since the war to reorganize the church, but
they were unsuccessful until 1897, when Rev. Mr. Rutledge preached here
for some days, got the members together and the church was organized. The
old building has been remodelled and modernized and is now occupied by the
congregation. After the church was reorganized Rev. Cephas Shelburne was
called as pastor, and by his energetic labors the membership was very much
increased. Mr. Shelburne was succeeded by Rev. F. S. Forrer and he by Rev.
I. L. Chestnutt. The church now has no pastor.


The Roman Catholics had no church organization in town until the year
1859. In 1856 Bishop McGill visited Fredericksburg and preached a sermon
of great ability and spiritual power, and under his influence a nucleus
was formed, out of which the church was organized three years afterwards.
The newly organized church went earnestly to work at once to build a house
of worship, and from amounts subscribed by the members and friends in
town, and the assistance they received from abroad, a neat and comfortable
brick building was erected on Princess Ann street, between Charlotte and
Hanover. A frame parsonage was purchased some years afterwards just below
the church building, which was destroyed by fire about the year 1875,
after which the present brick parsonage was erected.

The church at different periods has been visited by Bishop Gibbons, now
Cardinal, and Bishop Keene, by whom it was greatly strengthened. It has
had for pastors since its organization Rev. Fathers Hagan, Donnelson,
O'Farrell, Sears, Brady, Becker, Tiernan, Donahoe, Wilson, Kennefick,
Demunych and Coleman. Rev. Father Perrig is pastor at this time.


In 1854, when the white Baptists occupied their new house of worship on
Princess Ann street, they turned over to the colored Baptists their old
house on Water street. Prior to that the white and colored members
worshipped together in the same building. Separated to themselves, but
under the care of the white Baptist church, the colored people had Rev.
George Rowe to preach for them, which he continued to do, with success,
until the Civil war came on.

After the war closed the colored people, being free to act for themselves,
formed separate churches and selected pastors of their own color. The
colored Baptists of the town formed a church, under the name of Shiloh,
and called Rev. George L. Dixon to the pastorate. His pastoral care of the
church continued for several years, when he was succeeded by Rev. L. G.
Walden and he by Rev. Willis M. Robinson.

In 1887 the church building collapsed and a division of sentiment arose
among the members as to where they should rebuild, which resulted in a
division of the church and congregation and the erection of another church
building. A majority of the members of the church wanted to rebuild on the
old site, but a large minority preferred to sell the old site and build on
Princess Ann street, near the railroad depot. The contention was sharp,
the feeling was intense, satisfactory terms of separation could not be
agreed upon, and finally the controversy was carried into the circuit

Judge Wm. S. Barton, who was judge of the circuit court, advised a
compromise, which was accepted by the parties, and a division of the
church and property was the result. But then another perplexing question
arose that promised to give trouble. Both parties strenuously contended
for the old name, Shiloh, and no other name it appeared would satisfy
either division. The wishes of both parties, however, were happily met
when some one suggested that the Water-street party should be known as
Shiloh Old Site and the Princess Ann party as Shiloh New Site. This
proposition was agreed to, the separation took place peaceably and both
parties proceeded to build substantial and commodious brick houses, which
are a credit to the colored people of the town.

Rev. Willis Robinson, who was pastor of the old church Shiloh, went with
Shiloh New Site and became its pastor. Shiloh Old Site extended a call to
Rev. James E. Brown to become its pastor, which he accepted, and served
the church for several years. For some time after the old church building
became unsafe for occupancy the colored people worshipped in the

In the year 1879 several members withdrew from old Shiloh church and
organized under the name of the Second Baptist church. They erected a
small, but neat, frame church building on Winchester street, near Amelia,
and asked for the ordination of Albert Ray, whom they had selected as
pastor. A few months later he was duly ordained, entered upon the
pastorate of the church and continued as such until disabled by rheumatism
in 1902.

Rev. Albert Ray's church was sold a few years ago and went into possession
of a new religious sect. The pastor is Rev. Roland Burgess and the sect is
known as "The Church of God and the Saints of the Lord Jesus Christ." The
church has made but little progress up to this time.

In 1903 Shiloh New Site had a split on the question of pastor, when a
large number of the membership withdrew and erected a frame building on
Wolfe street, called Rev. Willis M. Robinson as their pastor, which
organization is known as Robinson's church.

At present Shiloh Old Site has for its pastor Rev. John A. Brown and
Shiloh New Site has Rev. W. L. Ransom. Both churches are in a thriving
condition, with large Sunday schools, and both pastors are educated and
fully qualified to lead and instruct their race.


    _Charitable and Benevolent Societies--The Mary Washington
    Hospital--Newspapers and Periodicals--Political Excitement--Strong
    Resolutions Condemning the Administration of John Adams--An Address
    Approving the President's Foreign Policy--The Names of Those who
    Signed the Address, &c._

Next in importance to the churches in a community, dedicated to the
service of God, come the charitable and benevolent societies and
institutions. The former show the state of religion among the people, or
their relations to their Maker, while the latter is an evidence of that
fraternal feeling existing from one to another which binds all the members
in one common cause for humanity. And as Fredericksburg is not wanting in
her church privileges and accommodations, so she is not deficient in the
number of her charitable and benevolent societies. The oldest of these
societies is the Masonic institution.

Fredericksburg Lodge, No. 4, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, was
organized on the first day of September, 1752. Under what authority it was
organized is not positively known, and therefore three authorities are
suggested. The first source of authority claimed is that of Thomas Oxnard,
Grand Master of St. John's Lodge, of Massachusetts and "Provincial Grand
Master of all of North America." A second claim is made that the Masons in
the community organized themselves into a lodge and continued as a
self-constituted body until a charter was obtained from Scotland. This
could hardly have been true. The third claim is, and it is believed by the
best authorities to be the original source of authority, that a
dispensation was obtained from the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and this was
the authority by which the lodge was held until it was regularly chartered
by said Grand Lodge. The lodge held its meetings under the authority of
this dispensation for six years, and made Masons, among others, of George
Washington, George Weedon, Hugh Mercer, Wm. Woodford, Thomas Posey,
Gustavus B. Wallace, all of whom became general officers and did
distinguished service in the Revolutionary war.

In the year 1758 Daniel Campbell, for several years master of the lodge,
visited Scotland, and, at the request of the lodge, applied for and
obtained a charter for the lodge from the Grand Lodge of Scotland, which
was dated July 21, 1758, and designated the organization "The Lodge at
Fredericks-Burg," Virginia. Possessed with this charter the lodge
concluded it had the authority to charter other lodges, and exercised that
authority in chartering one at Falmouth, Va., and one at Gloucester
Courthouse, Va. The latter soon obtained a charter from England and the
former from the Grand Lodge of Virginia. In 1775 the Fredericksburg Lodge
united with four other lodges in the State and organized the Grand Lodge
of Virginia, and received a charter from that Grand Body, dated January
30, 1787, under the name and title of Fredericksburg Lodge, No. 4. The
lodge is holding its authority now under the Virginia Grand Lodge charter,
but still has in its possession the old Scotch charter, which is well
preserved. The original dispensation has disappeared and was probably lost
more than a century ago.

In the years 1798 and 1799 the town was the seat of frequent and heated
political discussions, and the strong, not to say bitter, feeling was
shared in by the entire population of the town. It was during this
excitement, and because of the bad feeling it engendered, a number of
members of No. 4 Lodge withdrew their membership and organized
Fredericksburg American Lodge, for which a dispensation was granted in
1799 by Gov. Robert Brooke, the Grand Master of Masons in Virginia. In the
following year the lodge was chartered and given the number 63. It
continued to flourish until the breaking out of the Civil war, when it
suspended its meetings and finally became extinct.

In the bombardment and subsequent sacking of Fredericksburg on the 11th,
12th, 13th, 14th and 15th of December, 1862, by straggling Federal
soldiers, all of the records of the Masonic Lodge were destroyed or
carried away except those from 1752 to 1771, which were taken to Danville,
Va., and preserved by Wm. Ware, Esq., a member of the lodge.

When No. 4 Lodge first organized its meetings were held in the market
house, or town hall, then on Main street near Market alley, but in 1756
the time for holding the meetings was changed to "the day before
Spotsylvania county court," which was then held at Germanna, on the
Rapidan river, and the place of meeting was fixed at Charles Julien's, who
lived between Fredericksburg and Germanna. The lodge continued there for
about six years, when it was moved back to the market house to "stay for
all time to come," and continued there from 1762 to 1813, when the
building was torn down preparatory to the erection of the present town
hall and market house.

When it was decided to remove the old market house the meetings of the
lodge were moved to the "Rising Sun Tavern," the old frame building still
standing on Main street between Fauquier and Hawke streets. In the year
1815 the present Masonic hall was completed, which stands on the corner of
Princess Ann and Hanover streets. The Fredericksburg Masonic Lodge has, at
various periods, embraced in its membership eminent men, including
soldiers, Statesmen, professional men and private citizens. Among the
first two classes mentioned--soldiers and Statesmen--was the father of his
country, George Washington, who, in this historic lodge, received the
first degree in Masonry on November 4, 1752, the second degree on March 3,
1753, and the third degree on August 4, 1753, and continued his membership
in the lodge to the day of his death. The Bible used in these interesting
ceremonies is now in possession of the lodge in a fine state of
preservation. It was printed by John Field, at Cambridge, in the year
1668. It is believed that John Paul Jones, the father of our infant navy,
was also a member of this lodge.

By an order of the lodge, and by funds to the amount of five thousand
dollars, raised by its exertions, a very beautiful and faithful statue of
Washington, in Masonic regalia, was wrought out of white marble by the
great Virginia artist, Hiram Powers, while he was in Rome, Italy. It was
safely transported to Fredericksburg, but before it could be erected the
war came on. For safe keeping it was sent to Richmond, and there perished
in the terrible conflagration of April 3, 1865. Fredericksburg Lodge, No.
4, has furnished six grand masters to the Grand Lodge of Virginia, as
follows: Judge James Mercer, in 1784; Governor Robert Brooke, in 1785;
Major Benjamin Day, from 1797 to 1800; Hon. Oscar M. Crutchfield, in 1841;
Judge Beverly R. Wellford, Jr., in 1877, and Capt. S. J. Quinn, in 1907.
Fredericksburg American Lodge, No. 63, furnished Hon. John S. Caldwell, in

In 1873 Fredericksburg Royal Arch Chapter, No. 23, was organized. This
chapter took the place of Fitzwilson Chapter, that flourished in town some
years before the Civil war, although it did not take the old name or

In the year 1875 Fredericksburg Commandery, No. 1, of Knights Templar, was
instituted, and has continued to flourish to the present. Some years ago
the various bodies of the Scottish Rite branch of Masonry to the
thirty-second degree, were organized in town of the Cerneau division, but
as the question of legitimacy was raised as to that rite these
organizations were abandoned. The three Masonic bodies, however, that are
now in operation are in a flourishing condition and can confer all the
degrees in ancient York Masonry.

On the 22nd of December, 1753, a "Royal Arch Lodge" was held in connection
with the Fredericksburg Lodge, Simon Fraser, acting Grand Master. On that
occasion the Royal Arch degree was conferred on Daniel Campbell, Robert
Halkerson and Alexander Wodrow. The proceedings of this meeting were
recorded in the record book of the lodge and are preserved to this day;
and, strange as it may appear, the fact is well established and admitted
by the Masonic historians of England that this is the oldest record, by
nine years, of conferring this degree that has yet been discovered in any
country. The next oldest record is found in York, England, which was made
in 1762.


The first lodge of Odd Fellows organized in Fredericksburg was in the year
1839, and was known as Rappahannock Lodge, No. 14. It continued a working
lodge only about three years. The last report it made to the Grand Lodge
showed a membership of thirty-nine. Its suspension seems to have been
brought about by some unruly, if not unworthy, members who had brought
strife and discord into the lodge. In the year 1847, on the petition of
five members of the old lodge--Wm. Baily, Wm. Smith, George Waite, Wm. T.
Lowery and A. B. Adams--a charter was granted for instituting Myrtle
Lodge, No. 50, and which has continued in active operation to the present.
It has a large membership, composed of our best citizens. The charter of
this lodge was signed by Major J. Harrison Kelly, who then lived in
Charlestown, now West Virginia, and who was Grand Master of the State. In
after years he became a citizen of Fredericksburg and ended his days in
this town.

The meetings of the lodge were at first held at private houses, and at one
time in Haydon's Hall, on Charlotte street, in rear of Wheeler's livery
stable. After the Civil war the meetings were held in the room immediately
under the Masonic lodge-room, and continued there until about 1892, when
the Odd Fellows, in connection with the Knights of Pythias, erected the
splendid hall on Main street, where they held their meetings for some
years, but, believing it to be to their interest to dispose of their stock
in the new hall, they did so and moved the lodge to the third story of the
Bradford Building.

In 1903 a second Odd Fellows Lodge was organized under a charter from the
Grand Lodge, known as Acorn Lodge, No. 261. Although young, this lodge has
grown with great rapidity and has a large membership. It was organized in
the Masonic lodge-room, and afterward rented the hall under the said
Masonic lodge, where it now holds its meetings. Among the membership of
these Odd Fellows lodges may be found many of the most substantial and
progressive citizens of the town.


The Order of Elks now stands as the youngest of the three prominent secret
orders on this continent, and since it came into existence, in 1868, has
shown one of the most phenomenal growths that has ever been recorded for a
similar benevolent order. It has for its teaching Charity, Justice,
Brotherly Love and Fidelity, and for its motto "The faults of our brothers
we write in the sand, and their virtues upon the tablets of love and
memory." Five years ago a few progressive spirits of Fredericksburg,
catching the inspiration the order of Elks taught, met and organized a
lodge of Elks. A lodge was organized on the 23rd of June, 1903, under the
name Fredericksburg Lodge, No. 875, Mr. O. L. Harris being the first
presiding officer. The lodge now has ninety members, C. Ernest Layton
being the present exalted ruler.

There are also in Fredericksburg a number of other benevolent and
charitable fraternities, whose origin is of a more recent date than the
Masons, Odd Fellows and Elks, under the various names of Knights of
Pythias, Knights of Honor, Royal Arcanum, Senior and Junior Orders of
American Mechanics, Laboring Men's Union, Heptasophs, Maccabees, Sons of
Sobriety--a temperance order which originated in Fredericksburg and was
first organized as a moderate drinking society--Red Men, Knights of the
Golden Horseshoe, Good Samaritans and others, all of which are in a
flourishing condition and are doing a good work in dispensing charity, in
providing cheap life insurance and endeavoring to elevate their fellowmen.


The need of a hospital in Fredericksburg had long been felt, and in
January, 1897, a band of ladies, led by Mrs. W. Seymour White, invited the
physicians and ministers of the city to meet with them and consider the
feasibility of undertaking such a work. The medical fraternity pronounced
it a necessity and the ministers heartily concurred.

The late Hon. W. Seymour White, at that time Mayor of the city, was deeply
interested in the scheme from the beginning and drew up a charter,
constitution and by-laws. The formal organization was effected in
February, 1897, at a large, general meeting held in the courthouse. Mrs.
W. S. White was elected president; Miss Rebecca Smith, vice-president;
Miss Bertha Strasburger, secretary; Mrs. C. W. Edrington, treasurer.

[Illustration: Entrance to the Confederate Cemetery at Fredericksburg.
(See page 185)]

[Illustration: Lodge Room of Fredericksburg Lodge, No. 4, A. F. & A. M.;
the Lodge that made Washington a Mason. (See page 217)]

Mrs. White served as president for three terms, when she resigned and her
place was filled by Mrs. Walter C. Stearns. The present officers are Mrs.
Judge John E. Mason, president; Miss Virginia Knox, vice-president; Mrs.
Maurice Hirsh, treasurer, and Mrs. D. C. Bowman, secretary. There is a
board of lady managers and an advisory board of seven gentlemen, of whom
the Mayor of the city is always one. The membership fee is one dollar per
year and there is a large number of names on the roll.

Immediately after the organization of the institution the city was
thoroughly canvassed and both money and furnishings were contributed
generally by our people, besides by a number of persons living at a
distance. As soon as the amount justified the action, a large and suitable
building lot, situated on the corner of Fauquier and Sophia streets, was
purchased. This lot has a beautiful river view and is directly opposite
Chatham, the old historic place, famous both in colonial and recent

The one inflexible rule, laid down from the beginning of the work, was
that there should be no debt incurred, and the work of raising the
necessary funds was a tedious undertaking. Every lady appealed to her
friends, and the amount thus collected, together with that realized
through holding bazaars, ice cream festivals, entertainments and lectures,
was carefully deposited until the sum of fourteen hundred dollars was
accumulated, which the ladies thought sufficient to erect a small

The plan was donated by Mr. George Washington Smith and proved acceptable.
The corner-stone was laid April 14, 1899, this day being chosen to
commemorate George Washington's latest visit to Fredericksburg and his
dying mother. The corner-stone itself is a portion of the old Mary
Washington monument, begun in 1833, and never completed, and was donated
by Mr. John H. Myer. It was laid with imposing Masonic ceremonies by
Fredericksburg Lodge, No. 4, A. F. and A. M., in which George Washington
was made a Mason, District Deputy Grand Master James P. Corbin presiding,
Rev. F. P. Ramsey, D. D., of Fredericksburg College, making an impressive
address on the occasion.

The hospital was completed the summer following, and all the money in the
treasury was expended. The house faces the east and is a modest structure,
with a porch in front and an extension on the west end. Two rooms open
upon the entrance hall, one of which is the operating room, the other the
especial room for a single patient. Back of this is a hall, running north
and south, beyond which is the kitchen, matron's room, bath-room and store
rooms; cellar beneath for wood and such articles as can be kept there. In
the extensions are respectively the two large, well-lighted and ventilated
rooms for the men's and women's wards.

The capacity of the hospital is small, but there is plenty of room for any
additions which the future may warrant being made. With the faith that
characterized the movement from the beginning, the ladies met on September
25, 1899, elected a matron, Miss Virginia Aldridge, and appointed
Wednesday, October 4th, "Donation Day." Their confidence was rewarded and
donations poured in from every one, rich and poor. Among so many it would
be invidious to mention names, but Mr. Spencer, of Snowden, a new comer to
Fredericksburg, liberally furnished the single room with every appliance
for comfort in illness, and the ladies gratefully named it, for him, the
Spencer room. From the druggists came a generous donation of accessories,
and everything--chairs and china, beds and other belongings--came in

On Sunday, October 8th, the building was formally dedicated, Rev. W. D.
Smith, rector of St. George's church, presiding, all the ministers having
been invited to participate in the ceremonies, which were simple, but
appropriate. The first patient was received in December, and since that
time there has been continued service in the hospital. There is no
endowment, and it is hoped that, seeing the work, some humanely-disposed
individual may be moved to undertake this noble charity.

By heroic efforts there have been no debts incurred, the citizens having
so far responded in every case of need; yet there is much lacking, both in
furniture and appliances. Donations of every kind are urgently desired.
The physicians are most liberal in their services and attentions and their
work is to their great honor, for, of the several difficult cases thus far
operated upon each has been successful, and the recipient has returned
home sounding the praises of the Mary Washington Hospital and its medical
service. May the good work grow and prosper. Since this article was
written the building has been greatly enlarged and improved, and the
hospital is regarded as a permanent institution with a noble mission.


The first newspaper established in Fredericksburg was the semi-weekly
"Virginia Herald and Falmouth Advertiser," in 1786, by Timothy Green. It
was soon found that the name was too long and was no advantage to the
paper, and in a few months the Falmouth Advertiser part of the name was
dropped and the paper was continued as the Virginia Herald. Some years
after its establishment Mr. Green associated with him in the conduct of
the paper a Mr. Lacy and Mr. James D. Harrow, and the firm name was Green,
Lacy & Harrow. This firm was succeeded by Wm. F. Gray, and he by James D.
Harrow, a practical printer, who conducted the paper for many years, with
Jesse White, afterwards known as "the old practical printer," as foreman.

Mr. Harrow died in 1851, and the office, fixtures and good will were
purchased by Major J. Harrison Kelly, who conducted the Virginia Herald
successfully as a semi-weekly until the year 1875, when failing health
compelled him to discontinue its publication and it has never been

A bound volume of this paper, running through the years 1796, 1797 and
1798, is now owned by this writer, who prizes it very highly. Its columns
have furnished accounts of incidents, dates and gatherings of the people
in public meetings, noted in this historical sketch of the town.

In the year 1795 another paper was started in Fredericksburg, known as the
"Genius of Liberty and Fredericksburg and Falmouth Advertiser." This name
was even larger, longer and less euphonious than the first name of its
competitor, the Virginia Herald, and, like its competitor, soon dropped
most of it. This paper came into existence at a time when party spirit ran
high and the political blood was at fever heat. It vigorously espoused the
cause of what was then known as the "Strict Constructionists" of the
Federal Constitution, while the "Virginia Herald" as vigorously supported
the "Loose Constructionists."

The Genius of Liberty was conducted by Robert Mercer and George Carter as
a weekly paper until 1798, when it was changed to a semi-weekly, at
"twenty shillings per annum, ten shillings to be paid on subscribing and
the remainder at the end of the year." In 1800 the paper was purchased by
James Walker, who changed its name to "The Courier." Mr. Walker was both
editor and proprietor, and under his management it was enlarged to "nearly
double the size of the Virginia Herald." We have not been able to learn at
what period its publication ceased.

A volume of this publication, from November, 1800, to November, 1801,
substantially bound, is now in possession of Mrs. James L. Green, of this
place. It is valuable and interesting because of its hoary age and because
of the fact it was published in Fredericksburg.

"The Fredericksburg News," a semi-weekly paper, was published by Robert
Baylor Semple for several years. At his death, in 1853, the paper was
purchased by A. Alexander Little, who conducted it, except during the War
Between the States, to the time of his death in 1877. When its publication
was resumed after the war, when old things had passed away and many things
had become new, it bore the name of "The Fredericksburg New Era," but
neither the times nor the name suited the editor, so he changed the name
back to the News and made the best he could of the times in which he

After Mr. Little's death the publication of the News was continued for a
few years by his sister, Miss Bella Little, who assisted him very much in
the editorial management of the paper during his ownership of it, but
finding it unremunerative its publication was finally suspended.

Several other publications of a less permanent nature have been started
and conducted in Fredericksburg, but they were short lived and but little
is known of their history, therefore they can be only mentioned as having

"The Political Arena" was commenced in the year 1830 by Wm. M. Blackford
and lived for about fifteen years. In 1845 Mr. Blackford moved to
Lynchburg and the publication of the paper was discontinued.

In 1848 Rev. James W. Hunnicutt established the "Christian Banner," which
continued to exist until 1862, when Mr. Hunnicutt, being a Union man and
opposed to the Civil war, went North, and it has been stated that the
Banner office was destroyed by Southern soldiers. This statement, however,
is thought not to be true.

"The Virginia Baptist" made its appearance in Fredericksburg about the
year 1857. It was edited and conducted by Rev. W. R. Powell, Rev. John C.
Willis and Rev. Joseph A. Billingsly as a temperance advocate. Its
publication was suspended in 1860 and never resumed.

"The Democratic Recorder," established in 1842, was owned by James M.
Campbell, but in 1850 he removed to Manchester, N. H., and the office was
purchased and the publication of the Recorder was continued by Robert B.
Alexander, S. Greenhow Daniel and James B. Sener, in the order named. Its
publication was suspended during the Civil war, but upon the return of
peace in 1865 it was resumed by James B. Sener, the name being changed to
"The Fredericksburg Ledger." In 1872 Judge Sener was elected to Congress
and the publication of the Ledger ceased.

The office and fixtures were sold by Judge Sener in 1873, and for twelve
or fifteen years it changed hands often and several publications were
started, only to cease after a struggle of a year or two. After the
publication of the Ledger was discontinued the first paper sent out from
the office was the "Independent," by Berry & Tierney. One year marked the
life of the Independent and then came the "Bulletin," by Quinn & Tierney;
"The True Standard," by a joint stock company, and "The Recorder," by the
Mander Brothers. None of these publications lived more than two or three
years at most.

In May, 1887, the office was purchased by Col. John W. Woltz and Wm. E.
Bradley, who established the "Free Lance," which they conducted until the
death of Col. Woltz in 1893, when it was soon purchased by a joint stock
company and its publication continued to the present. Under its first
management the "Free Lance" was issued as a semi-weekly, but as its
circulation increased it was changed to a tri-weekly, and was the first
and only tri-weekly publication the town ever had. Another innovation the
"Free Lance" made in the newspaper history of Fredericksburg was the
introduction of a power press. Prior to this all the newspapers were
printed on Hoe hand presses, but the "Free Lance," under Woltz & Bradley,
boasted of a power press of a capacity of twelve hundred papers an hour,
which was soon exchanged for one of sixteen hundred an hour. A third
innovation made by the "Free Lance" was the purchase and use of a folding
machine. This was a new machine in town and was observed by those who had
never before seen one with much curiosity. It can fold papers as fast as
they are printed, and is quite an improvement on the old way of hand

The publication of the "Virginia Star" was commenced in the year 1869 by
Rufus B. Merchant as a semi-weekly, and was so conducted until 1895.
During that year Mr. Merchant added another edition and sent out the
"Daily Evening Star." This was something "new under the sun" in
Fredericksburg, and its advent and probable success were freely discussed
by the public and various opinions were expressed. The prevailing opinion,
however, seemed to be that its publication was a mistake on the part of
the proprietor and the scheme would end in financial loss. Others thought
it would flourish for a short time and receive support because it was a
home enterprise, but that it would eventually be crowded out by the big
dailies of neighboring cities and would disappear. But such was not the
case. It is yet making its daily evening visits, improves as the days go
by, and has evidently come to stay.

In 1896 the Star office, with its entire outfit, was purchased by W.
Seymour White and Alvin T. Embrey, who continued to publish both editions
of the paper, and upon the death of Mr. White, in the early part of the
year 1898, his interest was purchased by Mr. Embrey, who became the sole
editor and proprietor of the Star. In 1900 Judge Embrey sold out to a
joint stock company, and under its management both editions of the paper
made their regular visits to the homes of subscribers. This paper has been
purchased by the Free Lance Company, which sends out both the Free Lance
and Daily Star.

On the 2nd day of January, 1837, the first issue of the "Masonic Olive
Branch and Literary Portfolio" was published by James D. McCabe and John
M. Ball. It was a semi-monthly publication, at two dollars per annum in
advance, and was devoted principally to Masonry and Odd Fellowship. A
bound volume of this publication is now in possession of Fredericksburg
Masonic Lodge, and, from its typographical appearance, one would suppose
it to have been printed by Jesse White, the practical printer, on his old
Ramage hand press. By Mr. Ball's retirement a few months after the
appearance of the paper, Mr. McCabe became the sole editor and proprietor.
We have no information as to how long the Portfolio was published.

In 1868 "The Little Gleaner," a thirty-two page periodical, was published
by Miss L. Fauntleroy. It was a monthly publication, devoted to general
subjects, and intended especially to interest and instruct the young
folks. After two years' labor, toil and sacrifice, not meeting with the
success she had hoped for, the proprietress discontinued its publication.

In the year 1900 a number of the progressive business men of the town,
feeling that Fredericksburg was not moving along in public improvements as
rapidly as it should, and that the City Council was too slow in passing
the necessary measures for such improvements, organized a joint stock
company and commenced the publication of "The Fredericksburg Journal." The
Journal, different from the other papers of the town, was at first a
weekly issue, its subscription price being twenty-five cents per annum. It
has informed the public in strong language that it has come to stay and
progress is its watch word. In a short time it was sold to Mr. R. L.
Biscoe, when he in turn sold it to the Fredericksburg Journal Company, who
put more life and vim into it, and now its customers are served with both
a semi-weekly and daily, which give the general news from the surrounding
country and stand for improvement of the town, honesty in city affairs,
and justice to all with special favors to none.


Elsewhere we have referred to party divisions in Fredericksburg about the
close of the eighteenth century. This division showed itself, prior to the
Revolutionary war, because many of the people of the town were strongly
opposed to separation from the mother country, deeming the grievances
complained of insufficient for such a radical movement. But even the war
and its result did not allay the bitter feeling. It was still kept up
after peace was declared on all public questions, and became more intense,
even to boiling over at times. This ebullition arose with the question of
the adoption or rejection of the Constitution of the United States, and
after its adoption it continued with increasing intensity over the
construction of that instrument and the authority it conferred upon the
President. New fuel was added to the flame when Congress passed the act
known as the Alien and Sedition law, which conferred extraordinary power
on the President in times of peace.

These questions were the theme of spirited, and even angry, discussions at
all gatherings of the people on court greens, market places and elsewhere,
but the climax of feeling was reached when the foreign policy of President
John Adams was developed, especially with reference to our attitude
towards France. Mr. Monroe, a citizen of this town, who for some time had
been our foreign minister to France, had been recalled by Mr. Adams and
another more in accord with the administration was sent in his stead, and
it appeared that war with our former friend and ally could not be averted.

Many of the leading citizens of the town endorsed the policy of the
President, while a decided majority strongly opposed it. The bitter
feeling continued to increase. Not only was Fredericksburg in a state of
ebullition, but such was the case with the people throughout the entire
country. Fredericksburg was the first to speak her views publicly, which
has always been characteristic of her people when questions affecting the
public good were to be considered.

A public meeting of the people was called at the courthouse by the friends
of the administration to consider and adopt an address to the President,
which was then the prevailing mode of communicating popular approval of
the conduct of high officials. The meeting was extensively advertised and
efforts were made to have it largely attended. This brought on a lively
contest. The anti-administrationists of the town determined to try their
strength with their opponents by attending the meeting, vote down their
address and adopt resolutions setting forth their views and condemning the
policy of the administration. To accomplish this the town was thoroughly
canvassed by them, which had already been done by the other party, and the
courthouse was filled to its utmost capacity.

The meeting was held on the 14th day of May, 1798, and the "Virginia
Herald," the presidential organ of the town, gave the proceedings in full,
which will show the temper of the people and their defiant condemnation of
the foreign policy of President Adams. The Herald said:

    "On Monday the citizens of this corporation met, agreeably to
    notification published in the public papers, to express their
    sentiments on the present important and critical situation of this
    country. The meeting was called by the friends of the Executive, whose
    object was to address the President of the United States and to
    express their entire approbation of his conduct with respect to our
    foreign relations.

    "An address to this effect was prepared and presented by Thomas R.
    Rootes, Esq., which he supported by very lengthy arguments. He was
    followed by Capt. John Mercer, Col. John Minor and Col. John F.
    Mercer, who successfully combatted the various arguments adduced by
    Mr. Rootes in support of his address. And the following resolutions
    then, prepared by Dr. David C. Ker, were approved and adopted. A
    division was called for on the address and resolutions and tellers
    appointed to take the number of votes, who reported that two-thirds of
    the citizens present were in favor of the resolutions. The meeting was
    more numerous than any we have ever seen in this place. During the
    whole of the discussion the most perfect order and decorum prevailed."

The resolutions, adopted in place of the address, will be interesting
reading to our people, even in this day. They are as follows:

    1. _Resolved_, As the opinion of this meeting that the administration
    of these States received the government of a happy and united people,
    in peace abroad and prosperity at home; that under their guidance, we
    have been led, oppressed with public, heavy debts, enormous taxes, a
    ruined commerce and depreciated produce, into hostility with a nation
    who aided to secure our independence by their own blood and treasure,
    with a republic the most powerful and successful that has appeared on
    earth for eighteen centuries, armed with every weapon to injure us,
    but whom we can in no wise injure; with a republic united with a
    confederacy so extensive as to separate us from all the civilized
    world but Britain, and her dependencies; that they have done this, not
    through ignorance and folly only, for they were at all times warned of
    the certain consequence of their measures; not through constraint, for
    although opposed, they always carried their measures; but men who have
    proved themselves by their own works, so unfit to govern us, even with
    every advantage, can never without madness be trusted in times of real
    difficulty and extreme danger; and that it is equally absurd to found
    confidence in our disasters, or to pursue that line, or to support
    those men who have already brought us to the verge of destruction.

    2nd. Resolved, That the speech of the President of the United States
    to the ordinary session of Congress, was, in the opinion of this
    meeting, calculated to rouse the resentment of the French government
    and destroy any reasonable hope of successful negotiations between
    that republic and agents appointed by him.

    3rd. Resolved, That the instructions to our envoys, so contrary to the
    spirit of that speech and the whole conduct of our administration,
    authorize this conclusion:--that they were rather intended to inflame
    the American mind than to produce good in France, under the well
    grounded expectation, that the negotiations would, from those and
    other causes, fail.

    4th. Resolved, That the late negotiations with unauthorized swindlers
    in Paris, are so unexampled as to afford no justifiable ground for
    public measures, and that their publication, so far as they tend to
    excite the sensibility of our citizens, is unjustifiable, as they may
    commit the safety of the envoys highly imprudent.

    5th. Resolved, That the militia are the only safe and constitutional
    defence of these States; that they alone are adequate to this object,
    and that they will ever prove so, if guided by good government.

    6th. Resolved, That we hold it to be our bounden duty, and we do
    solemnly pledge ourselves, firmly, to support our National rights and
    independence whenever assailed by foreign invasion or domestic

[Illustration: The "Charity School," started by Benj. Day and others in
the latter part of the eighteenth century. (See page 194)]

[Illustration: The Fire Department. (See page 144)]

Fontaine Maury was chairman of this large gathering of the people and
signed the resolutions adopted by the meeting. They were then sent to Hon.
John Dawson, representative in Congress from this district, who laid them
before the extra session of Congress for the consideration of that body.
These resolutions, adopted on the 14th of May, 1798, setting forth the
principles upon which their authors believed the Union was founded, and
upon which the government should be administered, were the basis for the
famous resolutions drawn by Mr. Madison and passed by the Virginia
Legislature on the 2nd of December of the same year, which have since been
the theme of Virginia Statesmen of that school when they would "revert to
first principles."

The address, which was presented to the meeting and voted down by such a
large majority, was directed to the President of the United States, and
was as follows:

    We, the subscribers, inhabitants of the town and corporation of
    Fredericksburg, in the State of Virginia, assembled at our town house,
    this 14th day of May, 1798, by a public notice, for the purpose of
    expressing our sense of the conduct of our government, in regard to
    its foreign relations, do communicate to you, as the sense of the
    subscribers, that your several attempts to restore that harmony
    between the United States and the French republic, which has been so
    unfortunately impaired, and to reinstate that good understanding
    between the two nations so desirous to the lovers of peace, have been
    wise and prudent, and entitle you to the highest evidence of our
    esteem; and that whatever may be the opinion of foreign nations, with
    respect to divisions among ourselves, should it be the misfortune of
    our country to be involved in a war with any nation, you will always
    find us ready with our lives and fortunes to support and defend the
    Constitution and laws of our country.

After the address had been voted down as not reflecting the sentiments of
a majority of the citizens of the town, not to be foiled in their desire
to let the President know that they approved his policy, the friends of
the administration determined to make three copies of the address and
leave it at three places in town for the signatures of those who approved
it. The three places named were Wm. Taylor's, George W. B. Spooner's and
the Herald office. The following gentlemen signed the address:

George W. B. Spooner, Wm. Drummond, Elisha Hall, Wm. Jones, Anthony Buck,
Richard Richards, Robert Patton, Wm. Glassell, Tho. Southcomb, Andrew
Parks, Tho. Rootes, Peter Gordon, Wm. Taylor, George Murray, James
Pettigrew, Timothy Green, Wm. Payne, James Carmichael, Law. Bowes, Thos.
Hodge, George French, Richard Johnston, Jr., John Anderson, John Coakley,
Wm. Fitzhugh, of Chatham, Charles Croughton, David Henderson, Roger
Coltart, David Blair, Jeff. Wright, Charles Yates, Wm. Lovell, Alexander
Duncan, Wm. Wilson, Rob. Lilly, Thos. Cochran, James Stevenson, John
Brownlow, Jos. Thornton, Benj. Day, Wm. Wiatt, Zack. Mayfield, John
Newton, David Simons, Philip Lipscomb, Daniel Grinnan, James Vanshell,
Daniel Stark, Samuel Stevens, Godlove Heiskell, Thos. P. Basye, John
Harris, Thomas Seddon, Jr., Robert Wellford, Philip Glover, John Legg,
Edward McDermot, John Alcock, Jacob Grotz, John Moore, Adam Darby, Tho.
Miller, James Blair, Wm. Hamilton, R. Dykes, David Williamson, Wm. Acres,
Wm. Talbot, James Ross, John Bogan, Robert Walker, John Kirck, Sam. M.
Douglas, Wm. Welsh, Alexander S. Roe, John Dare, James Slater, Charles
Stewart, Christian Helmstetter, Wm. Smith, Benj. Sabastian, James Adams.


    _Some Distinguished Men Buried in Fredericksburg--A Remarkable Grave
    Stone--Three Heroic Fredericksburgers, Wellford, Herndon, Willis--The
    Old Liberty Bell Passes Through Town--Great Demonstrations in its
    Honor--What a Chinaman Thought of it._

A town is not less renowned for the noble, heroic dead who sleep within
its borders than it is for its gallant soldiers, Statesmen and others who
are yet on the stage of action. Indeed its renown may be more enduring
because of its dead than of its living. The deeds of the dead are embalmed
in our hearts and in history and cannot be tarnished, obscured or
obliterated. The greatest deeds of the living may be obscured and even
almost blotted from the approving mind by some adverse, evil cloud--by
some act of folly or perfidy.

If Judas Iscariot had died before he betrayed his Master his good deeds
would have lived forever. If a Britton's bullet had taken off Benedict
Arnold before his treasonable thoughts had resolved into action he would
have been written down in history as one of the heroes of America. We,
therefore, with pride refer to some distinguished men who peacefully sleep
within our corporate limits.


Archibald McPherson was born in 1715 in the northern part of England. He
came to this country in early manhood and settled in Spotsylvania county.
He is represented as being a gentleman of education, refinement and
wealth, and a friend to the poor and needy. He died in the prime of
manhood, leaving to the world an unsullied name and to the poor of the
town a legacy to be expended in the education of their children, which is
elsewhere mentioned in these pages.

Mr. McPherson was interred in the burial ground of St. George's church and
a marble slab erected over his grave, which is now secured to the wall of
the Mission House, at the west end of the lot on Princess Ann street. On
that slab is the following inscription:

    "Here lies the body of Archibald McPherson, born in the county of
    Murray, in North Britain, who died August 17, 1754, aged 49 years. He
    was judicious, a lover of learning, open hearted, generous and
    sincere. Devout, without ostentation; disdaining to cringe to vice in
    any station. Friend to good men, an affectionate husband.

      A heap of dust alone remains of thee,
      'Tis all thou art, and all the proud shall be.

    "Elizabeth, his disconsolate widow, as a testimony of their mutual
    affection, erected this monument to his memory."


In the burial ground of St. George's church, near the northeast corner of
the building, lies buried the father of Martha Washington, which fact has
only some years since been brought to light, or if it had been before
known, it was by the citizens of the past generation of the town. The
reason it was unknown to the present generation is accounted for from the
fact that the slab over the grave has been covered with dirt for more than
half a century, most likely from the erection of the present church
building, and was discovered only a few years ago. When the grave was
discovered the slab covering it was cleaned off, and the inscription on it
was found to read as follows:

    "Here lies the body of Col. John Dandridge, of New Kent county, who
    departed this life the 31st day of August, 1756, aged 56 years."

How he came to be buried in Fredericksburg is not positively known. It has
been claimed by some persons that he was here on a visit to his daughter
Martha, who married Gen. Washington, and the weather was so hot that his
body could not be taken back to New Kent county, but that cannot be true
because he was buried here more than two years before his daughter married

The most satisfactory explanation of Col. Dandridge's presence in
Fredericksburg, that we have heard given, is that he was attending the
celebrated races at Chatham, held by Wm. Fitzhugh, which drew to the town
people from all sections of the country. But be that as it may, this Col.
Dandridge is beyond doubt the father of Martha Washington, unless there
were two gentlemen by that name and bearing the same appellation residing
in New Kent county at that time, which is not probable. Haydon's "Virginia
Families" says of Washington:

    "Married at White House, New Kent county, Va., Jan. 6, 1759, Martha
    Dandridge, daughter of Col. John Dandridge, of New Kent county, and
    widow of Daniel Parke Custis."


There also lie interred in the burial ground of St. George's church, with
an unpretentious stone marking the place, the remains of William Paul, a
merchant of the town and a native of Scotland, who died here in 1773. In
1770 he purchased from Thomas and Jane Blanton, "for one hundred and
twenty pounds, an acre or one-half of the lot or land lying and being in
the town of Fredericksburg, and designated in the plot of said town by the
number or figures 258, the same being one-half, or south end of said lot,
and purchased by the said Thomas Blanton of Roger Dixon, Gent, and bound
on the main street, called Caroline street, and the cross street, called
Prussia, together with all houses, buildings, gardens, ways, profits,
hereditaments and appurtenances whatever." This lot is designated on the
map of the town to-day as 258, and the house in which Wm. Paul conducted
his mercantile business is the one occupied and owned at present by
Matthew J. Gately.

Notwithstanding his biographers to the contrary, Wm. Paul made a will in
1772, in which he appointed his friends, Wm. Templeman and Isaac Heslop,
his executors, which was witnessed by John Atkinson, Thomas Holmes and B.
Johnston. The executors declined to serve and the estate remained until
late in the next year without any one being legally authorized to take
charge of it. In November, 1774, John Atkinson qualified, it is supposed
at the instance of John Paul, who had arrived here to wind up the estate,
with John Waller, Jr., as surety, who was afterwards released and Charles
Yates became his surety.

This Wm. Paul was the brother of John Paul, who afterwards became the
famous John Paul Jones. It has been asserted that Wm. Paul changed his
name to Jones to inherit a plantation from Wm. Jones, either in Virginia
or North Carolina. But this is shown to be a mistake from the fact that
Wm. Paul, in 1770, bought property here as Wm. Paul, made his will in 1772
and signed it Wm. Paul, and died in 1773 and his tomb stone now bears on
it the name of Wm. Paul. It was further asserted that in the agreement by
which the plantation was to become the property of Wm. Paul, if Wm. Paul
died without issue, the property was to go to John Paul on the condition
that he would add Jones to his name, and that William did die without
issue and the estate of William went to John. This is also a mistake.
William did not die intestate, but made a will and gave his entire estate
to his sister, Mary Young, and her two oldest children.

One clause of the will reads as follows: "It is my will and desire that my
lots and houses in this town shall be sold and converted into money for as
much as they will bring, that with all my other estate being sold, and
what of my outstanding debts that can be collected, I give and bequeath to
my beloved sister, Mary Young, and her two oldest children in Abigland, in
the parish of Kirkbean, in Stewarty of Galloway, North Briton, and their
heirs forever." It is not believed that Wm. Paul owned any property out of
town from the fact that the bond of his administrator was only five
hundred pounds, which was generally double the amount of the estate. His
estate in town consisted of his houses and lots, his merchandise and
accounts due him, which must have been worth twelve or fifteen hundred
dollars. Therefore the bond of $2,500 was sufficient only for his
possessions in town, and no other is alluded to or mentioned in his will.
It has been held that he owned property in the county of Spotsylvania, but
that arises from the fact there were others by the name of Paul in the
county who had property. But this William Paul is traced by the reference
in his will to the parish of Kirkbean, Galloway, where his sister, Mary
Young, and brother John lived.

Why John Paul changed his name to Jones was probably known only to
himself. Many writers have undertaken to explain it, but without success,
and the mystery is yet unsolved. In 1775 John Paul Jones's name heads a
list of naval lieutenants, and, because of his meritorious services, he
was soon appointed a captain, and finally rose to the rank of commodore.
His daring exploits and unequal, but successful, contests soon won for him
the thanks of the American Congress, as well as the gratitude of the
American people, while it carried terror and dismay to the enemies of his
country. He greatly humiliated England by landing his fleet on her shores
during the Revolutionary war, a thing that had not been done before for
centuries, if ever, since it was a nation.

At the close of the war, in which he had covered himself with glory, he
was offered an important command by the Empress of Russia against the
Turks in the Black sea, which he accepted with the stipulation "that he
was never to renounce the title of an American citizen." He died in Paris
in 1792, and was buried in that city, aged forty-five years. General
Washington, then President of the United States, had just commissioned him
for an important duty, but he died before the commission reached him. As
the many years rolled on, rounding up a century, his body laid in an
unknown grave, notwithstanding many efforts were made to locate it. In
1900 a body was found believed to be his, and there was great rejoicing in
this country over the announcement, but, when carefully examined, it was
found to be the remains of another and not those of the great American
commodore. But this did not discourage those who had the matter in hand,
and the search continued under the direction of Gen. Horace Porter, the
American Ambassador to the Court of France, under great difficulties. On
the 7th of April, 1905, the body was found in a cemetery known as Saint
Louis, which was laid out in 1720 for a burial place for Protestants, but
which had been closed more than half a century, and buildings were
constructed upon it at the time of the discovery of the body. The remains
were declared to be those of John Paul Jones, after every test had been
applied that could be, and they were accepted by our government as those
of the great naval hero. Some time was spent in preparing to remove the
remains to this country, but early in 1906 they were placed upon a United
States man of war, escorted by vessels from England and France, and were
landed at Annapolis, where they were reinterred in the presence of
thousands of people from all parts of the country, with booming of cannon
and every honor a grateful people could bestow upon him.


Gen. Lewis Littlepage, who died and was buried here in the burying ground
of Masonic Lodge No. 4, was born in Hanover county, Virginia, and was one
of the most brilliant men the State ever produced. His career was short,
but in that short life he greatly distinguished himself as a scholar,
soldier and diplomat. He was the protege of John Jay at the Court of
France in 1782, was wounded at the siege of Gibraltar, was a member of the
cabinet of the king of Poland, and the King's chamberlain, with the rank
of major-general; negotiated a treaty with the Empress of Russia, was a
secret and special envoy to the Court of France to form the Grand
Quadruple Alliance; was with Prince Potempkin in his march through Tartary
des Negais; commanded a flotilla under Prince Nassau at his victory over
the fleet of Turkey; was sent on an important mission to Madrid, in which
he was successful; resisted the Russian invaders of Poland as aide-de-camp
to the King; signed the Confederation of Fargowitz; envoy to St.
Petersburg to prevent the division of Poland, but was stopped by the
Russian government; was with Kosciusko in his attempt to free Poland; was
at the storming of Prague, and was with King Stanislaus when he was
captured by the Russians.

At the death of Stanislaus, Gen. Littlepage, becoming sick of European
politics and broils, and, with his health shattered and gone, returned to
America, settled in Fredericksburg and died before he had reached the age
of forty years. His grave, in the western corner of the Masonic cemetery,
is marked by a marble slab, which has on it this inscription:

    "Here lies the body of Lewis Littlepage, who was born in the county of
    Hanover, in the State of Virginia, on the 19th day of December, 1762,
    and departed this life in Fredericksburg, on the 19th of July,
    1802, aged 39 years and 7 months. Honored for many years with the
    esteem and confidence of the unfortunate Stanislaus Augustus, King of
    Poland, he held under that monarch, until he lost his throne, the most
    distinguished offices, among which was that of Ambassador to Russia.
    He was by him created the Knight of St. Stanislaus, chamberlain and
    confidential secretary in his cabinet, and acted as his special envoy
    in the most important occasions of talents, of military as well as
    civil, he served with credit as an officer of high rank in different
    arms. In private life he was charitable, generous and just, and in the
    various public offices which he filled he acted with uniform
    magnanimity, fidelity and honor."

[Illustration: The Christian Church. (See page 213)]

[Illustration: The Trinity Episcopal Church. (See page 206)]


Another hero, a native of Fredericksburg, whose remains found sepulture in
a watery grave far out in the ocean's depths, is worthy of mention in
these pages. "Wm. Lewis Herndon, an American naval officer, born October
25, 1813, drowned by the sinking of the steamer Central America, September
12, 1857. He entered the navy at the age of fifteen, served in the Mexican
war, and was engaged three years with his brother-in-law, Lieutenant
Maury, in the National Observatory, at Washington. In 1851-52 he explored
the Amazon river under the direction of the United States government. * *
* In 1857 he was the commander of the steamer Central America, which left
Havana for New York on September 8th, having on board 474 passengers, a
crew of 105 men and about $2,000,000 of gold. On September the 11th,
during a violent gale from the northeast and a heavy sea, the vessel
sprung a leak and sunk on the evening of September 12th near the outer
edge of the Gulf stream, in latitude 31 degrees 44 minutes north. Only 152
of the persons on board were saved, including the women and children; the
gallant commander of the steamer was seen standing upon the wheel house at
the time of her sinking."[82] Capt. Herndon was an uncle of Dr. Herndon,
who sacrificed his life at Fernandina, Florida, elsewhere mentioned.


Another man of note, remarkable for his physical endurance and strength of
constitution, who lived in Fredericksburg and whose remains lie buried in
the City cemetery, just to the left of the old gate on Commerce street,
was Jacob Frieze. He died in 1869, just after having passed the
ninety-first anniversary of his birth. He was born in France, and was one
of Napoleon's soldiers from the time his remarkable career commenced in
Paris until it ended so disastrously at Waterloo.

Much of the soldier life of Mr. Frieze was spent as a member of Napoleon's
"Old Guard," that "could die, but could never surrender," and he was never
so happy as when telling of his thrilling war experiences and narrow
escapes. He was in the famous retreat from Moscow and could tell the most
thrilling stories of the hardships and sufferings of the French army. The
weather was intensely cold, sometimes reaching twenty-six degrees below
zero, and, having to fight cold, hunger and the Russians, it is not
strange that Napoleon left behind him over 330,000 French or allies, dead
or prisoners. This marching, fighting, suffering and dying were all fresh
in the mind of Mr. Frieze, who was a participant and eye witness, and he
would entertain crowds who would gather around him for hours.

Prior to the Civil war there also lived in Fredericksburg Mr. John Eubank,
who was a soldier under the Duke of Wellington at the battle of Waterloo
and who stood guard over Napoleon on the Island of St. Helena.
Notwithstanding the many years that had passed from their parting at
Waterloo to their meeting again in Fredericksburg, Mr. Frieze and Mr.
Eubank had not forgotten the sword and the spear and had not forgotten to
dislike each other.

It was amusing to the bystanders to see these old soldiers meet on the
streets, as they would invariably shake their fists at each other and
grind their teeth and pass on without uttering a word.

Many of the citizens of the town still remember the willow baskets, of
variegated colors, which Mr. Frieze made and peddled about town for a
livelihood, as long as he was able to appear on the streets. Mr. Eubank
moved to Charlottesville, where he died and was buried in that city.


The defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo sent into exile, among others, his
grand-nephew, Prince Charles Louis Napoleon Achille Murat, a colonel in
the defeated army, son of the exiled King of Naples and Charlotte
Bonaparte. He settled in Tallahassee, Florida. Soon Col. Byrd C. Willis,
of Willis Hill, moved to the same city, carrying with him his wife, Mary,
daughter of Col. Fielding Lewis and Bettie Washington, and also his
daughter, Catherine, who married a Mr. Grey and was left a widow at
sixteen. She was beautiful, accomplished, winsome and a leader in society.
She attracted the attention of the young prince, who laid siege to her
affections and was victorious. The marriage soon followed. By this union
Catherine, who was a grand-niece of Gen. Washington, became also a
grand-niece of the great soldier, Napoleon Bonaparte. She was born where
the National cemetery now stands and died in Florida August 6, 1867, in
the 64th year of her age.


In the City cemetery lie the remains of Doctor Francis Preston Wellford.
Dr. Wellford was a native of Fredericksburg, where he was held in the
highest esteem by all who knew him for his gentle and kind disposition,
his upright life, his abounding charity and his deep piety. In 1871 he
left his native town and settled in Jacksonville, Florida, where he
commenced the practice of medicine and established a high reputation as a
skillful physician. His brethren of the profession were not slow in
recognizing his ability and great worth, and made him president of the
Medical Association of the State. He was holding that honorable position
when the yellow fever scourge visited Fernandina, in 1877, which almost
depopulated the town. For weeks it raged in the doomed city, and all of
the physicians were either down with the disease or had become worn out
with serving day and night. A call was made for assistance and volunteer
physicians. Dr. Wellford, forgetting self, not fearing his personal
danger, responded to the call and went to the sick and dying of the
panic-stricken Fernandina. It was while ministering to those people he was
stricken down and died of the disease. Thus went down to his grave,
amidst the tears of thousands of people, the noble physician and Christian
gentleman, who sacrificed his life for the good of others. Dr. Wellford's
remains, some years after his death, were brought to Fredericksburg for
final interment, and now repose in our beautiful cemetery.

In response to the call for physicians made by the people of Fernandina,
another physician, born and raised in Fredericksburg, Dr. James C.
Herndon, made his way to that city, and like Dr. Wellford, was stricken
down and died from the disease. It is peculiarly appropriate that his
sacrifice to professional duty should be acknowledged in connection with
that of his brother physician's.

To the honor of these noble men a memorial window has been placed in St.
Peter's Episcopal church in Fernandina by Dr. J. H. Upham, of Boston, who
felt that they had honored the profession by the sacrifices they made, and
he wanted their heroism to be placed upon a lasting record. In describing
the window the Fernandina Mirror says:

    "The design is that of a crown in the upper section of the arch. Below
    this is a beautiful shield of purple illuminated glass. A cross of
    mother of pearl forms the center of the window, ornamented by a bunch
    of grapes, with the symbol of the anchor representing Hope, the holy
    Scriptures, illustrating Christian Faith; alpha and omega, the symbol
    of the Almighty Power, the beginning and the end; the cup of
    salvation, and the paten, the emblem of sacrifice. In the lower part
    of the window an illuminated tablet has the following inscription:

      Francis Preston Wellford, M. D.,
      Born in Fredericksburg, Va.,
      Sept. 12th, 1829.
      James Carmichael Herndon, M. D.,
      Born in Fredericksburg, Va.,
      Sept. 22nd, 1831.
      Died in the faithful discharge of their
      duties, at Fernandina, Florida,
      Oct. 18th, 1877.

    To whose memory as a grateful record of their noble lives and heroic
    deaths this window is dedicated by a New England member of the
    profession which they so much honored and adorned.

      'Greater love hath no man than this,
      That he lay down his life for his friends.'

    "The beautiful execution of this window, and the noble purpose to
    which it is dedicated by its generous donor, deserve the admiration
    and warm appreciation of the citizens of Fernandina, to whom the
    memory of Drs. Wellford and Herndon is deservedly dear, and will be
    regarded by our citizens as a graceful professional tribute by Dr.
    Upham to these noble men, as well as an indication of his kind
    feelings towards our city. There is a striking coincidence in the fact
    that these noble men should have been born in the same city, in the
    same month, and, having volunteered their services, reached Fernandina
    in the midst of the epidemic on the same day, and that their deaths
    should have occurred the same day. It was, therefore, peculiarly
    fitting that the same memorial should have been erected to those who
    were faithful in life, even unto death."

William Willis, whose remains are buried in the City cemetery, left
Fredericksburg for Memphis, Tenn., in the summer of 1870, which city he
made his home. When the yellow fever scourge struck that place in 1878,
and the city was deserted of most of its inhabitants, except the helpless,
the sick and the dying, it was then, in spite of the entreaty of his
friends to leave the city, that Wm. Willis stepped forth and took charge,
as the chief executive in managing the affairs of the city, and in
distributing food, clothing and medicine, sent from all quarters of the
country, to the sick, the helpless and the needy. It was while in the
execution of this noble work that he too, was stricken down, and a few
days' struggle with the terrible disease and William Willis was no more.
In his delirium, feeling the great necessity of some one taking up the
work, he had so faithfully prosecuted, where he was compelled to lay it
down, he uttered these as his last words: "Send some good man to take my
place," and then peacefully passed to the spirit land.

Thus went down to their graves three Fredericksburg men in the years
1877-78 of yellow fever, who sacrificed their own lives to save the lives
of others.


There is buried in the City cemetery Mrs. Lucy Ann Cox, with this
inscription upon her head-stone. "Lucy Ann Cox, wife of James A. Cox, died
December 17, 1891, aged 64 years. A sharer of the toils, dangers and
privations of the 30th Va. regiment infantry, C. S. A., from 1861 to 1865,
and died beloved and respected by the veterans of that command." The stone
was erected by her friends. Mrs. Cox was the daughter of Jesse White, the
practical printer, and married Mr. Cox just before the Civil war. She
followed him all through the campaign of the entire war, cooking and
washing for the soldiers of her command, and often ministering to the sick
and wounded.

Molly Pitcher carried water from a spring, at Monmouth Courthouse, New
Jersey, to her husband and others who had charge of a cannon during the
battle, and when she saw her husband shot down and heard an officer order
the gun to the rear, having no one to man it, she dropped her pail, ran to
the cannon, seized the rammer and continued loading and firing the gun
throughout the battle. For this heroic act Washington praised her, gave
her an honorary commission as captain and Congress voted her half pay for

Mrs. Cox engaged in no battle, but instead of sharing the privations and
dangers of her husband at one battle she followed him through the entire
war of four years, and was voted the honor of a Confederate veteran after
the war by the veterans themselves. It is doubtful whether in all the past
a similar instance can be found.


There is to be found in the burial ground of St. George's church, at the
east end of the Mission House, a grave-stone that has puzzled all
antiquarians who have examined it and which has never yet been
satisfactorily explained, and perhaps never will be. The inscription is as
follows: "Charles M. Rothrock, departed this life Sept. 29, 1084, aged
three years." The figures that make these dates are well preserved, much
better than on many slabs and headstones in the same burial ground, which
do not date back a century and a half, yet on this slab the figures are
quite legibly cut in the sandstone, and there can be no doubt that the
year is 1084. It has been considered such a mystery and of such importance
that a photograph of the stone was taken and an engraving made for this


The very name--Liberty Bell--is music to our ears, and the mention of it
should fill the breast of every true American with patriotic enthusiasm.
That bell hung over a hall in Philadelphia in 1776, in which the
Continental Congress had met to consider the momentous question that was
then stirring every patriotic heart--American freedom. Virginia was
represented in that Congress by George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas
Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson, Jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee
and Carter Braxton.

That body of patriots prepared, considered and adopted the Declaration of
Independence, and as they finished signing their names to the instrument,
on the fourth day of July, this bell rang out the thrilling news that
Americans were freemen. Since that stirring event--that memorable
day--that hall has been known as Independence Hall, and the bell that hung
over it as the Liberty Bell.

On the 4th of October, 1895, the old Liberty Bell passed through
Fredericksburg on its way from Philadelphia to Atlanta, Georgia, where it
was to be exhibited at the great exhibition in that city. Prior to its
coming Mayor Rowe had been notified when it would arrive and how long it
would remain for inspection. The City Council was called together and
steps were taken to give the old bell a grand reception and cordial
welcome. A set of patriotic resolutions was adopted, extolling the events
that brought the bell into such popular favor, recounting the part taken
in those events by Virginians and the precious legacy left to us by our
self-sacrificing forefathers, until a patriotic fervor pervaded the town.

The bell was accompanied by Hon. Charles F. Warwick, Mayor of
Philadelphia; Wencel Harman, President of the Common Council, and thirteen
members of that body; Charles K. Smith, Chairman of the Select Council,
and thirteen members of that body; twelve officials of the city of
Philadelphia, including S. A. Eisenhower, Chief of Bureau of City
Property, and Custodian of the State House and Bell, with a guard of
honor, consisting of four of the reserve police of Philadelphia.

A party, including a committee from the City Council--Messrs. John T.
Knight, E. D. Cole and J. Stansbury Wallace--met the bell at Quantico,
where Judge James B. Sener, who had accompanied the party from Washington,
delivered an appropriate address of welcome on the part of the State of
Virginia. The party arrived in Fredericksburg on time, and found at the
depot a vast concourse of people and a procession headed by Bowering's
Band and the Washington Guards, consisting of the Mayor, ex-Mayors, Common
Council, Sons of Confederate Veterans, school children and citizens

[Illustration: The Free Lance--Star Office. (See page 227)]

All the bells in town were ringing, the steam whistles were blowing and
everybody was rejoicing. Such a time had scarcely, if ever, been seen
before by our people. As soon as the train bearing the bell and escort
halted, Mayor Rowe and others went on board the car, and, after the usual
introductions and salutations, Mayor Rowe, who was somewhat indisposed,
presented Mr. W. Seymour White, who made the welcome address as follows:

    _Mr. Mayor of Philadelphia and Gentlemen of the Escort of the Liberty

    It is with a most peculiar pleasure that we greet you and welcome this
    sacred relic within the boundaries of the Old Dominion. It is most
    fitting that it should rest upon the breast of this great old State,
    for it was the voice of a great Virginian that sounded the tocsin of
    the Revolution; it was the pen of a great Virginian that drafted the
    Declaration of Independence that was greeted by the voice of this
    bell; it was the sword of a great Virginian that made that declaration
    an accomplished fact, and it was while tolling the requiem for the
    soul of the great Virginian jurist, John Marshall, that its voice ever
    became silent. It is with feelings of heartfelt delight that we
    welcome it within the corporate limits of Fredericksburg, connected
    inseparably, as she is, like your own great and proud city of
    Philadelphia, with the events proclaimed in that glorious past by that
    sacred bell; for it was in Fredericksburg, on the 29th of April, 1775,
    that the first resolutions breathing the spirit of the Declaration of
    Independence were offered; it was in Fredericksburg that Hugh Mercer
    lived, whose ashes rest in your beloved soil, in whose defence he
    died; and in Fredericksburg once lived that great American President
    that gave to all the ages the grand doctrine that these United States
    would never tolerate the acquisition of an inch of American soil by
    any prince, potentate or power of Europe. We are glad that this bell
    is going about the land, in the language of your great and good
    president, Judge Thayer, "stirring up everywhere as it goes those
    memories and patriotic impulses that are so inseparably connected with
    its history, and which themselves can never grow mute," and we doubt
    not that this bell, though voiceless now, can still "proclaim liberty
    throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof; and who can
    tell but that as the rolling waves of the blue Mexican Gulf thunder
    upon the shores of the Queen of the Antilles, the proud, triumphal
    progress of the Liberty Bell, they may bear to patriots, struggling to
    be free in that far off land, the sympathy of the great hearts of
    American freemen that yet beat responsive to the efforts of those
    whose love of liberty is stronger than death?" We are glad that our
    men and women may see it, and at the sacred flame that burns about its
    altar replenish the patriotic fire that still is trimmed and burning
    in the hearts of a re-united American people. We are glad that our
    children may see it to learn from its presence and history that the
    dearest heritage left them by their fathers is that liberty and
    independence once proclaimed by this bell. And so we bid God speed to
    the bell which once "rang redress to all mankind," as it goes through
    the land proclaiming to all the nations of the world that a
    "government by the people, of the people and for the people" has not
    perished from off the face of the earth, but "still lives the home of
    liberty and the birth-right of every American citizen."

Mayor Warwick responded in a patriotic and appropriate address, after
which the guests were driven around town in carriages until the time for
their departure, when they boarded the train and started on their trip
South, delighted with their reception in Fredericksburg.

A Chinaman who witnessed the demonstration remarked that Christians
charged his people with idolatry in worshipping the dead, because they
honored their deceased parents, but a Chinaman never worshipped an old
bell as he had seen Christian people doing on this occasion.


    _Visits of Heroes--Gala Days--The Society of the Army of the Potomac
    Enters Town, &c._

Fredericksburg has received the visits of many heroes and statesmen, and
on various occasions has been placed on "dress parade," and proved herself
equal to the demands made upon her on every occasion. Only a few of these
visits are mentioned here, but these few should be placed upon perpetual
record that they may inspire our noble youth and the coming generations
and cause them to appreciate more highly the great blessings transmitted
to them through the efforts and achievements of those heroes.


The first we mention is the visit of Major-General Nathaniel Green, on his
way from Georgia to his home in New Hampshire at the close of the
Revolutionary war. In 1780 the patriot cause in Georgia and North Carolina
appeared to be lost, in consequence of the overwhelming numbers of the
British and the ravages of the Tories, which brought disaster to our arms.
In this condition of things Washington recommended that Gen. Nathaniel
Green should be placed in command, but Congress sent Gen. Gates instead.
Before leaving for his new field Gen. Gates had an interview with Gen.
Charles Lee--who was then without a command--in Fredericksburg, when Gen.
Lee charged him in parting, "Beware that your northern laurels do not
change to southern willows." Gen. Gates went to his field of operation,
met with disaster, and was relieved by Gen. Green; and it is worthy of
note that Gen. Gates left Fredericksburg for his southern command, and
Gen. Green passed through Fredericksburg when he went down to relieve him.

Gen. Green was fortunate in having to aid him in his southern department
such dashing commanders as Gen. Daniel Morgan, of Winchester; Col. Wm.
Washington, of Stafford, and Col. Henry Lee, of Westmoreland county--Gen.
Robert E. Lee's father and known as "Light Horse Harry." With these brave
men Green succeeded in driving the British before him and subduing the
Tories, thus restoring peace and quiet to that panic-stricken people, and
greatly endearing him to all patriots. In grateful recognition of his
services the State of Georgia gave him a magnificent farm and residence,
and on his return from the South to his home, in New Hampshire, he met
with grand ovations all along the route. He passed through Fredericksburg
on the 12th of September, 1783. A public meeting of the citizens was
called, which adopted and presented an address to the war-scarred hero.
The masses gathered to greet him, and the old soldiers, who had just
returned home from victorious fields, went into ecstasy over him. The
following is the address of the people of Fredericksburg:

    _To the Honorable Major-General Green, Commander-in-Chief of the
    Armies of the United States of America, in the Southern Department_:

    SIR--We, the inhabitants of the town of Fredericksburg, impressed with
    just sentiments of the importance of your singular services rendered
    our country, as Commander of the Armies of the United States in the
    Southern Department, cannot omit rendering you our acknowledgements as
    a grateful, though small, tribute, so justly due to your distinguished
    character as a soldier, a gentleman and friend to American liberty. We
    lament that the absence of the Mayor, and other officers of the
    corporation, deprives us of the opportunity of rendering you this
    token of gratitude in the style of a corporation, but we trust, sir,
    that your own conscious merit will give us credit, when we assure you
    that we now present you the united thanks of this city for your
    zealous, important and successful services in recovering the Southern
    States from our cruel enemy, and restoring peace, liberty and safety
    to so great a part of our country. We cannot express, sir, our great
    joy in seeing you once more among us, and language is too faint to
    paint the contrast in the cause of liberty since you passed us to take
    the command of the Southern Army. Permit us, therefore, to pass over
    the then gloomy moment and to participate in the pleasure you now
    enjoy in the possession of the American _Laurel_, a crown as splendid
    as all the honors of a Roman Triumph. We also beg leave to follow you
    with our best wishes into domestic life. May you long enjoy
    uninterrupted, under your vine, all the happiness of that Peace,
    Liberty and Safety, for which you and your gallant officers and
    soldiers have so nobly fought and greatly conquered. We have the honor
    to be with every sentiment of respect, your most obedient and very
    humble servants. Signed by order of the inhabitants.

      CHARLES MORTIMER, _Chairman_.

    Sept. 12, 1783.

To this address Gen. Green responded as follows:

    _To the Inhabitants of the City of Fredericksburg_:

    GENTLEMEN--Highly flattered by your address, and no less honored by
    your sentiments, how shall I acknowledge fully your generosity in
    either! From your hearty welcome to this city and your good wishes for
    my future welfare I feel the overflowings of a grateful mind. The
    noblest reward for the best services is the favorable opinion of our
    fellow citizens. Happy in your assurances, I shall feel myself amply
    rewarded, if I have but the good wishes of my country. I have the
    honor to be, gentlemen, your most obedient, humble servant,


    Sept. 12, 1783.


In December, 1783, General Washington visited Fredericksburg. He had just
resigned his commission of Commander-in-Chief of the American Armies, and
as a private citizen had come to visit his mother and friends at his old
home. He was the uncrowned King of America, and was uncrowned only because
he refused to be crowned. He came with victory upon his brow, and peace
and liberty for the American people. From mouth to mouth went the
message--"the great and good Washington is coming." From town and country
the masses gathered to give him welcome and do him honor. The military
turned out, the civic societies paraded, the cannon boomed and everybody
went into raptures over his coming. The City Council was called together
and the following address was adopted, amid the wildest enthusiasm, and
presented to the grand American:

    _To his Excellency, General Washington, late Commander-in-Chief of the
    Armies of America_:

    SIR--While applauding millions were offering you their warmest
    congratulations of the blessings of peace and your safe return from
    the hazards of the field, we, the Mayor and Commonalty of the
    corporation of Fredericksburg, were not wanting in attachment and
    wishes to have joined in public testimonies of our warmest gratitude
    and affection for your long and meritorious services in the cause of
    liberty; a cause, sir, in which, by your examples and exertions, with
    the aid of your gallant army, the virtuous citizens of this western
    world are secured in freedom and independence, and although you have
    laid aside your official character, we cannot omit this first
    opportunity you have given us of presenting, with unfeigned hearts,
    our sincere congratulations on your returning in safety from the noisy
    clashing of arms to the walks of domestic ease. And it affords us
    great joy to see you once more at a place that claims the honor of
    your growing infancy, the seat of your venerable and amiable parent
    and worthy relatives. We want language to express the happiness we
    feel on this occasion, which cannot be expressed but by superior acts
    (if possible) of the divine favor. May the great and omnipotent Ruler
    of all human events, who, in blessing America, has conducted you
    through so many dangers, continue his favor and protection through the
    remainder of your life in the happy society of an affectionate and
    grateful people. I have the honor to be, in behalf of the corporation,
    with every sentiment of esteem and respect, your Excellency's most
    humble servant,


To this beautiful and appropriate address, the noble Washington responded
as follows:

    _To the Worshipful, the Mayor and Commonalty of the Corporation of

    GENTLEMEN--With the greatest pleasure I receive in the character of a
    private citizen, the honor of your address. To a benevolent Providence
    and the fortitude of a Brave and Virtuous army, supported by the
    general exertion of our common country, I stand indebted for the
    plaudits you now bestow. The reflection, however, of having met the
    congratulating smiles and approbation of my fellow citizens for the
    part I have acted in the cause of Liberty and Independence cannot fail
    of adding pleasure to the other sweets of domestic life; and my
    sensibility of them is heightened by their coming from the respectable
    inhabitants of the place of my growing infancy[83] and the honorable
    mention which is made of my revered mother, by whose maternal hand
    (early deprived of a Father,) I was led to manhood. For the
    expressions of personal affection and attachment, and for your kind
    wishes for my future welfare, I offer grateful thanks and my sincere
    prayers for the happiness and prosperity of the corporate town of


The ceremonies of this gala day were closed with a ball at the
market-house at night, which is known in history as the "peace ball." At
the special request of the citizens, Mary, the mother of Washington,
attended this ball and held a reception in company with her illustrious
son. She "occupied a slightly elevated position, from which she could
overlook the floor and see the dancers, and among them the kingly figure
of the Commander-in-Chief, who led a Fredericksburg matron through a

It will be noticed--and the fact will no doubt be treasured with
pride--that Washington, in his reply to the address on this occasion,
alludes to Fredericksburg as the place of his "growing infancy," which
shows that, history and tradition to the contrary notwithstanding, he grew
up in this town, where he was educated, and where the hand of that revered
mother led him to manhood, and the address of Robt. Lewis, nephew of
Washington, to Gen. Lafayette makes the same claim.


On the 27th day of November, 1824, Gen. Lafayette visited the town and
remained two days. He was Washington's right arm in the Revolutionary war,
and was visiting for the last time the early home of Washington, where he
took affectionate farewell of Washington's mother, in the early part of
the year 1783, as he returned to France. The General's coming was known
some days beforehand and a splendid mounted guard of honor was organized
in town and country, who met him just above the "Wilderness Tavern." At
that place hundreds of others joined the procession, including the
volunteer companies from Fredericksburg, and thus he and his party--his
son George Washington and Colonel La Vasseur--were escorted to town by
hundreds of mounted men and men on foot, with martial music, amid the
grandest display and wildest enthusiasm on the part of the people. He
received a welcome to the town no less cordial and sincere than was
accorded to Green and Washington, because the liberty, so highly prized
and gratefully enjoyed by them, was not achieved by Green and Washington
without the aid of Lafayette. A public reception was held during the day,
when he was welcomed by Mayor Robert Lewis, Washington's nephew, and
Lafayette's intimate friend, and thousands shook him by the hand and
wished him a safe voyage home to his own beloved France.

At night a ball was given in his honor over the present market-house,
where hundreds gathered to do him honor and contribute to his pleasure.
The next day being Sunday he visited the Masonic Lodge, which was the
mother lodge of his "bosom friend," Washington, enrolled his name as an
honorary member, eulogized Washington and attended services at St.
George's Episcopal church.

[Illustration: Entrance to National Cemetery, erected on Willis's Hill, a
portion of the Marye Heights. (See page 190)]

[Illustration: The Superintendent's Lodge at the National Cemetery,
constructed of the stone taken from the famous "stone wall." (See page

On the following morning, with the same mounted escort, with music and
the booming of cannon, he departed for the Potomac river, on his way to
the city of Washington, with the best wishes and earnest prayers of all
the good people of Fredericksburg.

At the reception at the town hall were Mr. Lafayette Johnston and his good
wife, Mrs. Eliza Johnston. Mr. Johnston was named for Lafayette, and
having a son born to them during Lafayette's visit in this country,
concluded to add a further honor to the General by naming their son for
him, which they did and notified the General of it. Lafayette responded
with the following letter, which is now framed and in possession of Mr. H.
Stuart Johnston, a great-grandson:

    WASHINGTON, _January 6, 1825_.

    DEAR SIR--I am much obliged to the remembrance of my brother soldier
    when he gave you my name, and am now to thank you for an act of
    kindness of the same nature conferred upon me by his son. I beg your
    consort and yourself to accept my acknowledgement to you, my blessing
    upon the boy, and my good wishes to the family.

      Most truly, yours,

    _To Fayette Johnston, Esq._


The next hero to visit the town, that we mention, was the "Hero of New
Orleans," Andrew Jackson, President of the United States, who, with most
of his cabinet, came on the 7th of May, 1833. The occasion was the laying
of the corner-stone of the Mary Washington monument, which Mr. Silas
Burrows proposed to erect to her memory. The civic and military display
was very imposing and the crowd was well up into the thousands.

Military companies from Washington, Alexandria, Fauquier county, and
United States marines, and our own military companies, were in line, under
the command of Col. John Bankhead, of White Plains, chief marshal. Col.
John B. Hill was chief architect of the monument. It was a great day in


The next occasion was the dedication of the Mary Washington monument,
erected by the Ladies' Mary Washington Monument Associations, national
and local, on the 10th of May, 1894, sixty-one years and three days after
the laying of the corner-stone of the Burrows monument. A more beautiful
day could not have dawned upon the city, and everything had been well
planned and faithfully executed for the grand event of the day.

The streets and houses were beautifully decorated all along the route of
the march, and the private residences were adorned and made gay with
national and State flags. It was a general holiday for town and country,
and it appeared that everybody was present and intent upon seeing the
dignitaries who were to be here and hearing the addresses and ceremonies.
Besides hundreds of invited guests from different parts of the United
States, distinguished men and ladies, President Cleveland and nearly the
entire cabinet and their wives, Vice-President Stevenson and Mrs.
Stevenson, United States Senators, Representatives in Congress, Governor
O'Ferrall and his staff, two members of the Supreme Court of the United
States--Chief Justice Fuller and Justice Harlan--were present. The crowd
was so immense that the ground seemed to tremble under their tread. It was
the biggest day Fredericksburg ever had in the memory of man.


Fredericksburg has one peculiarity that tradition gives her, which is
worthy of a place in this sketch, and that is, that in every city of any
size in the civilized world a native of Fredericksburg, or some one who
has lived in Fredericksburg, can be found. This is said to have been an
old saying of tourists, sailors, marines and naval officers, who candidly
declared that they were always able to find a Fredericksburger in every
place of any size they had visited.

Capt. George Minor, who was born and raised in Fredericksburg, and who was
a captain in the United States navy, and afterwards in the Confederate
navy, often related this curious fact, and stated that it was positively
true as to him in all his travels both by land and sea. In connection with
this singular fact he related this incident: Before the Civil war he
sailed into the harbor of the city of Honolulu, on the Hawaii islands,
which have recently become a part of the United States. He thought of
this peculiarity of his old home town, but felt confident that no
Fredericksburger could be found in Honolulu, situated as it was away out
in the Pacific ocean. He made his way to the city, and, after some delay,
procured a guide to conduct him about the place, who could speak English.

As they progressed on their rounds from place to place, the guide pointing
out places of note, giving an interesting history of the place and people,
their customs, habits and peculiarities, he found himself very much
interested in his guide and his narratives, and wished to know something
of his history. So he asked him: "Are you a native of Honolulu!" "No,
sir," was the response of the guide. "Well," continued the Captain, "where
are you from?" "I am from Fredericksburg, Virginia," answered the guide.
"I learned my trade of printer under Timothy Green, in the Virginia Herald
office." "I am from Fredericksburg, too, and know Mr. Green well," said
Capt. Minor, and the two Fredericksburgers had a real love feast. After
that experience Capt. Minor said he never expected to land anywhere that
he did not find a Fredericksburg man.


The hospitality of the people of Fredericksburg is as well known probably
as any other characteristic of her citizens. It has been thoroughly tested
on many occasions, and has never failed to measure up to the demands and
even exceeded the expectations of the recipients. It is gratifying, too,
to be able to say that even our former enemies have been partakers of the
hospitalities of the town, at our private residences and in our public
halls, and have found language too poor to properly express their
gratification of the warm welcome and the generous hospitality they
received while in our midst. This was the case with the Society of the
Army of the Potomac in May, 1900.

It had been suggested by some of the prominent citizens of the town that
it would be a gracious thing, and would testify our kind feeling towards
the members of that organization, for the City Council to invite the
Society of the Army of the Potomac to hold its thirty-first annual
reunion, in 1900, in the city of Fredericksburg, as guests of the town.
The society had never held a reunion on southern soil, and it was deemed
appropriate that its first meeting should be here, where they could meet
and mingle with Confederate veterans, where so many bloody battles were
fought between the two great armies of the Civil war.

It had been intimated that members of the society, and even officials of
the organization, had expressed a desire to hold a session in
Fredericksburg, which would give many old soldiers an opportunity to visit
again the historic grounds, over which they had fought, and view the
country in times of peace. The City Council caught the spirit and approved
the suggestion, and on the 27th of July, 1899, unanimously passed the
following resolution:

    "Resolved by the Common Council of the city of Fredericksburg,
    Virginia, That his honor, the Mayor, be and he is hereby, authorized
    and instructed to extend a cordial invitation to the Society of the
    Army of the Potomac to hold its annual meeting for the year 1900 in
    this city, and to urge the acceptance of this invitation by said
    society, assuring its members that they will meet with a cordial and
    fraternal welcome by our citizens generally, and that every effort
    will be made on our part to make their sojourn here pleasant and
    agreeable to them."

While the resolution did not authorize it, it was understood that the
Mayor would attend the reunion in September of that year, either in person
or by a representative, and urge the society to accept the invitation of
the city authorities. Mayor Rowe, being unable to attend the meeting of
the body, requested Judge James B. Sener to represent him, which he did,
and presented the resolution of the Council in an eloquent and patriotic
address, which was well received by the society. The result was Judge
Sener was elected an honorary member of the society and the invitation was
unanimously accepted.

Upon the information that its invitation had been accepted, and that May
25th and 26th, 1900, were the days fixed for holding the reunion, the
Council appointed a reception committee of fifteen--five of its own body
and ten from the citizens, which was increased by the committee itself to
twenty--to make all the necessary arrangements and see that the members of
the society, and the visitors on that occasion, were properly received and
entertained. Those appointed of the Council were Col. E. D. Cole, John T.
Knight, Wm. E. Bradley, H. B. Lane, George W. Wroten. Those from the
citizens were Capt. S. J. Quinn, Major T. E. Morris. St. Geo. R. Fitzhugh,
H. F. Crismond, John M. Griffin, Isaac Hirsh, James A. Turner, H. H.
Wallace, Thos. N. Brent and James P. Corbin.

The committee met and organized, with Col. E. D. Cole, chairman, and Capt.
S. J. Quinn, secretary, and the following gentlemen were associated with
the committee: Capt. M. B. Rowe, A. T. Embrey, Judge John T. Goolrick,
Capt. T. McCracken and George W. Shepherd. The committee was then divided
up into sub-committees and assigned to necessary and appropriate duties,
which were well and faithfully discharged.

To assist at the banquet and lunch on the occasion, the committee
requested the services of the following ladies, who responded cheerfully
and did so nobly the parts assigned them that they merited, and received,
the hearty thanks of the committee and visitors: Mrs. James P. Corbin,
Miss Mary Harrison Fitzhugh, Mrs. Wm. L. Brannan, Miss Mary Shepherd, Mrs.
Vivian M. Fleming, Mrs. H. Hoomes Johnston, Miss Lula Braxton, Mrs. L. L.
Coghill, Mrs. E. Dorsey Cole, Miss Corson, Mrs. H. F. Crismond, Miss E.
May Dickinson, Mrs. Wm. F. Ficklen, Miss Goodwin, Mrs. John T. Goolrick,
Miss Alice Gordon, Miss Sallie Gravatt, Mrs. John M. Griffin, Miss Louise
Hamilton, Miss Roberta Hart, Mrs. David Hirsh, Mrs. Henry Kaufman, Mrs.
Harry B. Lane, Mrs. H. McD. Martin, Miss Annie Myer, Miss Eleanor
McCracken, Miss Carrie Belle Quinn, Mrs. Wm. H. Richards, Miss Lena Rowe,
Mrs. Edward J. Smith, Mrs. R. Lee Stoffregen, Miss Bertha Strasburger,
Miss Sallie Lyle Tapscott, Mrs. W. Seymour White, Miss Nannie Gordon
Willis and Mrs. Mary Quinn Hicks.

The presidential party was met at Quantico by a sub-committee consisting
of Hon. H. F. Crismond, Hon. A. T. Embrey, Postmaster John M. Griffin,
Major T. E. Morris, James A. Turner and S. I. Baggett, Jr., and escorted
to Fredericksburg.

At half past ten o'clock on the morning of the 25th of May, most of the
members of the Society of the Army of the Potomac having arrived, the
procession was formed at the courthouse, the society, under command of
Gen. Horatio C. King, secretary, with the reception committee, Confederate
veterans and citizens generally, headed by Bowering's band, proceeded to
the depot to meet the presidential train. Col. E. D. Cole, chief marshal,
with his aides, Capt. Dan. M. Lee, John T. Leavell, A. P. Rowe, Jr., and
W. J. Jacobs, with a cordon of mounted police, had charge of the line.

At the depot an immense crowd of people had collected, and when the train
arrived there was a vociferous greeting to the President and cabinet and
Fighting (General) Joe Wheeler. The presidential party consisted of
President McKinley, his private secretary, Cortelyou, Secretary Hay,
Secretary Root, Attorney-General Griggs, Postmaster-General Smith,
Secretary Long, Secretary Hitchcock--every member of the cabinet except
Secretary Wilson--Gen. Nelson A. Miles, Commander-in-Chief of the Army,
his aide, Col. Michler, Lieut. Robert S. Griffin, secretary to Secretary
Long, Gen. Henry E. Tremain, Gen. W. J. Sewell, Gen. J. W. Hawley and Gen.
Joseph Wheeler.

Headed by the celebrated Marine band, of Washington, sixty strong, the
line of march from the depot was up Main street, to George, thence to
Princess Ann and thence to the courthouse. All along the march the streets
were thronged with citizens and visitors, and the waving of handkerchiefs
and cheering kept the President constantly bowing to the right and left.

When the courthouse was reached the presidential party filed in, followed
by the Society of the Army of the Potomac, visitors and citizens. The
courthouse was densely packed and hundreds were turned away, being unable
to get even standing room.


    _Society of the Army of the Potomac Enters Town, continued._

When this great crowd entered the courthouse, after making such a long
march in hot weather, most of them were willing to rest awhile before the
exercises commenced. Yet Gen. King is not one to rest long when business
had to be attended to, so he called the large assembly to order, and
announced that illness had prevented the attendance of Gen. D. McM. Gregg,
president of the society, and in his absence Gen. Martin T. McMahon would
preside in his stead. Dr. J. S. Dill, pastor of the Baptist church, was
presented and offered a most earnest prayer. Mr. St. Geo. R. Fitzhugh, who
had been selected by the committee of entertainment to extend the welcome,
was then introduced and made the following address:


MR. CHAIRMAN: It is with feelings of profound pride and unfeigned pleasure
that our entire community extends a cordial and hearty welcome to the
illustrious Chief Magistrate of our country, who honors us with his
presence to-day. We recognize in our President the pure patriot and the
stainless statesman, whose wise and courageous administration, in both war
and peace, has endeared him to the hearts of his countrymen and has shed
new lustre upon the exalted office which he fills.

Our people also welcome with much pride and warmth his eminent official
family, and the brilliant commander of our invincible army, and all these
distinguished men before me, who are guests of the Society of the Army of
the Potomac and of our city.

And now, our friends of the Society of the Army of the Potomac, I find it
difficult to command adequate words with which to express to you the
supreme gratification and enthusiasm of our people at your prompt
acceptance of their invitation to hold your annual reunion in this old
town and at your presence here to-day in such numbers.

We not only welcome you with open arms and glowing hearts, but we feel
that this action on your part rises to the dignity of an impressive epoch
in our national life; and we are not surprised that our illustrious
President, and all these distinguished men, should desire to grace this
inspiring occasion with their presence.

It is the first time that your society has held one of its annual reunions
on southern soil, and, in making this new departure, it was preëminently
fit that you should honor Fredericksburg with your choice.

A French philosopher has written, "Happy the people whose annals are
tiresome," but the far nobler and more inspiring thought of the
Anglo-Saxon race is that "character constitutes the true strength of
nations and historic glory their best inheritance."

As American citizens you are proud of the grand traditions and heroic
memories that crowd your country's history; and nowhere else on this
continent could your feet tread on ground more hallowed by historic
memories than here.

I think before you leave us you will acknowledge that if the immortal
names and deeds that this locality suggests should be stricken from the
annals of time, most of the present school books of our country would be
valueless and our national history itself would be as the play of Hamlet,
with Hamlet left out.

The school boys and girls of our whole country are familiar with the story
of Capt. John Smith and Pocahontas, and history records that right here
Captain John Smith battled with and repulsed the Indians. So we may fairly
claim, without the exercise of poetic license, that the struggle of the
Anglo-Saxon race, to establish its civilization and supremacy on this
continent, commenced on this spot in 1608, just one year after Jamestown
was settled.

If we should draw a circle around this ancient city, with a radius of less
than fifty miles, we should find within that narrow compass the birthplace
of George Washington, of Thomas Jefferson, of James Madison, of James
Monroe, of Zachary Taylor, of Chief-Justice John Marshall, of the Lees of
the Revolution, of Patrick Henry, of Henry Clay, of Matthew Maury and of
Robert E. Lee. If we should extend the circle but a very, very little, it
would also embrace the birthplace of William Henry Harrison, of John
Tyler, of Winfield Scott, and likewise the birthplace of this Republic
at Yorktown.

[Illustration: A Tombstone in St. George's Churchyard, remarkable for its
date. (See page 246)]

[Illustration: Confederate Monument in Confederate Cemetery. (See page

Is there any other similar segment of space on the habitable globe so
resplendent with stars of the first magnitude!

Seven Presidents of the United States and three of the greatest military
leaders of modern times were born within two hours' ride of this city,
estimated according to the most improved modern methods of travel!

That meteoric Mars of naval warfare, John Paul Jones, lived and kept store
in this town, and went from here to take command of a ship of our colonial
navy. He was the first man who ever raised our flag upon a national ship,
and he struck terror to the heart of the British navy by his marvellous
naval exploits during the Revolution.

It was right here that Washington's boyhood and youth were spent, and that
he was trained and disciplined for his transcendent career, and it was to
the unpretending home of his mother, still standing here--which you will
visit--that Washington and Lafayette came when the war closed, to lay
their laurels at her feet; and her ashes repose here, under a beautiful
monument, erected by the Daughters of the American Revolution.

But there are other memories of heroic type, suggested by this locality,
which come nearer home to our hearts, whose mournful splendor time cannot

Here, and within fifteen miles of this city, in Spotsylvania county, more
great armies manoeuvred, more great battles were fought, more men were
engaged in mortal combat and more officers and privates were killed and
wounded than in any similar territory in the world. More men fell in the
battles of this one small county during the Civil war than Great Britain
has lost in all her wars of a century; and more men were killed and
wounded in four hours at the battle of Fredericksburg than Great Britain
had lost in killed, wounded and prisoners in her eight months' war in
South Africa.

When the fog lifted its curtain from the bleak plains about Fredericksburg
on the morning of December 13, 1862, the sun flashed down on a spectacle
of terrible moral sublimity!

One hundred thousand Union veterans, with two hundred and twenty cannon,
were in "battle's magnificently stern array," and in motion, with nothing
to obscure their serried ranks from the view of their expectant
adversaries, safely entrenched on the sloping hills adjacent. The
different sub-divisions of this great army were commanded that day by
consummate masters of the art of war, whose names and brilliant exploits
now illumine the pages of our national history, but its commander-in-chief
was deficient in both strategic and tactical ability, and his most
conspicuous merit seemed to be his perfect faith in the courage and
invincibility of his army.

General Burnside did not overrate the magnificent courage and sublime
self-sacrifice of his army, whose contempt of death that day on the open
plains about Fredericksburg seemed to strike the electric chain wherewith
we all are bound, and a thrill of admiration swept down the line of Lee's
army for four miles whilst yet the battle raged; but General Burnside did
underrate the strength of the positions which, without inspection or
information, he rashly assailed, and he did underrate the valor of the men
who held those positions. The appalling magnitude of his mistake was soon
apparent, alike to his officers and his men, and yet column after column
of that devoted army advanced, without a halting step, to the carnival of
death, over a plain swept by the ceaseless and terrible fire of protected
infantry and artillery--a plain of which General E. P. Alexander, in
command of the Confederate artillery, posted on the heights, remarked the
evening before, that "not a chicken could live there when his guns were

No honors awaited the daring of these heroes that day; no despatch could
give their names to the plaudits of their admiring countrymen, their
advance was uncheered by the hope of emolument or fame; their death would
be unnoticed, and yet they marched to their doom with unblanched cheeks
and unfaltering tread.

Pause a moment and picture those serried ranks as they marched undismayed
with grim precision and intrepid step to certain death, and, very many, to
unknown graves, and tell me whether heroism did not have its holocaust,
and patriotism and courage their grand coronation on these plains about
Fredericksburg; and tell me whether a nation's gratitude and meed of
honor to these unknelled, uncoffined and unknown heroes, who thus gave up
their lives for their country, in obedience to orders, should be measured
by the accident of victory or defeat, or by the unclouded grandeur of the
sacrifice they cheerfully made. Tell me whether the majestic memorial,
which that splendid old veteran, General Butterfield, proposes to erect on
the plains of Fredericksburg, to perpetuate the fame of the Fifth corps,
will not commemorate a higher type of heroism than any similar memorial to
that corps on the heights about Gettysburg! Tell me whether there was not
more courage and more manhood required to assail Marye's Heights than to
hold Cemetery Hill!

The charge of Pickett's Division at Gettysburg was far grander, even with
its dreadful recoil, than was the defence of the stone wall at
Fredericksburg; and the heroes of the former deserve more of their country
than do the latter.

Napoleon, after the battle of Austerlitz, addressing his army, said:
"Soldiers, it will be enough for one of you to say, 'I was at the battle
of Austerlitz,' for your countrymen to say, 'There is a brave man.'"

Impartial history will record that the Union soldiers who fought at
Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, the Wilderness and at Spotsylvania
Courthouse were not only brave men, but that their valor on those immortal
fields decorated the Stars and Stripes with imperishable glory. And no
American army of the future, composed of those who wore the blue and the
gray, or their descendants, will ever permit that glory to be tarnished!

It was the brilliant prowess of the Confederate army on the battlefields
of Spotsylvania that shed such dazzling lustre on the Union arms at
Gettysburg. If we should blot out the battlefields of Spotsylvania, we
should rob Gettysburg of all its glory; we should filch from General Grant
half his fame as a great commander, and should obscure to the future
student of the art of war Grant's invincible pertinacity and his sagacious
and successful policy of concentration and attrition, which alone explains
and vindicates his famous march of eighty miles from Culpeper Courthouse
to Petersburg, with a loss of tens of thousands of his brave troops, when
he might have transferred his army by transports to the shadow of the
Confederate capital without the loss of a man.

Grant knew that the destruction of Lee's army, and not the capture of
Richmond, was the profoundest strategy. The Army of the Potomac, under the
consummate leadership of General Grant, won infinitely more prestige at
Appomattox, where eight thousand worn-out Confederates laid down their
arms, than the German army, under its great field-marshal, Von Moltke, won
at Sedan, where the French Emperor, Louis Napoleon, and 86,000 French
soldiers, neither footsore nor hungry, surrendered, and for the plain
reason that no such conflicts as those in Spotsylvania lay across the
march of Von Moltke to Sedan. The march to Appomattox was over the
battlefields of Spotsylvania, and Appomattox was only the culmination of
the courage and carnage of those fields.

It was the conspicuous characteristic of both the Union and Confederate
armies that their courage was alike invincible; defeat could not quench
it; it shone with additional splendor amid the gloom of disaster, and no
soldier on either side need blush to have borne a part in any one of the
great battles of the Civil war, whatever fortune may have decreed as to
its temporary result.

It is noteworthy, above almost any other events of history, that the two
most memorable and momentous struggles in which the Anglo-Saxon race has
embarked, both closed on the soil of Virginia, a century apart, by the
surrender of one Anglo-Saxon army to an army of the same race, and without
the loss of prestige on either side.

For our great race, when vanquished by itself, proudly rears its crest
unconquered and sublime!

One of those memorable struggles closed at Yorktown, where colonial
dependence perished, national independence was secured and our great
republic born. The other closed at Appomattox, where the doctrine of
secession and the institution of slavery perished and a more perfect union
than our fathers made was established.

Secession and slavery perished on Virginia soil, and her people, though
impoverished by the loss of the latter, have shed no tears over the grave
of these dead issues; but they love and cherish the memory of the Southern
heroes whose sacred ashes repose in her bosom, and they proudly spurn any
suggestion that such moral heroism and sublime self-sacrifice as they
exhibited could be born of other than conscientious conviction!

If the South was, by a wise providence, denied in that grand struggle the
honor of final triumph, her people to-day share equally with the victors
of that day the glorious fruits of their victory in a more perfect and
indissoluble union of indestructible States, under that superlative symbol
of a world-power--the glorious Stars and Stripes.

All through this splendid address Mr. Fitzhugh was vociferously applauded,
the President and his cabinet heartily and enthusiastically joining in the
applause, and when he closed the demonstration was kept up for several

Gov. Tyler was then introduced and welcomed the veterans to Virginia, and
assured them that when their visit to Fredericksburg was ended, Richmond,
the Capital of the Confederacy, awaited them with extended hands and
outstretched arms. Gen. McMahon responded in a short address, full of
harmony and good feeling, and introduced Gen. Daniel E. Sickles, the
orator of the occasion.

At the conclusion of the able and patriotic address of Gen. Sickles, the
presidential party and Gen. Sickles, lunched at Mr. Fitzhugh's and the
society and visitors were provided for at the Opera House. After lunch the
visitors and citizens marched to Mr. Fitzhugh's residence, where the
President held a reception and where several thousand people greeted and
shook him by the hand.

The procession then formed and marched to the National cemetery, to
witness the laying of the corner-stone of the monument to be erected by
Gen. Daniel Butterfield to the memory of the men of the Fifth Army Corps,
who fell in the several battles in Fredericksburg and vicinity.

The Masonic ceremonies were in charge of Lodge No. 4, A. F. and A. M. In
accepting the invitation to preside on the interesting occasion, Gen.
Horatio C. King said:

I deeply appreciate the honor of being asked to preside on this most
interesting occasion, and in presence of the honored Chief Magistrate and
the members of his official family. I recall with pride the fact that I
first saw the light of Masonry in the Blue Lodge at Winchester, in this
magnificent State, in 1864, when I was a soldier in the great war, and
that from that day to this I have continued in good standing in our noble
order. It may not be amiss for me to add that he who honors and graces
this occasion to-day by his presence, our President, was also initiated at
or about the same time in the same lodge, and that he has also held fast
to the tenets of the organization through his lodge at his home in Ohio.

It is most fitting that this dedication should be made by this
time-honored Fredericksburg Lodge, whose history antedates the Revolution
and in whose precincts the Father of his Country was enrolled.

The occasion is one to inspire every patriot, and the generosity of Gen.
Butterfield, in raising this memorial to the fallen comrades whom he so
gallantly commanded, will shine through ages to come on the pages of
American history.


The ceremonies were then conducted by the Masonic Lodge, the following
officers, members and visitors being present and taking part:

Alvin T. Embrey, senior warden, acting worshipful master; Right Worshipful
James P. Corbin, senior warden _pro tem_; Wm. H. Hurkamp, junior warden;
Edgar M. Young, Jr., treasurer; Right Worshipful Silvanus J. Quinn,
secretary; Maurice Hirsh, senior deacon; Allan Randolph Howard, junior
deacon; Rev. James Polk Stump, chaplain, and John S. Taliaferro, tiler;
Worshipful Brothers Albert B. Botts, James T. Lowery, Thomas N. Brent,
Isaac Hirsh.

_Members_: Joe M. Goldsmith, John Scott Berry, John R. Bernard, John C.
Melville, Robert A. Johnson, O. L. Harris, James Roach, George A. Walker,
A. Mason Garner, Wm. T. Dix, Wm. Bernard, H. Hoomes Johnston, Charles L.
Kalmbach, Edgar Mersereau, Adolph Loewenson, George W. Wroten, Joseph H.
Davis, J. Shirver Woods, Edwin J. Cartright and Maurice B. Rowe.

_Visiting Masons_: Most Worshipful J. Howard Wayt, P. G. M., Staunton,
Va.; Wm. D. Carter, 102, Va.; W. J. Ford. 163, Ky.; W. C. Stump, 5, D. C.;
B. P. Owens, 14, Va., and Dr. J. W. Bovee, of B. B. French, D. C.

The handsome silver trowel used in laying the corner-stone, was made by
order of Gen. Butterfield for that occasion and then to be presented to
the Masonic Lodge performing the service. After the service of laying the
corner-stone, Gen. Edward Hill, who spoke for Gen. Butterfield, in an able
address, presented the monument to the Secretary of War to be kept, cared
for and preserved by him and his successors in office, to which Secretary
Root responded in a brief and appropriate speech, accepting the monument
and promising to preserve it as requested.


At 8 o'clock in the evening a "camp fire" was held at the Opera House,
which was crowded to its utmost capacity. Short addresses were made by
Gen. McMahon, Gen. Hawley, Gen. Miles, Gen. Sewell, Gen. Tremain, Gen.
Geo. D. Ruggles, Capt. Patrick, Gen. Sickles, and a letter was read from
Gen. Shaw, all of whom were on the Union side. The Confederate veterans
were represented by Gen. Joseph Wheeler and Private John T. Goolrick.

When Gen. Wheeler was introduced, Gen. Hawley, who had already spoken,
interrupted with "Just a moment. Something occurs to me. Among the
extraordinary things that are happening in the world, this is especially
interesting to me. I find, on looking over the records, that Moses
Wheeler, more than 250 years ago, married the sister of Joseph Hawley in
Connecticut. Now, General, go on."

This produced great laughter, in which Gen. Hawley joined with much zest.


Judge Goolrick, who was introduced as the representative of the
Confederate veterans, and especially the private soldier, of whom there
are so few at this time, spoke as follows:

    COMRADES, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN--With sincere sentiments of good will,
    commingled with a sense of gratitude, I welcome you within the gates
    of our city, and no man has a better right to bid you come than
    myself--for, just after the surrender at Appomattox, I was sitting on
    the roadside, weary and worn, foot-sore and hungry, with an intense
    solicitude for a change of my bill of fare from parched corn, upon
    which I had luxuriated for about three days, when a kind-hearted
    private soldier of the Army of the Potomac, seeing my dejected and
    depressed appearance, came to me with words of cheer, comfort and
    kindness, and, putting his hand down into his not overstocked
    haversack, gave me all his rations of hardtack and bacon, and
    immediately the gloom of defeat ceased to be so oppressive, and the
    intense hunger, under which I had labored, also ceased. This act of
    good fellowship, under the conditions which confronted me, at once
    inspired a fraternal feeling for my enemy. So you see, Mr. Chairman, I
    have a real right to be glad to see here to-day the representatives of
    that army of which my benefactor was a member, and bid you be of good
    cheer while you pitch your tents once again on the old camp ground.

    You are now on a spot which is consecrated in the hearts of the
    soldiers from the North and the South. Within the sound of my voice
    Meagher's Irish Brigade immortalized itself by a charge into the jaws
    of death, a charge in which the Irishman expressed his loyalty to the
    land of his adoption, and gave evidence of that inborn bravery which
    has made his name illustrious all over the world.

[Illustration: St. Mary's Catholic Church. (See page 214)]

[Illustration: Shiloh Baptist Church, Old Site (colored.) (See page 215)]

    Within this county--at Chancellorsville--the soldiers of the South
    conquered in a battle where death pulsated the very air, which was won
    by unparalleled bravery and matchless strategy, though it cost the
    life of the southland's idolized Stonewall Jackson, the very genius of
    the war. Here the two master military leaders met for the first
    time at the Wilderness, where was commenced the march by parallel
    columns, which culminated in the surrender of the Army of Northern
    Virginia, by our grand old commander, Lee, to the great and
    magnanimous Grant.

    On these fields Americanism, in its highest and holiest sense, was
    illustrated and illuminated. Here a colossal column of men marched to
    death, testifying thereby the very highest expression of
    patriotism--love of country. For greater love hath no man that this,
    that he lay down his life for his friends. It is to this spot you have
    come--a place which is, and should be, the mecca of all lovers of
    patriotism, self-sacrifice and lofty devotion to duty. And these have
    not been lost, and will not be, for as the blood of the martyrs was
    the seed and the seal of the church, so the blood and the bravery of
    the soldiers of the North and the South have already cemented this
    Republic in a closer union.

    There has been a good deal said here, sir, to-day about peace. He who
    fought ceased warfare when the war ended. 'Tis true it was waged with
    great energy by warriors. After Lee told his boys to go home, and
    Grant said, "Let us have peace," these warriors, after the war, were
    like that chaplain in Early's army, who was seen going to the rear,
    while the battle was raging in front. Early met him and asked him
    where he was going. "To the rear--to the hospital department," said
    he. "Why not stay in the front?" said old Jubal, "for I have heard you
    urging my men for the last six months to prepare to go to heaven, and
    now you have an opportunity to go to heaven yourself, and you are
    dodging to the rear." These men who want war and talk war now had the
    opportunity to take part, but most of them did not feel so inclined
    when the battle raged fast and furious.

    I suppose, sir, however, I was called to talk to-night because I am
    rather an unique and curious living specimen of a soldier, for I was a
    private, and there are few now living. It is said just before the
    surrender a poor old soldier laid down to sleep, and he slept _a la_
    Rip Van Winkle, for twenty years. Awaking up he rubbed his eyes;
    looking around, he called a man walking on the road-side to him.
    "Where," said the soldier, "is old Marse Bob Lee and his army?"
    "General Lee," replied the man; "why, he has been dead many years; he
    surrendered his army and then died." "Ah!" said the private; "ah, then
    where are all the generals?" "They," replied the man, "have been sent
    to Congress." "And what has become of the colonels?" "Why, they have
    been elected to the Legislature." "What about the majors, captains and
    lieutenants?" "They have been made sheriffs and clerks and
    treasurers." "Where, then, tell me, where in the world have the
    privates gone?" "The privates!" answered the man; "why, they are all
    dead." And the old soldier rolled his eyes back and fell asleep again.
    If he were to awake again to-day his eyes would be gladdened and his
    heart made happy by monuments erected in Virginia's capital city, and
    elsewhere, to emphasize the love and reverence with which the memory
    of the brave private soldiers are held by a grateful people.

    Sir, far be it from me to hold in slight estimation or little esteem,
    the illustrious commanders. I am proud of the grand and glorious
    leadership of my great captains, Lee and Jackson, and I willingly pay
    a tribute to the greatness of Grant and to the memory of Hancock, "the
    superb," and the splendid Meade. I would not, if I could, attempt to
    dim the lustre of their names or throw any shadow over the brightness
    of their deeds.

    I was an humble private soldier in the Confederate army, and I am
    proud here to proclaim that I was a follower of the peerless and
    illustrious Lee, but I stand here to pay my loving tribute to the
    private soldier of both armies. His splendid achievements, grand
    heroism, unfaltering loyalty and unflinching bravery, have no parallel
    in all time. He knew that if in the forefront of the fight he were
    shot down that then his name would not be written on the scroll of
    fame, his uncoffined body would find sepulture in a nameless grave,
    and that he would have for an epitaph, "unknown!" Only a private shot;
    and thus the story of his daring and dying would be told.

    But, knowing all this, he failed not nor faltered. He was inspired by
    the very holiest and highest, because of an absolutely unselfish sense
    of duty. He was moved by a purpose to serve his country and its
    cause. He marched, battled and bivouacked because his determination to
    do, dare and die, if needs be, for the flag under which he served.
    Whether under the sultry sun of summer or amidst the sleet and snow of
    winter, he stood, unmoved from his unalterable resolve. No grander, no
    more beautiful, no more splendid expression of the very highest type
    of manhood could be found than was found in the life of the private
    soldier of both or either army; and when the war ended, with them
    verily it ended, and they all joined hands in a fraternity of
    comradeship which was well exhibited by that private soldier of your
    army who ministered to my necessities and cheered me in my sadness as
    I sat under the very shadow of defeat and amidst the gloom of
    surrender at Appomattox.

    And members of the Society of the Army of the Potomac, to which that
    private belonged, and to which we of the Army of Northern Virginia
    surrendered, I meet and greet you on your first reunion south of the
    river whose name you bear. We of the South will ever cherish, ever pay
    the homage of our hearts' best devotion to the memory of our great
    cause and its champions, we will ever keep them hallowed and sacred,
    but with us the war is over. We pay allegiance and bear full fealty to
    this great Republic of ours, and the men and the sons of the men who
    followed Lee and Jackson stand ready with you to defend, always and
    everywhere, the honor, the integrity and the interest of this fair
    land of ours against all foes, whether from within or without its

    We worship at the same shrine of liberty. There is only one flag now.
    It is our flag and yours. Under its shadow we stand with the men of
    your army. And now, to-night, at this reunion, in this presence, let
    me urge, as the shibboleth, the motto of both armies, to be our
    inspiration in peace, our rallying cry, if needs be, in war, this:
    "Whom God hath joined together let no party, no people and no power
    put asunder."

Judge Goolrick was heartily applauded during the delivery of his address,
and at its close the cheering was loud and prolonged.

There was no business session of the society the next day and very many of
the Union veterans visited the various battlefields. The most of the
society and visitors went to Richmond on an excursion tendered the society
by Lee Camp, where they were met and entertained by the Confederate
veterans of that hospitable city.

Addresses were made on that occasion by Judge D. C. Richardson, Mayor
Richard M. Taylor, Gov. Chas. T. O'Ferrall and Attorney-General A. J.
Montague, of Richmond, and Gen. Horatio C. King, of New York, and Gen.
Geo. D. Ruggles, of Washington.

On the return of the excursionists from Richmond a reception and lunch
were tendered them at the Opera House, where they were met by a large
number of the ladies and gentlemen of the town, and a most enjoyable
evening was spent. Gen. King, secretary of the society, in a brief
address, acknowledged the cordial welcome and unbounded hospitality they
had met with in our town and the homes of our citizens, extended the
hearty thanks of the society to the officials and citizens and stated that
the reception was even warmer and more cordial than they had ever before
met with.


At the business meeting of the society on the first evening the following
preamble and resolution, after very complimentary remarks of the town and
people, by many of the visitors, were enthusiastically adopted:

The reunion of the Society of the Army of the Potomac at Fredericksburg is
of peculiar significance, and the generous sentiment which prompted the
invitation, meets with a hearty response from every patriotic soldier of
that great army. Every animosity engendered by the conflict is here buried
with the more than one hundred and twenty thousand gallant men who shed
their blood and sacrificed their lives in their heroic devotion to
conviction and to duty. The work done here is an imperishable record of
the unsurpassed courage and bravery of the American soldier: therefore be

Resolved, That we tender to the civic authorities and citizens of
Fredericksburg, and especially to the efficient local executive committee
and Mr. St. Geo. R. Fitzhugh, our most hearty thanks for a welcome that
sustains, in the highest, the fame of Virginia hospitality. The generous
and unstinted courtesies of all will render this reunion forever
memorable, and the most pleasurable emotion will always arise whenever the
name of Fredericksburg is mentioned.

As a fitting sequel of this distinguished gathering and the grand
reception on the part of the town and citizens, a letter, written by Gen.
Horatio C. King, twenty-five years secretary of the society, en route to
his home, in Brooklyn, N. Y., is inserted:

    _Captain S. J. Quinn, Secretary Army of the Potomac Committee_:

    MY DEAR CAPTAIN--The generous efforts of your citizens to kill us with
    kindness were well nigh successful, but happily we survive to tell the
    tale of the most unique and unsurpassed reunion in the history of the
    Society of the Army of the Potomac.

    Our first meeting on the soil of the South cannot fail to have a most
    happy effect upon the comparatively few--mainly born since the great
    conflict--who do not realize that the war ended in 1865.

    The sentiments expressed by your orators, Mr. Fitzhugh, your honored
    Governor Tyler and Judge Goolrick, and by Mayor Taylor, ex-Governor
    O'Ferrall and Attorney-General Montague, in Richmond, should be
    printed in letters of gold and circulated all over the nation. Purer
    or more exalted patriotism has never been expressed.

    To the thanks already extended I desire to add my personal obligations
    for the untiring energy, zeal and efficiency of your local committee,
    which have made my duties comparatively light and most enjoyable; and
    I desire to make my acknowledgments especially to you and Brother
    Corbin for the promptness of your correspondence and unremitting

    I am afraid I but feebly conveyed to the audience last evening the
    warm appreciation of the superabundant and delightful lunch so
    gracefully provided by your people and so charmingly distributed by
    your ladies.

    Indeed, I cannot find words to express our gratitude for a reception
    so complete as not to have elicited a single complaint or criticism.
    We can never forget it or the good people who carried the reunion to
    unqualified success.


Visiting Fredericksburg in May, to attend the meeting of the Society of
the Army of the Potomac, and take part in laying the corner-stone of the
Butterfield monument, where he received the most marked demonstrations of
the love and loyalty of his people, without regard to party politics,
President McKinley returned to our beautiful capital with a grateful heart
and a determination to show himself President of the entire country,
dispensing justice to all alike. He was proud of his country and rejoiced
in its unparalleled prosperity. In September, 1901, he visited the
exposition at Buffalo, N. Y., where, while holding a reception on the 6th
of September, he was assassinated in the midst of the thousands who
surrounded him. The sad news was flashed by wire throughout our land and
the civilized world, and was received everywhere with unaffected sorrow.

Our City Council was assembled upon the sorrowful intelligence, and the
following preamble and resolutions were adopted, and telegraphed Mrs.
McKinley, which were the first adopted and received by her from any

    "Whereas, we have heard, with great sorrow and indignation, of an
    attempt to assassinate his excellency, Wm. McKinley, President of the
    United States, at Buffalo, N. Y., this afternoon; and, whereas, we
    rejoice to learn by the latest telegram that his physicians express
    the firm belief he will survive the wounds inflicted, therefore--

    Resolved, by the Mayor and Common Council of the city of
    Fredericksburg, Virginia, that we condemn, in the strongest language
    we can command, this dastardly and wicked act, and call upon the
    authorities to punish the would-be assassin to the full extent of the

    2nd, That we tender our profoundest sympathy to Mrs. McKinley in her
    great affliction and earnestly pray that a kind and all-wise Heavenly
    Father may restore her devoted husband and our much loved Chief
    Magistrate to perfect health, to her and this united and happy

    3rd, That our worthy Mayor be requested to communicate by wire this
    action of the Council to Mrs. McKinley."

Notwithstanding the best medical skill was employed to remain with the
stricken President day and night, who endeavored to locate and extract the
pistol ball, and the prayers of the nation, he calmly passed away on the
14th of September, eight days after the assassin's deadly work. The
monster murderer was an anarchist from Ohio, who was condemned before the
courts for his wicked act and paid the extreme penalty of the law.

As the news of the President's death was sent to the world with electric
speed, and announced in Fredericksburg, the City Council was immediately
assembled again and the following action taken:

    "The Mayor and Common Council of the city of Fredericksburg desire to
    unite with all the world in paying tribute to the memory of President
    McKinley, as a patriot American, a pure citizen, a fearless Executive
    and a Christian gentleman.

    It is with pride and pleasure that we recall his recent visit to our
    city and his expressions of gratification at being with us, and this
    tribute to his memory is to testify and further emphasize our sincere
    sorrow at his death. It is therefore--

    Resolved, That the public buildings of this city be draped in mourning
    for thirty days; that during the hour of the funeral service that the
    bells of the city be tolled, and that a committee of three members of
    the Council be appointed by the Mayor to confer with the ministers of
    our churches in order to arrange a memorial meeting of our citizens,
    and that these resolutions be spread upon the records of this council.

    Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions, with our expressions of
    sympathy in this hour of her great bereavement, be forwarded to Mrs.
    McKinley, widow of our distinguished President, signed by the Mayor,
    and attested by the clerk, under the seal of this city."

This action of the Council was one of the few that Mrs. McKinley
personally responded to. To it she promptly replied, evincing her grateful
appreciation, with the tenderest expressions, for the sympathy tendered to
her in her great sorrow. The memorial services were held in St. George's
church, the day of the funeral, conducted by the city pastors, Dr. T. S.
Dunaway, delivering the address.


    _Dr. Walker's Exploration--Bacon's Rebellion, so-called--The
    Fredericksburg Declaration--The Great Orator--Resolutions of
    Separation from Great Britain--Virginia Bill of Rights, &c._

It has been said, probably by the facetious or perhaps by the envious--for
such are to be found in all communities--that Virginians are noted for
their bragging--that find them where you may, at home surrounded by
friends and companions, or abroad among strangers and aliens--bragging is
their distinguishing characteristic. It is not probably known whether this
charge has ever been investigated and passed upon by any competent
authority, but if it has been, and the charge was pronounced true--or if
the truth of the charge were admitted by the parties themselves, they can
plead justification, and should be readily excused upon the ground that
they really have something to boast of in the patriotism, endurance,
sacrifices and achievements of a glorious ancestry. If the people of other
parts of the country have whereof to boast, Virginians have more, and
those in that part of Virginia in which Fredericksburg is located may well
take the lead.

In this and the two succeeding chapters we propose to show what has been
accomplished for this great country by the sons of Virginia, who have
lived in Fredericksburg and within a radius of sixty or seventy-five miles
of Fredericksburg, and show that in the extension of the borders of our
infantile country, in protecting the settlers from the ravages of the
brutal savages, in agitating, fostering and demanding the rights of the
people, in opposing and resisting the unjust laws and oppressions,
usurpations and unreasonable exactions of sordid and wicked rulers, in the
separation, by solemn resolutions and declarations of this country from
Great Britain, in uniting and defending the colonies and in achieving the
independence of the country, in forming and administering the government,
in numbering it with the family of the nations of the earth, and placing
it upon the high road to prosperity and national greatness, Virginians
were ever in the van, and others followed their leadership and reaped
the rich fruits of their splendid achievements and their glorious
victories. And this we do, not in any spirit of vanity, but that there may
be grouped together and brought to public attention, in permanent form,
historical facts, if known to the public, long forgotten and
unappreciated, that Fredericksburg may be placed, where it rightly
belongs, as the most historical spot in the most historical State in this
great nation, that will soon, if it does not now, dominate the nations of
the earth and fully justify her sons in recounting their deeds, if it
shall be termed bragging.

[Illustration: The present Postoffice Building at Fredericksburg. (See
page 165)]

[Illustration: Tombstone marking grave of William Paul, brother of
Commodore John Paul Jones, in St. George's burial ground. (See page 237)]


It was Dr. Thomas Walker, of Albemarle county, a Virginian, who, with five
companions, in 1750, explored the wild country, which now forms the States
of Tennessee and Kentucky, and named that chain of mountains and the
beautiful river that flows through the valley, Cumberland, in honor of the
Duke of Cumberland, and then crossed over the country to the head waters
of the Kentucky river and gave it its name, which furnished a name for
that great and prosperous State.


It was Nathaniel Bacon, of Henrico county, a Virginian, who first offered
resistance to the colonial authorities in defence of the lives, liberties
and property of the people and put forth a declaration of principles,
which were the guiding star for those who came after him until
independence was achieved, with all of its blessings and glorious fruits.

In his United States History Dr. Howison says: "In the great declaration
adopted by them in 1776, just one hundred years after the movements under
Bacon, we find embedded not less than five principles among the most
weighty and potent that justified the overthrow of the English rule, all
five of which were in active movement to produce the uprising of the
Virginia people in 1676. These five principles were:

    1. The right to civil and religious liberty--'life, liberty and the
    pursuit of happiness';

    2. The right to throw off a government which had 'cut off their trade
    from all parts of the world';

    3. Which had 'imposed taxes on them without their consent';

    4. Which had 'taken away their charters, abolished their most valuable
    laws and altered fundamentally the powers of their government';

    5. Which had 'excited domestic insurrections among them and had
    endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of their frontiers the
    merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an
    undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.'"

Mrs. An. Cotton, who wrote an account of this Bacon movement the year it
occurred, and who did not fully endorse all that Bacon did, states that a
large council was held on Bacon's premises in May, at which Bacon charged
that the authorities were guilty of wrong in their eagerness to get rich;
that some persons were rich who were guilty of unjust methods in obtaining
their wealth; that the authorities were doing nothing to encourage the
arts, sciences, schools of learning or manufactories; that the Governor
approves the lawlessness of the Indians against the settlers, and declines
to interfere because it might diminish his revenue in trading with them;
that the Governor refuses to admit an Englishman's oath against an Indian,
where he accepts the bare word of an Indian against an Englishman; that
the Governor is monopolizing the beaver trade in violation of law; that
the traders at the heads of the rivers, being the Governor's agents, buy
and sell the blood of their brethren and countrymen by furnishing the
Indians with powder, shot and firearms contrary to the laws of the colony;
and that Col. Cowells asserted that the English were bound to protect the
Indians, even if they had to shed their own blood.

At the conclusion of Bacon's address the Council agreed to three things:
1. To aid with their lives and estates General Bacon in the Indian war. 2.
To oppose the Governor's designs, if he had any, against the prosecution
of the war. 3. To protect the General, the army and all who agreed to the
arrangement against any power that should be sent out of England, until it
was granted that the country's complaint might be heard against the
Governor before the King and Parliament.

The premature death of Bacon occurring, and no competent person to take
the lead being found, the movement soon ceased, the troops disbanded and
went home, and many of those who aided Bacon in protecting the lives and
property of the settlers were put to death by Governor Berkley on the
charge of treason. Thomas Matthews, said to be a son of Gov. Matthews, and
who at that time represented Stafford county in the House of Burgesses,
was appointed by Bacon to the command of all the forces in this part of
Virginia, but he probably had not the courage or means to carry out
Bacon's plans.

Bacon died from a cold contracted in camp and was buried in Gloucester
county, but for fear the authorities would exhume the body and subject it
to indignities, the place of his burial was kept a secret. Bacon's effort
for the people was just one hundred years before the great revolution, and
when we are fully informed as to his cause of action we may debate in our
minds as to whether Nathaniel Bacon was our first Thomas Jefferson or
whether Thomas Jefferson was our second Nathaniel Bacon.


It was in a public gathering in Fredericksburg on the 29th day of April,
1775, that resolutions were passed, approaching in spirit a declaration of
independence, which was twenty-one days before the resolutions of
Mecklenburg, North Carolina, were adopted. The resolutions, adopted in
North Carolina, found their way into print and into the histories, while
those passed in Fredericksburg did not; but they were the first adopted
anywhere in the country, and more than six hundred men were ready to carry
them into effect by marching to Williamsburg to redress wrongs which had
been committed by Gov. Dunmore in removing the gun powder from the public
magazine. Some regard this act as the beginning of the great revolution in
the colonies. It was to prepare the people for any breach of the law or
outrage upon the people's rights, which had been threatened by the
authorities at Williamsburg, and commenced in the gunpowder act, that the
Fredericksburg resolutions were adopted, and the great pity is they were
not handed down to succeeding generations and preserved as the first
Declaration of Independence since the days of Bacon. In referring to these
resolutions, Dr. Howison, in his United States History, says, they were
tantamount to a declaration of independence.


It was Patrick Henry, of Hanover county, a Virginian, at the time living
in and representing Louisa county, who fired the country with his
matchless eloquence and set in motion forces that achieved liberty and
independence to this country. It was this peerless son of Virginia, in the
House of Burgesses, surrounded by such giant minds as Bland, Pendleton,
Lee and Wythe, that the torch of liberty was set on fire that was never to
be extinguished. We quote from Dr. Howison's United States History:

    "He wrote on the blank leaf of an old law-book five resolutions which
    he offered to the House. They were a strong protest against the course
    of Parliament. The third declared that taxation by the people
    themselves, or their representatives duly chosen, was an essential
    characteristic of British freedom. The last resolution was in these

      "'Resolved, therefore, that the General Assembly of this colony have
      the sole right and power to lay taxes and impositions upon the
      inhabitants of this colony; and that every attempt to vest such
      power in any person or persons whatsoever, other than the General
      Assembly aforesaid, has a manifest tendency to destroy British as
      well as American freedom.'

      "A warm debate ensued. Pendleton, Bland, Wythe and Randolph all
      opposed the resolutions; but Henry was the master mind, and made an
      impression which is felt to this day. His words were pregnant with a
      nation's freedom. In the heat of the debate occurred a memorable
      scene. Patrick Henry reached a climax. 'Cæsar,' he cried, 'had his
      Brutus; Charles the First, his Cromwell, and George the
      Third'--'Treason'! burst from the lips of the president. 'Treason,'
      'Treason!' resounded through the house. The orator paused; then,
      raising himself to his full height, with eyes of fire and a voice
      which thrilled every soul, he concluded his sentence, 'and George
      the Third may profit by their example. If this be treason make the
      most of it.'

    "The resolutions were adopted by one vote, and that evening Patrick
    Henry left for his home. In March, 1775, the Virginia Convention met
    in St. John's church, Richmond. It was a body of the most
    distinguished men in Virginia, and among them was Patrick Henry. He
    was still far in advance of the leading men of the convention, who,
    although there were English fleets in the waters of Virginia and armed
    soldiers quartered within her towns, still hoped that the evils
    complained of could be remedied by compromise.

    "Henry did not think so, and he was unwilling to sit down quietly
    until it would be too late to prepare for defense. He submitted a set
    of resolutions, calling attention to the presence of British armies
    and the dangers then threatening American freedom, and proposed that
    Virginia should be put in a state of defense, and that measures should
    at once be taken for embodying, arming and disciplining such a number
    of men as may be sufficient for that purpose."

The proposition was strongly opposed by such men as Bland, Nicholas,
Pendleton and Harrison. Dr. Howison says: "It was now that Patrick Henry
appeared in power. Rising slowly from his seat, he made an appeal which in
eloquence and strength, and in its effect upon the future of the world,
went far beyond any effort of oratory ever previously made. It was the
demonstration that the coming war was to be a war of ideas and principles,
and not a mere war of brute force." No perfect production of this speech
has been preserved--perhaps none were possible; yet enough has been
preserved to enable the thoughtful student to feel something of its

    "Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves. We have done
    everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming
    on. We have petitioned--we have remonstrated--we have supplicated--we
    have prostrated ourselves before the throne and have implored its
    interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the Ministry and
    Parliament. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have
    produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been
    disregarded, and we have been spurned with contempt from the foot of
    the throne. In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope
    of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope. If
    we wish to be free--if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable
    privileges for which we have been so long contending--if we mean not
    basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long
    engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until
    the object of our contest shall be obtained--we must fight! I repeat
    it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is
    all that is left us.

    "There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and
    who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle,
    sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active,
    the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough
    to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is
    no retreat but in submission and slavery. Our chains are forged; their
    clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston. The war is inevitable,
    and let it come. I repeat it, sir, let it come!

    "Gentlemen may cry, Peace! peace! but there is no peace. The war has
    already begun. The next gale that sweeps from the North will bring to
    our ears the clash of resounding arms. Our brethren are already in the
    field. Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What
    would they have? Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased
    at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know
    not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or
    give me death!"

A dead silence followed this speech. The feelings it excited were too deep
for applause; but there was no longer any hesitation or division of
opinion. The proposal of Henry was adopted, and, in a short time, Virginia
was alive with military preparation.

There are two prophesies in this eloquent speech which were fulfilled; one
was that the clash of resounding arms would be heard by the next gale from
the North--the battle of Lexington was fought on the 19th of April; and
the other was that God would raise up friends to fight our battles for us.
Our independence could hardly have been secured without the aid of the
French, whom Lafayette led, and who were the friends that were raised up
for us by a kind Providence.


It was Edmund Pendleton, of Sparta, in Caroline county, a Virginian, who
prepared, and Cary presented, resolutions defining the position of the
colonies and instructing the Virginia delegation to the General Congress
to vote for a declaration of separation from Great Britain. These
resolutions were heartily indorsed by the troops that had assembled at
Williamsburg, and even by those leading Virginians who so strongly
condemned Patrick Henry's first great speech.

It was Richard Henry Lee, of Westmoreland county, a Virginian, who
offered, in the Colonial Congress, the resolution that embodied the views
expressed in the Pendleton resolutions, and which brought forth the
Declaration of Independence. The resolution was submitted on the 7th of
June, 1776, which was as follows:

    "That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and
    independent States; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the
    British Crown; and that all political connection between them and the
    State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved."

The discussion of this resolution showed the temper of Congress, and while
the vote was postponed at the instance of some members who still thought
such a measure premature, a committee to prepare and bring forward a
declaration was appointed, of which Thomas Jefferson was made chairman.
Mr. Lee, a member of the committee, was called home because of the
sickness of his wife, but Mr. Jefferson sent him the original copy of the
draft and also the amendments for his inspection, and wrote him: "You
will judge whether it is the better or worse for the critics."


It was George Mason, of Gunston Hall, a native of Stafford county, a
Virginian, who wrote the Virginia Bill of Rights and the Constitution of
Virginia. The fact that Mason was a farmer, and not a lawyer, has been
emphasized by several writers, and the fact that he prepared those
important documents, when there were so many eminent lawyers associated
with him in those stirring times, is a matter of surprise. But that he did
write them has never been disputed or questioned, and it was an honor that
linked his name with those of Jefferson and Madison, and will enshrine his
memory in the hearts of his countrymen for all time to come. And the honor
of preparing this important instrument is enhanced when we remember they
were almost original in thought as to most of the principles declared in
them. It is true that some have claimed that the Bill of Rights was based
upon the English Bill of Rights of 1689, yet that bill only asserted the
right of subjects to petition, the right of Parliament to freedom of
debate, the right of electors to choose their representatives freely, and
other minor privileges. These rights had been exercised by the Colonists,
but there were other rights dear to the people which they had not enjoyed
and were not permitted to enjoy, and there were grievous wrongs committed
upon the people that had to cease.

These things called for a different kind of paper from the English Bill of
Rights and the times necessitated different demands than were made calling
forth the bill of 1689. A paper was needed setting forth the rights of
freemen and providing for the government of freemen, and it is asserted
that the Bill of Rights was a pattern for the Declaration of Independence,
while the Constitution was the first one that was written for the
government of a free and independent people in all the past history of the

[Illustration: Public School Building (colored.) (See page 144)]

[Illustration: The Butterfield Monument. "In honor of the Fifth Army
Corps, and also to the valor of every American Soldier." Gen. Butterfield.
(See page 269)]

The Bill of Rights was adopted by the Virginia Convention on the 12th of
June, 1776, after it had been thoroughly discussed for several days. It
was written for Virginia and did not apply to the other colonies, yet
it is so complete in all its parts we are told that other State
constitutions, in defining the rights of the citizen, largely followed the
phraseology of this famous instrument. All Virginians should read it,
again and again, study it and treasure it as one of the most precious
legacies bequeathed to them. The following is the bill in full:

    1. That all men are by nature equally free and independent and have
    certain inherent rights of which when they enter into a state of
    society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their
    posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means
    of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining
    happiness and safety.

    2. That all power is vested in, and consequently derived from, the
    people; that magistrates are their trustees and servants, and at all
    times amenable to them.

    3. That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common
    benefit, protection and security of the people, nation or community;
    of all the various modes and forms of government, that is best, which
    is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety,
    and is most effectually secured against the danger of
    maladministration; and that, when any government shall be found
    inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community
    hath an indubitable, unalienable and indefeasible right, to reform,
    alter or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive
    to the public weal.

    4. That no man, or set of men, are entitled to exclusive or separate
    emoluments or privileges from the community, but in consideration of
    public services; which, not being descendible, neither ought the
    offices of magistrate, legislator or judge be hereditary.

    5. That the legislative, executive and judicial powers should be
    separate and distinct; and that the members thereof may be restrained
    from oppression, by feeling and participating in the burdens of the
    people, they should, at fixed periods, be reduced to a private
    station, return into that body from whence they were originally taken,
    and the vacancies be supplied by frequent, certain and regular
    elections, in which all, or any part of the former members, to be
    again eligible, or ineligible as the laws shall direct.

    6. That all elections ought to be free; and that all men having
    sufficient evidence of permanent common interest with, and attachment
    to, the community have the right of suffrage and cannot be taxed or
    deprived of their property for public uses, without their own consent
    or that of their representatives so elected, nor bound by any law to
    which they have not, in like manner, assented for the public good.

    7. That all power of suspending laws, or the execution of laws, by any
    authority, without the consent of the representatives of the people,
    is injurious to their rights, and ought not to be exercised.

    8. That in all capital or criminal prosecutions, a man hath the right
    to demand the cause and nature of his accusation, to be confronted
    with the accusers and witnesses, to call for evidence in his favor and
    to a speedy trial by an impartial jury of twelve men of his vicinage,
    without whose unanimous consent he cannot be found guilty; nor can he
    be compelled to give evidence against himself; that no man be deprived
    of his liberty, except by the law of the land or the judgment of his

    9. That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines
    imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

    10. The general warrants, whereby an officer or messenger may be
    commanded to search suspected places without evidence of a fact
    committed, or to seize any person not named, or whose offence is not
    particularly described and supported by evidence, are grievous and
    oppressive, and ought not to be granted.

    11. That in controversies respecting property, and in suits between
    man and man, the ancient trial by jury of twelve men is preferable to
    any other, and ought to be held sacred.

    12. That the freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of
    liberty, and can never be restrained but by despotic governments.

    13. That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people,
    trained to arms, is the proper, natural and safe defence of a free
    people; that standing armies, in times of peace, should be avoided, as
    dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases, the military should be
    under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.

    14. That the people have a right to uniform government; and therefore
    that no government separate from, or independent of, the government of
    Virginia, ought to be erected or established within the limits

    15. That no free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be
    preserved to any people, but by a firm adherence to justice,
    moderation, temperance, frugality and virtue, and by a frequent
    recurrence to fundamental principles.

    16. That religion, or the duty which we owe to our Creator, and the
    manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and
    conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore all men are
    equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the
    dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to
    practise Christian forbearance, love and charity towards each other.


    _The Declaration of Separation--The Declaration of
    Independence--Washington Commander-in-Chief--John Paul Jones Raises
    the First Flag--He was First to Raise the Stars and
    Stripes--Fredericksburg Furnishes the Head of the Armies and Navy--The
    Constitution of the United States, &c._

As stated in the last chapter, we continue in this references to the great
deeds of the great men of Virginia that should be grouped, as we are here
endeavoring to do, in the smallest possible space, and preserved to
perpetuate their memory and honor their descendants through all coming
time. It was Thomas Jefferson, of Albemarle county, a Virginian, who wrote
the Declaration of Independence, that struck the shackles of servitude
from the people of this country, and proclaimed the United Colonies a
new-born nation, free and independent.


A lineal descendant of Thomas Jefferson, three generations removed, Judge
John E. Mason, thus writes on these subjects, for this publication:

"Some years before the Revolutionary war, the colony of Virginia had
become restless under British dominion. There had been, here and there,
open expressions of discontent, and a growing resentment, if not positive
hostility, against the mother country. In fact, nowhere more than in
Virginia, and especially in this section, had the spirit of independence
more steadily grown; and when the time came for decision and concert of
action by the colonies, public opinion here was ripe to break down the old
barriers, and to resist, with force, the power of England.

"Among those who had taken a most active part in moulding public sentiment
was Thomas Jefferson, who, because of his extreme views in antagonizing
every element of English ideas, and its government as based upon an
aristocracy, has sometimes been called the 'Great Commoner.' Whether he,
more than others, who were upon the stage of action at that time, is
entitled to the name, those who know his history must be the judge; but
certain it is, he was in advance of many of his contemporaries in
developing antagonism to ancient ideas and ancient customs, which were the
pride of the British people.

"On the 6th of May, 1776, the delegates from the counties and cities of
the Colony of Virginia, met in convention at its capitol in Williamsburg,
Edmund Pendleton presiding. During this convention certain resolutions
were reported from committee by Archibald Cary, which were unanimously
adopted by the one hundred and twelve members present. The first of these
resolutions--said to have been proposed by Thomas Nelson, and drawn as
reported by Edmund Pendleton, but no doubt the work of both--after
reciting certain grievances against the mother country, declared that the
'delegates appointed to represent the colony in the General Congress, be
instructed to propose to that respectable body to declare the United
Colonies free and independent States, absolved from all allegiance to or
dependence upon the Crown or Parliament of Great Britain.'

"In Congress, on the 7th day of June, 1776, the gifted Richard Henry Lee,
from this section, in obedience to instructions, offered the same
resolution, which had been adopted by the Virginia Convention--that
Congress should 'declare that the United Colonies are, and of right ought
to be, free and independent States.' This resolution was the precursor of
the formal declaration. It was offered by a Virginian, acting under
instructions given by Virginians, and its answer was the Declaration of

"The debate began on this resolution on the 8th of June, but on the 10th,
it having developed that five colonies north of the Potomac were not ready
to vote, the final decision was then postponed until the first day of
July. In the meantime a committee had been elected to draft a Declaration
of Independence. Mr. Lee, the mover of the above resolution, was
unexpectedly called home by the illness of his wife, and was not on the
committee. The committee was not appointed by the presiding officer, but
was elected by ballot by Congress, and Jefferson, having received the
highest number of votes cast, was its chairman. Its work was completed by
the 28th of June. The Declaration of Independence was, on that date,
reported to the House by Jefferson, and was then read and ordered to lie
on the table. The Virginia resolution was carried in the affirmative, in
the Committee of the Whole July 1st. On the 2nd day the Declaration of
Independence was taken up and debated each day until the fourth, when it
was adopted. It will be observed that the Declaration was completed before
Congress had adopted the Virginia resolution.

"The committee, elected to draft the Declaration of Independence,
consisted of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger
Sherman and Robert R. Livingston. Mr. Jefferson drew the Declaration of
Independence at the request of the other members of the committee. Had
another been its author, we believe the Declaration would have been
different in tone, while, of course, the leading principles would have
been the same. Many members were conservative, while Jefferson was
radical. They had in view chiefly independence and freedom; Jefferson had
the same opinions, but even then contemplated a complete revolution in the
existing conditions--for anything which, in the slightest degree, partook
of the nature of the government of Great Britain, her customs or
traditions, was odious to him. He wished an irrevocable change, so that
the new would supersede the old beyond recall.

"When, in framing that great document, he wrote these words: 'We hold
these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights,' * * * it
doubtless did not require a prophet to tell what his future course would
be, or the principles, considered radical then, for which he would stand,
or the wonderful influence 'these truths' would have in forming
constitutions and shaping legislation, State and national, provided the
British were beaten on the field of battle.

"It is worthy of note that the Declaration of Independence, as it came
from his hands, suffered little change, except in two instances. He
inserted in the original draft what might be called an emancipation
proclamation--a clause condemning as piratical warfare against human
nature itself, the enslaving of Africans--the slave trade being then
sanctioned by North and South--the former being carriers and the latter
principally buyers--a business which Virginia would, years before, have
prohibited had she not been met, in every effort, by royal vetoes. The
other change was made by striking out some animadversions upon the English
people. This was done by those who yet hoped for reconciliation, or
something, they knew not what, which might avert the desperate struggle.

"To those who believe in freedom of thought and action; in the sovereignty
of the people; in the equality of all men before the law, based upon
constitutional rights, restrictions and limitations, made by the wisdom of
the greatest men this world has ever produced; in opening the door to
promotion to all men whose talents, integrity and general high characters
entitle them to such honors, the Declaration of Independence must forever
commend itself; and it seems to the writer that upon the strict adherence
to the principles, therein enunciated, rests the very life of the
government of the United States.

"There are many other great things which came from the brain of Jefferson
besides the Declaration of Independence, though the Declaration may have
been the basis of all. The principles of the Declaration having been once
established, these followed as a natural sequence. In a limited space only
a few can be simply noted. After he retired from Congress, in 1776, to
become a member of the Virginia Legislature, he presented, in the session
of that year, a bill for the revisal of the laws of the State, which was
soon passed, and Jefferson, Pendleton, Wythe, George Mason and Thomas L.
Lee were appointed a committee for revision.

"This committee of distinguished men met in Fredericksburg on the 13th day
of February, 1777. Here various propositions were submitted and
discussed--Mason, Wythe and Jefferson almost always agreeing and voting
together, and Pendleton, of all, being the most unwilling to depart from
the old conditions, except, to the astonishment of the committee, he
proposed a new system, that all common law and equity jurisprudence,
which had received the sanction of ages, should be abrogated--a new
institute, after the model of Justinian or Bracton, should be reported,
thus giving us what is called, in this day, a code law, which would have
been set afloat, without a precedent to guide it, and to construe which,
would have taken our courts from that time to this.

"After this committee had agreed on measures and propositions, and the
general outline of the system to be pursued, Mason and Lee, having given
the other members the benefit of their advice, retired from further
participation in its labors, because they were not lawyers, and left the
work to be done by the other three members, who then divided it, and
completed the arduous task in 1779.

"There were four measures proposed by Jefferson before the full committee,
then sitting in Fredericksburg, which were his especial pride, and these
were the repeal of the laws of entail, the abolition of primogeniture, the
establishment of a system of public education, and the act for the
establishment of religious freedom. These four bills, he himself
afterwards said, he 'considered as forming a system by which every fibre
would be eradicated of ancient, or future, aristocracy, and a foundation
laid for a government truly republican.'

"To use his own language again, 'the repeal of the laws of entail would
prevent the accumulation and perpetuation of wealth in select families and
preserve the soil of the country from being more and more absorbed in

"Not only was the abolition of the laws of entail resisted by some of the
best talent in Virginia, but when Jefferson proposed to abolish also the
law of primogeniture--a relic of feudalism--there was strong opposition
from the same sources--men who had risked fortunes and lives in the
struggle for independence, but who were unwilling to join Jefferson in his
attack upon institutions whose very age commanded veneration. One of the
chief opponents of Jefferson was Edmund Pendleton, his friend, whose
candor, great ability and benevolence in all these struggles won his

"It was Pendleton, who, when he found the old law could not prevail,
suggested that the Hebrew principle be adopted, by which the eldest son
should inherit double the amount of real estate which would descend to the
heirs of the ancestor. The reply of Jefferson was characteristic and
terse--'I observed,' he says, 'that if the eldest son could eat twice as
much and do double work, it might be a natural evidence of his right to a
double portion; but being on a par, in his powers and wants, with his
brothers and sisters, he should be on a par also in the partition of the

[Illustration: The Old Planters' Hotel. The stone in front was used as a
"stand" for slaves when hired or sold at public "outcry." (See page 165)]

[Illustration: The Opera House. It occupies the ground of the bank and
other buildings burnt at the bombardment, December 11, 1862. (See page

"The statute of descents in Virginia was drawn by him--a statute which has
justice and 'natural right' in every line, and so clear and perspicuous is
it, that in all these years only one serious question has been raised
regarding it, calling for a decision of the Supreme Court of Appeals.

"Jefferson gave an impetus to public education which is felt at this time.
He proposed to the General Assembly of Virginia three bills: the first,
establishing elementary free schools for all children; the second, for
colleges; and the third, for the highest grade of sciences. Only the first
of these was passed by the Assembly, and before this was done it was so
amended that it could not be operative unless the county courts so
decided. Now, as the justices who presided over these courts, while among
the most honorable and talented men in Virginia, were generally of a class
who did not care to bear the taxes necessarily entailed upon them by the
adoption of the system, no free schools were established in any county
within the Commonwealth under this act, with possibly the exception of one

"It was a fact that our ancestors, especially when under the English
system of government, did not favor education at public expense, and the
royal Governors, as a rule, threw the weight of their influence against
it. But after the Revolutionary war had closed, and the government of the
States was made a government by the people, Virginians, like Jefferson,
proceeded on the theory that to have a good government, the people--the
sovereigns--must be educated, so that they would take, not only a deeper
interest in the affairs of State, but would do so with intelligence--the
more knowledge disseminated the better would be the government, and the
less danger there would be of its falling into the hands of a favored and
exclusive class.

"The principle of free education, however, so earnestly forced to the
front by Jefferson, eventually bore fruit, though the ripening was slow.
It was gradually adopted by the people of Virginia, until now a system,
backed by a sound public sentiment, is established in every county and
city in the State, and the doors of the colleges are open to those who
have not been favored with fortune. It may be safely predicted that when
the State shall have fully recovered from the wreck and havoc of the Civil
war, that a complete and thorough system will be established, such as that
which was first proposed by Jefferson, and the people of the State will
rejoice to see it done.

"No more important measure was proposed to the committee which met in
Fredericksburg, on the 13th of January, 1777, than that of Jefferson's for
the establishment of religious freedom, just as it now appears, with
slight modifications in the preamble, in the statute books to-day. The
fact that this act was written in Fredericksburg, we have never heard
questioned; and the people of this city have the same right to claim that
this 'second declaration' had its birth here, that the people of
Philadelphia have to claim that city as the birth-place of the first. It
was, however, a long time before its advocates were able to secure its
passage by the Legislature. Having been written in 1777, it did not become
the law of the land until 1785.

"In making his fight for religious freedom, the courage, the persistence
and the power of this statesman shone in all their splendor. We consider
this as his most difficult task, but it is his crowning glory. He had
arrayed against him the advocates of a long cherished policy, sustained by
law; one around which tradition had woven a peculiar sanctity, and he who
would lift his hand against it was deemed guilty of sacrilege. There, too,
were the clergy, strong in resistance, backed, as they were, by a wealthy
and powerful class, Jefferson himself belonging to a family whose members,
though loyal in exacting faithful obedience to changes in existing
conditions, loved this church and worshipped in its sacred, but State
protected walls; yet, in spite of all of this, believing that freedom of
conscience was one of the 'inalienable and natural rights,' with a
boldness, which all must commend; with a persistence, which all must
admire, he headed the forces which took the last citadels of monarchial
institutions and leveled them to the ground, thus forever separating
church and State and eliminating the combination of political policy and
religion, so that henceforth no man could be 'compelled to frequent or
support any religious worship, place or ministry, but all men shall be
free to profess, and by argument maintain, their opinions in matters of
religion, and the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge or effect their
civil capacity.'

"In justice to those who were adherents to the established church, it must
be said that some supported Jefferson, and after the change came, none
were more devoted in maintaining the statute, and all others of kindred
import; many being in positions charged with their proper enforcement,
gave them sound judicial interpretation in exact conformity to all
theories of the newly formed government.

"This act for the establishment of religious freedom is not only a
monument to him, as a liberator of men, but its elegant diction, its easy
and smoothly flowing style, show his genius as a writer. It is worthy of
note, its preamble contains over five hundred words, yet it is but one
sentence; only finished in the body of the act itself, where the first
period appears; and, although he says this preamble was somewhat mutilated
by others, there is nothing doubtful or uncertain as to its meaning,
purpose and scope.

"To do full justice to the subject in hand would require a volume, but we
must content ourselves with what has been written to show in part the
wonderful and rapid changes then made in old and settled conditions, and
the powerful influence this section had in moulding a government based on
'natural rights and justice,' and in shaping its destinies."


It was George Washington, a native of Westmoreland county, raised in
Fredericksburg, who led the American armies in the Revolutionary war and
gained American independence. He was called the "Great and Good
Washington." He was truly great. He was great in the eyes of Americans; he
was great in the eyes of his opposing enemies; he was great in the eyes of
the world. He was an uncrowned king, because he refused to be crowned. We
cannot properly appreciate his greatness, because he was so great we have
no one to compare him with.

It is said a famous scholar has written a long essay in which he argued
that the "traditional Washington" must give place to the new Washington.
Referring to this, Senator Lodge says: "This is true in one sense. A new
idea of Washington comes up in the mind of each generation, as it learns
the story of the father of this country; but in another sense, the idea of
a new Washington is wrong. He cannot be discovered anew, because there
never was but one Washington."

As to the esteem in which Washington is held all over the world, Senator
Lodge says: "Even Englishmen, the most unsparing critics of us, have done
homage to Washington from the time of Byron and Fox to the present day.
France has always revered his name. In distant lands, people who have
hardly heard of the United States know the name of Washington. Nothing
could better show the regard of the world for this great giver of liberty
to the people than the way in which contributions came from all nations to
his monument in Washington. There are stones from Greece, fragments of the
Parthenon. There are stones from Brazil, Turkey, Japan, Switzerland, Siam
and India. In sending her tribute, China said: 'In devising plans,
Washington was more decided than Ching Shing or Woo Kwang; in winning a
country, he was braver than Tsau Tsau or Ling Po. Wielding his four-footed
falchion, he extended the frontiers, and refused to accept the royal
dignity. The sentiments of the three dynasties have reappeared in him. Can
any man of ancient or modern times fail to pronounce Washington peerless?'
These comparisons, which are so strange to our ears, and which sound
stranger still when used in comparison with Washington, show that his name
has reached further than we can comprehend."

Speaking of the Declaration of Independence, Maury says:

    "From beginning to end it was the work of Virginia. A Virginia planter
    (Mason) conceived it; a Virginia lawyer (Jefferson) drafted it; and a
    Virginia soldier (Washington) defended it and made it a living


It was John Paul Jones, a Fredericksburg man, who raised the first flag
over our infant navy, and the first to throw our National flag--the Stars
and Stripes--to the breeze of heaven. The National Portrait Gallery,
volume 1, giving a short sketch of Jones's life, says: "On the
organization of the infant navy of the United States, in 1775, John Paul
Jones received the appointment of first of the first lieutenants in the
service, in which, in his station on the flag-ship Alfred, he claimed the
honor of being the foremost on the approach of the Commander-in-Chief,
Commodore Hopkins, to raise the new American flag. This was the old device
of a rattlesnake coiled on a yellow ground, with the motto, '_Don't tread
on me_,' which is yet partially retained in the seal of the war-office. *
* * By the resolution of June 14, 1777, he was appointed to the Ranger,
newly built at Portsmouth--a second instance of the kind--had the honor of
hoisting for the first time the new flag of the Stars and Stripes."


It was Fredericksburg that gave to the country the head of the armies of
the United States in the great war for independence, in the person of the
peerless Washington, and also furnished the greatest naval commander of
that war in the person of the dauntless John Paul Jones. In addition to
Washington, the small town of Fredericksburg sent to the field during the
great Revolution five other generals--Gen. Hugh Mercer, Gen. George
Weedon, Gen. Wm. Woodford, Gen. Thomas Posey and Gen. Gustavus B. Wallace,
besides many officers of the line of high rank.


It was James Madison, of Orange county, a Virginian, born a few miles
below Fredericksburg, at Port Conway, in King George county, who gave
that wonderful instrument, the Constitution of the United States, to the
country, that has been described as the "grand palladium of our liberty,
the golden chain of our union, the broad banner of freemen, a terror to
tyrants and a shining light to patriots."

Hon. James D. Richardson, of Tennessee, in his great work of compiling the
messages and papers of the Presidents, with short biographical sketches of
each, after recounting the labors, works and achievements of Mr. Madison,
says: "It was not for these things or any of them his fame is to endure.
His act and policy in the framing of the marvellous instrument, the
constitution of our country, his matchless advocacy of it with his voice
and pen, and his adherence to its provisions at all times and in all
exigencies, obtained for him the proudest title ever bestowed upon a man,
the title of the 'Father of the Constitution.' It is for this 'act and
policy' he will be remembered by posterity."


Hon. A. Wellington Wallace, at one time Judge of the Corporation Court of
Fredericksburg, contributes for this work the following paper on the
Constitution of the United States:

"No historical sketch of Fredericksburg and its locality would be complete
without at least an epitome of the constitutional form of government of
the United States; for within a radius of seventy-five miles from
Fredericksburg were reared the leading men who inspired the Federal
Constitution. There are few, if any, similar areas in magnitude that can
furnish, in one epoch of time, such a splendid galaxy of names. George
Washington, Richard Henry Lee, James Madison, Patrick Henry, John Blair,
George Wythe, Edmund Randolph, and George Mason, the deputies appointed by
Virginia to frame the Federal Constitution, were natives of this

"The inspiration given to the men of the age when our constitution was
framed, was a wonder to the world. No nation had ever attempted by a
written paper to provide a fundamental basis for government to last for
all time and to provide for every emergency which might arise. The
British Constitution, which had been the maternal chart of government
before the Revolution, was a collective name for the principles of public
policy on which the government of the United Kingdom was based. It was not
formulated in any document, but the gradual development of the political
intelligence of the English people, resulting from concessions from the
Crown, successive revolutions, numerous enactments of Parliament and from
the established principles of the common law. But here in this new
country, by young men, born in the territory around Fredericksburg, was
inaugurated a departure from the traditions of our ancestors to govern by
a written fundamental law, a nation, whose progress thereunder has been
phenomenal and has been, and will ever be, a continuing cause of
astonishment to the civilized world.

"As has been stated in this chapter, the Constitution of Virginia, of
1777, drawn by George Mason, was the first written constitution.
Subsequently, the several colonies that revolted against Great Britain,
entered into written articles of confederation for the common defense and
for government in time of war, but when the independence of the United
States had been recognized by Great Britain, these articles of
confederation were found totally inadequate for the powers of government.

"The power of making war, peace and treaties, of levying money and
regulating commerce and the corresponding judicial and executive
authorities, were not fully and effectually vested in the Federal Union;
so it became necessary that the freed colonies should either become weak,
independent sovereignties, or should be bound together by stronger
obligations, and, that for the general welfare, the separate sovereignties
should surrender certain rights and powers to central control. With a view
to this object, on the 21st day of January, 1786, a resolution passed the
Legislature of Virginia for the appointment of five commissioners, any
three of whom might act, to meet similar commissioners from other States
of the Union; and, under this resolution, the commissioners appointed
fixed the first meeting in September following as the time, and the city
of Annapolis, Maryland, as the place of meeting.

"Edmund Randolph, James Madison and Saint George Tucker attended,
representing Virginia, and, as a result of this conference a convention
was called of all the States, to be held in Philadelphia, on the 25th day
of May, 1787, and to that convention Virginia sent the deputies mentioned
before in this paper, and, of these deputies, George Washington was chosen
president of the assembled body. An extended account of the proceedings of
that convention would be inappropriate in this brief narration. It is
sufficient to state that the convention adjourned, having completed its
work on the 17th day of September, following its meeting, and that while
all the Virginia delegates assisted in the work of the convention, only
three of the delegates, George Washington, James Madison and James Blair,
signed the Constitution.

"The Constitution went into effect on the 4th day of March, 1789, although
George Washington, the first President of the United States under it, was
not inaugurated until the 13th day of April--eleven of the thirteen States
having ratified it, the others, North Carolina and Rhode Island, not
ratifying, the former until November 21, 1789, and the latter until May
29, 1790.

"The Constitution is a document comprised in seven original articles and
fifteen amendments. Of the original articles the first deals with the
legislative body, prescribing the mode of election to the House of
Representatives and the Senate, the qualifications of members, the method
by which bills shall be passed, and those subjects on which Congress shall
be qualified to act. The second relates to the Executive Department,
prescribing the method of election and qualifications and duties of the
President. The third relates to the Judicial Department, providing for the
Supreme Court and such other inferior courts as Congress may think
necessary. The fourth deals with the relations of the Federal Government
and the separate States, and provides for the admission of new States. The
fifth relates to the power and method of amendments to the Constitution;
the sixth to the National Supremacy, and the seventh to the establishment
of the government upon the ratification of the Constitution by nine of the

"The amendments, according to one of the methods provided, were
proposed by Congress and ratified by the States. The first twelve were
submitted under acts passed in 1789, 1790, 1793 and 1803, and the last
three after the Civil war, under acts of 1865, 1868 and 1870. The most
important of the amendments are the twelfth, which changed the method of
electing the President and Vice-President to the existing method; the
thirteenth, which abolishes slavery; the fourteenth, which disqualifies
any one who has been engaged in rebellion against the government from
holding office, unless his disqualification has been removed by Congress,
and prevents the assumption and payment of any debt incurred in aid of
rebellion; and the fifteenth, which prohibits the denial to any one the
right to vote because of race, color or previous condition of servitude.

[Illustration: Shiloh Baptist Church, New Site (colored.) (See page 215)]

[Illustration: The Church of God and Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ
(colored.) (See page 216)]

"This is an epitome of the Constitution of the United States, by virtue of
which the government has been maintained to the present time; and the
principles laid down therein were, to a very large extent, the suggestions
of the men we have mentioned from the locality of Fredericksburg. The
Republic based upon this Constitution was an experiment, but it has, for
more than a century, withstood the most terrific shocks of the most
troublous times. It has waged foreign wars successfully; wild party spirit
has always been foiled in efforts to undermine it; the bloodiest
internecine strife in the world's history, sustained on both sides by
unsurpassed valor, has but cemented its strength and prosperity at home
and its power and prestige abroad; from thirteen small, feeble colonies,
it has become a great nation of nearly eighty millions of people, its
domain not only spreading from ocean to ocean, but extending far over the
seas, and the protecting ægis of the Constitution, and the laws passed
thereunder, guarding every race from every clime.

"No more splendid apostrophe to the Constitution could be added than the
tribute of Mr. Gladstone, of England, the ablest advocate of human rights
the century just closed has produced, when he said, in substance, that it
was the grandest and greatest compendium of principles that had ever
emanated from the brain, or been written down by the pen, of man."


    _The First Proclamation for Public Thanksgiving--Pennsylvania Whiskey
    Rebellion--John Marshall and the Supreme Court--Religious Liberty--The
    Monroe Doctrine--Seven Presidents--Clarke Saves the Great
    Northwest--The Northwest Explored--Louisiana Purchase--Texas
    Acquired--Mexico Adds to Our Territory--The Oceans Measured, Sounded
    and Mapped--The Ladies' Memorial Association--The Mary Washington
    Monument, &c._

This chapter is taken up with a continuation and conclusion of the
subjects of the last two chapters--that is, a brief reference to what has
been accomplished for the country by the giant minds, and through the
dangerous and daring exploits of the men who lived in Fredericksburg and
within a radius of seventy-five miles of Fredericksburg; therefore no
farther introduction to the chapter is necessary.


It was Richard Henry Lee, of Westmoreland county, a Virginian, styled the
Cicero of America, who wrote the first proclamation for public
thanksgiving in this country. Congress, with the government, had moved
from Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, where it had gone for safety, to York, in
the same State, then containing about 1,500 inhabitants. At that time the
chief cities in the country were in the hands of the enemy, except
Richmond and Savannah, and the American army--again defeated at
Germantown--retreating before a victorious enemy. Congress had been in
session for nine months in York in the years 1777 and 1778, and while
there heard the news of the surrender of Burgoyne, adopted the Articles of
Confederation, received the news from Benjamin Franklin at Paris of the
decision of the French government to aid the Americans in their struggle
for liberty, and issued the first national thanksgiving proclamation.

The President of Congress appointed Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia, with
Samuel Adams, of Massachusetts, and Gen. Roberdeau, of Pennsylvania, to
draft the proclamation. It was written by Mr. Lee, and for its beauty and
comprehensiveness, and being the first paper of the kind ever prepared and
issued by authority in this country, it will, we are sure, be regarded
with interest and veneration. It is as follows:

    "For inasmuch as it is the indispensable duty of all men to adore the
    superintending providence of Almighty God, to acknowledge, with
    gratitude, their obligations for benefits received, and to implore
    such further blessings as they stand in need of; and it having pleased
    him, in his abundant mercy, not only to continue to us the many
    blessings of his common providence, but also to smile upon us in the
    prosecution of just and necessary war, for the defence and
    establishment of our rights and liberties; particularly that he has
    been pleased, in so great a measure, to prosper the means used for the
    support of our troops and to crown our arms with signal success.

    "It is, therefore, recommended to the legislatures, or executives,
    powers of these United States, to set apart Thursday, the 18th of
    December next, for solemn thanksgiving and praise; that with one heart
    and one voice the people of this country may express their grateful
    reverence, and consecrate themselves to the service of their divine
    benefactor, and that together, with their sincere acknowledgments,
    they may join in a penitent confession of their manifold sins, whereby
    they had forfeited every favor, and their humble and earnest
    supplication may be that it may please God, through the merits of
    Jesus Christ, mercifully to forgive and blot them out of remembrance;
    that it may please him graciously to shower his blessings on the
    government of these States, respectively, and to prosper the public
    council of the whole United States; to inspire our commanders, both by
    land and sea, and all under them, with that wisdom and fortitude which
    may render them fit instruments, under the providence of Almighty God,
    to secure for these United States the greatest of all
    blessings--independence and peace; that it may please him to prosper
    the trade and manufactures of the people, and the labor of the
    husbandman, that our land may yield its increase; to protect schools
    and seminaries of learning, so necessary for cultivating the
    principles of true liberty, virtue and piety, under his nurturing
    hand, and to prosper the means of religion for the promotion and
    enlargement of the kingdom which consists of righteousness, peace and
    joy in the Holy Ghost.

    "It is further recommended that all servile labor and such recreation
    as at other times innocent may be unbecoming the purpose of this
    appointment on so solemn an occasion."

This historic document was adopted by Congress on the 30th of October,
1777, and sent to the governors of the respective States on the 1st of
November by the President of the Congress, Henry Lawrens, of South
Carolina, who had just been elected to fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation of John Hancock, of Massachusetts.


It was Henry Lee, of Westmoreland county, a Virginian, known through the
war for independence as "Light Horse Harry," who, in 1792, crushed out the
Whiskey Rebellion in Pennsylvania and restored order to the four counties
in rebellion. He was at the time Governor of Virginia, and was in command
of 15,000 troops, raised by special requisition of President Washington
from the States of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey. It was
this Henry Lee who delivered the funeral oration in Congress on
Washington, in which he used those words which will last in history as
long as the memory of Washington shall be revered, "He was first in war,
first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen."


It was John Marshall, of Fauquier county, a Virginian, who, by his great
ability and firmness of character, brought the Supreme Court up from a
tribunal of little importance and consequence to one of great dignity and
to one equal in power and importance with the executive and legislative
branches of the government. He did more--he established not only the fact
that the Supreme Court was the proper tribunal to declare what was and
what was not law, under the Constitution, but it was to set limits to the
powers and prerogatives of the chief executive himself.

In an address on the Supreme Court by Justice Brown in 1896, he said: "The
Constitution had been adopted by the vote of the thirteen States of the
Union, but its construction was a work scarcely less important than its
original creation. With a large liberty of choice, guided by no
precedents, and generally unhampered by his colleagues upon the bench, the
great Chief Justice (Marshall) determined what was law by what he thought
it ought to be, evolved from his own experience of the defects of the
Articles of Confederation and from an innate consciousness of what the
country required, a theory of construction which time has vindicated and
the popular sentiment of succeeding generations has approved. In the case
of Marbury against Madison, which arose at his very first term, he
declared the judicial power to extend to the annulment of an act of
Congress in conflict with the Constitution, a doctrine peculiar to this
country, but so commending itself to the common sense of justice as to
have been incorporated in the jurisprudence of every State in the Union.
The lack of this check upon the action of the Legislature has wrecked the
constitution of many a foreign State, and it is safe to say that our own
would not have long survived a contrary decision. Had Marshall rendered no
other service to the country, this of itself would have been sufficient to
entitle him to its gratitude." And Judge A. W. Wallace, writing of Justice
Marshall, said: "By his canons of construction he fortified the
foundations of the Constitution and builded thereon the jurisprudence of
the United States--whose opinions, nearly a century old, stand, like a
great sea-wall, breasting every billow of political frenzy that has
threatened to engulf the safety, permanence and perpetuity of our


It was Thomas Jefferson, of Albemarle county, a Virginian, who wrote the
act of the General Assembly of Virginia, passed on the 26th day of
December, 1785, establishing religious liberty in Virginia, which has been
adopted, or a law of similar import, by every State in the United States,
and made a part of the Constitution of the United States, by the first
amendment made to that instrument. It is one of the grandest achievements
of Mr. Jefferson, and stamps him as a patriot who could and did rise
superior to his environments and surroundings, and even his predilections
and life-long attachments, and secure to the people, by a law which he
expressed the hope would never be repealed, their rights in matters of
conscience as to religion and the worship of their God. It has permeated
this whole country, and its influence is felt more or less throughout
Christendom, and as a little leaven will leaven the whole lump, so its
influence is still at work and time only can tell what it shall

The act was written in Fredericksburg, and, omitting the long preamble,
which is written in Mr. Jefferson's best and most vigorous style, is as
follows: "That no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any
religious worship, place or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be inforced,
restrained, molested or burthened, in his body or goods, nor shall
otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that
all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their
opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise
diminish, enlarge or affect their civil capacities."


It was James Monroe, a native of Westmoreland county, but for years a
citizen of Fredericksburg, a Virginian, who announced the American
principle, known as the "Monroe Doctrine" that declared that no foreign
power should acquire territory on this continent, which has been the
guiding principle of the United States government since its enunciation,
and which has been the safeguard to all the governments of this

The Monroe doctrine and the causes that called it forth, are succinctly
stated in volume 10 of the "Messages and Papers of the Presidents," and
are as follows: "After the overthrow of Napoleon, France, Russia, Prussia
and Austria formed the so-called Holy Alliance in September, 1815, for the
suppression of revolutions within each other's dominions and for
perpetuating peace. The Spanish colonies in America having revolted, it
was rumored that this alliance contemplated their subjugation, although
the United States had acknowledged their independence. George Canning,
English Secretary of State, proposed that England and America unite to
oppose such intervention. On consultation with Jefferson, Madison, John
Quincy Adams and Calhoun, Monroe, in his annual message to Congress in
1823, embodied the conclusions of these deliberations in what has since
been known as the Monroe Doctrine. Referring to the threatened
intervention of the powers, the message declares: 'We owe it, therefore,
to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the United States
and those powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their
part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous
to our peace and safety. With the existing colonies or dependencies of any
European power we have not interfered and shall not interfere. But with
the governments who have declared their independence and maintained it,
and whose independence we have, on great consideration and on just
principles, acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the
purpose of oppressing them, or controlling in any other manner their
destiny, by any European power in any other light than as the
manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States.'"


And furthermore: Not only did Fredericksburg and vicinity furnish the
leader of the American armies to victory and independence, and the leading
spirit in the navy; not only did they furnish the author of the
Declaration of Independence and the Father of the Constitution, but they
furnished the Presidents of the United States for thirty-two years of the
most trying and difficult part of the history of the Republic,--it being
the formative period of an experiment,--except the four years of John
Adams's administration, during which but little, if any, progress was
made. Washington was the first President, serving eight years; Jefferson
succeeding Adams, who served eight years; then Madison eight years,
followed by James Monroe for eight years, thus making the thirty-two
years. Besides these four Presidents, Virginia furnished three others,
who lived or were born within the circle of seventy-five miles of
Fredericksburg, namely, Wm. Henry Harrison, John Tyler and Zachary Taylor.
It is rather remarkable that both Harrison and Tyler should have been born
in Charles City county, Virginia, elected on the same ticket, Harrison,
who had moved to Ohio, as President, and Tyler as Vice-President, the
death of the former just one month after his inauguration, elevating Tyler
to the Presidency. President Taylor was born in Orange county.


It was George Rodgers Clarke,[85] of Albemarle county, a Virginian and a
Fredericksburg man, by the authority of Virginia's Governor, Patrick
Henry, with volunteers from Virginia and Kentucky, explored and conquered
the great Northwest Territory. This territory belonged to Virginia under
original grant in her charter, but the British at this time held it,
established strong posts there and encouraged the Indians to make war on
the white settlements. The Continental Congress could spare no troops to
reclaim this territory, though appealed to by Virginia to do so. For this
dangerous task Geo. R. Clarke proffered his services, which were accepted
by the Governor. Enlisting volunteers, he marched into that region, and by
real ability, rare skill, heroic courage and patience in bearing every
hardship and privation, captured Forts Kaskaskia and Vincennes and other
posts, and floated the flag of Virginia over the whole of the Northwest
Territory, it being designated Illinois county, Virginia.

This campaign cleared that entire country of the British, and secured to
Virginia a clear title to that vast territory, out of which the States of
Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan and a part of Minnesota were
afterwards carved, and which Virginia gave to the Union as a free-will
offering, the most imperial gift that State or nation ever laid on the
altar of country.[86]

[Illustration: R., F. & P. Railroad Company's Iron Bridge over the
Rappahannock River. (See page 328)]

Senator Daniel W. Voorhees, of Indiana, in his defence of Cook, at
Charlestown, now West Virginia, in 1859, one of the John Brown raiders,
said in his opening remarks:

"The very soil on which I live, in my western home, was once owned by this
venerable Commonwealth, as much as the soil on which I now stand. Her laws
there once prevailed, and all her institutions were there established as
they are here. Not only my own State of Indiana, but also four other great
States in the Northwest, stand as enduring and lofty monuments of
Virginia's magnanimity and princely liberality. Her donation to the
general government made them sovereign States; and since God gave the
fruitful land of Canaan to Moses and Israel, such a gift of present or
future empire has never been made to any people."


It was Meriwether Lewis, of Albemarle, and Wm. Clarke,[87] of
Fredericksburg, both Virginians, who explored that great stretch of
country from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean, and made it less
difficult for John C. Fremont, who afterwards explored the same territory
and received the proud appellation of the "Great Path Finder," which
appellation rightly belonged to Lewis and Clarke.


It was Thomas Jefferson, of Albemarle county, a Virginian, who, while
President of the United States, made the "Louisiana Purchase," which
brought to the possession of the United States more than one million
square miles of territory. This immense territory belonged to the French
government. It embraced the present States of Louisiana, Arkansas,
Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, Indian Territory, North and South Dakota,
Montana, and parts of Kansas, Minnesota, Wyoming and Colorado. The price
paid was $11,250,000 in money and the assumption by the government of
debts due our citizens by France, amounting to $3,750,000, making in all

The purchase of this vast territory was bitterly opposed,--as all
acquisitions of territory by the United States have been--especially in
New England, where they threatened to secede from the Union, if it was
consummated, and the legislation of Massachusetts passed and sent to the
President and Speaker of the House a resolution to the effect that they
would consider the adding of the Louisiana territory, to the domain of the
United States, just cause for exercising their right of secession.[88]


It was James Monroe, of Fredericksburg, a Virginian, who purchased Florida
from the Spanish government for $5,000,000, a land of "Fruits and
Flowers," and a favorite health resort for winter tourists from all parts
of the country. Its Spanish name Pascua Florida, translated, means Flowery
Easter, which indicates that in Florida the flower season is perpetual.


It was Sam Houston, of Rockbridge county, a Virginian, who wrested the
great State of Texas from Mexico and afterwards ceded it to the United
States, John Tyler, of Charles City county, a Virginian, signing the bills
for its admission three days before his presidential term ended. By this
acquisition the government added to its possessions territory sufficient,
it is said, to furnish comfortable homes for the present population of the
United States, which would then be less crowded than many of the States of


It was Gen. Winfield Scott, of Dinwiddie county, a Virginian, and Gen.
Zachary Taylor (Rough and Ready), of Orange county, also a Virginian, who
subdued Mexico, by which there were added to the territory of the United
States the great States of California, Arizona and New Mexico.

And thus it will be seen, that all of the territory acquired by the United
States Government, from the union of the colonies for the common defence
to the purchase of Alaska, except the Gadsden purchase, was secured
through Virginians, who were born and raised, and many of them at the time
lived, in or near Fredericksburg.


It was Matthew Fontaine Maury, of Spotsylvania county, and later a
resident of Fredericksburg, a Virginian, who marked out the tracks of
speed and safety for mariners of every clime over the ocean's bosom, and
showed the beds on the bottom of the seas, where the cable lines now
safely lie, of whom all the officers of the maritime nations came to
learn, on whom kings and emperors bestowed orders, medals and decorations,
and of whom the great Humboldt said he had created a new science.[89]

The following paper, on this great man's life, character and achievements,
to whom the world is so greatly indebted, was prepared by Rev. J. S. Dill,
D. D., then a resident of this place, and pastor of the Baptist church,
for this volume:

    "On the 14th of January, 1806, only ten miles from the city of
    Fredericksburg, in the county of Spotsylvania, was born Matthew
    Fontaine Maury. He came of goodly stock, for there mingled in his
    nature, in equal parts, the sturdy religious life of the French
    Huguenots and the gallantry of the English Cavalier. On his mother's
    side he belonged to the Minor family, of Virginia, while his name
    testifies that his paternal ancestors were among those who, from the
    persecutions of France, stretched their arms to the New World.

    "When Maury was five years old, his parents emigrated to Tennessee and
    settled near the present town of Franklin. Thus, in the primeval
    forests of Tennessee, far away from the ocean's tuneful chant, there
    grew up the lad, who was to become 'The Pathfinder of the Seas.'

    "The early educational advantages of young Maury were but scant. An
    accident, disqualifying him for farm service, gave him his best
    opportunity at an academy, and this he did not fail to use. Maury
    looked to the army for a profession, but his parents denied him. When,
    without their knowledge, he then secured his appointment to the navy,
    they again objected, and he left home without his father's blessing.
    In 1825, an inland lad of nineteen years, Maury was assigned to duty
    as a midshipman on the Brandywine. It became evident that he had
    resolved to master his profession, and his promotion was rapid. In
    1831 he was appointed master of the sloop of war Falmouth, which was
    ordered to Pacific waters. Diligently he sought information as to the
    best track for his vessel. Finding no reliable chart for his guidance,
    he realized the need of such help and his mind began at once to
    grapple with that problem, the solution of which afterwards
    immortalized him."


"At home for a time in 1834, he was married to Miss Ann Herndon, of
Fredericksburg, and from this time on we find much of his family life
woven into the history of our city. On Charlotte street, between Princess
Ann and Prince Edward, still stands the house[90] where he lived and his
children were born. At this time he published his first book--a 'Treatise
on Navigation'--which for many years, even after the Civil war, was made a
text book in the naval academy at Annapolis. His pen now became active in
newspaper articles that startled the country, and there even arose a
sentiment to elevate him to the portfolio of Secretary of the Navy.

"In the fall of 1839, by the upsetting of the stage in which he was
travelling, his knee was severely fractured. But this untoward accident,
under the guiding hand of God, put him into the very position in which he
was to perform his life-work. His lame leg being unseaworthy, he was
placed in charge of the 'Depot of Charts and Instruments,' at Washington.
Here he grasped his great opportunity. Here, at the capital of the nation,
he wrought for twenty years, and these two decades, from 1841 to 1861,
mark the high tide of his service to the world.

"At Washington Maury found the vast accumulation of the 'log books' of the
United States warships, stored away as mere rubbish. This he utilized as
valuable data. He also set in operation plans for still more complete and
accurate collections of all kinds of hydrographic and meteorologic
observations. With all this before him, with pains-taking toil, he
prepared his wonderful 'charts and sailing directions.' His work took
ultimate form in a series of six 'charts' and eight large folio volumes of
'sailing directions,' and these comprehended all waters, in every clime,
where fly the white sails of civilized commerce.

"The charts exhibit, with wonderful accuracy, the winds and currents,
their force and direction, at different seasons, the temperature of the
surface waters, the calm belts and trade winds, the rains and the storms.
The eight volumes of 'sailing directions,' are brim full of the most
valuable nautical information, and are perfect treasures to the
intelligent seaman. This effected a revolution in the art of navigation.
The practical result was that the most difficult of all sea voyages--that
from New York to San Francisco, around Cape Horn--has been shortened by
forty days; and it has been estimated, that in shortening the time and
lessening the dangers of sea voyages, there has been a saving to the
world's commerce of not less than $40,000,000 annually.

"In writing about these sea routes he has mapped out, Maury has this to
say: 'So to shape the course on voyages as to make the most of winds and
currents at sea, is the perfection of the navigator's art. How the winds
blow and the currents flow along this route or that, is no longer matter
of opinion or speculation. The wind and the weather, daily encountered by
hundreds, who have sailed the same voyage before him, have been tabulated
for the mariner; nay, his path has been literally blazed for him on the
sea; mile posts have been set upon the waves, and finger-boards planted
and time-tables furnished for the trackless waste.'

"The simple 'Depot of Charts and Instruments,' over which Maury was
placed, soon became the 'National Observatory,' with this man of genius as
its superintendent. The vast work was international and, in 1853, brought
about the great Brussels conference. On his return from this conference,
ladened with honors, Maury stood before the world as the founder of the
twin sciences of hydrography and meteorology. No less a man than
Alexander von Humboldt declared him the founder of a new science."


"The limits of this sketch forbid more than a bare mention of the many
other directions in which the genius of this wonderful man blessed the
world. The great Atlantic cable, that flashes the news from continent to
continent, is one of the radiant sparks that flew from his anvil as he
wrought. Cyrus Field declared, at its completion, 'Maury furnished the
brains, England gave the money, I did the work.' He established the river
gauges of the Mississippi and the daily observations that give our best
knowledge of that great river. He established the great circle routes for
ocean steamship travel, and the 'steam laws' now used in ocean travel are
his. He applied his system of meteorology to land as well as sea, and
outlined the work of the 'signal service' and 'weather bureau' of to-day.

"The 'National Observatory,' under Maury, comprehended in all essential
particulars what now is divided into no less than four departments at
Washington. In 1855 Maury published his popular work 'The Physical
Geography of the Sea and its Meteorology.' The work has passed through
twenty editions, and has found its way into the languages of Continental
Europe. It is the very poetry of his great science, analyzing and
tabulating millions of observations of the sea--its currents and its
climates, its winds and rains and storms, its myriads of animal life, and
marvellous formations of shore-lines and bottoms--he found his way to the
heart of nature and laid before us, like an open book, her majestic laws.
And never did scientific man touch nature in more devout spirit. In all he
saw the handiwork of God. Investigations into the broad-spreading circle
of phenomena, connected with the winds of heaven and the waves of the sea,
never failed to lift his mind to the Creator. As he pondered these things,
he heard a voice in every wave that chipped its hand, he felt a pressure
in every breeze that blew, he knelt and worshipped God."


"The life of Maury fell on times when there were at work other currents
than those of sea and river. Political passions blew to a gale and the
nation drifted to Civil war. His supreme sense of duty, and loyalty to his
own State, was the current that bore him away from Washington and stranded
him in the final wreck of the Southern Confederacy. In those unhappy times
no man sacrificed more than Maury. He not only resigned his high position
at Washington, but turned his back upon tempting offers from Russia and
France, in order to suffer affliction with his own people. In the Civil
war he rendered most valuable service by introducing submarine torpedo
warfare, and inventing a sure method of explosion by electricity. Much of
his time was spent in England purchasing navy supplies and perfecting
inventions in navy warfare.

"After the war, Maury turned to Mexico and joined his fortunes to the
Emperor Maximilian; but the tragic end of this friend and patron, again
left him stranded. When, in 1868, the enactment of a general amnesty
removed his political disabilities, Maury accepted the Chair of
Meteorology in the Virginia Military Institute, and there spent the
closing years of his life. He greatly rejoiced in this return to old
friends and scenes, and addressed himself with ardor to congenial
pursuits. But a constitution, not the strongest, gave way to the storms of
the last years. The middle of October, 1872, on his return from a
fatiguing lecture tour, as he crossed his threshold he said 'I am come
home to die.' For four long months he lay weak and suffering. The end came
on the 1st of February. 1873. A heavenly breeze bore him to the anchorage
beyond the sea, and the trusting child of nature rested with his God.

"Than Matthew Fontaine Maury no American has received higher honors from
foreign countries. Orders of Knighthood were bestowed upon him by the
Emperor of Russia, King of Denmark, King of Portugal, King of Belgium, and
the Emperor of France; while Prussia, Austria, Sweden, Holland, Sardinia,
Bremen and France, struck gold medals in his honor The Pope sent him a
full set of all the medals struck during his pontificate; Maximilian
decorated him with 'The Cross of Our Lady Guadaloupe;' while Germany
bestowed upon him the great 'Cosmos Medal,' struck in honor of Von
Humboldt. It is the only duplicate of that medal in existence. He became
corresponding member of more literary and scientific circles, and received
more honorary diplomas, at home and abroad, than any other man known to

"Our own National Government has failed to honor his memory by appropriate
memorial, yet his name is so woven with his great science that it must
live. The Hon. Mellin Chamberlain, late Librarian of Congress, in calm
judicial tone, has declared, 'I do not suppose there is the least doubt
that Maury was the greatest man America has ever produced.'

"A bill to honor Commodore Maury, with an appropriate monument, lies
mouldering in the archives of Congress. It will some day see the light.
During the last years of Maury's life the smoke of a great conflict
gathered about him and hid his face from the National Government; but the
smoke is fast lifting, and the healthy breezes of a great national
fraternity will soon blow it far away. Then his nation will look upon his
face and see the clear outlines of his character--then will he take his
own proper place in America's galaxy of the great."


It was in Fredericksburg, and by the ladies of Fredericksburg, Virginians,
that the first memorial association was organized and chartered for
looking after the dead soldiers, for providing them a final resting place
in some convenient cemetery laid out for the purpose, and strewing their
graves with the first flowers of spring as the years pass by. This was
their second care after their return to their homes at the close of the
Civil war, their first being their own homes, which were almost in ruins;
and since the organization of that memorial association no season of
flowers has passed that these graves have not been piously remembered.


It was the ladies of Fredericksburg, Virginians, who inaugurated the move,
and carried it on to complete success, to raise a monument to a woman,
the tallest and most imposing of its kind that is to be found on this
continent. It towers over fifty feet high, the shaft is solid granite, and
it marks the grave of the greatest of American women--Mary, the mother of
Washington. It is true, that after the work was commenced, the plans laid,
and some money raised, the ladies were assisted by the National Mary
Washington Monument Association, which did good service, but even that
association, brought into being through the local association at
Fredericksburg, was made more active and efficient by the energy and
persistence of the pioneers in the movement. That monument is grand and
beautiful, and reaches high into the heavens, and while it marks the last
resting place of that sainted woman, it reflects great honor upon all the
ladies who assisted in its erection.

[Illustration: Commodore Matthew Fontaine Maury, the "Path Finder of the
Seas." (See page 315)]

These are some of the things in which Virginians took the lead and which
were accomplished by them. There may be omissions of noble acts and brave
deeds that might have been mentioned of whose existence we are in
ignorance, but these we have mentioned will suffice to show that they were
the leading spirits in throwing off the British yoke of oppression, in
uniting the colonies for common defence, in proclaiming to the world our
grievances and declaring for freedom, in waging a long and bloody war and
securing independence, in forming and conducting the government from its
infancy through its experimental period, in extending its territorial
limits and in contributing to its national greatness. If for all this--if
for what has been achieved by their ancestors in field and forum, on land
and sea, an honest pride should well up in the breast of the Virginians of
the living present, that should find expression in words, where is the
individual that can rise up and charge them with vain boasting?


    _Fredericksburg at Present--The Health of the City--Its Financial
    Solidity--Its Commercial Prosperity--Its Lines of Transportation--Its
    Water Power--Its Official Calendar--List of Mayors, &c._

We now come to the closing words of the history of our venerable city, and
what we shall add in closing will be of Fredericksburg as it is at
present, without going into tiresome details, but before proceeding with
that interesting topic we must turn aside to mention some useful and
honored organizations of the ladies of the town, which failed to receive
attention in a former chapter, after which our subject. "Fredericksburg at
Present," will be resumed.


The Betty Washington Lewis Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution,
was organized in 1899 at the Exchange Hotel. Several prominent members of
the National Society were present and explained the scope and work of the
association. Mrs. Wm. Key Howard, of Kenmore, was appointed regent, by
Mrs. Hugh N. Page, State regent, and twelve charter members were obtained.
At the end of the first year Mrs. Howard resigned, and, in February, 1900,
at a meeting at Kenmore, once the home of the sister of Washington, whose
name the chapter adopted, Mrs. John T. Goolrick was elected regent; Mrs.
H. M. D. Martin, vice-regent; Mrs. B. C. Chancellor, registrar; Mrs. V. S.
F. Doggett, treasurer; Miss Sallie N. Gravatt, secretary, and Mrs. V. M.
Fleming, historian. In addition to these officers the following charter
members were present: Mrs. Marion Maria Mason Daniel, Mrs. Kate Tichenor
Dill, Mrs. C. R. Howard, Mrs. Florence C. Richards, Mrs. Lettie M. Spencer
and Mrs. Florence F. Weir.

In the preliminary work of organization, which was undertaken by Mrs. John
T. Goolrick, one of her warmest supporters was Mrs. Martin. She actively
interested herself in the cause, her house was always open for meetings
and through her several members were added to the chapter. The work of
Mrs. V. S. F. Doggett was valuable and effective, and to the time of her
death her zeal and interest were unabated. Mrs. Lucilla S. Bradley, a
"real daughter," and Mrs. Maria Jefferson Carr Mason, a great
granddaughter of Thomas Jefferson, were honorary members.

This chapter has aided many worthy causes outside and inside of the
society, both local and foreign. Colonial balls and other entertainments
have, at different intervals, been given, among the handsomest being a
reception at Kenmore, where an address on John Paul Jones was delivered by
Capt. S. J. Quinn, before a large and appreciative audience.

In 1904 the State Conference was entertained by the Fredericksburg
Chapter, and the guests were unstinted in their praises of the hospitality
accorded them here. The chapter is at present as vital a force as when
organized, and prepared to use opportunities when found to do work along
historical and helpful lines. The officers elected at a recent meeting are
Mrs. John T. Goolrick, regent; Mrs. W. H. Richards, vice-regent; Mrs. B.
C. Chancellor, registrar; Mrs. H. M. Eckenrode, treasurer, and Miss Sallie
N. Gravatt, secretary.


The Daughters of the Confederacy was organized on the 28th of February,
1896, with the following officers: Mrs. Joseph Nicholas Barney, president;
Mrs. J. Horace Lacy, vice-president; Mrs. Vivian M. Fleming, secretary,
and Miss Sallie Nelson Gravatt, treasurer, and an executive committee of
fourteen ex-Confederates. The chapter rapidly grew in numbers and at one
time had upon the roll nearly two hundred names. This society has been
quite active since its organization and has done much good in the way of
helping destitute veterans, looking after and administering to the sick
and burying the dead. It has been the channel of distributing the
Confederate crosses, and if any cross has been bestowed upon the unworthy,
it was because of the ability of the unworthy to obtain vouchers from
genuine Confederates. This chapter has done a good work in looking after
the remains of Confederate soldiers, when found upon the battle-fields or
elsewhere, and having them interred in the Confederate cemetery. One of
the praiseworthy acts of the society, a few years ago, was to disinter the
remains of the brave Gen. Abner Perrin, killed at the "Bloody Angle" while
gallantly leading his brigade, and buried on the Hicks farm near the
courthouse, and Lieut. Wm. H. Richardson, of Alabama, killed at the same
time, and buried by the General, and to place them side by side in the
Confederate cemetery. And yet there is other work for these
self-sacrificing ladies to do. By annual elections Mrs. Barney has
remained at the head of the chapter and is the present presiding officer,
with Miss Sallie M. Lacy as secretary, who is an active support to the


The Fredericksburg Branch of the Association for the Preservation of
Virginia Antiquities is a small but active band. They have acquired the
Mary Washington House and "Rising Sun Tavern." The "Tavern" has been
recently repaired, but retains in all respects its original style of
architecture. Both buildings are furnished in "ye olden style," and are
centers of great interest to visitors. The officers of this branch are
Mrs. Vivian M. Fleming, directress; Miss Rebecca C. Mander, secretary, and
Mrs. Charles Wallace, treasurer.


The City Mission was organized on the 14th of March, 1901, mainly through
the efforts of Rev. W. D. Smith, rector of St. George's church, and Mrs.
J. B. Ficklen. It has been quite an active society and much good has
resulted from its labors. The main object of the society is to afford
relief to the destitute of the town, especially the sick, and as it is
composed altogether of benevolent and kind hearted ladies, we know, from
this and their splendid labors in the past, that their mission will be
well performed. They do more than look after the sick. These ladies gather
up secondhand clothing from those who can spare it and sell the same at a
cheap rate to those able to purchase and give to the destitute. The
society is composed of ladies from all religious denominations, and the
city is laid out in districts, each of which is placed in charge of three
ladies, to whom applications for assistance by parties living therein are
referred. By this method impositions are rare and needy persons are not
overlooked. The present officers of the society are Mrs. J. B. Ficklen,
president; Mrs. B. B. Montgomery and Miss Jennie Hurkamp vice-presidents;
Miss Rebecca C. Mander, secretary; Miss Annie Myer, treasurer, and Mrs.
Isaac Hirsh, purchasing agent.


The faculty of the public schools of Fredericksburg met and organized the
Fredericksburg Teachers' Association in September, 1906. The officers
elected at that meeting were as follows: Miss Kate James Mander,
president; Miss Clarice Crittenden Davis, vice-president; Miss Jennie M.
Goolrick, secretary, and Miss Maggie L. Honey, treasurer. The president of
the School Board, Mr. A. B. Bowering, after the teachers were organized,
was requested to outline a plan for a library, which he did, and the
teachers commenced the work. After obstacles and delays, by solicitation,
and dessert sales, a sufficient amount of money was raised to commence the
purchase of books, and quite a nice collection of the best publications
was secured. Since that additions have been made as the means of the
association would justify, and now the library is an institution formed on
a solid basis. It is popular with the children, and from it they derive
much pleasure and instruction. The present officers are Miss Kate James
Mander, president; Miss Mary Page Waller, vice-president; Miss Agnes P.
Roach, secretary, and Miss Maggie L. Honey, treasurer.


Fredericksburg is a healthy town--a true Virginia city--almost free from
the fevers and diseases that visit other cities of the coast or even of
tidewater. It is beautifully situated on the west bank of the
Rappahannock river, at the head of tidewater, where its inhabitants escape
the malaria of the lowlands and the fevers peculiar to the mountains.
Therefore, when we compare the death rate of Fredericksburg, which is made
every month by Dr. J. N. Barney, our health officer, with that of other
neighboring cities, we find it quite favorable to our town.


Our main source of water supply, the Rappahannock river, has no city or
town of any size above us, and for that reason the water is almost free
from foreign substances, and as pure as are the mountain springs from
which it flows. The analysis of this water, which has often been made in
the years gone by, and repeatedly in the past few years, shows
ninety-eight per cent., which probably more nearly approaches absolute
purity than any other stream of its size in the country. Besides this aid
to health, the sanitary condition of the town is carefully looked after by
the Board of Health, and everything that threatens the introduction of
disease is at once removed or reduced to a healthy condition. In addition
to this, as a convenience for the citizens, and an aid to health
conditions, the main part of the city has been sewered within the past
four years, and laterals are in course of construction to reach those
portions of the town not now sewered. With these aids to health and our
lynx-eyed Board of Health, who are always on the alert, we may hope for
and confidently expect, as we now have, an unusually healthy city.


The financial condition of Fredericksburg is good, and her credit is
undoubted. It is true that the debt of the city is large, but for every
bond issued there is something substantial standing for it, except nearly
$120,000 of ante-bellum bonds, issued by our forefathers in an honest and
earnest endeavor to secure for our people improvements of a permanent and
profitable character. But the improvements proved worthless to the town.
Those who voted for them have passed over the river of death, leaving this
indebtedness as a legacy to their descendants, and we take great pleasure
in providing for it. The other bonds were issued for improvements the
town needed and was compelled to have. They are all in use at present,
successfully operated, and are valued far in advance of the price paid for
them by the city, and it is only a question of private or corporation
ownership, as to whether it was a wise policy for the city to erect and
operate them. The City Council thinks it acted for the best interests of
the town and the people back it up in that opinion. Nearly all of the
bonds issued by the city bear four per cent., were sold at or above par
and purchased mostly by our own citizens. This, it would appear, is a
strong indication that our financial affairs are in a satisfactory


The commercial prosperity of the town is probably far in advance of what
it ever was before. We have now about one hundred and fifteen wholesale
and retail stores, each one doing a thriving business. In these stores the
customer will be able to find any article of merchandise he may need and
at as low price as he could find it in the larger cities. In the last few
years there has been a spirit of improvement in business houses, and at
present there are to be found store-houses that would be a credit to a
city of larger pretentions. So changed is the business portion of Main
street by reason of this enlargement and ornamentation that citizens of
the town have often had to inquire for the places they wished to visit. In
addition to this, our manufactures have increased and are still
increasing, and in them hundreds of persons find employment at living
wages. Among the manufacturing institutions may be mentioned two large
flouring mills, one woolen mill, one pants factory, one silk mill, two
sumac mills, three excelsior mills, one mattress factory, two pickle
factories, one canning factory, one shoe factory, one shirt factory, one
spoke factory and six repair shops. The assessed taxable value of property
in town is, personal property $703,782, real estate $1,676,133, making a
total of $2,379,915. Besides this, our several banks, in their periodical
statements, made to the Government, show largely over a million dollars on
deposit, subject to individual checks. In view of these facts truly it
may be said that Fredericksburg is in a prosperous commercial condition
and is rapidly adding to that prosperity.


The lines of transportation running to and from Fredericksburg are
sufficient for all the requirements of the town, both as to freight and
passenger travel, yet our citizens would not object to the construction of
another road, starting at some deep water point on the coast, crossing the
Rappahannock river at this place and connecting north of us with the great
trunk lines, traversing this extensive country in all directions. But for
this important improvement we must patiently wait.

The great line of travel and traffic through Fredericksburg, north and
south, at present, is the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac railroad.
This road is probably one of the best conducted roads in the country and
seldom has an accident. Not until a few years ago did it share its track
with any other road, but now three or more companies are running their
cars over this line and the carrying business is immense. This large
increase in business necessitated a double track of the entire line--from
Richmond to Washington--which was done with great rapidity. The present
service on this road that passes through town is nine passenger trains
north and ten south each twenty-four hours. In addition to this, the
increase in freight has also increased the number of freight trains, and
so we now have fifty to pass through in a day and night, and yet it is
more than probable that this large number will soon be further increased.
This road has a new iron bridge spanning the Rappahannock river at this

The Piedmont, Fredericksburg and Potomac railroad--Narrow Gauge--runs
daily from Fredericksburg to Orange, a distance of forty miles. It
connects Fredericksburg and intermediate points, with that great trunk
line, the Southern, at that point, which is an accommodation to the
travelling public along its entire line. Although a narrow gauge road, it
does quite a large business and it has been rumored that it may be
extended beyond the mountains some day, in which event it will become a
line of greater importance than at present.

[Illustration: The Office of the Fredericksburg Water Power Company. (See
page 330)]

[Illustration: "Marye Mansion," Gen. Longstreet's headquarters at Battle
of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862; now the residence of Capt. M. B.
Rowe. (See page 91)]

The former citizen, who went out from us even a few years ago, on his
return to his old home now, would find, among other changes, that the
Weems Line of steamers from Fredericksburg to Baltimore, had transferred
its business to another company, and the old familiar name of Weems, of
more than a half century standing, whose line was so intimately interwoven
with all the interests of Fredericksburg, was a name of the past. But he
would also find a line--The Maryland, Delaware and Virginia railroad, not
that their steam boats run upon railroad tracks--had taken its place, and,
by its splendid steamers, so well adapted to the river trade, had brought
us into rapid and easy communication with Norfolk and Baltimore, by the
Rappahannock river and Chesapeake bay, and thence with the whole busy
world beyond.


Some one writing of our water-power some years ago said: "The water-power
of the Rappahannock river at Fredericksburg, made available by the
erection of a magnificent dam, has been harnessed for work to some extent,
but not yet to its full capacity." That this is true is a pity, but that
it will not long be true is a blessing. The old dam, which gave us only
five thousand horse-power, is rapidly yielding to the touch of time, and
already another is in course of construction that will be more substantial
and give us more power than the present dam gives at its best. A
gentleman, well informed as to the plans of the present company, says:
"The dam now in process of construction will be built just below the
present dam and will be of reinforced concrete. It will be about
twenty-two feet above the present water level below the old dam, and will
husband the entire plan of the river; or rather, will render the entire
plan available for power purposes, but will not, strictly speaking,
husband the entire plan, because the pond behind the dam will be rather
limited in capacity owing to the closeness of the hills on either side of
the river and the abrupt fall of the stream. This dam will afford about
eight thousand horse-power, utilized in the city, and at a power-house of
the company to be built near the silk mill, but to the east of the main
Falmouth road. Just above Taylor's quarry it is planned to build another
dam seventy-six feet high, or about one hundred and thirty-eight feet
above the sea, with quite a large pond or storage reservoir behind it,
reaching up the river some ten miles or more. And then above this reach,
and at or about the junction of the two rivers, the large dam, about
eighty-four feet high, or two hundred and twenty-two feet above sea level,
will complete the development so far as the Fredericksburg Power Company
is concerned. This last level reaches to about Germanna. The whole
contemplated scheme will yield about thirty thousand horse-power." This
will be such an enormous increase of power over what we now have that we
cannot realize it. But the question is, what is to be done with this
immense power? Shall it be used in Fredericksburg or transmitted to
neighboring cities to increase their facilities for manufactures?
Capitalists and manufacturers must answer this question.

It will thus be seen that Fredericksburg, with its quiet ways and want of
bustling activity, is a manufacturing center of considerable importance,
and lying, as it does, on the line of travel from north to south, there is
no good reason, as we have intimated, why it may not be a manufacturing
center of much greater importance.

It is true that those who estimate a place solely by the number of
industrial enterprises which it encourages, or the amount of traffic which
comes to it, would not rank Fredericksburg as highly as some of the more
busy or bustling towns of other parts of the country, but those who
recognize other agencies besides water wheels and steam engines, and other
earthly products, besides dry goods, groceries and general merchandise,
will find much here to admire and interest them.

It is also true that with the manufacturing facilities that we possess we
would gladly see them greatly enlarged and more fully developed, also new
ones erected and operated, but with this accomplished we would not forget
that there are better fabrics than those that are manufactured by
mechanical appliances. With a climate unsurpassed, an immunity from
epidemics, a situation enviable because of its surroundings, water as pure
as ever came from mountain springs, with all the advantages as we have
before said of tidewater, without its malaria, with all the benefits of
the mountains, without the mountain fevers, together with a refined and
elevated society--if these, with the additions of home virtues and home
joys, be regarded as valuable in life, then Fredericksburg must rank much
higher than many a place that has more outward show of prosperity.

The pursuit of gain and the exacting cares of business have not engaged
altogether the thoughts and attentions of our people, to the exclusion of
those things which tend to the _pleasure_, _comfort_ and _health_ of the
community, and to its intellectual development. For the benefit of the
first mentioned of these classes, Hurkamp Park has been located,
Washington Avenue and the National Boulevard have been laid out, completed
and adorned, and the Free Bridge has been constructed, while "Lovers'
Lane" remains the same that it was in the century past.

For those who would derive comfort from inhaling the pure, fresh air of
the morning or evening in a drive, on horse-back or on a bicycle, can find
on the avenue and boulevard beautifully graded drives, and a variety of
scenes which are ever pleasing to the eye, while the beautiful sun risings
and settings, and the deep blue sky above rival in grandeur and sublimity
those of far-off Italy.

For those who would spend the twilight hours in a pleasant walk with her
who "claims his thoughts by day and dreams by night," in search of health
the Free Bridge and the enchanting walks beyond are equal to the far-famed
"Lovers' Lane," which in olden times was so attractive, even enchanting,
as it is now, to the belles and beaux, where words were spoken and vows
made that led to unions of hands and hearts that nothing earthly could
weaken or sever.

For those whose tastes and inclinations lead them to intellectual
enjoyment, the Library and Reading Room, located in the north wing of the
Courthouse and the Wallace Library, soon to be in operation, afford
excellent facilities. The Library at the Courthouse is furnished with
splendid books--historical, biographical, religious and miscellaneous, and
the number is added to as the funds at the command of the association will
allow. It is conducted by the ladies of the town, who are always ready to
give, toil and even sacrifice to benefit, elevate and make more useful
the masses of the people.

All of these advantages belong to Fredericksburg, with many others that we
have probably inadvertently omitted, that make it one of the most
desirable residential cities in the country; and we can readily agree with
Captain John Smith, the great explorer, "that Heaven and earth never
agreed better to frame a place for man's habitation," than the beautiful
valley of the Rappahannock, and Fredericksburg is located on the most
beautiful, picturesque and healthy spot of that far-famed valley.

And yet, with all these advantages, pointing out Fredericksburg as a most
desirable place for her educational, industrial, commercial and
residential advantages, its prosperity is not what it should be; but with
a full development of all her varied facilities which we trust will be
done in the near future and which can be done if our people will work
harmoniously, we may hope for more prosperous days; for

  "Reason's whole pleasure--all the joys of sense--
  Lie in three words--HEALTH, PEACE and COMPETENCE."




HON. GRANVILLE R. SWIFT, _Commonwealth's Attorney_.

A. BACON YATES, _Clerk_.

JOHN SCOTT BERRY, _Deputy Clerk_.

J. CONWAY CHICHESTER, _City Sergeant_.

BAYLOR S. PATES, _Deputy City Sergeant_.



ROBERT T. KNOX, _Treasurer_.

A. B. BOWERING, _Commissioner of Revenue_.

A. P. ROWE, _City Tax Collector_.

E. H. RANDALL, _City Surveyor_.


_Upper Ward_--S. J. QUINN, S. E. EASTBURN, R. E. BOZEL.

_Lower Ward_--A. G. BILLINGSLY.


WILLIAM. E. BRADLEY, _President_.

A. MASON GARNER, _Vice-President_.


_Upper Ward_--Wm. E. Bradley, Harry B. Lane, Josiah P. Rowe, Joseph M.
Goldsmith, John C. Melville, Clarance R. Howard.

_Lower Ward_--A. Mason Garner, W. S. Embrey, Jr., Henry Warden, J. W.
Masters, F. L. W. Green, Arthur Brown.


_On Finance_--Harry B. Lane, John C. Melville, Wm. E. Bradley.

_On Public Property_--Wm. E. Bradley, A. Mason Garner, J. W. Masters.

_On Water Works_--Josiah P. Rowe, Harry B. Lane. A. Mason Garner.

_On Streets_--W. S. Embrey, Jr., J. M. Goldsmith, C. R. Howard.

_On Light_--John C. Melville, J. W. Masters, Harry B. Lane.

_On Almshouse_--A. Mason Garner, Wm. E. Bradley, Josiah P. Rowe.

_On Public Interest_--Joseph M. Goldsmith. C. R. Howard. Henry Warden.

_On Ordinances_--Clarance R. Howard, W. S. Embrey, Jr., F. L. W. Green.

_On Auditing_--Authur Brown, F. L. W. Green, John C. Melville.

_On Health and Police_--John W. Masters, Henry Warden, Arthur Brown.

_On Schools_--Henry Warden, Josiah P. Rowe, J. M. Goldsmith.

_On Fire Department_--F. L. W. Green, Arthur Brown, W. S. Embrey, Jr.


S. J. QUINN, _Superintendent City Water Works_.

B. F. BULLOCK, _Superintendent City Gas Works_.

WM. KEY HOWARD, _Superintendent City Electric Light_.

JOHN W. BALL, _Superintendent Almshouse_.

SAMUEL FITZHUGH, _Clerk of Market_.



_Lower Ward_--JOHN H. ROBINSON, WM. R. HALL.

_Special Police_--CHARLES A. GORE.


_Lower Ward_--J. FRED. BROWN.

_Upper Ward_--JOHN J. BERREY.


A. B. BOWERING, _President_.

S. J. QUINN, _Clerk_.

B. P. WILLIS, _Superintendent_.

_Upper District_--Isaac Hirsh, W. L. Brannan, J. R. Rawlings.

_Lower District_--A. B. Bowering, W. H. Hurkamp, Geo. Freeman, Jr.



DR. J. N. BARNEY, _Secretary and Health Officer_.






CHARLES MORTIMER, from March, 1782, to March, 1783

WILLIAM MCWILLIAMS, from March, 1783, to March, 1784

JAMES SOMERVILLE, from March, 1784, to March, 1785

GEORGE WEEDON, from March, 1785, to March, 1786

CHARLES MORTIMER, from March, 1786, to March, 1787

JAMES SOMERVILLE, from March, 1787, to March, 1788

CHARLES MORTIMER, from March, 1788, to March, 1789

GEORGE FRENCH, from March, 1789, to March, 1790

BENJAMIN DAY, from March, 1790, to March, 1791

WILLIAM HARVEY, from March, 1791, to March, 1792

JAMES SOMERVILLE, from March, 1792, to March, 1793

FONTAINE MAURY, from March, 1793, to March, 1794

GEORGE FRENCH, from March, 1794, to March, 1795

WILLIAM HARVEY, from March, 1795, to March, 1796

FONTAINE MAURY, from March, 1796, to March, 1797

WILLIAM HARVEY, from March, 1797--died in office March 13, 1798

WM. TAYLOR, from March 17, 1798 to March 19, 1798

FONTAINE MAURY, from March, 1798, to March, 1799

GEORGE FRENCH, from March, 1799, to March, 1800

DAVID C. KER, from March, 1800, to March, 1801

WILLIAM S. STONE, from March, 1801, to March, 1802

DAVID C. KER, from March, 1802, to March, 1803

GEORGE FRENCH, from March, 1803, to March, 1804

BENJAMIN DAY, from March, 1804, to March, 1805

GEORGE FRENCH, from March, 1805, to March, 1806

CHARLES L. CARTER, from March, 1806--resigned August 11, 1808

WILLIAM SMOCK, from August 11, 1808, to March, 1809

RICHARD JOHNSTON, from March, 1809, to March, 1810

GEORGE FRENCH, from March, 1810, to March, 1811

JOSEPH WALKER, from March, 1811, to March, 1812

GEORGE FRENCH, from March, 1812, to March, 1813

CHARLES L. CARTER, from March, 1813, to March, 1814

GEORGE FRENCH, from March, 1814, to March, 1815

JOHN SCOTT, from March, 1815, to March, 1816

GARRET MINOR, from March, 1816, to March, 1817

ROBERT MACKAY, from March, 1817, to March, 1818

GARRET MINOR, from March, 1818, to March, 1819

ROBERT MACKAY, from March, 1819, to March, 1820

DAVID BRIGGS, from March, 1820, to March, 1821

ROBERT LEWIS, from March, 1820--died in office Feb. 10, 1829

THOMAS GOODWIN, from Feb. 12, 1829--died in office Jan. 15, 1836

JOHN H. WALLACE, from January 20, 1836 to March 22, 1838

BENJAMIN CLARKE, from March 22, 1838, to March 22, 1844

ROBERT BAYLOR SEMPLE, from Mar. 20, 1844--died in office Feb. 8, 1853

JOHN L. MARYE, JR., from Feb. 12, 1853, to March 21, 1854

PETER GOOLRICK, from March 21, 1854, to March 21, 1855

JOHN S. CALDWELL, from March 20, 1855, to March 17, 1857

PETER GOOLRICK, from March 17, 1857, to March 22, 1859

WILLIAM S. SCOTT, from March 22, 1859, to March 22, 1860

PETER GOOLRICK, from March 21, 1860--resigned April 4, 1860

MONTGOMERY SLAUGHTER, from April 4, 1860, removed by military April 28,

CHARLES E. MALLAM, appointed by military April 28, 1868, removed by
military July 15, 1869.

WILLIAM E. NYE, appointed by military July 15, 1869, resigned Feb. 23,

LAWRENCE B. ROSE, elected by Council Feb. 23, 1870, to June 30, 1870

WILLIAM ROY MASON, elected by the people July 1, 1870, resigned July 28,

LAWRENCE B. ROSE, from July 28, 1870, to June 30, 1872

ROBERT BANKS BERREY, from July 1, 1872, to June 30, 1874

LAWRENCE B. ROSE, from July 1, 1874--died in office April 10, 1877

HUGH S. DOGGETT, from April 12, 1877, to June 30, 1880

JOSEPH WARD SENER, from July 1, 1880, to June 30, 1884

JOSIAH HAZARD, from July 1, 1884, to June 30, 1888

ABSALOM P. ROWE, from July 1, 1888, to June 30, 1896

WM. SEYMOUR WHITE, from July 1, 1896--died in office Nov. 26, 1897

HENRY R. GOULDMAN, appointed Nov. 30, 1897, to June 30, 1898

ABSALOM P. ROWE, from July 1, 1898--died in office June 1, 1900

MARION G. WILLIS, appointed June 15, 1900, to June 30, 1902

MARION G. WILLIS, elected July 1, 1902, to June 30, 1904

THOMAS P. WALLACE, elected July 1, 1904, to August 31, 1908

H. LEWIS WALLACE, elected Sept. 1, 1908, and now serving.


  Accoqueck, 19.

  Acorn Lodge, I. O. O. F., 221.

  Acquisition of Territory--Walker's exploration, 281;
    the Great Northwest, 312;
    the Louisiana purchase, 313;
    the Florida purchase, 314;
    acquisition of Texas, 314;
    the territory from Mexico, 314.

  Adams, Capt. Andrew B., 221.

  Adams, John, 230, 294.

  Adams, John Quincy, 311.

  Adams, Rev. Geo. F., 211.

  Adams, Samuel, patriot, 307.

  A great revival of religion, 93.

  Aldridge, Miss Virginia, 224.

  Aler, George, 141.

  Alexander, Capt. Robert H., 184.

  Alexander, Gen. E. P., 91, 266.

  Alexander, Philip, 134

  Alexander, Robert B., editor. 227.

  Allen, John, town trustee, 42.

  Allen, Wm., 140, 142.

  Allison, John W., Jr., 167.

  Alsop, Boswell, 168.

  Ames, Michael, hostage prisoner, 77, 79.

  Amoroleck, Smith's prisoner, 15, 17.

  Anasheroans, Indian tribe, 19.

  Anderson. Capt. John K., 184.

  Anstice, Mrs. Judith, teacher, 197.

  Argall, Capt., 20.

  Armistead, Henry, court clerk, 130.

  Arts and manufactures encouraged, 46.

  Assembly's Home and School, 198.

  Association for the P. V. A., 324.

  Atkinson, John, 237.

  Bacon, Nathaniel, 281, 283.

  Baggett, Samuel I., 262.

  Baggett, Wm. M., 141.

  Bagnall, Anthony, historian, 13, 15.

  Bailey, William, 221.

  Ball, Col. Wm. B., 83.

  Ball, John M., publisher, 229.

  Ball, John Wesley, 174.

  Bankhead, Col. John, 257.

  Barber, Rev. H. H., 207.

  Barbour, Gov. James, 132.

  Barksdale, Gen. Wm., 81, 88, 97, 99.

  Barlosius. Charles F., 167.

  Barney, Dr. J. N., 326.

  Barney, Mrs. Joseph Nicholas, 326.

  Barton, Thomas B., hostage prisoner, 74, 77.

  Barton, Judge Wm. S., 68, 183, 215.

  Battle of Fredericksburg, 91, 92.

  Beale, Wm. C., 138, 139, 140.

  Beckwith, Frank, 174.

  Benson, Wm., 171.

  Benwick, J. B., Jr., architect, 141, 210.

  Bernard, Wm., 46.

  Berrey, John J., hostage prisoner, 79, 142.

  Berrey, Robert B., mayor, 184, 209.

  Beverley, Harry, town trustee, 39.

  Beverley, Robert, 28, 35.

  Billingsly, Rev. Joseph A., editor, 227.

  Biscoe, Robert L., publisher, 229.

  Blackburn, Robert, 167.

  Blackford, Wm. M., editor, 227.

  Blair, John, 302, 304.

  Blanton, Thomas, 237.

  Boardman, Stephen A., teacher. 197.

  Board of Health, 335.

  Bonaparte, Charlotte, 243.

  Bonaparte, Emperor Napoleon, 243, 310.

  Boswell, Capt. J. K., engineer, 96.

  Botts, Benjamin. 172.

  Bowen, Wm., 167.

  Bowering, Benjamin, machinist, 169, 176.

  Bowering, Prof. A. B., 169, 192, 201, 211, 325.

  Bowman, Mrs. D. C., 223.

  Bradley, Capt. James H., hostage prisoner, 77, 78.

  Bradley, Mrs. Lucilla S., 323.

  Bradley, Wm. E., 127, 147, 176, 177, 227, 261.

  Bradford, Daniel, 166.

  Braxton, Capt. Carter, 70, 71, 72.

  Braxton, Carter, signer D. I., 247.

  Braxton, Rev. Carter, 211.

  Brent, Thomas N., 197, 261.

  Bridges--Chatham, 171;
    Stafford, 171;
    Free, 171.

  Briggs, David, 64.

  Broaddus, Rev. Andrew, 210, 211.

  Broaddus, Rev. Wm. F., D. D., 74, 77, 78, 197, 211.

  Brockenburg, Dr. John, 193.

  Brooke, Judge Francis, 125.

  Brooke, Gov. Robert, 130, 218, 220.

  Brown, James, 172.

  Brown, John, 183, 313.

  Brown, Rev. James E., 216.

  Brown, Rev. John A., 216.

  Buckner, Cuthbert, teacher, 198.

  Buckner, Robert, 38, 39, 40.

  Bullock, B. F. Supt. gas, 178.

  Burgess, Roland, 216.

  Burrows, Silas, 157, 257.

  Butterfield, Gen. Daniel, 191, 269.

  Byrd, Col. Wm., 26, 43.

  Caldwell, J. S., mayor, 141, 220.

  Campbell, Daniel, 218, 220.

  Campbell, James M., editor, 227.

  Campbell, Mrs. Wm. A., teacher, 198.

  Campbell, Rev. Alexander, 213.

  Carter, Col. J. W., 13th Miss., 89.

  Carter, George, publisher, 226.

  Carter, Robert, 49.

  Caruthers, Wm., teacher, 198.

  Cary, Archibald, 168, 293.

  Cary, Col. Milton, 72.

  Castle, Henry, 60.

  Champ, John, 46.

  Chancellor, Mrs. B. C., D. A. R., 322, 323.

  Chancellor, M. S., 175.

  Chancellor, Rev. Melzi, 96.

  Chancellorsville campaign, 94;
    Gen. Hooker in command, 94;
    moved to Chancellorsville, 94;
    Gen. Sedgwick in town, 95;
    defeated at Salem church, 96;
    Hooker beaten at Chancellorsville, 95.

  Chestnutt, Rev. I. L., 214.

  Chew, Col. Robt. S., 72, 130, 183, 184, 192.

  Chew, John James, 68, 116, 130, 138, 142.

  Chew, John, 125.

  Chew, John, Jr., 130.

  Chew, Robert S., 130.

  Chiles, Rev. James, 209.

  Churches, 202;
    St. George's, 203;
    Trinity, 206;
    Presbyterian, 207;
    French Memorial Chapel, 208;
    Baptist, 209;
    Methodist, 211;
    Christian, 213;
    St. Mary's Catholic, 214;
    Shiloh Old Site, 215;
    Shiloh New Site, 215;
    Robinson's, 215;
    Church of God, 216.

  Citizens, arrested as hostages, 77, 86;
    second arrest and names, 102.

  City Council--Accepts situation, 111;
    condemns assassination, 112;
    levies taxes, 114;
    orders an election, 115;
    reverses order, 115;
    city officers removed, 116;
    addition to oath of office, 117;
    new council, 120;
    orders new courthouse, 140;
    passes resolution on death of Prest. McKinley, 278, 279;
    standing committees, 334;
    Supts. of departments, 334;
    police department, 334.

  City Hall, 143.

  City Mission, the, 324.

  City Officers, 52, 130, 333.

  Clarke, Gen. George Rodgers, 212, 313.

  Clarke, Jonathan, 312, 313.

  Clarke, Rev. M., 205.

  Clarke, Wm., explorer, 313.

  Clay, Henry, U. S. Senator, 264.

  Cleveland, Prest. Grover, 160.

  Clowder, Jeremiah, 39.

  Coakley, John, hostage prisoner, 77, 79.

  Cobb, Col. John A., 153.

  Cobb, Gen. Thomas Reade Rootes, 91.

  Cole, Col. E. D., 127, 146, 170, 174, 212, 248, 261, 262.

  Cole, Counsellor, 168.

  Coleman, Judge Richard H., teacher, 197.

  Colson, Thomas, 194.

  Confederate cemetery, 185, 186, 189.

  Confederate Veterans, 191.

  Conflagrations, 59, 64.

  Contagious diseases, 65.

  Conway, P. V. D., 93.

  Conway, Walker P., 120.

  Cooke, Dr. James, hostage prisoner, 77, 79.

  Coons, Jacob, German miner, 24.

  Corbin, Hon. S. Wellford, 170.

  Corbin, James P., clerk, 223, 261, 277.

  Cotton, Mrs. An., 282.

  Coulter, Judge John, of Chatham, 171.

  Courthouse, 142.

  Courts--Hustings Court established, 124;
    District Court, 124;
    Circuit Court, 125;
    District Court of Appeals, 125;
    Hustings Court abolished and re-established, 126;
    Police Court, 126.

  Cox, Abraham, hostage prisoner, 77, 79, 80.

  Cox, George, 64.

  Cox, James A., 246.

  Cox, Mrs. Lucy Ann, 246.

  Craig, Rev. Lewis, 209.

  Crawford, Wm. J., architect, 159.

  Criminals, punishment of, 55.

  Crismond, H. F., 261.

  Crutchfield, Edgar M., 200.

  Crutchfield, Hon. Oscar M., 220.

  Cultatawoman, Indian king, 14, 19.

  Cunningham, James, 167.

  Cunningham, Wm. H., 111, 201.

  Curtis, Thomas, 165.

  Custis, Daniel Parke, 237.

  Dahlgren, Capt. Ulrich, 83.

  Dandridge, Col. John, 236, 237.

  Daniel, Mrs. M. M. M., D. A. R., 322.

  Daniel, Major John W., 160.

  Daniel, S. Greenhow, 227.

  Dannehl, Henry, 170.

  Daughters American Revolution, 322.

  Daughters of the Confederacy, 323.

  Davis, Miss Clarice C., teacher, 325.

  Dawson, Hon. John, 154, 233.

  Day, Major Benjamin, 194, 195, 220.

  Dick, Dr. Charles, 124.

  Dickey, Robert, 139, 140.

  Dill, Mrs. Kate Tichenor, D. A. R., 322.

  Dill, Rev. Jacob S., D. D., 211, 263, 315.

  Dixon, Rev. George L., 215.

  Dixon, Roger, Gent., 237.

  Doggett, Capt. Hugh S., 120, 184.

  Doggett, Mrs. V. S. F., D. A. R., 322, 323.

  Dolly, Rev. W. L., 213.

  Dow, Rev. Lorenzo, 66.

  Dunaway, Rev. Thomas S., D. D., 211, 279.

  Dunmore, Lord, 48.

  Early, Gen. Jubal A., 96, 98, 273.

  Eastburn, Oliver, 170.

  Eckenrode, Mrs. H. M., D. A. R., 323.

  Edrington, Mrs. C. W., 222.

  Eisenhower, S. A., 248.

  Electric light plant, 178.

  Elks, benevolent order of, 221.

  Embrey, Judge A. T., 126, 146, 228, 261.

  Embrey, Major W. S., 170.

  Essex, Rev. Benjamin, 123.

  Eubank, John, 242.

  Eve, George W., 120.

  Fairs, agricultural, 44, 169, 170.

  Farish, Wm. F., 165.

  Fauntleroy, Miss L., editress, 229.

  Federal Hill, 153.

  Ferneyhough, John, 162.

  Ferry, first constructed, 170.

  Fetherstone, Richard, Gent., 14, 19.

  Fetherstone's Bay, 19.

  Ficklen, Mrs. J. B., 324, 325.

  Field, John, printer, 219.

  Fire Department, 144, 180, 181.

  Fishback, Harman, German miner, 24.

  Fishback, John, German miner, 24.

  Fitzhugh, St. Geo. R., 146, 147, 261, 263, 276, 277.

  Fitzhugh, Wm., of Chatham, 171, 236.

  Fleming, Mrs. V. M., D. A. R., 322, 323, 324.

  Floyd, Gen. John B., 81.

  Fontaine, Col. W. W., teacher, 197.

  Fontaine, John, diary of, 26, 27.

  Ford, James W., teacher, 198.

  Forrer, Rev. F. S., 214.

  Forsythe, Major Robert, 134.

  Fort, constructed on Rappahannock, 1681, 25.

  Franklin, Benjamin, 124.

  Fraser, Simon, 220.

  Freaner, W. T., 166.

  Fredericksburg American Lodge, 218.

  Fredericksburg Artillery, 72, 73, 74.

  Fredericksburg College, 198.

  Fredericksburg Commandery, K. T., 220.

  Fredericksburg, city of, founded, 1727;
    streets bear royal names, 37;
    act House of Burgesses, 38;
    seat of justice, 42;
    re-survey, 44;
    wooden chimneys, 45;
    limits extended, 46;
    military ardor, 48;
    under the U. S., 50;
    chartered by Legislature, 51;
    rapid growth, 53;
    lends money to government, 54;
    important center, 58;
    important postal point, 60;
    limits extended, 62;
    great fire, 64;
    trade of the town, 65;
    epitome of the city, 67;
    limits extended, 68;
    charter amended 1852, 1858, 69;
    in the Confederacy, 71;
    surrendered to Gen. McDowell, 74;
    Gen. Pope enters, 76;
    evacuation scenes, 81;
    bridges destroyed, 82;
    Gen. Burnside on Stafford Heights, 83;
    authorities consult Gen. Lee, 84;
    Gen. Sumner demands surrender, 85;
    bombardment, 88 (see Chancellorsville and Wilderness campaigns);
    war closes, 110;
    under the Stars and Stripes, 110;
    military supreme, 113;
    new charter, 117;
    untrammelled citizens in power, 119;
    ante-bellum debt, 119;
    present debt, 121;
    courts, 124;
    its declaration, 283;
    furnishes head of army and navy, 301;
    Fredericksburg at present, 325;
    financial condition, 326;
    commercial condition, 327;
    official calendar, 333;
    council committees, 334;
    registrars, 335;
    list of mayors, 336.

  Fredericksburg Lodge, No. 4, 217.

  Fredericksburg R. A. Chapter, 220.

  Fredericksburg Teachers' Association, 325.

  Freedman's Bureau, 127.

  Fremont, Gen. John C., 313.

  French, Dr. George, 172.

  French. Seth B., 208.

  Frieze, Jacob, 242.

  Garner, A. Mason, 147, 174, 176.

  Garnett, Geo. W., 211.

  Garnett, Hon. James M., 169.

  Garrison, Hon. Geo. T., 158.

  Gas Works, 176, 177.

  Gately, Matthew J., 237.

  Gates, Gen. Horatio, 251.

  Gaullier, John F., 172.

  Gibson, Rev. John S., 207.

  Gill, Beverley T., hostage prisoner, 77, 111.

  Gilmer, Capt. Lucien G., 185.

  Gilmer, Rev. Thomas W., 209.

  Gladstone, Sir Wm. E., premier, 305.

  Gooch, Wm., Esq., Governor, 42.

  Goodwin, Thomas, 165.

  Goolrick, John, teacher, 196.

  Goolrick, Hon. John T., 126, 192, 261, 271, 272, 275, 277.

  Goolrick, Miss Jennie M., teacher, 325.

  Goolrick, Mrs. John T., D. A. R., 160, 322, 323.

  Goolrick, Peter, 138, 139, 140, 166.

  Gordon, Douglas H., 85.

  Gordon, Gen. John B., 98.

  Gordon, Samuel, 169.

  Gordon, W. F., 184.

  Gore, Charles A., 60.

  Gore, Jacob, 60.

  Grant, Gen. U. S., 73, 99, 109.

  Gravatt, George, 111, 120.

  Gravatt, Miss Sallie N., D. A. R., 322, 323.

  Gray, John, 167.

  Gray, Rev. J. S., 207.

  Gray, Wm. F., editor, 225.

  Green, Gen. Nathaniel, 251, 253.

  Green, John W., 64.

  Green, Mrs. James L., 226.

  Green, Rev. Edwin, 207.

  Green, Timothy, editor, 225, 259.

  Green, Wm. D., 166.

  Gregg, Gen. D. McM., 263.

  Griffin, John M., 261, 262.

  Griffin, Lieut. Robt. S., 262.

  Hackley, Mrs. Mary, teacher, 197.

  Hagen, Rev. Henry, 24.

  Halkerson, Robert, 220.

  Hall, Dr. Elisha, 152.

  Hall, Dr. Horace B., 111, 152, 205.

  Hall, Dr. Marshall C., 205.

  Halsey, J. J., teacher, 197.

  Hanback, ----, German miner, 24.

  Hancock, John, 308.

  Hanson, Thomas H., teacher, 196.

  Harman, Wencel, 248.

  Harris, Gen. T. M., 114.

  Harris, O. L., 222.

  Harrison, Benjamin, President, 247.

  Harrison, Col. Archibald, 72.

  Harrison, Thomas, 120.

  Harrison, Wm. Henry, President, 264, 312.

  Harrow, James D., editor, 225.

  Hassininga, Indian king, 15, 19.

  Hawley, Gen. J. W., 262, 271.

  Heflin, E. G., architect, 145.

  Henderlite, Rev. J. H., 209.

  Henry, Edward, teacher, 197.

  Henry, Patrick, 44, 264, 284, 285, 287, 302.

  Henry, Rev. Patrick, 23, 44.

  Herndon, Capt. Wm. Lewis, 241.

  Herndon, Charles, 111.

  Herndon, Dr. B. S., 142.

  Herndon, Dr. James C., 244.

  Herndon, Jacob, 167.

  Herndon, John M., 126, 208.

  Heslop, Isaac, 237.

  Hill, Col. John B., 257.

  Hirsh, Isaac, 261.

  Hirsh, Mrs. Isaac, 325.

  Hirsh, Mrs. Maurice, 223.

  Hitt, Peter, German miner, 24.

  Hitt, W. Snowden, 196.

  Hodge, Rev. A. A., 209.

  Hoge, Rev. Wm. J., D. D., 94.

  Holliday, John, speaker, H. B., 42.

  Holmes, Thomas, 227.

  Holtzclaw, Jacob, German miner, 24.

  Honey, Miss Maggie L., teacher, 325.

  Hooton, Albert, 174.

  Hotels--Tammany Hall, 165;
    Rappahannock House, 165;
    Farmers', 165;
    Exchange, 166;
    Eagle, 166;
    Alhambra, 167;
    Indian Queen, 167;
    Travellers' Rest, 168;
    Western, 168;
    Liberty House, 168;
    Planters', 168.

  Houston, Gen. Samuel, 168, 314.

  Howard, Clarance R., 155.

  Howard, Mrs. Clarance R., D. A. R., 322.

  Howard, Mrs. Wm. Key, of Kenmore, D. A. R., 322.

  Howard, Wm. Key, 155, 179.

  Howison, John, 200.

  Howison, Rev. Robert R., LL. D., 81.

  Howison, Samuel S., 86.

  Huffman, John, German miner, 24.

  Huffman, Landon J., 142.

  Hunnicutt, Rev. James W., editor, 77, 227.

  Hunter, Charles E., 176.

  Hurkamp, Charles H., 170.

  Hurkamp, John G., 111.

  Hurkamp, Miss Jennie, 325.

  Hurkamp, Wm. H., 192.

  Ironclad Oath, 116.

  Jackson, Rob., city trustee, 42.

  Jackson, Capt. Wm. A., 183.

  Jackson, Gen. Andrew, President, 257.

  Jackson, Gen. T. J., 81, 84, 95, 272.

  Jacobs, W. J., 262.

  James, Rev. Wm., 132, 211.

  Japazaws, Chief, 20.

  Jay, Judge John, 240.

  Jefferson, Thomas, 167, 247, 264, 283, 292, 294, 296, 313, 323.

  Jefferys, Major M. M., 191.

  Jenkins, Wm., Gaoler, 130.

  Johns, Rev. Arthur S., 205.

  Johnson, Major James, 128.

  Johnson, Capt. Volley M., teacher, 197.

  Johnston, B., 237.

  Johnston, H. Stuart, 257.

  Johnston, Lafayette, 257.

  Johnston, Mrs. Eliza, 257.

  Jones, John Paul, 218, 237, 238, 239, 265, 301, 323.

  Jones, W. T., 179.

  Julien, John, alderman, 124.

  Kelly, Maj. J. Harrison, 170, 221, 225.

  Kemper, Charles E., 23.

  Kemper, John, 23, 24.

  Kemper, Rev. James, 23, 24.

  Kenmore, 155.

  Ker, Dr. David C., 46, 66, 231.

  King, Gen. Horatio C., 262, 270, 276, 277.

  King, Wm. I., 177.

  Kirkland, Richard, 92.

  Knight, John T., 120, 177, 248, 261.

  Knox, Capt. Jas. S., 146, 175, 177, 184.

  Knox, Miss Virginia, 223.

  Knox, Thomas F., hostage prisoner, 77, 111, 142.

  Kobler, Rev. John, 212, 213.

  Lacy, Maj. J. Horace, 170.

  Lacy, Miss Sallie M., 324.

  Lacy, Mrs. J. Horace, U. D. C., 323.

  Lacy, Rev. B. T., 209.

  Ladies' Memorial Association, 185, 186, 188, 189, 320.

  Lafayette, Gen., 256.

  Lane, H. B., chairman finance, 176, 261, 334.

  Larkin, Capt. Thos. M., 185.

  Laughlin, Col. W. L., 166.

  Lawrens, Henry, 308.

  Layton, C. Ernest, 222.

  Leavell, John T., 262.

  Lee, Daniel M., 192, 262.

  Lee, Francis Lightfoot, 247.

  Lee, Gen. Charles, 251.

  Lee, Gen. Henry, 251, 308.

  Lee, Gen. Robert E., 73, 83, 99, 108, 109, 110, 183, 191, 264.

  Lee, Gen. Wm. H. F., 83.

  Lee, Richard Henry, 247, 287, 293, 302, 306.

  Lee, Thomas Ludwell, 168, 295.

  Legg, John, 130.

  Lewis, Col. Fielding, 155, 243.

  Lewis, John, 44, 45.

  Lewis, Meriwether, 313.

  Lewis, Robert, 255, 256.

  Lexington, battle of, 48.

  Liberty Bell, 247.

  Little, A. Alexander, 226.

  Little, Miss Bella, 226.

  Little, Mrs. John P., 197.

  Littlepage, Gen. Lewis, 240.

  Little, Wm. A., 74, 85, 102, 111.

  Livingston, Robert R., 294.

  Livingston, Wm., 41.

  Lomax, Judge John T., 132, 193.

  Long, Michael, 167.

  Longstreet, Gen. James, 83.

  Lowery, James T., 146.

  Lowery, Wm. T., 221.

  Low, Rev. Samuel, 132.

  Lucas, Albert G., 180.

  Lucas, Walker, 168.

  Luck, Cadmus B., 166.

  Mackay, Robert, 149.

  Madison, Pres. James, 264, 301, 302, 304.

  Magdalen, man-of-war, 48.

  Magrath, Mrs. A. L., teacher, 197.

  Mahaskahod, Indian town, 15, 16, 19.

  Mander, Miss Kate James, teacher, 325.

  Mander, Miss Rebecca C., 324, 325.

  Mannahocks, Indian tribe, 17.

  Marshall, John, 249, 264, 308.

  Martin, German miner, 24.

  Martin, Mrs. H. M. D., D. A. R., 322.

  Marye, Capt. Edward, 73.

  Marye, John L., 72.

  Marye, John L., Jr., 44, 74, 138, 139, 209.

  Marye, Rev. James, rector, 44, 203.

  Marye, Rev. James, Jr., 203.

  Marye, William B., 198.

  Mary Washington Hospital, 222.

  Mary Washington, House, 156;
    Monument, 157, 159;
    will, 160;

  Mason, George, 168, 288, 302, 303.

  Mason, Judge John E., 127, 292.

  Mason, Mrs. M. J. C., D. A. R., 223, 323.

  Mason, Rev. J. K., rector, 205.

  Massauteck, 19.

  Massawomeks, Indian tribe, 16.

  Maury, Com. M. F., 264, 315, 316, 318, 319.

  Maury, Gen. Dabney H., 191.

  Maury, Rev. Magruder, 205.

  Mayors, list of, 336.

  McBryde, Rev. Robert, 205.

  McCabe, James D., 229.

  McClellan, Gen. George B., 75, 76.

  McCracken, Capt. T., 170, 176, 181, 184, 261.

  McCracken, Patrick, 120.

  McGuire, James, hostage prisoner, 77, 78, 111, 208.

  McGuire, Rev. Edward C., 204, 205, 207.

  McKinley, President Wm., 278.

  McKinley, Wm. and Cabinet, 262.

  McLane, Wilmer, 108.

  McLaws, Gen. Lafayette, 83.

  McMahon, Gen. Martin T., 263, 271.

  McPhail, Rev. George W., 196, 209.

  McPherson, Archibald, 194, 235, 236.

  McWilliams, Wm., 124, 254.

  Meade, Rev. Wm., 204.

  Mebane, Rev. Benj. W., D. D., 209.

  Meditation Rock, 157.

  Meiggs, R. J., P. M. G., 61.

  Melville, John C., 148, 178.

  Mercer, Capt. John, 231.

  Mercer, Col. John Fenton, 231.

  Mercer, Gen. Hugh, 50, 150, 162, 217, 249, 301.

  Mercer, James, 46, 130, 131, 162, 220.

  Mercer, Robert, 226.

  Merchant, Rufus B., 228.

  Metcalfe, John, 132, 141.

  Miles, Gen. Nelson A., 262, 271.

  Military--Fredericksburg Artillery, 72;
    Capt. Blackford's Co., 182;
    Fredericksburg Guards, 183;
    Mercer Rifles, 183;
    Washington Guards, 183;
    Fredericksburg Grays, 183;
    Coleman Guards, 184;
    Gordon Rifles, 184;
    Fredericksburg Grays (new), 184;
    Washington Guards reorganized, 185;
    Garfield Light Infantry Blues, 185.

  Ministers qualify to celebrate rites of matrimony, 132.

  Minor, Capt. George, 258.

  Minor, John, 68, 125, 130, 140, 142, 172, 231.

  Moltke, Baron Von, 268.

  Monacans, Indian tribe, 16.

  Moncure, John, 134.

  Moncure, Mrs. Mary Knox, 154.

  Moncure, Thomas, 197.

  Monroe Doctrine, 310.

  Monroe, James, 60, 150, 204, 264, 310, 314.

  Montague, A. J., 276, 277.

  Montgomery, Mrs. B. B., 325.

  Moore, Austin, 28.

  Moraughtacunds, Indian tribe, 17, 18.

  Morgan, Gen. Daniel, 251.

  Morris, Maj. T. E., 261, 262.

  Morrison, Thos. F., 170.

  Morrison, Wm. C., 120.

  Morson, Arthur A., 134.

  Mortimer, Dr. Chas., 124, 253.

  Mosco, Indian guide, 13, 14, 15, 18.

  Mundell, John, 64.

  Murat, Catherine Willis, 243.

  Murat, Prince Charles, 243.

  Murdaugh, Rev. E. C., 205, 206.

  Murphy, Wm. H., 167.

  Myer, John H., 120, 223.

  Myer, Miss Annie, 325.

  Myrtle Lodge, I. O. O. F., 221.

  Nandtaughtacund, Indian King, 14, 18, 19.

  Napoleon Bonaparte, 310.

  Napoleon, Louis, 268.

  National Cemetery, 190, 191.

  Nelson, Gen. Thomas., Jr., 247, 293.

  Newby, James, 167.

  Newspapers and Periodicals--The Virginia Herald, 225;
    The Genius of Liberty, 225;
    The Courier, 226;
    The Fredericksburg News, 226;
    The Political Arena, 226;
    The Christian Banner, 227;
    The Virginia Baptist, 227;
    The Democratic Recorder, 227;
    The Fredericksburg Ledger, 227;
    The Independent, 227;
    The Bulletin, 227;
    The True Standard, 227;
    The Recorder, 227;
    The Free Lance, 227;
    The Virginia Star, 228;
    The Daily Evening Star, 228;
    Masonic Olive Branch and Literary Portfolio, 229;
    The Little Gleaner, 229;
    The Fredericksburg Journal, 229;
    The Evening Journal, 229.

  Normal School Building, 147.

  Norton, Wm. H., hostage prisoner, 77, 79.

  O'Ferrall, Gov. Charles T., 159, 276, 277.

  Ould, Col. Robert, 104.

  Owens, Rev. Wm. B., 93, 94.

  Page, Mann, Jr., 160.

  Page, Mrs. Hugh N., 322.

  Passasack, Indian King, 14, 18, 19.

  Patrick, Gen. M. R., 75.

  Paul, John, 238.

  Paul, William, 237, 238.

  Pendleton, Edmund, 49, 287, 293, 296.

  Perrig, Rev. J. F., 214.

  Perrin, Gen. Abner, 324.

  Peyton, Benj., 143.

  Peyton, Capt. George H., 166, 184.

  Phelps, Elijah, 61.

  Pierson, Charles H., 170.

  Pitcher, Molly, 246.

  Pocahontas, 12, 19, 20, 264.

  Political divisions, 230, 231, 233, 234.

  Pollock, Capt. John G., 73.

  Poor Debtors' prison bounds, 134, 135.

  Poor, care of, 171, 174.

  Pope, Gen. John, 75, 76, 77, 81.

  Porter, Gen. Horace, 239.

  Porter, John S., 183.

  Port Royal, 19.

  Posey, Gen. Thomas, 217, 301.

  Postal investigation, 60.

  Postoffice burnt, 89.

  Powell, D. Lee, 183.

  Powell, Rev. W. R., 227.

  Powell, Smith's companion, 13.

  Powers, Hiram, 218.

  Powhatan, Indian King, 19, 20.

  Pritchard, John, 68, 142, 180, 183.

  Procter, Thomas, 168.

  Proctor, Thomas F., 192.

  Pryor, Mrs. Roger A., 151.

  Public Buildings, 137;
    Courthouse, 142;
    City Hall, 144;
    Fire House, 144;
    Union House, 144;
    Colored School, 144;
    Wallace Library, 145.

  Public Free School Board, 335.

  Public Schools, 199.

  Pullen, Jesse, 167.

  Quinn, Capt. S. J., 147, 174, 175, 176, 192, 211, 220, 261, 277, 323.

  Quisenberry, Wm. P., 167.

  Ramsay, Rev. F. P., 199, 223.

  Ramsay, T. H., 166.

  Randolph, Gov. Edmund, 124, 304.

  Randolph, John, 149.

  Randolph, Peyton, 49.

  Randolph, Rev. A. M., 93, 205.

  Ransom, Gen. Robert, 83.

  Ransom, Rev. W. L., 216.

  Rapahanock, Indian King, 18.

  Ratliff, Lieut. Wm., 89.

  Rawls, Miss Mary, 195.

  Ray, Rev. Albert, 216.

  Read, James G., 197.

  Reaney, Rev. W. L., 207.

  Reconstruction commenced, 113.

  Religious liberty, 309.

  Revere, John H., 184.

  Rhinehart, H. W., 197.

  Richards, Mrs. F. C., D. A. R., 322, 323.

  Richardson, Hon. James D., 302.

  Richardson, Judge D. C., 276.

  Richardson, Lieut. Wm. H., 324.

  Rising Sun Tavern, 148.

  Roach, Miss Agnes P., 325.

  Roberts, John H., hostage prisoner, 77, 79.

  Robinson, John H., 181.

  Robinson, John, 39.

  Robinson, Rev. Willis M., 215, 216.

  Roddy, Samuel, 124.

  Rolfe, Capt. John, 19, 20.

  Rootes, Philip, 46.

  Rootes, Thomas Reade, 153, 231.

  Rosebro, Rev. J. W., D. D., 146, 199, 209.

  Ross, Alexander, 46.

  Rothrock, Charles M., 246.

  Rowe, A. P., 160, 170, 247, 248, 260.

  Rowe, A. P., Jr., 146, 262.

  Rowe, Capt. M. B., 170, 174, 184, 185, 261.

  Rowe, Geo. H. C., hostage prisoner, 77, 78, 103, 105.

  Rowe, Josiah P., 176.

  Rowe, Rev. George, 215.

  Royston, John, 38, 39, 40, 41.

  Ruggles, Gen. Daniel, 200.

  Ruggles, Gen. Geo. D., 271, 276.

  Rush, Dr. Benj., 152.

  Russell, saves Smith's life, 13.

  Sanford, Joseph, 68, 142, 168.

  Saunders, Rev. A. P., D. D., 198, 209.

  Schofield, Gen. John M., 115.

  School Buildings--Union House, 144;
    Colored School, 144;
    new School Building, 145.

  Schooler, Miss Willie F., 194, 197.

  Schools, Fredericksburg Academy, 193;
    Federal Hill Female College, 194;
    Charity School, 194;
    Rev. Samuel Wilson's, 195;
    John Goolrick's, 196;
    T. H. Hanson's, 196;
    Rev. Geo. W. McPhail's, 196;
    Powell and Morrison's, 197;
    Richard Sterling's, 197;
    Mrs. John P. Little's, 197;
    Misses Ann and Mary Drinnan's, 197;
    Rev. Dr. Wm. F. Broaddus's, 197;
    Judge Richard H. Coleman's, 197;
    Wm. Caruthers's, 198;
    Public Schools, 199;
    Fredericksburg College, 198;
    Fredericksburg Female Seminary, 198.

  Scott, Capt. Benj., 185.

  Scott, Charles S., 111, 171.

  Scott, Dr. Wm. S., 86.

  Scott, Francis S., 134.

  Scott, Gen. Winfield, 265, 314.

  Scott, Hugh S., 68, 142.

  Scott, John F., hostage prisoner, 77, 79.

  Secobeck, 19.

  Seddon, Thomas, 133.

  Semple, Rev. Robert B., 210, 211.

  Semple, Robert B., 138, 139, 140, 226.

  Sener, Capt. J. W., 111, 120, 175, 183, 184, 201.

  Sener, Hon. J. B., 128, 157, 160, 227, 248, 260.

  Sentry Box, 150.

  Sewell, Gen. W. J., 262, 271.

  Shackleford, Rev. J. Green, 207.

  Shakahonea, Indian town, 15.

  Shelburne, Rev. Cephas, 214.

  Shepherd, George W., 59, 149, 192, 261.

  Sherman, Roger, 294.

  Sickles, Gen. Daniel E., 269, 271.

  Slaughter, F., 142.

  Slaughter, M., hostage prisoner, 74, 77, 78, 84, 86, 87, 104, 111, 112,

  Slaughter, Rev. Philip, D. D., 193.

  Slaughter, Wm., 68, 139, 140.

  Sligo, small-pox hospital, 66.

  Smith, Augustin, 39.

  Smith, Austin, 30.

  Smith, Capt. John, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 37, 264, 332.

  Smith, Charles K., 248.

  Smith, Frank W., 170.

  Smith, Gen. Gustavus W., 83.

  Smith, George Washington, 223.

  Smith, Maj. Lawrence, 21, 37.

  Smith, Miss Rebecca, 222.

  Smith, Mrs. Jas. P., 158.

  Smith, Rev. Jas. P., D. D., 209.

  Smith, Rev. S. C., 211.

  Smith, Rev. Wm. D., 205, 224, 324.

  Smith, Robert, 183.

  Smith, William, 22.

  Smock, James, 171, 172.

  Society of the Army of the Potomac, 259, 261, 271, 276.

  Sockbeck, 19.

  Somerville, James, 124.

  Somerville, Prof. S. W., 145, 199.

  Sons of Confederate Veterans, 192.

  Spencer, Mrs. Lettie M., 322.

  Spotswood, Governor, 22, 23, 24, 27, 32, 33, 42.

  Stansbury, John L., 84.

  Stearns, Frank P., 145.

  Stearns, Mrs. Walter C., 223.

  Stegara, Indian town, 15, 16, 19.

  Sterling, Richard, 197.

  Stern, Richard, 197.

  Stevenson, A. E., 159, 160.

  Stevenson, Carter L., 132.

  Stoffregen, R. Lee, 175.

  Stone, Samuel, 167.

  Strasburger, Miss Bertha, 222.

  Stuart, Gen. J. E. B., 86.

  Sumner, Gen. E. V., 85.

  Tackett, Charles E., teacher, 197, 198.

  Tackett, Charles E., 166.

  Taliaferro, John, 39, 42.

  Tapahanock, Indian King, 19.

  Tauxuntania, Indian town, 15, 16, 19.

  Taylor, Col. W. W., 176.

  Taylor, Mayor Richard M., 276, 277.

  Taylor, Pres. Zachary, 264, 312, 314.

  Taylor, William, 172.

  Teasdale, Rev. John, 211.

  Telephone Co., 179.

  Temple, Benj., hostage prisoner, 77, 79.

  Temple, Charles W., 198.

  Templeman, Wm., 237.

  Thanksgiving Proclamation, 306.

  Thatcher, Elisha, 171.

  Thom, Reuben T., 89, 205, 208.

  Thornton, Ira, 42.

  Thornton, Pressley, 46.

  Timberlake, James, 167.

  Tobacco Inspectors, oath of office, 47.

  Todkill, Smith's companion, 13.

  Transportation Lines--R. F. and P. R. R., 328;
    P. F. and P. R. R., 328;
    Md., Del. and Va. R. R., 329.

  Tremain, Gen. Henry E., 262, 271.

  Tucker, Saint George, 304.

  Turner, James A., 192, 261.

  Tuttle, H. B., 166.

  Tyler, Gov. Hoge, 277.

  Tyler, Prest. John, 264, 312, 314.

  Ultz, John, 166.

  Upham, Dr. J. H., 244.

  U. S. Government building, 147.

  Utterback, Harman, German miner, 24.

  Virginia, military district No. 1, 113.

  Vorhees, Hon. Daniel W., 313.

  Waddy, Rev. John M., 211.

  Waite, George, 221.

  Walden, Rev. L. G., 215.

  Walker, Dr. Thomas, 281.

  Walker, George A., 184.

  Walker, Joseph, 162.

  Wallace, Judge A. Wellington, 126, 302, 309.

  Wallace, Capt. C. Wistar, 145, 149, 184.

  Wallace, Dr. J. Gordon, 74, 120.

  Wallace, Gen. Gustavus B., 149, 218, 301.

  Wallace, H. H., 261.

  Wallace, J. Stansbury, 248.

  Wallace Library, 145, 146.

  Wallace, Maj. Thomas P., 146.

  Wallace, Mrs. Charles, 324.

  Waller, John, 39, 42.

  Waller, John, Jr., 237.

  Waller, Miss Mary Page, 325.

  Waller, Rev. John, 209.

  Waller, William, 44.

  Wardwell, ----, 76.

  Ware, William, 218.

  Warren, William, 139, 140.

  Warwick, Hon. Charles F., 248, 250.

  Washington, Augustine, 42.

  Washington, Bushrod, 130.

  Washington, Col. Wm., 251.

  Washington, George, 42, 46, 48, 49, 143, 217, 218, 253, 254, 255, 264,
        299, 302, 304.

  Washington, Martha, 236, 237.

  Water Power, 329.

  Water Works, 174, 175.

  Wayman, ----, German miner, 24.

  Weaver, Tillman, German miner, 24.

  Weedon, Gen. George, 49, 50, 149, 150, 217, 301.

  Weir, Mrs. Florence F., 322.

  Wellford, Beverley R., 139, 140, 142.

  Wellford, Beverley R., Jr., 79, 220.

  Wellford, C. C., hostage prisoner, 64, 77, 142, 143.

  Wellford, Dr. Francis P., 243.

  Wellford, W. N., 169.

  Wheeler, Gen. D. D., 151.

  Wheeler, Gen. Joseph, 262, 271.

  White, Jesse, 225, 229, 246.

  White, Mrs. W. Seymour, 222.

  White, Wm. H., 138, 139, 140.

  White, W. Seymour, 222, 228, 248.

  Whittemore, J. M., 141, 180.

  Wight, Mrs. H. Theodore, 153.

  Wilderness Campaign, 99, 101, 105.

  Williams, Major Charles, 76, 128.

  Williams, Rev. R. Aubrey, 211.

  Williams, Rev. Wm. H., 211.

  Willis, Catherine, 243.

  Willis, Col. Byrd C., 243.

  Willis, Benj. P., 146, 200, 211.

  Willis, Henry, 39, 44, 45.

  Willis, M. G., 177.

  Willis, Rev. John C., 227.

  Willis, Wm., 245.

  Wilson, Rev. Samuel B., 132, 207.

  Winchester, Stephen, 172.

  Wodrow, Alexander, 220.

  Woltz, Col. John W., 227.

  Woodford, Gen. Wm., 217, 301.

  Wood, Silas, 64, 143.

  Wrenn, Lewis, hostage prisoner, 77, 79.

  Wroten, George W., 147, 261.

  Wythe, George, 168, 247, 302.

  Yates, A. Bacon, 160.

  Yates, Charles, 237.

  Young, James, 166, 167.

  Young, John James, 105, 111, 120, 201.

  Young, Mary, 238.


[1] Description of Virginia by Smith, his spelling modernized.

[2] Howison's U. S. History, from Smith.

[3] Walter Russell, in Smith.

[4] Howe's History of Virginia.

[5] Howe's History.

[6] Acts of House of Burgesses.

[7] Howe's History of Virginia.

[8] Furnished by Chas. E. Kemper, Esq.

[9] It is claimed by Rev. James Kemper that the German Reformed Church,
organized at Germanna in 1714, was the first church of that denomination
planted in this country.

[10] Mr. M. D. Conway, in Magazine of American History, Vol. 27, No. 3,
page 186.

[11] Memoirs of a Huguenot Family, page 268.

[12] John Fontaine was the son of Rev. James Fontaine, of France, a
Huguenot who fled to England to avoid religious persecution, and thence
settled in Scotland, where he ended his days. The name originally was _De
la Fontaine_, but John's grandfather, "from motives of humility, cut off
the _De la_, the indication of the nobility of the family." John came to
this country in 1716, with his brother Peter, and at once became a friend
and companion of Governor Spotswood's, while Peter became a minister of
ability and was very popular. From these two brothers sprang the Fontaines
of this country.

[13] Austain Moore lived at Chelsea, on the Mattaponi river. He was the
Governor's son-in-law.--Maury's History of Virginia.

[14] Austin Smith lived in the village or settlement afterwards named
Fredericksburg. He is supposed to have been a descendant of Lawrence
Smith, who commanded the fort here in 1681. He no doubt has descendants
here now bearing the name of Smith, while some are known by other names.

[15] These Indians came from the Meherrin river, where Governor Spotswood
owned a large body of land. He had opened a school there for the education
and conversion of the Indian children, which made him quite popular with
the Indians in that quarter. The Governor and Mr. Fontaine visited that
part of the country a few weeks before they started on this expedition.

[16] This must be at the junction of the Rapidan and Robinson rivers.

[17] This is the Rapidan river probably.

[18] It is likely that this was Conway river, a tributary of the Rapidan,
and the line between Madison and Green counties.

[19] This is unquestionably the north fork or north branch of the Rivanna
river, a tributary of the James, which runs through Green county, its head
waters coming from the sides of the Blue Ridge mountain.

[20] This is the Shenandoah river, as no other river in the Valley answers
to Mr. Fontaine's description, and which is a very important part of his
narrative. The distance of the river from the mountains and the
description of the streams crossed in reaching the mountains, enable us to
determine with considerable accuracy the route the Governor and his party
took as they crossed the Blue Ridge into the beautiful Shenandoah Valley,
"the Granary of the World." A careful inspection of the map will show that
they passed through the counties of Orange, Madison and the northern
portion of Green over into Rockingham, where the Shenandoah river is about
seventy-five or eighty yards wide and runs within a few miles of the Blue
Ridge mountains.

[21] Governor Spotswood, when he undertook the great discovery of the
Passage over the Mountains, attended with a sufficient guard, and pioneers
and gentlemen, with a sufficient stock of provision, with abundant fatigue
passed these mountains and cut his Majesty's name in a rock upon the
highest of them, naming it Mount George; and in complaisance the gentlemen
from the Governor's name, called the mountain next in height Mount

For this expedition they were obliged to provide a great quantity of horse
shoes (things seldom used in the lower parts of the country, where there
are few stones); upon which account the Governor, upon their return,
presented each of his companions with a golden horse shoe, (some of which
I have seen studded with valuable stones resembling the heads of nails,)
with this inscription on one side: _Sic juvat transcendere montes_, and on
the other is written the tremontane order.

This he instituted to encourage gentlemen to venture backwards, and make
discoveries, and new settlements; any gentleman being entitled to wear
this golden shoe that can prove his having drunk his Majesty's health upon
Mount George.--Hugh Jones, 1724.

[22] This Mr. Woodford is supposed to be the father or grandfather of
General Wm. Woodford, of Revolutionary fame.

[23] The town referred to in the county of King George is the town of
Falmouth, on the opposite side of the river, and a mile and a half above
Fredericksburg. The act that made Fredericksburg a town also gave Falmouth
a legal existence. At the time of the passage of the act that territory
belonged to King George county, but now to Stafford county.

[24] The water came from two springs--Poplar spring and Smith's spring.

[25] Died at Crystal Springs, Miss., March 1, 1900.

[26] This list was obtained from a diary kept by John J. Berrey while in

[27] Some amusing incidents are related of Dr. Broaddus while a prisoner
worth relating in these pages. The Doctor was an educated, polished
gentleman, and quite a humorist. When he was received into prison the
keeper proceeded in his usual manner to ascertain his name, age and place
of nativity. When asked his name he said it was William F. Broaddus. "What
does the F stand for?" asked the keeper. The Doctor replied that he did
not know. "Don't know?" demanded the keeper. "I will tell you the
circumstances," said the Doctor, "and let you decide for yourself. My name
was William Francis Ferguson. I did not like the two F's and asked my
mother to let me drop one. She consented and I dropped one, but I never
could tell whether I dropped the one that stood for Francis or the one
that stood for Ferguson. Now, can you tell me which one I dropped?" The
keeper saw he was beaten, and demanded, "What is your age?" "I was born in
the year of one," replied the Doctor. "What! Do you mean to tell me you
are 1861 years old," shouted the keeper. "Not at all," said the Doctor.
"Well, then, explain yourself," demanded the keeper, showing some
impatience. "I was born in the year one of this century," responded the
Doctor. "Where were you born?" indignantly asked the keeper. "Now, you've
got me again," answered the Doctor. "That's a question I have long wanted
settled, and I'll state the case and perhaps you can help me settle it. My
birthplace at the time of my birth was in Culpeper county. Changes in
county lines afterwards placed it in Rappahannock county. Now, if I were
to tell you I was born in Culpeper, and you should go down there to
inquire, you would find the place in Rappahannock. If I were to tell you I
was born in Rappahannock and you were to investigate you would find that
when I was born the place was in Culpeper and there was no Rappahannock
county at the time. Now, will you please tell me where I was born?" The
keeper passed him without further questions.

It was the habit of Dr. Broaddus to preach on Sunday mornings to his
fellow prisoners, and such others as would come to hear him while the
prison chaplain would hold services in another part of the prison. It is
related of the superintendent of the prison, that in making the
announcements for preaching he would cry out: "All who wish to hear the
gospel according to Abraham Lincoln come this way; those who wish to hear
it according to Jeff. Davis go over there," pointing to Dr. Broaddus and
his congregation.

[28] The scenes of the evacuation of Fredericksburg are taken principally
from "The Past, Present and Future of Fredericksburg," by Rev. Robert R.
Howison, LL. D., who was aided in its preparation by diaries kept by those
present at the time and the recitals of other eye witnesses, besides
newspaper articles, the reports of Generals in both armies and our own
knowledge, being present.

[29] See General Lafayette McLaws's report of the battle.

[30] Extract from Gen. Lafayette McLaws's official report of the battle of
Fredericksburg, made to General James Longstreet--War of Rebellion, Series
1, Vol. 21, page 578.

[31] It is said that just south of the Stevens house, about a hundred
yards in front of the Confederate line, lay a wounded Union soldier on the
night of the 13th. His supply of water gave out. Just before daylight he
began to call for water. The cry was incessant. Both lines could hear him,
but no one seemed willing to venture to his relief. As the day dawned he
seemed to cry louder--water, water, water; but none came. Among those who
heard him, and whose heart was touched with pity, was a Confederate youth,
yet in his teens. He determined to answer the call or die in the attempt;
and so informed Gen. Kershaw, his commander, who tried to dissuade him
from it. But his purpose was fixed, and it is said that just as "the sun
was gilding the blue arch above with his golden beams," this youth took
his canteen, filled with water, jumped over the stone wall, and, with form
bending low, carried it to the sufferer. Just as the deed was accomplished
a yell of approval went up from both Confederate and Union lines, such as
was never heard before, and which was repeated time and again. The boy
soldier did not have to bend his form in returning to his post. He went
back a hero, and a good Samaritan, proclaimed such by both armies, and he
has since been immortalized in verse. That youth was Richard Kirkland, of
Co. E. 2nd S. C. Vol. He has a memorial stone in the Church of the Prince
of Peace at Gettysburg, and the inscription: A hero of benevolence; at the
risk of his life he gave his enemy drink at Fredericksburg. He was killed
at Chickamauga.

[32] See Christ in the Camp, by Rev. J. Wm. Jones, D. D.

[33] See War of the Rebellion, Series 1, Vol. 25, Part 1, page 798.

[34] Still living.

[35] An amusing incident is told of Mr. Joyce when he was arrested. He is
a native of Ireland, as every one will readily perceive when he hears him
speak. When arrested he was asked in a brusque tone by the officer--"Where
are you from?" He replied instantly: "Be Jasus, oim a Virginnyan, and
niver denoi the place of moi netivity."

[36] See Council proceedings, June 20, 1864.

[37] That record not found. Mr. Rowe must have assisted Rev. Wm. F.
Broaddus, D. D., in the release of the nineteen citizen prisoners.

[38] From Council proceedings of July 8, 1864.

[39] Not found in the Council proceedings.

[40] Mr. McLane's residence was in the midst of the first battle between
the two great armies, and, strange to say, it was in the midst of the last
and that the terms of surrender were written and signed in his residence.
When the war broke out Mr. McLane was living in Prince William county, and
at the first battle of Manassas his residence was in the thickest of the
fight. He afterwards moved to Appomattox county to get out of the reach of
the war. During the last engagement of the two armies his residence was
between the lines, and when General Lee and General Grant met they asked
for a room in the house, which was furnished them, and there the terms of
surrender were written and signed.

[41] Traveller was General Lee's war horse. Every soldier in the army knew
him. At the death of this faithful old horse, that had carried General Lee
through the war, he was turned over to the taxidermist, who prepared and
mounted him. He is now at the Soldiers' Home in Richmond, looking as
natural and life-like as when he bore the Confederate Chieftain into
battle, or when he moved in General Lee's funeral procession, fully
equipped for the march, but without his accustomed rider.

[42] Blue and Gray.


  _Headquarters Army Northern Virginia,
  Appomattox Courthouse_, April 10, 1865.

GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 9.--After four years of arduous service, marked by
unsurpassed courage and fortitude, the Army of Northern Virginia has been
compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers.

I need not tell the brave survivors of so many hard fought battlefields,
who have remained steadfast to the last, that I have consented to this
result from no distrust of them, but feeling that valor and devotion could
accomplish nothing to compensate for the loss that must have attended a
continuation of the contest, I determined to avoid the useless sacrifice
of those whose past services have endeared them to their countrymen.

By the terms of agreement, officers and men can return to their homes and
remain until exchanged. You will take with you the satisfaction that
proceeds from the consciousness of duty faithfully performed, and I
earnestly pray that a merciful God will extend to you his blessing and
protection. With an unceasing admiration of your constancy and devotion to
your country, and a grateful remembrance of your kind and generous
consideration of myself, I bid you all an affectionate farewell.

  R. E. Lee, _General_.

[44] The assassination of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States,
by J. Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865.

[45] See Council proceedings, April 27, 1865.

[46] This amount was ascertained by Mr. St. George R. Fitzhugh, after a
thorough examination of the indebtedness of the town at the close of the
war, about 1895, which was published in the town papers and also in
circulars and distributed.

[47] Attorney-General and Secretary of the Treasury in Washington's

[48] President James Monroe.

[49] Afterwards one of the Judges of the Supreme Court.

[50] Council proceedings, 1867.

[51] Some of the colored people were told by wags that the object of the
bureau was to furnish a bureau to every colored family that had none, as
it was composed of bureaus. Believing this to be true, some colored women
are said to have driven their wagons from Caroline county to town and
applied to Major Johnson for their bureau, and could not conceal their
disgust when they were informed that "It was a jestis bureau they had in
Fredericksburg and not a furniture bureau."

[52] Governor of Virginia in 1794-96, and afterwards Attorney-General of
the State.

[53] Appointed a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States by
President Washington.

[54] Wrote Mary Washington's will and was one of the witnesses to her

[55] Mr. Thomas Seddon was the father of Hon. James A. Seddon, Confederate
Secretary of War, and lived in the residence now owned and occupied by Mr.
George W. Shepherd.

[56] Thomas B. Barton, John James Chew and Beverly R. Wellford, of the
committee, were not members of the Council, but appointed from the body of
the citizens.

[57] Council proceedings, July 18, 1907.

[58] See War of the Rebellion, Series 1, Vol. 21, page 590.

[59] In his excitement, Grand Master Page dedicated the monument to Mary,
the mother of our illustrious brother, George _H._ Washington. A brother
remarked to another, "I didn't know there was an H in Washington's name.
What does it stand for?" As quick as thought the shrewd Essex lawyer
responded, "Hatchet--George Hatchet!" The fun that incident excited is not
over with yet.

[60] One tradition is that this drug store was at the corner of Princess
Ann and Amelia streets, where Mr. John Stansbury Wallace lives; but
another tradition locates it at the corner of Main and Amelia, most likely
adjoining the corner house. This tradition is strengthened by finding,
some time ago, while repairing the house, many old papers and other things
that must have come from a drug store, and no other such store was ever
known at that place.

[61] General Smith got his name Extra Billy while in the stage business,
long before he was either General or Governor Smith. It is reported to
have happened in this way: At certain seasons of the year, before the days
of railroads, travel was very heavy and far beyond the capacity of the
regular stages on the road, which was the only means of travel over land
at that time. When this occurred Billy Smith, as he was called, would put
on an extra stage, and if the travel still increased he would put on
another, and so on, until sometimes he would have on the road four or five
stages, where one usually did the work. On this account, and because of
his unsurpassed politeness, he became popular with travellers. On this
occasion a traveller was anxious to get to Washington, and could get no
seat in the stage. In hustling around he found two or three others who
were anxious to go, but, like himself, could not get accommodations on any
part of the stage, and the agent declared it impossible to provide for
them. The impatient and anxious traveller cried out "Where is Extra
Billy?" Extra Billy was sent for, an extra stage was provided and the
travellers went on their way rejoicing, but "Extra Billy" remained with
Mr. Smith, following him to his grave.

[62] It is said on one occasion John Randolph, of Roanoke, stopped here.
It was soon known, and the Democrats congregated to entertain him. They
prepared a bowl of punch in an adjoining room, and when it was ready Mr.
Randolph was invited to meet the gentlemen and join them in something to
drink. In a gruff voice, he replied to the committee that waited on him,
"I don't drink with strangers, and if I can't rest here one night without
being disturbed by a mob, I will drive to the Sycamores." The Sycamores
was a hotel twelve miles from town on the Bowling Green road. It was said
he was not again disturbed.

[63] At the corner of Commerce and Charles streets, in front of this
hotel, is a stone block about two and a half feet high and some two feet
in diameter. It was placed there many years before the Civil war, it is
said, for the sale and annual hire of slaves. The slave to be sold was
required to stand on this block in the presence of the gathered traders,
when he or she was "cried out" by the auctioneer to the highest bidder.
Those slaves who were publicly hired out for the year also took their
stand on this block and were hired out at the highest price bid. There is
probably no relic in Fredericksburg that calls back more vividly the days
of slavery than does this stone block.

[64] Yet living.

[65] Yet living.

[66] One of the Judges of the Court of Appeals of Virginia for fourteen
years before the war, and president of said court for twelve years after
the war.

[67] Slaughter's Bristol Parish. Va., 2nd edition.

[68] It is related by the "old folks" that when the ceremony closed the
minister looked at the groom and said "kiss your bride." The groom, not
understanding English and imagining it was some figure in the dance,
innocently took the bride by the hands and merrily waltzed up and down the
aisle to the amusement of the audience, but to the great mortification of
the bride.

[69] Some authorities give 1735 as the date of the erection of this

[70] Great grandfather of Governor John L. Marye.

[71] It has been claimed, and it is probably true, that James Monroe held
more important public positions in his life than any other one man, either
before or since his day.

[72] A memorial tablet erected in St. George's church has this
inscription: "Rev. Edward McGuire, D. D., born in Winchester, Va., July
26, 1783, died Oct. 8, 1858. During forty-five years the faithful, beloved
and highly blessed pastor of St. George's church, Fredericksburg. Amiable
in character, prudent in action, wise in counsel, evangelical in doctrine,
experimental in preaching, he was a pastor of great influence and success,
highly esteemed for his sound judgment and consistent conduct during a
long and useful life."

[73] A memorial slab erected in St. George's church gives this remarkable
record: "Reuben T. Thom, born 1782, died 1868. He was for 52 years a
vestryman, and for 45 years senior warden of St. George's church. A father
in Israel he was respected and beloved by three generations."

[74] From a communication in an old copy of the _Fredericksburg News_,
furnished by Dr. Horace B. Hall.

[75] In the occupancy of this building we have this coincidence: When the
members of St. George's church were building their present house, in 1849,
they occupied the Methodist church, back of the park, which had been
vacated for the new house on Hanover street. More than thirty years
afterwards, when Trinity Episcopal church was organized, they occupied the
Methodist church on Hanover street, the Methodists having moved to their
new house on George street.

[76] In the Presbyterian church a marble tablet is erected with this
inscription: "Samuel B. Wilson, first pastor; born March 17, 1783: died
Aug. 1, 1869. They that be wise shall shine as the firmament, and they
that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever."

[77] On a memorial tablet erected in the church is this inscription:
"Thomas Walker Gilmer, pastor, born July 25, 1834, died April 5, 1869. I
know that my Redeemer liveth."

[78] Historical sketch of Fredericksburg, 1883, by Robert B. Berrey.

[79] A memorial slab in the church is thus inscribed: "In memory of Rev.
Wm. F. Broaddus, D. D., born April 30, 1801, died Sept. 8, 1876. The
beloved and faithful pastor of this church 1853 to 1862, through whose
labors and liberality this house was built. 'He was a good man and full of
the Holy Ghost and faith, and much people was added to the Lord.'"

[80] In the basement of the church is a memorial tablet inscribed as
follows: "In memory of Deacon George W. Garnett, the faithful, efficient
and beloved Superintendent of the Fredericksburg Baptist Sunday School for
thirty consecutive years, who died July 9, 1876, aged 54 years. 'He was a
faithful man, and feared God above many.' Erected by the school."

[81] Mrs. V. M. F. prepared this article.

[82] Appleton's Encyclopedia, Volume 9.

[83] Mayor Robert Lewis, a nephew of Washington, delivered the welcome
address to Lafayette when he visited Fredericksburg in 1824, in which he
said: "The presence of the friend of Washington excites the tenderest
emotions and associations among a people, whose town enjoys the
distinguished honor of having been the residence of the Father of His
Country during the days of his childhood and youth."--Pamphlet of
Reception of Lafayette at Fredericksburg, page 4.

"At this place, sir, which calls to our recollection several among the
most honored names of the Revolutionary war, I did, many years ago, salute
the first residence of our paternal chief, received the blessing of his
venerated mother, and of his dear sister, your own respected
parent."--Extract of General Lafayette's reply to the above.

"The city of Fredericksburg--first residence of Washington--may she more
and more attain all the prosperity which independence, republicanism and
industry cannot fail to procure." Sentiment offered by Lafayette at a
banquet on the above occasion.

[84] Manly's Southern Literature.

[85] A son of Jonathan Clarke, who lived at Newmarket, in Spotsylvania
county, and afterwards moved to Fredericksburg. For many years he was
clerk of the county court of Spotsylvania. George Rodgers Clarke is said
to have been born while his father lived at Newmarket.--A letter from a

[86] Jones's U. S. History.

[87] Capt. Wm. Clarke was a Fredericksburg man. He was a son of Jonathan
Clarke, of Fredericksburg, who was clerk of Spotsylvania county court. He
was, therefore, a brother of General Geo. Rodgers Clarke, who conquered
the great northwest territory.--A letter from a descendant of Wm. Clarke.
See also Maury's History of Virginia, page 158.

[88] Jones's U. S. History.

[89] General D. H. Maury's History of Va.

[90] Pointed out to the author by Mrs. Ann Maury, his widow.

[91] Paper prepared by Mrs. J. T. G.

[92] Paper prepared by Miss R. C. M.

[93] Paper prepared by Miss K. J. M.